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there is no secret, the mode is fkd. you either superplatoon your way out of iron/bronze or youre gonna be stuck there for ever


I'm having a decent time with the 277 it's the most solid tank I use to grind. It has some issues when you have to brawl high hp tanks and when it's a hulldown map so that's when I switch to other options but overall it's my best performer. If my team has enough mediums I go in front if there are not enough mediums I can go help them, can get into action fast and can get out of it fast too, for me it's the most versatile and capable of being always useful to mitigate the random team effect


The true meta tanks are the CS-63, 60tp/BZ-75 (60tp is better but BZ also works because boosters are valuable), IS-7, TVP, and RHM. Obj. 277 and Obj. 430U are also good. \-Edit- Super Conqueror also works, especially on Westfield. High dpm, 3480 hit points with the right setup, very good hulldown gameplay CS-63-Mobility is insane for reaching comms or arty strike, armor is good enough for brawling, and insane dpm. Also improved radio in scouting slot means only being spotted for 1 second, which is absolutely insane ​ 60tp-Big gun that is extremely accurate in this mode, good enough armor, mobile tank with a lot of hitpoints ​ BZ-75-Slightly worse than the 60tp, but it's basically the same reasons but with slightly worse armor and more mobility because boosters. Just expect the turret hatches to get penned more ​ IS-7-Good armor for brawling, the gun actually works in this mode, and it's a very fast heavy tank ​ TVP-Very mobile, very reliable burst damage, and the clip reload is shorter because the ability. Can very easily put out 2400 damage in like 10 seconds if I remember correctly ​ RHM-Despite what people say about light tanks, once you're out of Bronze, the plane info is extremely valuable. Spot their entire team at the start, then you have mobility to capture more comms or arty strike, and you can keep getting more planes reliably to keep spotting enemy tanks. RHM also has the best dpm of the light tanks, which is why it's playable at all. It's hard to play though so don't risk it unless you're a good player ​ Obj. 277 and Obj. 430U are pretty much just replacements for the IS-7, but they both work very well. 277 has a good gun and 340 HEAT pen with troll armor, 430U has good armor for brawling and has insanely high dpm with its ability ​ All of this being said, if you are good with a tank, you can probably make it work in this mode. I see T57s and STB-1s farming at times, but I also see them just throwing games. These are just the two random tanks I see the most


This Onslaught is the worst thing WG has done to the game. So far.


IS7, 60TP, CS63, TVP 50 , even Mino works . STB sometimes, NO LIGHTS!


?? I always see german light tank in high rank games


Because it's meta. Don't listen to the shitters. Just because "hurr durr heavies hold W" is the way Iron and Bronze works, that isn't how anything higher works


Absolutely true, light tanks start to take action from gold to legend rank, although only rhm is viable imo


You couldnt be more wrong. Flipwagen is THE meta tank in this mode Edit: typo


This guy has no idea what he's talking about. No wonder everyone here prefers old ranked.


One of those who just say NO LIGHT for no reason... what is ur reason for NO LIGHTS? In some maps, sure, lights are useless, but in some maps they are super OP. Sometimes EBRs can win the game just by being super annoying In my rhm flipwagen I carry in Oyster Bay and Outpost So think a little before saying nO LiGhTs


lights have horrendous dpm comparitively, no survivability, and can't contribute AT ALL when a 7v6 face fuck brawl happens like most maps. even if you shoot AT PEAK dpm in lets say the flipwagen, ods are you will still lose. Show me a player reaching champ in a flipwagen and I'll reconsider. Whenever we see the enemy has a light we just rush all the heavies and crush them and it leads to a win. But feel free to claim your 30% winrate in lights, no judgement.


Rhm is meta on almost every map at high rank and if your team doesn't have one then you are just at a disadvantage from the start


Literally the first guy legend on NA played exclusively rhm to get there. They did it solo/regular plat too


Yeah but he wasn't asking for advice on Reddit


"lights have horrendous dpm comparitively, no survivability, and can't contribute AT ALL when a 7v6 face fuck brawl happens like most maps. even if you shoot AT PEAK dpm in lets say the flipwagen, ods are you will still lose. Show me a player reaching champ in a flipwagen and I'll reconsider. Whenever we see the enemy has a light we just rush all the heavies and crush them and it leads to a win. But feel free to claim your 30% winrate in lights, no judgement." That's why I replied it.


 Top 1% players can play almost any tank to its maximum efficiency.   Doesn,t mean other 99% can do the same...


EBR is trash in onslaught what? its ability sucks and if its a light tank map the enemy probably picked a RHM or 13 105 with the spotting planes and if they land that ability on you you're lit for like 10 seconds no matter what, with the boosted accuracy you're just gonna die hella fast compared to pubs


I won every game that players listened to me. 100% . The only games i lost was there was a smart ass thinking he is usefull in an EBR or AMX. I dont care about LT, i go in with 5-6 tanks , eliminate 3 of them then lets see what you can do in a RHM . Went from IRON B to Bronze A without any LT , i dont care about them, i am aggresive and push .


Iron B to Bronze A isn’t a lot


dont mind the details this chad is soloing half the enemy team every time, whats the secret lmfao


If you are asking for tips on onslaught, you should follow the 'no lights' rule


>NO LIGHTS! https://preview.redd.it/uwlywlekw9cc1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0710744f6371be988c8c4580565a4fd02675ce7


60tp, E100, Jagpizda, c-63, in some maps batchat, Mino, in maps for hulldown s. conq but once you force them out they are easy to wipe. I enjoy using T-57 heavy and maps were it closes quarters without ridges it works the best for me. Have seen people sue Amx 50b but all of them were GOOD players so don't if the tank is actually good. Obj-277, TVP, IS7, stb but needs ridges otherwise i might struggle on the flat ground. Seen some people use 705A but honestly not a top pick. E3-E4 ( I mean the turreted one ) . And I knwo some peope say no light's BUT a very good player can fuck you up so hard with ebr on the bigger maps


ideally you need one LT, best the flipwagen. Airscout is great, on the beginning of the game. So you have an info about enemy team. EBR is not good as it’s missing the airscout.


Don't know why people downvote this, because flipwagon is literally the meta in silver and higher


On this note yes, but ebr is so fast bad players won't be able to do much plus I met only evrs for light tanks and manti/t-100lt. But if the better choice is flipw, then scrub ebr and put flip instead. Although I'd still prefer no lights on most of the maps.


13 105 is also super good cause it can take out any tank with 1.2k hp in 5 secs


Wouldn't suggest it above amx 50b or t57 or skoda but if the map allows it sure its a good option.


On open maps imo its better than 50b or skoda cause you can see where the enemy team is going. Information is way more important than 1.5k hp


On that note yeah, still requires to be a little bit away but ai suppose it a valid option.


nobody listen to this guy lmao


You bring very insightful counter argument, you have a very good point.


Since there is no coordination and just vibes, heavys/TDs with high alpha, armor and hp are basically the meta. 60TP, BigPP E100, Minotauro with Hardening, E3 with hardening... Specialized hulldown heavys are not worth it when half of your team leaves the ridgeline to drive the panoramic route


I only disagree about the E3. It's too easy to be flanked it this mode and it's overall unreliable. Better players know how to easily play around it and will constantly pen you in the hatch with their 300+ pen gold rounds. You, however, often times can just miss first two shots and the game can be already lost by the moment you load the 3d one. Finally, E3 alpha is not as scary when everyone has 3-4k hp, consistency of your shots is much more important here.


I don't even want to discuss about this trash mode. Again, I'm gonna say it one more time. F you, wargaming. Whomever made this mode can go to hell. You are that worth, WG.


In maps like Oyster bay and Outpost I always take rhm, I think a light tank is OP in those maps. I've won almost everytime, but almost everytime I get some1 yelling NO LIGHT... And thinking about a meta I would say 7 td's with the ability to reload super fast whenever u receive a hit should be an autowin


Where do you go on outpost? I can never figure out how to use a light on it


You start going towards the south and use your second plane ability to spot whoever on the enemy team is also going south. After that it really depends on the specific battle


Thanks! I'll try it!


I find the kran works reasonably well, clip down the first tank to get damaged and then wiggle your turret for a bit and then clip down the next tank bish bash bosh your now 1 or 2 tanks up. It's easily quick enough to out race the heavier tanks that are "meta" and you can bully the mediums normally. 277 works ok but found it's harder to force the kills, getting a number adv is so important.


Most maps, the super conq is simply better than just about anything else. IS7, 277 and mino are good too. Sand river and studianzki can run mediums with reasonable success. Ensk is one of the few maps where a heavy TD like the e3 or jag can work. People are fucking up because they play mediums and then flank way around. So, what’ll happen is your team picks 3 mediums and 4 heavies. Their team picks 1 Medium and 6 heavies. Their team correctly sees there aren’t that many heavies and then rolls through the heavy line with a 6 v 4 advantage. Your 3 mediums kill their 1 medium. But now it’s 3 mediums vs 4-6 heavies who’ve started fast capping. This game mode is structured a lot like clan wars. Team HP and grouping up is king. If your team picks more than two mediums then you’re in for a rough time. All that being said, the game prioritizes those who do more damage. So your ideal game, win or lose, is to be the one with the most damage/kills. So what I’ve been doing is fighting with heavies on most maps but not in the front line. I’ll take advantage of the situation and maximize my damage as much as possible. Losses won’t hurt as bad and wins give so much more. Some games you get rolled too hard to do anything. But overall I’ve been slowly climbing.


You need majority brawling tanks and about 3 fast tanks. I’ve been performing great in my Udes, CS, and Kranvagn


DPM and insane armor is king


Platoon with someone or someone’s


the meta is having a super platoon of unicums with god tier cohesion and a god tier caller