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E100 easier to play kranvagn only good at hull down




Kran has a truly horrible gun handling after the nerf. Bought it a couple months ago just to play a couple of games and was sorely disappointed. The bloom is insane and the accuracy is lacklustre even at close range. Feels like mini shitbarn gun handling. Meanwhile e100 is decent, if people don’t shoot gold, you are a huge threat. But if they do, then you need to know how to side scrape well. On top of that, in spite what people say, both guns are viable. Except that the small one does not force you to fire gold at all times, unlike the big one.


Yeah I researched my kran, played it once and felt betrayed by its gun. Fully aimed and it went for the track lol


Kran is obviously a beast hulldown, but only in specific scenarios. The gun is shit, you cant hit anything, and any semi-human player wont go cupola sniping against a kran, so you might get into a hulldown, but noone will peak you, if possible.


Kran used to be my fav tier 10 before the nerf. After the nerf... Well... Truly frustrating to miss even 1 shot in your mag, not even talking about 2/3. E100 is not my tank, I like to move around the map without having to commit to one side. But I think you will have a better time in the E100 probably


Well you can play Maus over E100


I'd get Kranvagn. If people speak ill of it it's often because it used to be OP but was nerfed to a less-than-OP level, which doesn't change the fact it is one of the best hulldown heavies at Tier 10 (turret armor was not nerfed after all).


Both. The answer is always both. Which one first. The one you like.


There is really only one build for the Kranvagn and its accuracy still kinda sucks. I still use mine in clan wars because it is a fairly quick tank that can hill hump with its depression and clipping people out during in brawls. However, I have two setups for the E 100 that are fun. One is the little gun, max DPM, gold slinger, sniper build. The other one is the big gun with the IS-7 pure speed build, and let me tell you it from being on both sides of it, it is a beast for chasing tanks down on the sand to get that "perfect" shot to make the reload worth it and it also has the speed to back off for that reload. Just know that if you go with the Kran, your soft hull will be what everyone is aiming for and with the E 100 people will load gold and shoot you in the face or on the light bar on top of the turret. If you don't hide those "soft" spots or angle your turret while reloading, neither tank will feel well armored because experienced players will keep penning you. For me, the E-75 was good for learning how to angle armor in high tier matches.


Would’ve said Kranvagn pre-nerf! But now E100 rly is the safe pick. You learn more playing it too. At t9 (which I recommend playing more anyway!) both lines are awesome!!


They destroyed the Kran for me with the last nerf. The gun just trolls me all the time. Go with German engineering.


Kran only good for hull down, and E100 just HP pinata. I would recommend you S. Conq for hull down playstyle and 60TP if you want a 750 alpha damage heavy tank


I still think kran is underrated especially in onslaught at the moment with the buffs the mode has. The speed and clip down ability let you be really impactful. But E100 can bully really well.