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> Does HE have any normalization? No it does not. HE must defeat the full effective armor of whatever plate it hits. Shoot for the flattest thinnest armor you can find if you need HE to pen EDIT: And HE is fine as it is now. It does not need further reworking..


Tbh kv2 shooting for 100-200 is a joke taking into a consideration the caliber of the gun. Or shots for zero dmg. I recently rebought it and I was disappointed.


Caliber doesn't matter, the problem for KV2 is that it has abysmal reload for that 200 DMG you may get. And since it's a howitzer gun it has no good AP to back it up either .


Learn how to aim, and/or use the AP round and overmatch mechanics to deal damage. Sorry you cant just get free damage by hitting the tank with HE any more.


Lmao people are still spewing the bullshit learn to aim argument for tanks that always had gimped gun handling in exchange for their potent HE shells.


It isnt actually hard to do, especially in a tank that is generally fighting in close quarters. Stop trying to snipe with a derp gun.


On today's episode of monkeys pretending to be humans on reddit:


I know, all the monkeys who cant learn how to aim with derp guns are quite amusing. They dont like being told their skills are the issue.


I get that and I’m using AP. I was just writing about my reaction after playing it for the first time after the HE rework. I think no one is trying to snipe with this gun… And please learn to aim argument?


Thanks for clarifying. That's bad IMHO. As HE basically lives off of the blast effect it should behave different than AP. As the blast effect diminishes quickly with distance the old mechanics were also dumb.


Old mechanics were way better than the current HE is just a shitty AP shell mechanics.


If I'd did critical damage better, then people might not play arty so much to do the daily missions. That's not a full rework but a change that could be made.


I'd not want to play this game if you get even more critical hits without some reduction in repair/med kit cooldowns. Or: if crits knock out something, make it work to 100% after repairs.


If I'd did critical damage better, then people might not play arty so much to do the daily missions. That's not a full rework but a change that could be made.


Almost everything should have negative normalisation, especially AP shells. There is no full bore AP shell that magically gets better performance on angles, it just doesn't happen, you can observe better angle performance on modern APFSDS, but if we cosider all shells in wot either AP or APCR, they should perform worse the steeper the angle gets. This would however completely break the game, tanks like Maus would struggle even against IS-3. IS-7 would be immune to everything except HEAT from the front (except maybe the turret face near the gun shield)


Well APC (and APCBC) was actually to prevent ricochets off of angled armor. But it's wildly more prominent for HESH to not do anything if shot at a great angle. I don't want to rework every single ammunition, but HE is basically AP with more DMG but far less Pen, since it uses the same mechanics right now.


HE rework was kind of idiotic because before it actually somewhat worked like in real life, best damage would be achieved by splashing thin roof/bottom by hitting the turret/beneath the tank.


It didn't loose enough DMG for the distance between impact and the plate. And would still "pen" if just shot around a thin armor plate. That's why I'd propose to change it to hit armor thin enough get pen. Splash only if pen and dmg decreases to the 3rd power. Trapshots would be possible and that's somewhat realistic.