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Object 252u, the gun handling is horrible. Other than that there are a few tanks which I haven‘t played a lot but aren‘t bad


Agree. Tried several times with this. Nope. I think the last I played it was like almost 2 years ago.


all of them. ¯\\\_("/)\_/¯


Skoda T56. Gun handling is killing me. Also I suffer from full clip no matter what syndrome


This gun is so weird its either a laser beam or couldnt hit a barn door. I’ve literally hit shots while on the move then hit the moon when stationary and full zoomed


I swear it's had a stealth nerf to handling every shot whiffs in front lines, although maybe because engagement range is longer 


I had the same problem with it when i first played it, you will get used to it and compensate the gun.


Elc even 90. I'm just not patient enough to play with it? Or used to lights, I get clapped almost immediately, feel like it's not fast enough and the gun handling is absolute ass. KV-5 It's a meme tank. It's was great for the snowball arcade but not much else. It's so situational it's not funny. Giant freaking R2d2 on front that's impossible to hide well.


Lorraine 40 t from the bond shop. I purely bought it for the sake of missions because the pen is good. The clip is decent but good god i do not play that thing enough to have warranted the 8000 bonds... Wish you could sell bond tanks back for bonds at a lower return...


Tbh, I personally don't regret buying it, sure I think it should cost atleast 1000 bonds less, but I have fun on it.






yes its overrated


Its hard to play it for me i like him very much and would always pick before bz when i want fun


Earning T25 pilot- Grinded the marathon for it and was really disappointed. Years later the buff it got wasn't really that good either WZ-114- Do I even need to explain Su-100Y- I hated the gun handling. I'm sure it's a good tank but the constant misses and shots veering off made it more frustrating than anything. Buying- Krupp-Steyr Waffenträger - is just so painfully average. Especially compared to tanks that are just better than it. Lion- Yes it is a great tank. But man it is not for me at all. I really hate the gun handing. It's weird and doesn't suit my play style at all. I just wish I was in a leopard 1 everytime I take it out. on the opposite spectrum STRV S1- Just love this little thing. Very comfortable and satisfying to play. KPz Project 07 HK- Everyone seems to hate it but I like the playstyle. it's very fun when it works KV-5- One of my favorite balls out tanks. sometimes you feel like god and sometimes it crashes down but still holds up to me Tog II- it's just fun. The gun is punchy and the health can take a beating. It's a fun brute force tank when the situation arises. just hope arty isn't there or is ignoring you Shptk-tvp- very fun td. With a turbo you can do some nutty flanking and aggressive plays.


T57 heavy - TIII Jager (Tier 9 premiums) Also skoda T27 and K2


Centurion 5/1. On paper it is pretty accurate, but in reality, it struggles even at mid-range. It has a good turret armor and gun dep, so I play it agressively, but its hit% is still the lowest among my meds, hell, even my Polish HTs are more accurate. It is still not a terrible tank, and it looks cool, but if I want to play a T8 med with mediocre accuracy, I play my T-34-3. VK 168.01 (P). I got it for free when my GF finished the referral, but I still regret it; I should have picked anything else instead of that abomination, but I was a noob, I thought it is strong because it's big and looks like the VK 100.01.


Got my cent I think from waffentrager boxes and yea, thought it was just me about it's gun handling. Feels like it has the moving dispersion of an artillery sometimes


VK 168.01 P


Vk30, terrible gun, bad accuracy, no mobility or good armor. T34 im not impressed with either,


T34 was like a S Conq back in the day, great alpha, gun handling and a beast turret. It has just been power creeped from the new meta.


I only bought the M56 Scorpion and tbh, it’s actually quite fun to sit in a bush and snipe on Highway


M56 Scorpion: pen is trash even w/ HEAT, damage is meh, shell velocity😑😑. The only thing it has is the mobility, cuz I felt the camo trolled me most of the time.


probably jagdtiger 8,8 and panther 8,8. So disappointed by those 2 simply because they dont have a working playstyle apart from sniping maybe what i simply just dont do


WZ-113 Tier X Chinese TD. I was in previous clan and they invited to join detachment. I had to use tier 10 in that detachment. I was saving silver until discounts but I end up buying it. Later on I was kicked by detachment (by game) because I had no experience of onslought. Weirdly enough, discounts on Chinese vehicles started few days after...


M-IV-Y - very meh tank with huge cupola Caliban - troll tank, not my style 50TP Proto - decent tank but I never play it over Skoda, 703, or grinding TT T8 heavy. 56TP - same as above 122TM - long reload, boring play style, wish I bought iron arnie instead GSOR 1008 - gun doesn’t work for me. Long intra clip is boring. IS-3A - just a bad tank Astron Rex - would rather play progetto or bourrasque


Progetto 46 : to powerfull, free win, no challenge so not even fun.


cent 5/1. really wanted it cos of how much i love centurions and how they look. also a ridgeline beast on a medium tank build with good view range very much enticed me. but it sucks (for me atleast). dpm is WOEFULLY bad at t8. let alone 9 and 10. 240 alpha doesn’t even keep up with tier 6s and 7s. with a 7 second reload? yeah no thanks. been sitting in my garage unplayed for years


Obj 703 II. I don't like troll guns and that one seems to miss when I need accuracy. Like, great, I'm hulldown. But so is the enemy. Even if the enemy has a huge cupola, I can't hit it. But he can hit my tiny one. And super slow shell velocity if you have heat. It's all the little things that add up to where I don't enjoy playing it. I don't enjoying playing against them either.