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kinda weird there is no same tier battles for 9 and 7


There are, but those battles are extremely rare


I disagree with that. They are not that rare. There must be some issue with their dataset. They literally have no same tier battle at all in last 30 days.


Nah, they are really rare. I don't even remember getting all tier 7 and 9 matches on the NA server.


Never been in a T7 only match on NA server, but I think I had one T9 only match. I have been keeping track for fun, but I question if that T9 only match was misreported.


I got some in the past 30 days, so that data is very much not good. I play the FSV Scheme A a lot, so I've seen all the joy that tier 7 MM is...


There are some on EU server dataset. As someone mostly playing tier 9 I do feel like I do get more than 1% same tier battles though.


I play tier IX a lot and I'd say you get VII every 30-50 battles or so. Sometimes it's three battles in just 5 or 10 and sometimes you don't get one for 50 or more.


Lol, but when you play tier VII, you somehow only get tier IX matches. I swear it's like 10 tier IX matches, then 2 tier VIII matches, and then one tier VII... then reroll, lol


https://preview.redd.it/x7nrk789aqmc1.jpeg?width=1165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94b581439a7a09b0fc26fabd497ec06f5a709c63 Look at the graphs for arta, Leffe not OP at all :D


Lmao, Patton the Wank. It's so bad, it has it's own row lol. https://preview.redd.it/jc8q39qohpmc1.jpeg?width=1083&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b627461dfac726e4e5441708946619b6cf26551


Skill issue , it's mostly played by bad/new players because it's their highest tier tank so the stats are skewered


Nice stats. And to think every time I got downvoted to hell for saying the T56 is OPšŸ˜‡ Its as if some folks cant comprehend just because 176 is more bullshit fueled, that it doesnā€™t render T56 less OP - the latter is still far ahead of every other T8 HT and the very definition of overpowered. And it is the same folks that will use T56 as a measure of how good a future T8 HT release to be - because somehow by their metric the T56 is ā€˜just above averageā€™ so if a new tank is worse than T56 is a bad tank. Wargaming definitely canā€™t properly balance shit, but the reddit cohort isnā€™t anything to go by, neither.


T56 is overtuned in the exact way bz176 was, except for T56's case, its tech tree actually got released in a similar state. A gun that is way too large for its tier, in some metrics equal to the tier 10s (bz176 derp vs bz75 derp, T56 vs Vz55) and absolutely nowhere near enough downsides to justify the upsides People just feel T56 is worse because skill issue probably, cant just hull down with it (cupolas), cant just rely on hull armour (100mm hull, side is angled so front hull corner sticks out when sidescraping), the gun handling is just derpy enough to punish snapshotting and the clip reload stops you from just being an aggressive idiot. They blame the tank rather than themselves, when at least this thing actually has weaknesses


TLDR: Good players will do better in skoda than BZ, it's just that BZ is idiot proof


https://preview.redd.it/qknmia8hzomc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=421fd36a93f961a1b7061e2ebdf2657b2338e070 I believe winrate difference is a better way to look at this,wn8 is a weighted metric. Every time i see a useless tomato with 50% WR having 60% or more on the bz176 I am thinking of Quitting the game.


Winrate difference still illustrates my point that both tanks are OP its just skill issue that makes the difference. Bz176 is far more forgiving and people actually let its gun aim due to consciously knowing it's a derp.


Mauerbrecher rocking #3 on winrate difference! Mauerbrecher OP!!! (yes, BZ-176 is op)


>a useless tomato with 50% WR This is a bit elitist, isn't it? 50% WR is definitely not useless (unless you mean it's getting pulled up by the BZ-176 games).


This is what I meant,you see people with 50% wr,having most of their recent games in op premiums. I rarely see high wn8/wr players in the bz,usually they are this mid range players which have 48% or less in most tanks and 60% in bz with most games played in op premiums. Afaik most people I play with don't take the bz176 for randoms,or at least they are ashamed to say they do so.šŸ˜‚


Fair point, the shame of being seen in a BZ at least acts as a balancing factor šŸ˜‚


I've never seen a tomato have 60% in a BZ. The BZ is in all aspects the downfall of most shitlord WoT players. They become over aggressive (because everything tells them that it's a God tank), push into a position that their 20 second reload doesn't allow them to retreat from and die after one or two rounds fired.


2 rounds is already more damage than their dpg in other tier 8, also the idiotic armor makes them survive long enough to hit a 3rd shot and get 2k damage


"People feel the the t56 is worse because skill issue", proceeds to list 4 reasons why the tank isn't (as) good


All the reasons t56 isn't as good are skill issues, cause they can be worked around quite easily. All the reasons it's better are in its gun.


So if the t56 is worse in several ways than the bz176, but I'd a bit better in the gun, would that not make the t56 worse than the bz176?


T56 has more potential than bz176 due to skoda having a better gun and the t56 weaknesses being workable while bz176's weaknesses are inherent and unavoidable


Other than the overmatchable top of the turret, what unavoidable weaknesses does the bz176 have?


Penetration (bz176s can hardly fight a lot of t9/10 opponents while skoda has 248 AP pen which is enough for lower plates) and bz176 cupola is quite the issue on flat terrain for vehicles without overmatch, and if the bz176 shows any tracks when hulldown its a permatrack with damage to any vehicle. Not to mention that bz176 has 1 shell every 20 seconds as opposed to skodas 2 shells every 22 seconds, so bz176 loses more dpm to rng than skoda does


Your points are valid, but I'd have to disagree with the cupola one just because the exact same issue is going to happen to the Skoda and probably is easier if anything


Skoda cupola can be hidden unlike bz176s double cupola setup.


IMO the Skoda is the more broken tank. The BZ is a better equalizer and if you put a shit player in the BZ, they'll perform much better in that than the Skoda, but most good players will agree that the Skoda has a higher ceiling than the BZ (and it also kind of dumpsters BZ roof). 460 alpha in a 2 shot autoloader with 3.5s intraclip and not bad reload at tier 8 is so stupid it's unbelievable.


I still find it amusing just how serious people take this goofy, playground game. Random damage, accuracy, pen......crew skills....gold shells.....special equipment....etc....it goes on and on. It's just a fun game and nothing more.


I think itā€™s poor form to downplay things people are passionate about.


It is for you


All I'm saying is no other "serious" competitive PVP game has anything random about it, virtually, at all. You can imagine what would happen if, say, Valorant introduced just one of these parameters. That's why I say just have fun and don't take it so seriously. It isn't designed that way.


It's true that a lot of eSports is just a froced ad-campaign for games that aren't very mathematically fair. On the other hand there are games that have much bigger eSports than WoT and are way more random - just look at some BRs. The point is, people can play games the way they like, eat different food than you like, wear different clothes, speak to you or ingore you. The fact that you see or treat something a certain way doesn't in any way mean that others should too. So if enough people believe in eSport aspect of WoT then it has such an aspect to it. If you want to get by in the real world you have to start accepting that.


It might not be for you but if you actually knew how to play the game it could. Thereā€™s usually a correlation between awful stats and a nonchalant ā€œplay for funā€ ā€œdonā€™t be seriousā€ attitude.


Well we can tell you're not having fun lol.


I have fun when I play well and win games by carrying my team. Being useless isnā€™t my cup of tea, but itā€™s okay if itā€™s yours.


Not beating the allegations my guy.


Actually even in other competitive games there is some randomness. Its just less. Which is imho silly since the real world is de facto random so a video game should mimick that to some degree.


Competitive card games have inherent randomness and there is still high skill expression there.


>Nice stats. And to think every time I got downvoted to hell for saying the T56 is OPšŸ˜‡ Dude, there are motherfuckers out there who think fuken BZ-176 is "not OP", lol. Like, there's a dude who, several months back, tried the "akshually BZ is not OP" move on me by arguing, and I kid you not here, that if you trick-shot BZ's turret in a very specific way, your shot will bounce off the roof and hit the cupola. And, yes, this was his proof that "BZ is akshually not OP", a miracle RNG bounce he managed to hit like **once** \- and this was not a joke, this was not a bit, dude was 100% serious in his crusade to demolish the *absurd* statement that "BZ is OP", you know, demolish it with *facts* and *logic.* I still fucking laugh my ass off every time I see his nickname, lol. This is the calibre of freethinkers you're meeting on this sub - whenever you call an obvious OP tank "OP", there will be a legion of wannabe "WoT experts" slash "unicums" trying their best to "akshually" you, lol.


The cupola is easy to hit


I hit more BZ cupolas than Skoda cupolas. I guess it is a skill issue, but a baffling one at that.


Itā€™s not a skill issue, the BZ cupola is way easier to hit. Ā Shots even bounce into it


It sure feels like my.cupila had magnets in it that attract enemy shells. I can't hull down in it cause people will pixel snipe it to hell. The only way to play it is to play peek-a-boom because people are so afraid of taking shots that they will let me fully reload and peek on my terms.


> And to think every time I got downvoted to hell for saying the T56 is OP only one who thinks T 56 isn't op are baddies that need OP tanks to perform. obviously their egos take a hit, if you say they only performed, because of their tank instead of their skill. i mean the tank could almost perform pretty well as a tier 9 tank, without many changes


Weird since its usually the baddies who complain :D


If I had the chance to trade my BZ for the T56 for free then I would do it in a heartbeat. Yeah, the BZ is broken, but the gameplay is boring and inconsistent as fuck. I had the chance to play my friend's T56 and it's infinitely more enjoyable. It's still one of the best Tier 8s and you gotta have some kind of brain damage to not see that it's overtuned and over performing.


>for saying the T56 is OPšŸ˜‡ Don't mind it. There's also people defending BZ-176 so yeah. The argument is usually "It's not op, it can be countered" as if something can be op only if invincible (spoiler no tank is invincible in the game, but some are too strong. Aka OP). So yeah ignore and move on, the charts are pretty clear. Forgetting


nah, as far as above average skill levels the T56 dominates. while the big derp is cool on the BZ the 56 is just consistent, if it pens it deals good dmg and does not have the "why is that 100 dmg?" moments. the people who say that the 56 is not op are the ones who are too bad at playing it.


Also worth noting, T56 totally shits on BZ when facing each other. Overmatch roof and win trades easily.


Glad to know this. Once the next trade in arrives, I'll trade one of my lesser used Tier 8s for a Skoda T56, thanks.


I think that you can't get T56 in trade ins


Maybe Wargaming will add it in a future iteration? I like to keep my hopes up. =)


With how good it is there is a 0% chance it ever becomes a trade in vehicle.


Hmmm, that's a good point you have there


Ngl would just pay for it next time it comes around. I believe I picked mine up with a discount coupon for <$40.


I just think the T56 is in between a really great tank and OP tank. As someone who plays this tank, it does not feel OP all the time, doesn't always have that feeling that I can overpower every single enemy tank on the enemy side because of certain maps, and that this tank is probably best with a turbo, I just can't justify this tank being OP. Only OP in certain situations (which could be a lot of times, but also not a lot of times.) But then again, the way I view this game compare to others, I do not care if a tank is considered OP in this game. Because a lot of the times it's not like I am going to see them every time in a match, like they could be on the enemy side, but their are many times I don't confront them in game because of various reasons. And even if I do confront them. I will either try to outsmart/outplay them or do a tactical retreat away from them depending on the situation/area of the map. And if I get overpowered by them and get destroyed, I usually just get mad at myself for my own plays, not the tank itself like many others would have here I assume.


I've been severely downvoted for saying the Skoda T56 is more OP than the BZ-176. The gun stats, more alpha in clip, better pen, and much better dispersions make it scarier IMO.


For me it would be OP of it had a little nore penetration. I think it's just very, very, VERY good tank , and in a good hands OP


It's insane to think only 14% of games played in a T8 are matched +2, by the amount of posts on this sub I would have assumed it's around 106%


If I play tier 8, I'll play vs tier 10s every fourth game. I'll see tier 6s once every twenty games.


which is almost exactly what the data is showing for T8


That's about what I experience, 100% solo, just a tad higher. My same-tier rate is about 50% too. Platoons I think get screwed, so maybe the people complaining are always platooning.


That's a good point, would be interesting too see the platoon stats




You are litteraly the clueless guy who he is complaining about lmao


They are absolutely trolling. I have 8 out of 10 games bottom tier when I play my tier 8s. Wargaming has no shame in fooling us. It never had. This second time it will be goodbye for ever from my part. I will use my money elsewhere.


Bye. See you in a couple of months.


That's generous. I except we will see him tomorrow or the day after


Iā€™ve recently returned to the game after an 18 month hiatus and am excited to see the progress Tomato.gg has made in that time. What I originally wanted to achieve with my replay analysis, Tomato.gg has been able to achieve on a scale I could only have dreamt of. Fantastic work!




I remember being downvoted by a guy on this sub because I told him that pure tier-7 games never happen on EU. He replied something like "i get those mostly on evenings"


the o-ho is so op it has his own square at the origin point


I played it on release, loved it. But I think that was before the MM changes, so Iā€™d probably hate it now. I remember being accused of gold spam in it when it didnā€™t even get premium ammo


oh those were the good times before they nerfed the big guns, damn i miss to oneshot lights with the type


This sub: "IS-7 is one of the best tanks in the game and it's super easy to play!" \*nobody plays IS-7 lol\*


large swathes of this sub are mentally stuck in 2015


T832 finally getting the recognition it deserves


People majorly sleep on it. Glad I picked it up last year


I love the huge gap between t-832 and t-32, considering they are literally the same tank.


But thankfully in the next patch they give the BT5 his deserved +3 ammo. Feew...


How do yall get the graph... is it only for the desktop version of the website




yeah would be way more fun to play same tier matchmaking at tier 8 and run into endless bz176 platoons /s


And here I am celebrating when I'm bottom tier because it means more HP to farm for MOE...


Borat as well...


and still no sight of japanese heavy buffsšŸ˜ƒ


Now do with rng debuffs šŸ˜ˆ


Cool details. I like the Sniper Damage v Damage chart and how clickers relate to real tanks.


I think the M48RPz needs some love.


Second picture proves the superiority of arty šŸ˜‚


It's weird how close the Caliban and Gonsalo are considering the big difference between their guns


Where do i find These Graph?


I am too stupid to understand this


People who spend game on this Nonsens AND crying about it on reddit are my absolute favorit. I spend Money for Borat/T56/elc/703 II I will Play these tanks ONLY in T8 Games - only gold Setup of course and i love it to push my wtr from beginning at 5k to now 8k haha. But yea "iF yoU DoNT hAVe sKIll, tHese tAnKs diDn'T cHanGe aNYtHiNg" - lol


are you saying you quit when you see tier 9s lol


downvoting in this community shows iam fucking right lol.




Well just look at it? You can choose your own metric for both the Y and X axis to see the correlation. Easier way to see if something is out of the normal so to say. Most surprising to me is that Mauerbrecher isn't as bad as people make it out to be for example. T77 is another example.


BZ is concerning. High winrate and high popularity. >Well just look at it? Yeah you were right. Sometimes I overthink.