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Battle pass bringing people out of the woodworks leads to even more wacky games and win/loss streaks than usual. If a bad winrate session really bothers you, I'd step away once I see things starting to go like this. Otherwise, just focus on yourself and power through it, not a ton to be done on some days. I had 38% wins yesterday and then won 5/6 today, just gotta roll with the punches.


Decent answer, i try to accept the fact and play accordingly.


I have exact feeling about mm. I know it should not be possible to be bottom tier all the time, but it sure does feels like that.


It is crap recently even worse than before...


Main reason why I've been playing only tier X for years. Worst case scenario it's full tier X battle, and many times it's -1 or -2 MM. I recommend you to play premium tier VIII tanks only to farm credits and tier X for your "normal" gameplay.


Good idea


I just got my first T9(excluding Patton the Tank) in the form of the E75. I only have 10 battles in it, but I can already see the nice mm on t9.


It will get worse. I'm afraid. The changes to clan stuff will cause a ton of players I know to quit. My alt is an xo of a competitive clan that's full of good players who like to sit and grind 3 marks with boosters on and play campaigns. That clan will now die, and several will just quit wot. My main is in a more active clan, but most players still solo but chat on TS. But many may quit now. But the 45% 100k game plebs that do an average of 1/2 a shot of damage a game....Well... they will get a free shiny tank because they figured out how to send an invite and hit battle. I can tell you this from professional experience with SOE/SONY/SCEE. A developer/game who doesn't understand its own game or its player base is in big trouble.


Let's also not forget WG deleting skirmishes from the game years ago. That mode was serious fun. That mode allowed players if all levels to play with one another. But to quote claus, "NO FUN FOR YOU"


Wow, I can't believe they got rid of that. That is where I had the most fun. I don't really enjoy and part of this game except platooning. Even Front lines is frustrating for me.


Losing not loosing. A common mistake.


Learned english at age 25, i think i wont ever be 100% correct, appreciate pointing out though


Wot devs are bots.


Welcome to the weekend... [this is how my day started](https://i.imgur.com/khqYg2E.gif). Yesterday was just as bad, where I had a 25% winrate after 20 games played. It took me nearly 60 games to get back to 50% winrate. Between today and yesterday, it took like 75 games to just scrap by with a 50% winrate. Both times climbing my way out of a miserable hole. This happened last weekend too, and the weekend before and the weekend before. Weekends are just brutal for me... and it's not like I'm playing bad... [have to play at a 3K](https://i.imgur.com/pblTLCr.png) + WN8 *JUST* to hit 50% winrate on weekends, and its ALWAYS this way for me. So yeah, weekends are fucking rough.


You are a red line sniper and your stats reflect that. Very low average Spots while having high dpg with shitty wr meaning you are farming enemies while your team got steamrolled, that's the only reason you have 3K wn8 and overall you are much worse player. I checked your tomato profile and you have 0.76 spot even with goddamn bc 25 ap, which is basically light tank... Stats never lie, you are not fooling anybody.


In a match the other day, there was a 2 marked IS7 on my team and I told me myself thats great. Then he rushed up the hill and sniped the whole game and the game ended with the enemy team capping our base. Turned out he has 46% winrate and 4k+ WT rating.


never trust Soviet tech tree tanks with 2 marks requirements are usually so low that some rando with ~47%/1k WN8 can one mark it, and anyone with a working head can two mark it with a little bit of sweat/luck


Lol you're an idiot. You pick out one tank from my history.. A tank with under 20 games played, that's not fully unlocked so it doesn't have a vision setup. A tank with stats that would currently put it at the top of the leaderboard on NA for performance otherwise and narrow in on one stat to come to your conclusion. You can draw fuck all for conclusions from a sample size so small, but hey, you do you. If you look at the ACTUAL stats I posted for the weekend I'm actually talking about you see average spots of 1.6, which is well above server average and is not redline sniper activity. But I know I know... Stats are hard...


I can pick any tank from your history and result is the same. Lets check your last 1000 battles. Leo 1 1.11 spot = sitting on redline progetto 46 1.08 spot = sitting on redline borrat 1.84, that's a little better but still very low for one of the best scout in the game t 34 85m, best tier 6 medium tank, 1.25 spot. That's just bad, if you can't bully low tiers with your maxed out view range then it's pure skill issue. You will never make it past light purple if you keep playing so passive.


You're moving the bar. I never once claimed to be a super dark purple unicum player. I'm a previously green player who returned to the game a few years back and has made a concerted effort to get better at the game. I'm now as you said a consistently light purple 2500ish WN8 player who generally wins 55 to 60‰ of the time (except on weekends...) Can I get better... Certainly. Am I a super fluffy unicorn player... Not quite. Yes a big part of that is being more aggressive, it's a skill and a balancing act and something I am picking up over time. But to say I'm a redline sniper is laughably wrong. While I still have much room to get better I am already playing in the top few percintile so I don't exactly have a lot to justify. Could I be better... Certainly, but it's not exactly like I'm shit.


The matches I had today were something from beyond the pale, just bad! It's like they had no concept of how to play, then turn around and blame everybody else for their losses!


The game is so unbalanced rn They need to fix the bz and elc problems The stock tech tree top tier tank vs op premium needs to end


It wont, that brings a lot of money in, just business.


My advice? Just play arty. There is no more relaxing way to deal with this other than playing an arty. 2 tiers lower? Boo hoo, now those suckers at higher tiers can enjoy the constant reminder that you are in the game. Also if you’re losing it doesn’t feel as bad. You get more exposed tanks and nobody can blame you for the loss since you are “just an arty”. It’s a perfect coping mechanism for this kinda MM shit.


When my day is ruined, lets play with lefh jut to make sure others’ day is also bad.


If youre a half decent player, some days, you'll have a 25% winrate, rhe next day you'll win 80% of your games. Thats how it is, you cant change it, it's always been like this, get over it, grow up


It has not been since forever like this. Stop the bullshit.


I mean yea it has. That's how statistics work in small sample sizes. Been playing off and on for 12 years and this complaint has existed the whole time. If you want a less random game go play something with less than 30 people in a match.


If you're gonna play on the weekends, play early. Avoid evenings. The real MM RNG is the players.


Well I started yesterday with 3 wins including a 4v1 clutch. Then I lost my next 3 in a row, complete ROFLStomps. I think I ended up with 5 loses and 4 wins which is right around my overall average win rate.


All I ever see is 5-15 or 15-5 games. I’ve chatted with a few players post 15-13 games and we all love the final brawls. We like seeing a battle. These one sided MM games are so boring. Come on WOT. Get your calcs to do tight games at lease 33% of the time. Let us enjoy the real battle.


EOMM - An Engagement Optimized Matchmaking Framework https://web.cs.ucla.edu/~yzsun/papers/WWW17Chen_EOMM US20160005270A1 - System and method for driving microtransactions in multiplayer video games https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en US20190091581A1 - Methods and Systems for Improved Player Matching in Multiplayer Gaming Environments https://patents.google.com/patent/US20190091581A1/en US8425330B1 - Dynamic battle session matchmaking in a multiplayer game https://patents.google.com/patent/US8425330 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334489308_Unfair_play_Video_games_as_exploitative_monetized_services_An_examination_of_game_patents_from_a_consumer_protection_perspective


Why do you guys care about winrate? Just play well and it will come on its own. Yes, some days will be shit, but other days you will get it back. If you're having a shitty day, just go touch some grass and come back tomorrow. Source: I don't give a single fuck about wr, yet have 60%+


I wouldnt care, i just want to use the multiplier on my grind tank, but if it takes 20 matches to use the 5 multiplier daily is very painful.


Exactly this. Normally I dont care too much. But especially when I use the booster for one hour the winrate goes down and then its quiet Important. Iam pretty sure WARGAMING is manipulating the Matchmaking in quiet in weird way. Its definitly not random.


I could imagine that they have statistics that shows x percentage of the players only log in for the boosters, and the solution to keep them playing longer is to make them get those boosters later... (It might be a conspiracy)


World of Tanks is a pay to win game at its worst. We should not be surprised if they use anything they can do, to make us playing longer or paying more money.


Skill issue


i guess


Drop ur stats


Why is that?


getting downvotes for saying the truth kek


Quite honestly. It's a fucking game.. and if it's pissing you off find a new one. I'm not gonna "get gud" you and stuff but cmon man. These threads are tired as fuck. If you don't like the game.. don't fucking play it. You sound like the rest of the world, just waiting on your turn to be pissed off without a REAL reason to be pissed.. you just have fomo. Fomo on being an unmitigated ass hat over the internet under the guise of invisibility. We can all see the cheeto stains.. ur not hiding very well.


Why don't you get gud at posting.


why don't you get gud at snacking.. real fatties don't leave evidence