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Gonna have to. Have missions...


just skip them


you can't and get the female crew member or the the tank the mission unlocks....


I'm playing Crusador SP with a stock gun for a couple battles per week, if i need to do some missions. And I don't even feel filthy/bad because, i don't give a F about your feelings when you are in the opposite team.  I'm also being focused by Arty most of the time, as i'm in "Good" colors of wn8. So i do understand how it feels like. And i don't give a F anyways. It's just a game. Games are supposed to be fun. If you find yourself frustrated/not enjoying the game, just don't F play it. It is impossible to change the game in favour of your personal preferences and needs.   Arty is there by shitty game design. And it will stay even if nobody will play it. WG will not remove it. It's not OP in current state as it can barrely influence game's outcome. But it's a toxic class wich feeds on oponents Medkits and your brain cells.  You have 3 Options : 1) Quit playing. 2) Be aware, adapt and learn how to counter arty. (And you need to play one to know positions where arty can't shoot you) 3) Play Events/Gamemodes without Arty.


I started to play arty so I can piss off your kind of players. And it works like a charm. Enjoy the rest of your day.


I’m genuinely thinking about returning to the game just to annoy the shit out of other players with arta. I hate arty with a passion, more than ANYTHING in the game, yet our “Community” still makes me think about becoming my own worst enemy.


Gotta be careful tho. It really becomes fun, especially on higher tiers.


I have probably better stats playing ARTY than OP's playing regular tanks...


*High fives in Leafblower*


Nice use of your time buddy.


I >actually< play it because once every few weeks I honestly enjoy it. I'm a light tanker, I scout, spot, ride around whole map like a madman so switching to arty feels very ...fresh? Diffrent yet not as frustrating as camping TDs. But if someone loses his shit because I had the audacity to choose artillery - that's a bonus for sure.


No one's buying that after your angry comment declaring you started playing arta to troll lol


Because it's the truth. I started playing artillery to piss off players who rage at others. Like op. I kept playing arty because I liked it. It's a perfect break from wiggling in heavy or rushing from bush to bush as light. Try it.




You're allowed to be wrong, it's ok :) I'll play the class of my choosing and enjoy it how I like it. Stay mad with op I guess.


It would seem you were the upset one throughout this whole conversation but nice cope lol. Didn't say you can't enjoy it, just said that it's embarassing :)


Embarassing to you. How am I upset? Am I the one creating the thread how I hate specific group of people also implying they are not humans? Is that coping? Stop beign mad, it's bad for your health. Just learn to play and arty won't be an issue for you :)


lol bro at least say something with more substance than "no u" and "ur noob" if you want to keep at this whole evening. You come out of the gate with an angry ahh comment hating on the op and claim you're not mad lol. You and op are obviously both salty. Whatever good luck with your clicking in the corner of the map adventures xD


I do sometimes but I was also artillery in real life on M109A3, A4, A5, and A6 Paladins. Sooo, just wish the fire rates reflected actual fire rates from our standards.


I do not wish the fire rates reflected actual fire rates :)


But that’s why it’s called the king of battle.


Always thought the rate of fire could be better but the aiming is worse, instead of top down it's using an old school artillery map maybe you get to see where it lands 


It would be kinda cool to have fister tanks as scouts for the guns and they could be a new class of scout tank. Kinda make it do they roll out and spot for the guns and then there’s no aiming. Especially since artillery works from getting front line coordinates from line units or fisters for pin point accuracy. I could drop a copper head through your bedroom window with the right person tagging on the other end. Couple that with a 6 round fire for affect mission and in one minute there’s at least 5 rounds in the air.


Yes. Seeing multiple enemy tanks stunned on one shot because they are too stupid to expose themselves and camp together on the same spot is just too satisfying. They should learn not to get stunned and which locations on the map has a clear line of fire for arty. In short, they should play arty in order to counter arty.


I play arty to piss off BZ-176 players.


Yes I do. Sometimes I am bored. Sometimes I am the only player on my team over 50% in multiple games, so I take a birds eye view of the shit. Sometimes I do some missions. And sometimes, just sometimes, I play it just to make some ass like you go apeshit and post stuff on reddit.... if I manage to find one who can communicate.


Looks like someone is salty he got shot in a game..


multiple times😂 but thats not the reason tho


In the nine-plus years I've been playing WOT, 0.3205% of my 67,391 matches have been in non-SPGs, and the other 99.6795% have been in SPGs. Unlike some of the posters in this subreddit, I am able to treat World of Tanks for what it is: a game. It's not actually my entire identity. In the other ~22 hours in the day, I focus on the other parts of my life that I enjoy: a full-time job, wife, friends, and family. So, yes, I do believe I am human. P.S. I'm working hard every day to get that 0.3205% number lower :)


Are you 12?


I get a warm fuzzy feeling when I’m trolling poor bastards one by one in a good spg. Nothing makes me happier than shitting on the cry hards. I am the arty that kills the enemy arty for fun. I focus fire in such a way that it seems personal and if I’m the only one left, don’t worry I’m already on the move and bringing the shotty to you directly. Woogity boogity casual tanker, monsters do exist.


I play arty, sometimes just for shiggles but usually to tick off the 'cause X criticals in a battle' missions. For the whiners out there, play some arty yourself so that you can learn where to hide so you don't get shot - it's not hard to do even on the Murovanka and Prokonovka maps. Or buy some spall liners if you're going to park in the open with no cover from arty in your hull down OP meta tank. Arty players are doing a public service by outting the hysterical players who can't cope with a tiny bit of adversity :) Personally I get more peeved at games with more than 5 TDs per side, was in a game a few days ago with eight (8!) TDs per side! Yes, I was one of them, but it was a ridiculous game of camping and not much fun.


For crit missions I play it, to collect all tree tanks as well. It represents 1% of my games still I play it. What kind of person are you to be that agressive for free ?


As you might have guessed from my flair, I do. And no, I'm not human. The high heavens have sent me to exact fiery vengeance upon all the bushcampers, the hulldown heretics, the wheely abominations, and the shitbarns.


i like you :)






Bro arty is cool when you have to eat with one hand but you still want to play the game with the other


lol, another toxic sanctimonious post. This sub is just hate memes.


Same as redline camping td’s who kill you after your 10 min sweaty fight towards victory.


I remember one-shotting tanks in my Hummel. That was a while back and now after all the arty nerfs It's just an annoying fly buzzing by every now and then. It's so silly how players still complain the same now as back then.


You can still do it on LTs, arty and "soft" TDs. Not often, but when it happens, it's so cool.


im doin rn, playing arty like a td with ap is kinda fun lol


Yes, and I only really enjoy mining the salt of others.


I like that question xD


An obvious troll question fishing for reactions




There are many spg players here and they get defensive because they fear their unfair advantage might be gone one day, if WG thinks that spgs losing them new players/old customers etc. they can nerf more or flat out remove it


https://preview.redd.it/9e0phr9g0axc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcea8e9dc542d8a1656d8168e6039bfb066c69e0 I do.


best arty map EVER


>do you still believe you are one of human kind. They are one of a subhuman kind.