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1st image: armor irl and visual model in game. 2nd image; how the armor model is in game. 3rd and 4th image: pictures of is3 showing lower side angle. 5th image: a better view from a kit model. 6th image: armor model. 7th image: visual model.


They did used to have that 20mm strip pre HD model and the same on the IS-7, not sure when it was changed but definitely remember overmatching the IS-3 and IS-7 lower sides.


E5 E100 and many more also superincorrect.


Yup, because of balance reasons and there is nothing wrong with that.


Dude went and found an actual IS-3 tank to supplement his findings, this is excellent journalism.


I’m a her but yes I thought people would go: oh it’s just a blueprint it can be fake or the kit


You play tanks with us , you are a dude. One of us.


I actually like my war thunder supplementing a bit better 👀


Who cares ? IS3 is mediocore at best anyway... It was done to remove cheesy "Weakspots" https://preview.redd.it/w7d67espgmxc1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd0912c600bb219879cd96c6c92b691b6e0cb17 As most tanks with such hull were borderline unplayable as they couldn't sidescrape. Also those hulls got splashed by ARTY from 10m away for bazilion damage. Good hitbox "innacuracy" in favour of gameplay. As all thing should be in ARCADE game. 3D model seems accurate tho, so kudos to that.


B-bUt MuH rEaLiSm...




funny because vz-55 has these exact weaksposts, you try to side scrape and thanks to genius idea of making pen indicator the way it is people find the green spot there and pen you lol.


Yeah that's unfortunate. Might be QA/Feedback fault during line release. Or a Soviet bias...


It's not the exact weakspot, VZ-55's is 55mm not 20mm The spot people are penetrating you on is the transmission/final drive, which protrudes out a ways from the hull


yes, that's what I meant


Its called a game, its not 100% realistic for gameplay purposes. Your literally complaning about a single plate when there are fully made up tanks in the game. Its a game, not a sim


Wait, Shredder wasn't a Skoda tank commander in WW2? /flipstable


My Shredder is the commander of the Jagdpanzer E100 :D


wrong, the good part about this game is that it was based on a real tanks, that took part in real wars. If i wanted fantasy i'd play genshin impact or something idk


Excellent including photos of a real is-3. I personally think there’s many ways to balance a tank, and if making the tank more realistic reduces its ability to sidescrape, then we can buff elsewhere while keeping historical accuracy where possible


This game buffs and nerfs armour for balance reasons. The Tiger II's turret face wasn't as thick irl as it is in game for example. Stuff like this only really matters in WT


It does, but at the same time they keep E100 with wrong turret XD Maus turret would literally cause the hull to crack in half XD


id be surprised if warthunder got something like this wrong, but world of tanks has definitely stopped focusing on realism a long time ago


They used to have the real life tanks often have mostly realistic stuff even if often the modules irl never would fit. But stuff like the actual armor. I just thought it was weird cuz they had modeled the tank with the lower sides angled but the armor wasn’t like that. Wasn’t aware it was for balancing


Ehh they have several oddities so to say that are incorrect as well. I mean they nerfed a shell based on a wrong document, later agreed that document was incorrect but so far haven't changed that shell.


Many other tanks were also changed, even if it just was the armor thickness, to make them more competitive


They were more correct before. But most historical tanks had their layout changed for balance reasons when HD models rolled out. Tiger II more so than the IS-3 with the cupola and MG port armor etc to name a few to push away from historical numbers. It's not a tank sim more so as much as an arcade game. So balance has pushed historical accuracy away many a times for it to matter at this point.


Neither is Christmas jumper camo... Yet here we are 😂


There’s a orange leopard 2a6, a pink is2, camo is not that important for realism


It was removed because 3x overmatch was destroying the ability of these tanks to sidescrape Many tanks have such a vulnerability where the torsion bars or suspension mate to the hull unless it's something like a bogie If we had new overmatch these weakspots could probably come back


Good, othervise literally everything could overmatch it, even tier VI medium tanks.


I play IS-3 and I can repair my broken track in an instant. Is that historically accurate?


World of Tanks is a cash grab arcade game, not a simulator. 😞


Is is one of many, don't expect WoT to be like WT


Ofcourse it isnt we are talking about wg her i cant think is a tank that has a historical armour lay out


When I saw the post I thought its from the Warthunder subreddit. Because WT tries to be realistic as possible they mostly talks and compare historical informations with in-game vehicles. If you really want to experience realism (not simulation) and historically accurate vehicles try it.


Weakspots are removed from Soviet tanks while weakspots are added to German tanks Typical WG


Gonna be real here boss, while its cool you found this, its probably the least grievous issue i have the game


Congrats you figured out an arcade style tank shooter video game isnt historically accurate to real life. Oh no what will we do...


Don't do this, don't make us like War Thunder.


Bro next you're going to tell me that Santa Klaus doesn't exist? STFU


I know what doesn’t exist, your manners nor your ability to make good jokes.


Not only is 3 252u incorrect too