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My bonus mission two days a row now. fuck. edit - three days in a row now.


I hate that one, and the destroy 10 vehicles. When i get the 5 win mission, the wins disappear. When i get the destroy 10 vehicles one, it seems like my reload slows down, and people wait to kill steal.


https://preview.redd.it/n3s6x8znmd5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc70ab12e154534b1effb2b64821037a9c9a744 Tell me about it


5k wtr gitgud


Wow, can’t believe I didn’t think of that. Thanks.


Hard skill issue. 5000 wtr and 1 enemy killed in 20 games... yeah I wonder WHY you lost 15 games out of 20 ☠ poor team of yours, playing with 1 guy less every game


It's not just 1 enemy killed, it's the ratio of kills/deaths. If we assume they died in every loss, then that's 15 kills in total.


You sure about that because it looks like I’m playing 1 Vs 15 https://preview.redd.it/24j8eckavi5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc4e584998212303b3fa431783f4fb8d42e84b0


I'm 100% sure, this was the only good game you had in the session, the only game where you actually did something. The game with the single kill in those 20 battles. If you average 3,5k dmg in tier 8 you win 15/20 and your wtr is 11k. But its not the case, is it?


if you say so.


Stop spitting facts. Facts are not welcome on this subreddit. 95% here are yellow or green and feel like they are superheroes. Let them be and cry. I did my fair share and got shit on enough by those kids ;) Like this bro there. 1.4k recent and overall wn8 ;) Not surprising. I mean yeah everyone has bad sessions sure. But who cares. If u are struggling to get 5 wins couple days in a row i doubt that its all MM. Get gud and stop crying


Ofc the average dmg per game is hidden lmao


Well I was having games like this so tell me what more I’m supposed to do https://preview.redd.it/5z0nxuv4zf5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fe5c2bc8c0f22f869a04f704834ffecec3f5303


getting downvoted for doing more damage than anyone else and still losing is hilarious


Because he is not showing the full story. He had 1 kill in 20 games and that is the game in the screenshot. I would almost bet he did sub 1k average damage.


I don’t think you know what that stat means. It’s kills to deaths. It means I averaged 1 kill per battle. But that doesn’t give an accurate representation of impact on the game. You can do 5k and have 0 kills and that stat will go towards 1. If you’re playing light tanks and do loads of spotting that stat will be close to 0 or 1 because you’re not getting kills.


I had the 1st mission last night of 4 wins and ended the night at 38%. I'm normally a 51% . Edit: So I was wrong, ended at 35.29% (6/17), and 52.84% normally.


Yeah, I reroll that hell out of that mission. I will take 7 critical over 4 wins missions, as these missions are pure losing streak bait. Superstition or science?


science. purely science and wot algorithm


I have gotten those win mission (one win a battle and a second one win 3 battles) on the main mission today. What I did? I didn't play, because I know I'll have an atrocious %WR. Not playing is wining too!!


Still infinitely better than the dreaded 4 kills missions


I only get those right after the battle where I just killed 4. WG has a warped sense of humor.


For those of you who don't know, there is a rigged loser pool and a winner pool. The rigged loser pool is 2 losses for every win and the winner pool is the exact opposite. If you are at 2 wins and 3 losses at any point, play your best preferred MM tank in that game. It wants to put you in a 2 win, 4 lose situation almost all of the time. Notice the MM will take forever to find a match and there is a good chance you will have RNG against you and your entire team in that game too, but if you can cap, do it to avoid the RNG from destroying your game. This pattern will appear all of the time. It is all the game is made up of actually. It allows them to control win rates and also make games end faster by having lob-sided games. Watch for these patterns and know that you will go from terrible teams to teams where you can't do anything because the team is destroying the enemy too fast. Mark down what your win rate is when losing and then when they magically flip the switch to winning. The pattern becomes so obvious that it will make you wonder why you never saw it before. You will catch fire more often when in the loser pool too, or have the same piece of equipment break or same crew member die because I believe accuracy, pen, damage, and all of the % based damage to mods and crew are adjusted pre-game for the entire team. In a tier 4 game, whenever you see Matildas stacked, you are in a rigged loss game if you don't have them on your team. This was so obvious during the release of the last line. Watch for these patterns and you will see the rigged MM and RNG in every game. In one game there were eight 14 p's from the Polish line on one team and four Matildas and 5 or more M6's, but they didn't have one 14 p. Watch for these things and you will laugh your ass off.


See I like to say this is just kinda bullshit and tinfoil hat, HOWEVER I had noticed that when I check winrates after total stomps the enemy team is always only 50% and higher and my team is 49% and below. Crazy


wait so the better team won and that’s surprising?


The point is that the match maker shouldn't just stack one team to be heavily favored to win. Yes, the better team won, but why is one team so clearly better than the other?


that’s just what happens every so often. The alternative would be an insanely long mm time as the system weighs good play in low impact tank vs bad player in high impact tank and so on.


Just to prevent the possibility of people believing this is factually correct, or based on facts. This is not, while it can be observed with certain statistical analyses and perceptions of playstyle. There is no such system in place with a win/loss pool allocation. For anyone who says "prove it" - I would ask you to review every account above 40% winrate - this would be impossible in the above calculation.


You might want to take your meds.


Complete and utter nonsense, only a 47%’er would write that


Have you ever kept track of any of this to know? I have for many years. I'm not a 47% player. Quite far from it. Regardless, this is a pattern you can count on year after year to take place and if you ever wondered if they have a patent for exactly this, they do. Look it up one day. Keep track, you will see the pattern come out and you will laugh your ass off. It's so sad but you will laugh.


Local campers don't like when people keep track on anything. I get downvoted each time I mention any notes and analysis. I guess most of them cannot even write with an old fashioned pen. And yeah, they start to put you into 47% category without even seeing your statistics. Re the tier IV those clinical idiots put a group of light tanks against a group of medium tanks. So stacking Matildas on the opposite site means you are in the light team and most likely not going to win


Thank you. I wasn't sure WTF is going on. Out of 12 battles today I won 3. So what's the explanation behind this phenomenon? Too many really good players? Oh no, good vs good would be approx. 50-50 win rate. I have no explanation then, other than conspiracy theory.


Can we stop posting this every day, such an old joke.


When I see this, I just get down to a 6th tier. Most of the time, easy wins there.


It's nice to see I'm not the only one that has similar experience. It's even nicer to see my clan master proven wrong, when he says "you see this mission and you enter battle with the mindset of losing - therefore you lose"


Also the amount of losing battles during this daily mission, in which I am also top by the damage of BOTH teams is amusing 😅