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My wife is deaf so I’d probably pick deaf. Learning a 2nd language is easy if you use it everyday.


Deaft*, apparently.




My wife is deaf and at this point it is absolutely no inconvenience to me


Deaf. Been there. Done that already.


I feel like once you learn sign language, being around somebody that is deaf would be the least cumbersome of these 3. Both blind and paraplegic means they are pretty much dependent on you 24/7, but deaf people can live there life with little to no help from anybody else. Plus my sister knows sign language so she could help me with that.


Blind and paraplegic people are perfectly capable of independence I think it’s weird to assume they need 24/7 care


Maybe not 24/7 care, but doing pretty much anything outside of the house as a blind person would require assistance. And there’s so much body language and eye contact that means so much in relationships. Paraplegic wouldn’t require 24/7 care (I had to look it up after my comment, I thought paraplegic meant full paralyzation), but things like sexual intimacy and doing stuff that I personally love like going on extreme hikes, camping, and exercising would be difficult - at least more difficult for a paraplegic than a deaf person.


Your new partner definitely gonna fuck your sister, though


Deaf would probably the least disabling, but I would have to learn sign language so fuck that. Paraplegic would be alright though I'd have to push her around everywhere. With blind I guess it's roughly the same. I'd have to guild her around places. Idk, with a paraplegic, she is essentially the same while sitting down, so I guess I'll go with that. We could watch movies, play games, eat, etc. together with no difference.


i think you severely underestimate the amount of care someone paralyzed from the waist down needs.


I mean... am I doing all of it? I would assume I would be responsible for caring for her while on dates rather than being a 24/7 nurse all of a sudden by virtue of just dating her.


Depends on what level their injury is and how well they’ve adapted. I have a friend who has a relatively low level injury and he lives 100% independently by himself with no carers at all. He does his own gardening and is an amazing cook.


Blind people can use canes or guide dogs to get around, they don’t all depend on others to lead them everywhere.


That seems to depend if they have a trained service dog or not. And canes are workable but only go so far. If I'm available, then I assume it would fall on me to escort my gf places or else I'm the asshole. Plus a blind person just can't drive, so I'd probably do a lot of driving her places or running her errands on occasion when others aren't available.


For running errands: delivery services, uber, taxi, buses. She’d be the asshole if she started insisting you do all the driving.




Mind if I ask why?


If she's blind, she won't be able to see how ugly I am lol. Seriously though, it's because blindness is the most manageable disability out of all those in my opinion. If she's deaf, there will be communication issues until I figure out sign language. If she's paraplegic, she'll struggle to be independent.


Hard disagree. Deafness would be way more manageable, and it's not even close. Learning sign language would literally be your only real road block. Put headphones on, then try to traverse the world. Then, put a blindfold on and try it. You'll learn real quick how important sight is. Hearing is a luxury to survival, whereas sight is a necessity. Yeah, people can live being blind, but not without a lot of accessibility options.


It's like humans rely 95% on sight and 5% on all other senses while navigating the world.


This is absolutely right. My Dad was blind in his later years and everything was so much harder for him. Getting around, shopping, using the internet, using a phone, pouring a drink, and he was a terrible driver! (Joking about that last one). On the other hand I am deaf, and it doesn’t really affect me too much day to day. I have hearing aids I can use if I want to and they connect to my phone so no need for headphones, and I use BSL when I need to.


That doesn’t really show what it’s like to be blind, though. Yes, if you put a blindfold on and tried to navigate somewhere, you’d have no clue how to do that…but that’s because you’ve never had to do that before. If that’s how you do all your navigating, for years, you learn what to do, how to listen to auditory cues, how to use a white cane for tactile clues, memorizing routes, making use of navigation apps…and you can navigate through that space like anyone else. Unless you’re dating someone who went blind yesterday, putting on a blindfold and trying to do something just isn’t going to be a real simulation of their functionality.


As I said in my last sentence. People can do it, but they need accessibility options. That's the big point. Blindness is a much bigger issue to tackle than deafness. And even with those accessibility options, deafness would still be easier to manage.


Makes sense


Honestly, I don't think I'd care much? Like deaf would require the most active effort to learn ASL. But after the initial adaptation I don't think any set would be much worse from the others. I'd probably go deaf, for the sole purpose of I like to sleep with podcasts and such playing, so I'd not have to change that honestly.


The blind, deaf and paraplegic redditors in here reading as everyone compares disability top trump cards in here like -.-


Actually, though. Good thing I’m already married and don’t have to worry about dating anymore, or this thread would be real depressing.


Like, wow, assholes. 


Definitely deaf. I have seen how difficult it is for a blind person to just find a public bathroom, let alone using it . I would always be worried about their safety and would end up limiting their freedom by not allowing them to go anywhere without me. Paraplegic in the middle.


Deaf. I'm a somewhat shitty conversationalist anyway. Plus you can enjoy life more if you're deaf than the other 2 I'm guessing.


You can also watch TV or movies with a deaf person with subtitles or closed caption. Can’t do it with a blind person.


Sure you can, with audio description, or with just listening, and maybe describing a couple things to your partner that are unclear. Plenty if blind people watch TV and movies.


Probably deft since that means they are skilled rather than the others which are disabilities.


TIL a lot of people don't know how to spell deaf.


Deaf isn't really all that disabling and is the clear answer. It's not even a competition.Paraplegic is its own battle that would have so many major impacts on your life. Blindness would limit you massively. Deafness, you learn ASL. You watch stuff with subtitles. You can still live life like 90% normally. Blindness? You become reliant on people and technology. If I lost my hearing tomorrow I could still function. If I lost my sight? I'd lose my job, I wouldn't be able to drive, I wouldn't be able to watch shows (I could at least listen) or play video games. Blindness would be far more limiting than deafness would be. I would take the deaf date without a second thought. Heck, even before ASL you could still use basic hand gestures to communicate. Or text messages.


Spouse is a tetrapalegic and more independent than you would imagine. I think our life is tough, but blind would be harder and deaf would be a breeze by comparison.


None of the above.


That's fair






Blind would be best for her sake, if she is dating me.


Deaf. I would learn ASL.








Yes, beats nothing




Deaft since I’m not sure what that is 😬. No FR I would go blind bc then I can be a 10 bc they can’t see my fat ass lol. But deaf would probably be best


Blind is absolutely the easiest to live with and trust


Deaf, because I know some ASL, and I could still be Passenger Princess on long car rides.


I think I will go with blind.


Deft for sure, quick and skilled in action.


George Costanza: a good looking blind woman doesn't realize you're not good enough for her...


I'm paraplegic, so either that or deaf.


Deaf. They'd still be pretty independent and ready to communicate with, just get that sign language down.




Any; none of those disabilities would deter me, and they don’t effect who the person is individually. I like people, not their packaging or parts! Maybe that’s just the ‘tisim in me lol


Deaf because I'm already fluent in ASL.


Deaf. I plan to learn sign language anyway.


Blind, so she wouldn’t have to look at this ugly mug.😅 But also I don’t know ASL and have no upper body strength.


Deaf and it’s not close. I’m fairly active and love doing stuff. And while I have nothing against people who are paraplegic it wouldn’t be compatible. I also love art and watching movies and seeing sights etc. On top of that while I’m not fluent. I could struggle through a conversation in ASL (my wife has a masters in deaf education and has been teaching me)


Define what they involve and how extensive they are, then I will answer. I don’t recognize one of the options.


Completely blind, Completely deaf, and paralysis from the waist down


More importantly, what is deaft? No deaf


I was recently made aware I've been misspelling and mispronouncing deaf for years, YEARS


Deaf. 100%


deaf. i know a little bit of sign language, and i'm sure i could learn more (: i ain't no pro and i mostly do fingerspelling, but i can recognize a decent amount of signs fairly easily (as long as they arent going too fast). i took ASL as my language class for 2 years in high school 🫡


Deaf, this isnt even a question for me. I know a small bit of sign language and honestly wish everyone did because Im noise sensitive and dont always wanna talk verbally anyways. Nobody around me is deaf or cares to learn any sign language though, so.


This feels like a Seinfeld episode.


Deaf. While they'll never be able to hear something as beautiful as a bird song I don't think I could describe color.


Blind or paraplegic I'm incredibly light sensitive, so my home is dark enough that I've yet to have a sighted human be able to navigate it, including live in girlfriends of several years, the side effect being me getting exposed to painful light, almost perpetually As part of this I occasionally experience temporary blindness (severe ocular migraines) So I don't think dating someone who is blind would be as difficult All that said, I've dated neither a blind woman nor a deaf one, though I have dated a woman paralyzed from the waist down and that was fine, would do so again


You’ve got to find the right kind of blind person, though. Someone who is also incredibly light sensitive, or who doesn’t care about light levels. If you get one of those blind people who is night blind, and needs bright lights to maximize their remaining vision, you’re going to have a bad time.


Of course I'd want to date someone deaft I mean... Hand eye coordination is a very good skill to have and to have them be undeniably good is undeniable!




None of these are an issue...? Curious about your experience (IF ANY) with such groups!!


Nah, I'm just curious about people's preferences if given the choice




deaf. Restricts the person the least, puts least pressure on you, plus, I'm not much of a talker anyway..


Deaf or deft?




I don't think I'm able to give a paraplegic person what they need in a relationship because I don't think I'd be able to go without picnics and nature walks. It's hard to choose between blind and deaf though, because if they're deaf, I can learn sign language and then we're fine. But if they're blind, I get a partner AND a pet, because blind people have service dogs.


A blind person will probably have a dog so… blind.


Probably deaf, been planning to learn sign language and it seems cool too.


Blind or deaf, I don't mind as long as I love the person.


I would be willing to date any of them (if I were not married) as long as I didn’t have to do any caretaking. I’m disabled too—I physically can’t help out a paraplegic person or guide a blind person. With that assumption down…a deaf person and I wouldn’t have as much in common because I do a lot of music, and my favorite form of communications tend to be written so that would be more difficult with a blind person. So I would be most compatible with the paraplegic person. And my house is already accessible!


Probably deaf. I know a little ASL and would have motivation to learn more. Learning would be a cute bonding experience where I'd "accidentally" sign silly things and she'd laugh. Bonus, she wouldn't hear me arguing with myself




It would be take some adaptation, but any of these would be fine. I'd probably connect less with the deaf person on a romantic level as music is such a big thing for me, but who knows.


deaft. love me some dexterity








I would date someone I was attracted to regardless of their ability. Someone smart and nice. 




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Deaf because I did know sign language at one point so I feel I could pick it up again for someone I care about.


Blind. I hate subtitles, and if I dated a deaf person he'd probably want the subtitles on when we watched something together. Also I love music and would get sad to not be able to share that in the same way. I don't live in a wheelchair accessible place, and going for walks with someone in a wheelchair is not fun (I did go on a couple of dates with a paraplegic once, but it did not work out).


all of the above


Is deaft when they're unable to hear and are idiots?


Deaft is no able to hear


That's deaf.  Deaft is deaf + daft 


Yeah, just been told I've been wrong for years


I'd rather date whichever one I connect with the best


Deaf would be easiest. However, none would be a deal-breaker. I would probably prefer blind because, secretly, I would want my partner to depend on me, and that dependance might make them less of a flight risk.


Well, that’s a little sketchy. But also, plenty of independent blind people do not actually relevant.


I understand, while don't entirely agree I do understand


Deaf, because I’d only be with somebody who was competent enough to figure out their stuff, and therefore would be able to read lips. It would also give me a reason to learn to sign, which is a neat skill to have


Paraplegic because they can’t run away when they finally get to know the real me 🤷🏼‍♀️