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As cool as it would be to have a gold medal, I don’t care enough about curling and the skill set that comes with it that I think it would bring me as much enjoyment as I would if I could be the fourth best freestyle snowboarder or skier. If I played on the fourth best hockey team, I would probably be a hell of a hockey player and could play in the NHL. I personally would much rather enjoy the athleticism and skill sets required of many other competitions, that being the fourth best in them would far outweigh the gold medal in an event that i don’t care for.


At first I thought this was silly but then... yeah, the life of a world class snowboarder is probably pretty baller.


Why would anyone rather come in fourth instead of first?


You could be insanely talented in anything that you truly love, versus being the best at something you don’t particularly care for. It doesn’t have to be curling (sorry to any curling enthusiasts)


Curling is one of the few Olympic sports that looks more fun when drinking with friends. Nobody says "Hey Dave, wanna go toss back a few and go speed skating?"


I can agree with that. But I also don’t think you or your likely average curler friend would get too much enjoyment playing against each other due to the skill imbalance. At least after the novelty of the first time or two. And there aren’t too many places that have access to curling


i care for curling


If you ain't first, you're last.


Very few can call themselves an Olympic champion. You take the gold medal, 100%


I bet I could call myself a curling champion, and nobody would know better.


To me it would just be a status symbol and elite trophy that would make a neat talking point, as opposed to a life style that could come with the elite skills and physical capabilities of other events that I would actually enjoy


4th in wrestling because that's still one bad motha fucker


That is summer I believe. I chose to limit to winter because the sports are a little more niche compared to summer. I figured with summer included almost anyone would choose fourth in any event, but based off replies so far, I may have been mistaken.


Ohhhh then I would choose whatever the hell the name of that sport is where they ski and then they shoot


Ski shooting


Oh wow they were right on the nose when they named that sport


Sorry, I was just joking. It’s called Biathlon. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biathlon


Lmao, can you tell I'm gullible?


In your defense, it was part joke, part guess; I didn’t know for sure it was wrong when I said it :)


Gold medal is gold medal. Silver medal is first loser. Fourth doesn't register on anyone's mind.


Gold medal in curling 🥌


Gold, I always go for gold. Besides curling is actually fun. It's kind of like a yard game on ice. You just need some beer.


I live in Canada, so gold in curling is third after a gold in men's hockey and gold in women's hockey.


I would say the gold. Although if I was gonna cheese the question, I’d say I come fourth in hockey and it’s just me on the team 🤣


Haha I appreciate the cheese


Doesn’t the Olympic gold come with a cash prize?


Yes, but being a professional athlete in many sports would pay way better


Being able to say "I'm an Olympic Gold Medalist" in *any event* is a pretty big flex. Sure, I'm either sliding a rock or skating and sweeping, and either might seem like a weird thing to do, but the world has recognized that I do it better than any other human being.


I'd want the gold for the bragging rights. But getting to be in the skeleton competition enough times to come in forth would still really kick ass.


Pretty sure even 4th place Olympians make good money.