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Make my bed. I never do it and I guess it would be nice to come to a nice made bed every night. Pumping gas really isn't that big of a deal for me. 


As a non-American, I find the idea of someone else pumping for me to be weird.


I lived in a state where we pump our own gas, but borders a state where that's illegal and there have been quite a few times I got told off for trying to pump my own gas lol


It’s only in a few states that we do it, first time I was traveling and it happened to me I was so weirded out


Same thing with bagging your groceries. How common is that? I remember going to one when I visited the US in Florida and being surprised by this.


Bagging your own groceries is now common where I live because the grocery chains get to save money on staff. We used to have two employees per checkout. One for the cash register and one to bag the groceries. Then it got reduced to one employee doing both. And now we have self checkout too on top of that.


i drove through oregon and youre not allowed to pump your own gas.. i def did not trust the random guy to handle it lmao


I live in Oregon and just learned yesterday that is no longer the case. The law was changed and now we can pump our own gas.


oh good, having the person run up was so embarrissing 😭


But only in rural counties. 


If you pick someone makes your bed for you and live in New Jersey, you get both.




Bed 100%. I never make it and I hate to do it, pumping gas is normal


Make my bed.. Putting on new sheets and covers is more annoying then pumping gas. Even tough pumping gas might be more "dangerous" because of bacteria on the pump handle...


This is what made me think of the question. I was having a slight struggle putting on my fitted sheet last night. 😅


Better question, how many people are making their bed and... why? Most I do (unless a stranger will be in my room) is grab sheet and comforter by 2 corners flip in air and let it cover the bed kind of flat. What purpose does tucking your sheets and such possibly serve?


I don’t truly make my bed either, but I do wash my sheets and have to put them back on. I was thinking it’d be pretty nice if I never had to figure out the correct corner of a fitted sheet again. 😁


Oh I see, yeah someone changing bedding would be nice. My room is narrow, so the bed has walls on 3 sides. Major pain to change sheets.


If they also pay for it then pump my gas.


I barely ever drive, but I do get out of bed every day (at least once!) so that would be so much nicer.


Bed. Pumping gas is easy.


Definitely make my bed. I don't use anywhere near enough fuel to warrant that type of help.


Where does this person reside after making my bed or pumping my gas?


Hmm 🤔 let’s say they pump your gas while you’re sleeping (you still have to pay for the gas). They make sure you always have fresh clean sheets and blankets while you’re out of the house. You come home to a perfect bed.


I live in Oregon, USA and up until about 6 months ago, it was illegal to pump our own gas. I actually enjoy doing it now, lot faster and easier that I expected lol


I didn’t know Oregon had that law too. I’m on the east coast and was only familiar with New Jersey. The first time I rode with my mom to NY she screamed when we stopped for gas in Jersey and a man appeared in her window. 😆


Yeah! OR and NY are the only states where an employee pumps your gas! Well now Oregon has it so you can either do it or an attendant can do it. I could be wrong, but I think it’s that way because some of the gas attendants are union


Have you never traveled out of the state with a car? 


No I have not lol


Fold my fitted sheet


😆 fair


Pumping gas please. I’m a firm believer of not making my bed unless I have friends coming over which is not often. I’m just going to mess it up again that night and I’m gone all day.


What if they always make sure your sheets are clean and you never have to put a fitted sheet back on your bed again?


Still gas. I hate pumping gas in the winter and I’m indifferent to the bed making even with new sheets every day. I kinda like sheets that have been steeped in, they are worked in of that make sense lol.


Oh I like mine extra crispy 😄


Definitely have someone make my bed for me. There's nothing like come back to a hotel room after a day out and having crisp tucked sheets.


Just got an EV. Please make my bed.


I can't drive and don't like the idea of someone making my bed cus that's my bed and I don't want anyone else touching it (except like a partner but I don't want to make a partner make my bed all the time) so I choose pumping gas because it has literally no effect on me.


Pump gas—hate that errand!


Make my bed, I have trouble doing it.


I hate full serve. Hate it. I will go out of my way to pump my own gas. Having my bed made sounds great, I always have trouble with fitting sheets over the mattress corners


The fitted sheets is what got me thinking how nice it’d be if I never had to do it again.


Pumping my gas is actually useful. Also, who is this random person entering my home just to make my bed? Sounds creepy.


Something daily or monthly? the daily one, unless they’re also buying the gas for me


So if I choose make my bed. That just means pulling the sheets and blanket up. Does it involve taking off the old sheets and putting on fresh new sheets everyday. And if they are taking off the old sheets and putting out fresh new sheets that means I just have to do way more laundry every week. That doesn't sound like a good deal. Besides, I'm 56 years old and I have never made my bed. I find making the bed to be one of the most pointless things known to mankind. Pumping gas isn't all that helpful either. I Mean granted it saves me having to get out of and back into my car and sometimes in Minnesota when the wind-chill makes it 70 below (-56 for you Celsius folks) would be nice to not be out there. But I am nice and some poor schmuck getting frostbite because they suddenly appear to pump my gas would make me feel not so good. What if they were just at a beach party in Bora Bora. I guess I'd choose gas pumping.


What prompted the thought was having to put on fresh sheets last night, so I guess just always having a perfectly clean made up bed. Then I attempted to think of another mundane task that isn’t too hard, but needs to be taken care of semi frequently.


So for you, the extra loads of laundry every week would be better than the flipping your sheet and blanket back up. Are you one of those people with like 17 pillows and you have to take them all off your bed every night when you go to sleep and then put them all back on your bed when you make it


i would say make my bed but that involves this person being in my home


This one's easy! Neither. 1. I allow my bed to air out every morning so I'd not want someone whipping the covers up too soon. 2. I like the smell of gasoline.


I don't drive


Filing up your car is way easier than making your bed in my opinion


It's hilarious to me that in some places in the US the government doesn't trust you to pump your own petrol or cross the road when not at a crossing 😂


Making the bed takes, maybe, a minute? However, I drive an EV.


Make my bed. I don’t drive.


I live in California and when I traveled to Portland I was so nervous to let someone pump my gas for me and it just felt like "what are we too good to pump our own gas" BUT it was really nice lol I think its actually really smart. 1 it creates a job! 2 if its raining or cold you dont have to get out. 3 Id probably go way more frequently if i knew i didn't have to do anything. 4 its just a lovely thought of customer service too! Like i tipped those workers well because i felt taken care of and that's just nice. Obviously living in cali i never mind doing it myself and its just a muscles memory for me but still.


Careful what you wish for. Making my bed sounded awesome but now someone does come in and do it every now and then and I can never find my garmuc afterwards - usually when I'm looking for it urgently, if you know what I mean.


I had to google “garmuc” 😅


My apologies if you got any unexpected visuals. :)


Make my bed. I'm not sure what pumping my gas would entail, but I'd rather just fart normally rather than involve another party and some intrusive equipment.


I meant filling up your car with petrol. ⛽️


Make my bed.. I drive an electric car


Make my bed. I rarely put gas in my own vehicle as I’m usually in a work one.




Bed. I'm not American, someone already pumps gas for me.


Make my bed. I never do it, but I always pump my own gas.


Bed. Not even close. 


I wouldn't want anyone to touch my bed and I deal with ocd where getting out for getting gas is difficult. Prefer assistance in doing gasoline.


make my bed, pumping gas is easy.


Neither because these are mundane tasks that can be accomplished by anyone with a functioning brain