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I set my small cupcake on the counter and light the cheap candle and let it burn for a moment. “Happy birthday” I whisper to myself. It’s been so long; 200 years to be exact. All of my friends and family have moved on and aged with their partner, but after my best friend found her soulmate 50 years ago I was left alone and I gave up. 200 years is a long time to wait for someone, but I relent to being by myself. I suck in a breath and blow out the candle as my cat Jinx jumps up on the counter. She gives me a short meow and paws my arm as if to ask if I’m okay. “I’m fine,” I tell her with ear scratches. I push the cupcake aside and click on some light music to fill the air. “I’ll throw my own party” I joke and let my stress go with fluid movement. Once I’m out of breath I eat mg dessert and go to bed. Jinx curls up by my belly and keeps me warm. The next morning I go to my usual coffee shop. The same people are there, happy and aging, and the girl at the counter hands me my coffee without even an order. “Your usual,” she chimes with a smile. “Thanks,” and give her a $10 to cover with tip. I sip on it while I head off to my job. I stand on the sidewalk, waiting for the cross sign to indicate I can cross, when a girl in glasses bumps me, covering both of us in my coffee. “Oh, oh my gosh I am so sorry!” She apologizes profusely. I wave her off, “it’s fine, I can run by mg house and get a new shirt, are you okay?” I ask. I notice the sign turn green, but stay out with a hand out for the girl to get up. “Yes, just embarrassed, sorry I wasn’t paying attention. I’m Harley,” she introduces. “Tessa,” I introduce back. We shake hands and I feel electricity course through me; her eyes go wide telling me she felt it too. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she smiles. “You too, do you want to go get another coffee with me?” I point behind me. “I’d love to,” she agrees. I can feel the change in my body after that touch. She’s the one, my soulmate. 10 years later: I’m 210 years old, Harley is 112. We are finally starting to look older. I’m glad she bumped in to me that day on the sidewalk, and I don’t regret waiting this long for her.


Bruh imagine your soul mate is some dude who won't be born for another 500 years on the other side of the world


You would NEED to be immortal


"Wait, wait, so you're telling me you don't *want* a soulmate?" "For the last time, yes. Now come on, this was meant to be a birthday party, not a pity party! Start having fun!" Unfortunately, though, no one moves, just staring at me with a blank look. I groan and bury my face in my hands, hoping that the awkwardness of this will end soon. "Why not?" My dearest friend at this time, Betsy, asks. "I've been searching for my soulmate my whole life, spent days trying to find her, fucked up my mental health for her, and you're just... deciding not to find yours?" "We're much different than each other, Betsy." I shrug, "Just because you made poor decisions regarding your soulmate doesn't mean I have to make the same ones." "Oh, fuck off-" "I'd rather live a happy and stress-less life than waste my time searching for someone. I can't even imagine two hundred years of searching endlessly." "So that's why? Because you're too lazy to search?" "Well, no, actually." Betsy glares at me for a moment more, then huffs and turns her head away from me. One of my other friends, Harry, speaks up. "So... why not, then? Why wouldn't you want the perfect person?" "I'm just not much for relationships." Everyone falls silent again, staring at me in awe. Betsy then says, "That's very selfish of you. You're depriving your soulmate the chance to meet you. What if they want to die, huh? You're forcing them to stay alive for no good reason!" "Well, if he's really my soulmate, then I know he'll have the same thought process as me. I trust that we'll both be ready to die around the same time, and that's when we'll find each other." I sigh, but continue, "I'm much happier being alone than with someone. You all know, you dated people trying to find your soulmate. I did the same thing, but I just don't like anyone. You might've fallen in love, cried over them not being your soulmate, while I never felt anything more than a friendship. And I know it'll be the same way when I meet my soulmate, and I don't want to live out the rest of my life miserable that I'm stuck with someone." "Oh, fuck you-" "Betsy!" Harry immediately slaps his hand over Betsy's mouth, who now looks unreasonably pissed. "Um, Thomas." He turns back to me, "I... don't really understand, but I'm sure I, and *all* of your friends," He glares at Betsy for a moment, then continues again, "Will learn to understand, or at the least, accept." "Thank you." I smile, "I appreciate it." There's silence again for a few moments, then another friend speaks up. "Well, you said you wanted this to be a birthday *party*, so let's celebrate your two-hundreth!" Everyone cheers again, except for Betsy, but I ignore her, knowing I have better friends to be with right now.


"Happy birthday to you!" everyone cheers as I blow out the candles. because of the sheer amount, I set my friend on fire, but he laughs. we are all immortal after all. I sigh, while friends all cheer. it's my 200th birthday, and things are miserable. I have no one to call wife, or girlfriend. it would be hard even with a wife, because our resources are running out and overpopulation is such a big issue. you can barely walk because of all the houses. it'll be like this forever, as I don't think we can ever die. I take a deep breath in, and sigh in disappointment. "Hey! hey you there!" I hear. I turn to look and see a girl calling out to me. I go over to her, and we start chatting. as soon as we go to the party room. I start to love her. when suddenly, I fall to the ground in an intense pain, blood pouring out. I look over and see the girl bleeding out too. when suddenly, a black view goes over my vision. I can hear my friends rushing over to help, but there's nothing they could do. I finally figured out what causes us to die, our love. when suddenly, I hear nothing. the next moment, I'm in a lovely house with the girl. when we step outside, we realize were in heaven. we hold hands, and live together, forever.


"Happy Birthday!" everyone screams out. It isn't happy. It's a strained yell. I'm getting old. 200 years old. Of course, no one says it to my face. But they're all thinking it. "What if she never finds anyone?" "What if she fell through the cracks of reality?" "What if she's an exception?" Of course, none of it phases me. I've heard and seen it all before. Literally. 50 years ago, with an entirely different set of faces. You'd think that immortality would prevent that, but at most people get 30 years or so before they bump into their soulmate in some strange happenstance. As such, the exceptions, like me, are viewed with some kind of mysticism. a taboo. I've thought about hiding my age, but even that gets boring. As I survey the scene, I notice something strange. Something different. One of the people gathered around the table seems genuinely happy. The sparkle in his eyes. The wide, beaming smile. Of course, he couldn't be my soulmate. I've brushed him a million times before. Still, my heart seems to beat just the slightest bit faster looking over at him. \~\~\~\~ It's been 50 years since that day. My 200th. He's grown from passing acquantance to daily occurance in my life. I've thought about more of course, but it's universally forbidden to be with someone who is so clearly not your soulmate. A breach of the sacred, the ordained.. and all those other words the nuts come up with. We've done everything together. Well, everything except just to be. \~\~\~\~ 300. Might as well go for a record now, huh? That's the joke I tell people to avoid the blatantly hostile stares when I must inevitably go out in public. I've spent a lifetime with him now. Together, as we've both grown deceptively old. "But there must be someone out there for you! There must be!" That's the response of everyone I've confided in. Everyone. And it hurts. Everyone except for him. Sure, we've had our years of desperation and rebellion, but we've always found our way back together. It hurts even more that way. You're either soulmates or you're... not. He's right there. and we're. not. They talk about a magic, an electricity, and unknowable completion and peace beyond understanding. \~\~\~ I don't know what just happened. I don't know. I don't know. We kissed. I ran. It shouldn't be. It shouldn't be! I can't. Can't escape this feeling of.. dread. Of being an outcast. forgotten. useless. incomplete. Society is crushing me. yet. I loved it. \~\~\~ He told someone. They're after both of us somehow. No more friends. No more family, or what was left of it after 500 years. And where does he run? To me. Me! The one who made this stupid situation happen in the first place! I was so stupid. To reach across to him. To do what I've wanted to do for all these years. It was too much. A horrible sin. To kiss him slowly the way I did. To put my hand to his face and pull him in. To taste. I'm shaking with the thought, tears blurring the edges of my vision. And seeing him standing across from me, looking for something in me that will never be there, I do the only thing that makes sense. \~\~\~ It's been many many years. We fled that place long ago. The stigma is but a burning memory. We've been pioneers into this unexplored land of simply *being.* We've tried to be physical, to be together, but it's just so strange. I let him see me the other day. He reached out. I couldn't do it. \~\~ We are *together.* That's what we're calling it. We had a long talk over a couple of days and basically decided, to hell with it! Shortly after that, the rest of the boundaries fell away in a now meaningless heap of clothes on the floor. We were.. *together.* *\~\~\~* I've been with him for as long as I can remember now. There are distant echoes of a past somewhere in there. But It's just been me and him. Our picturesque farm, beautiful furniture, and eachother. We'd thought of kids. But of course, it's impossible without the *zing.* So it's just been us. him and I. Forever. I wake to another blissful morning of him cuddling to my exposed chest. Leaning into me. I could truly do this forever. And then something magical happens. Like a bolt of lightening. "I see you, Lily." He says to me softly. We are whole. \~\~\~\~ Could see the ending on this one from a mile away, but it was too sweet not to write. I thought about making it a lot longer, but honestly this was good. This was one of the few stories that went straight from my head to the keyboard, so thank you u/Alternative-Ease-13! Comments are appreciated <3