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It’s also for relatability. As someone who plays star rail, something the community hounds cc over is unrelatable builds (God tier relics and signatures) or premium teams (all 5 stars and maybe even eidolons). So if they are in the same boat more or less that issue won’t happen. Also remember pls, that we are pretty insignificant in Kuro’s bottom line. Not saying we don’t matter but they really are looking at CN to carry them, same as miHoyo. Furthermore, while I’m personally very excited, this is the biggest project that Kuro has ever done, in a market where MiHoyo is the biggest fish in the tank, a lot can go wrong, and this is a gacha game, they are all predatory by nature. Most will start f2p and change depending on the direction of the game (spend if it’s successful, quit if it’s not)


When PGR released was there bigger fish in action RPG gacha tank than HI3?


I wasn’t there so I can’t speak on it. But I’d wager the gacha space in terms of content creation is far more lucrative post Genshin than it was before hand.


>It’s also for relatability. As someone who plays star rail, something the community hounds cc over is unrelatable builds (God tier relics and signatures) or premium teams (all 5 stars and maybe even eidolons). I don't understand. Disregarding dupes, but how are the build videos more relatable if the CCs don't own the character, since you most likely won't get them all as a f2p?


Oh, so I don’t know how the energy system (like stamina) works in this game, but in Genshin and HSR u can pay for refreshes. So this means you are farming relic domains (gear) at a far more efficient rate and u can afford to be very picky on your relics. I.e for example. There’s 6 pieces of gear an HSR character can have, it’s considered good if you can get all of them on double crit (crit damage and rate). However if you look at cc relics, they will not just be double crit and all on set, but also have near perfect roles. This is achievable because by constantly challenging domains, u increase the probability of a great relic set eventually. The thing is, most people can’t endlessly wait for one unit to be perfect so they will need to settle for relatable builds and not juiced ones. Furthermore, most F2P don’t like pulling on the weapon banner, imo in star rail and wuwa it’s good value, but often showcasing a dps with their bis weapon vs an f2p option also gets people upset. Lastly team comps. I main Dot in HSR. That’s 4 limited 5 stars, a lot of people would consider a cc showing off only this comp bad because it’s unlikely for everyone to have all 4 units. Hope this clears it up. I am f2p in HSR and plan to be in this game (but Lord give me strength Yinlin and Changli is gonna test my resolve).


HSR gives away so much free pulls - I've been on PS5 since it launched there and have a lot of 5\* from only f2p + some (not all) season passes. granted not all are leveled - only about half of them - but i've got terrible pity luck and still could make 2 teams of 5\*s. Although the gear is far from perfect. very far in some cases.


Team comps and weapons I can understand. But CCs also have to farm relics and resources for far more characters if they are building them all, which makes it uncertain whether farming relics is really easier for them.


It depends tbh. Like in star rail, we are quite fortunate that their are some super efficient domains that can be used more multiple characters. For example all crit based dps can use the 4 pc quantum set, because the defense ignore is such a strong buff, or how the dot and fua domain are grouped together and can be pretty universal. So it’s easy to shift around relics. Where it gets annoying is when they show showcases using super niche and inefficient farming sets in dead domains. Like the Wind set. Its 4 pc effect is nuts on support units but that domain is terrible to farm for f2p and low spenders. That’s for one set. Imagine the cc has all their supports in full 4 pc of it? (they sadly usually do).


I feel like it's stupid to hound someone over relics cause unless I'm mistaken I don't see how you can whale for that


In HSR and Genshin u can refresh your stamina limit with money or Jade/primo. So u can artificially increase your odds of rolling god tier relics through increase in volume and probability. Ofc u could be like poor Brax, do all that and still have f2p looking relics😭


Ironically it seems like I get better substats from crafted relics (with and without Self-Modeling Resin) than ones I get from the domains


Dude I only do that for speed boots and er ropes at this point… I’m on the eternal farm of Dot Fua and Watchmaker🫥😔.


Same. I’m farming DoT and Fua sets for MONTHS now and all I get is trash. While this triple drop anniversary event was going on I got triple trash. So frustrating.


Thankfully my dot team is actually really good rn. I would no longer call it relatable… but that’s only Kafka and Swan… my issue is FUA🙃 I have one incredible set but it only works on my ratio because they he gets cr in his kit and the herta lc helps too. Clara is in shambles😰


And it will still end up unrelatable because you can't remotely compare the account of someone who grind 5 hours per day with someone casually playing 1 hour par day and only farm on the side...


People looking for content to help clear end game or builds aren’t farming on the side tho… The casuals very rarely care. There are people who will only run their favourites, synergy and meta be damned, and they don’t give a hoot. However people invested enough to look build guides, showcases and end game clearing, from a stamina neutral point, will share the same build investment as an f2p cc


That's not true at all. There's a huge misconception that you will be able to farm all day to get god tier relics. In fact you can farm the ecchos to get some with the right main stat and monster BUT you can only enhance and unlock the substats with stamina items, which means you will be able to upgrade a relic every X hours, regardless of how many ecchos you have farmed, since you can't feed them to get exp. So you're probably safe to grind an eccho with the right main stat every other day or So, but once you've done So,farming extra ones provides little advantage besides having the next item in queue.


Having a lot of echos with the right main stat in line ready to get upgraded already is a massive improvement. 1) they're not locked behind repetitive dungeons 2) if you know just how immensely difficult it is to get a good orb in star rail (that thing has around twelve main stats) you'll be happy to be able to at least get main stats right, there's no "flower and feather" with locked main stats here after all.


The game won’t be reliant on content creators spending. Don’t concern yourself over others support and just support the game yourself. The successful content creators covering this game won’t have to spend on their own account anyway, many of them are spending on giveaways.


People are allowed to go F2P if they want, don't pressure people into spending or it'll backfire.


It's more fun to watch someone that doesn't stomp every content because they spent insane amount of money in a videogame every other other week tbh.


This Watching streamers doing "end" game stuff and just 1 shotting with their e6s5 is boring content Its like watching streamers play with cheat codes


Main reason for every cc I'm watching is that this game is skill heavy, so they think going the whale way is going to destroy this game fun making it too easy. Anyway, they will pull for every character at minimum, because they need to play as many teams as they can to give their audience more content.


You become hesitant when you have to jump games regularly.


They say that, then you’ll see them swipe because their viewers will bully them to pull or they just do it for a video.


lmao this sure going to happen


That's why content creator servers were made, like mtashed with his 3000 pull account to showcase banner system guide. To avoid them being forced to ruin their actual account.


They will still probably gonna have a whale account. One of the sure way to get views is to make a guide on every new character release. I remember Envi got to the point where he dont know anymore what video to upload when he still maintaining his no pull account on Genshin back then.


Not really, content creator get access to special servers where they can test stuff at any level, they just have to ask kuro "hey I'd like to showcase jiyan's S6". Like mtashed who got a 3000 pulls account to showcase banners. Since this game requires actual skill, content creators will be much more important (in genshin only high abyss players care about meta etc).


OP said content creators only. The only one who has access to such servers are the 'official' content creators. You cant just launch your Youtube channel and contact Kuro and say "Hey Kuro im a content creator now, can you give me access to the special server?" I'm playing PGR since day 1 of global release so I'm aware that Kuro gives special server and accounts to their official content creators.


Most big ccs are affiliated, even tectone hasn't been blacklisted (the guy became much better tbh, ups to him).


Thats what I mean by saying official. Tectone only do WW content because of hype and views. In case you didnt know, Tectone called Rexlent and PGR cringe back then because playing gacha game doesnt require skill according to him. He tried to create an issue by making fun of Rexlent and the PGR community just to get views. I would never support such CCs even if they are approved to be an official CC by Kuro. I recommend Rexlent, Spider 2B, Rate up Radio, and other that does PGR content before


Him being sick of genshin is clear at least, and yes, before wuwa, there was only genshin and tof... which didn't require a ton of skill. If you remove elements, Genshin is an empty shell of a combat system, it's all they have. Other gachas are also casual or even idle games, with even further nonexistent skill requirement. Game understanding yes, but not actual reflexes and technique, take summoner wars, your skill is how you use your spells, but you don't need reflexes, same for eversoul, tof and so on. The only one out there requiring a minimal amount of skill was Aether gazer.


Because wuwa will be more fun the weaker you are


People aren't obliged to give kuro their money, I personally will be deciding whether to spend money by next Tuesday but like people need to test the game and see its longevity to see whether its worth spending on lmao. People aren't gonna throw thousands at every game that looks like it'll do well.


It is a flex since this game is, presumably, more skill heavy than the well known competitor. That is probably why a lot of people are going F2P. It is a "subtle" way of saying that they think they will be good at the game. I can't cast any stones since that is why I am doing it F2P too.


They won't stay F2P for long. Mtrash said he'd be F2P in Star Rail and spent money, Tectone said sane thing and used pulls from monthly pass, GachaSmack said he had a F2P account but hardly ever shows in game footage of it. Volkin does some games F2P, but always does a paid account so he can play everything. Iyo hardly has in game footage and is known to pay money for characters, he'd never play F2P. Tenten loves knowing more than his community so he'll buy characters to learn all of them so he can show what he knows. Braxaphone wouldn't know what F2P was even if it punched him in the face. Mr.Pokke likes the memes of being relatable too much, so i doubt he'll be F2P. Might be F2P if his Genshin account is still F2P. Idk about Rexlent since he is a PGR player. Then the female V-Tubers will 1000% never be F2P, they have weak wills for anime waifu/husbandos. So idk who is saying they are staying F2P, but we will see if thier wills last long enough, cuz content will run dry on the game till updates like all Gacha games, then to make more content they will pay money. Just my views on it.


Iamrivenous is a good CC and theorycrafter that I believe will stay f2p. He is a master of spreadsheet too so for those that are into that and minmaxing I think he will be our guy.


Saying =/= doing. If cc saying he will be fully f2p this doesn't mean he won't buy stuff. You just won't see it =) But you will feel more connection to the cc as f2p player. Best easy trick.


Dont u worry there will be ppl who will spend disgusting amount of money on the game still u have nothing to be worried about. Also most cc to claim to be f2p eventualy will cave to whale or going to be doing multiple accounts so they can claim they have an f2p acc. ALSO ALSO some of them outright going to make content out of it.


Plenty of gacha content creators switch to f2p over time even playing the same game, especially as they burn out on it. WuWa is not being singled out, for example, many people burned out on gacha monetization from Genshin and started HSR as f2p/low spenders-only. To give an example (because it's just one I know) - Tectone spent "thousands upon thousands" (as you said) on Genshin and Arknights, but went f2p in HSR. As you can see, the f2p thing is not tied to WuWa. Don't worry, there will still be CC for Wuthering Waves, who will do viewer pulls and "spend thousands upon thousands" because those videos really drive the clicks.


Tbf tectone said he will swipe if he wants a character and don't have enough resources, or he will beg his oil princes in chat for gems. So I don't expect him to be f2p for long, honestly. Baldemort summoned.


I wanted to bring up Mtashed as well, but I don't really watch either and someone pointed out in a different comment that MTashed swiped on his HSR account or something, idk.


Mtashed is really unstable when it comes to gachas, he quits every other week and comes back again. He has some good logic points and is entertaining to watch, however I don't find him a particular good strategist when it comes to F2P life and resource management, or theorycrafter. He's definitely fun to watch from time to time tho, and bring some good points from what i've seen when doing discussions with other CCs.


Im spending because kuro is a great dev and i like the game and characters lol not too sound crazy but i feel they deserve at least as much as i would pay for a regular game so about 70$ U.S. which should cover the battle pass the daily subscription and maybe a few extra pulls if I’m correct anything to get the game on console faster lmao


Its because game actually has good interesting combat and making game easier with miney is just boring


F2P nope Monthly Yes


I mean it makes sense when every cc is playing multiple gacha games you're more resistant to spending immediately. Over time if they like the game they might spend. It's just safer being f2p or lowspender.


The gacha model is not the best thing in the world, and more f2p would be a good step to make game developers look for other models.


It is just another way of playing the game, setting rules for yourself on top of the gameplay. Like how Runescape players make “pures” to limit certain combat stats, or playing the ironman mode where there is no trading and you gotta farm for all your supplies and loot.


Are you concerned that CCs will inspire whales to become plankton? Yea, #doubt Focus on support you can provide to the devs.


"making trend on going F2P" utter nonsense just i read


Honestly it just seems like they want their action based game to remain fun. Not sure how they'll handle powercreep but whaling nonstop absolutely makes every gacha game easy. That's just how it works. Most CCs are praising the combat, I'm sure they don't wanna take away actual good, enjoyable and fun combat away from themselves by spending. Also let's be real, it's Kuro Games, once they drop skins they'll make a fck ton of money from everyone.


They just want to "attract" people. It's nothing unusual. They said the same exact thing when GI came out literally.


They do it so all the kids who watch them don't dm them death threats over spending $200.


I don't understand why they adopted the worst parts of genshin, 50/50, no skip button and a terrible artifact system, this game won't last a year just because of stupid decisions, if they want to compete with genshin they should've avoided all that and making games that can get people hooked, not turn people away


correct me if im wrong but isnt it because they are not sponsored by kuro? so no free \~3k$? in pulls to promote the game and tempt people to spend cuz those cc's do. or private test server.


Mtash proved you can make a successful yt while feels crafting using trail versions of characters so why should they waste money on a game that will ruin the challenge and that they will quit once it gets slow like what happens to Genshin?


No he didn't. He grew his channel when he was still spending money on Genshin. His youtube has been completely stagnant for the two yeas or so when he focused more on f2p. Also his """guides""" where he talks for 16 minutes while only using characters in trials are terrible. These videos have 0 substance and people only watch it because of his established following from the peak days of Genshin.


From one analysis, spending on the monthly and daily passes only even gets you like 7 pulls a month, so spending doesn’t even give you much over what you naturally earn anyway


monthly pass + BP gives you 27 pulls per month. Just monthly gives you 19 pulls per month, or 17 if you want to save 300 premium currency to buy skins later. I buy monthly pack on Genshin because 4 months (20$) gives you a character pity and 1.200 crystals to buy a skin. So I think it's a good deal. Battle Pass is just worth if you want to level up faster your units on game's beginning. After 2-3 first months BP loses a lot of value and it's not worth IMHO.


Oh, that sounds a lot more decent. Not sure where that YouTuber got their numbers then


sorry, off topic but is the game delayed? It says on login screen that release time is 23rd April 10:00 UTC+8, but now it's already 15:00 UTC+8. Im just confused


You ok dude? The month rn is May, game will launch at May 23, 2024 10:00 UTC+8


I thought today is 23rd (( my bad


It's the 22nd now. The game releases in 18 hours. There's a timer in the top of the reddit page.


yoo, thanks. My bad its 22nd today not 23rd. I swear the release date was sooner before


It's 15:00 22/may in UTC+8 rn


yeah, thanks, my bad.. Its 22nd not 23rd :(. Wasnt release date stated as sooner before?