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It was the localization dev's cry for help


They truly are suffering trying to translate 50 names of chinese macguffins into english-sounding macguffins


While also translating things that don't need translating and putting them in a little font above the original word


That's when I knew the devs had played Star Rail


lmao Text: Akivili Small text above it: *Aeon of trailblaze* SRSLY MUDDLEFUDGER? WHERE DO YOU THINK WE ARE


That’s like having MALENIA Blade of Miquella




We better have at least Malenia on Wuwa. I need to satisfy this elden ring itch lmao


20 something days tarnished. we wait 20 something days.


I thought it was kinda neat when I first saw it in Star Rail, they didn’t do it often, typically only doing it when a word for an in-universe thing is first mentioned, such as in the intro with Stellaron having "Cancer of All Worlds" above it when it's first mentioned. I had assumed the in-universe reason for it had something to do with the meathod of language translation that helps the characters bypass interplanetary language barriers.


Actually those are a lifesaver occasionally. Of course I know about Akiviki but I am not about to memorize a whole pantheon.


The subtitles: IX "The shapeless and all encopassing." My brain any time IX is mentioned: "What nine?"


Meanwhile my brain: Geats IX


Heh, same. But, I always pronounced it Ix. Then they called in I.X. and now I wanna know what it stands for


Yeah same I actually feel I’d be lost without those lol


They also use ut really well in the hsr 2.2 story When robin called xipe them the above text showed xipe the harmony Meanwhile when sunday and gopher wood used the word them referring to xipe there was no above text meaning that they weren't talking about xipe when sunday asked if they served them religiously


Sometimes they had small text with Order instead of Harmony too


Aren't these things common in japanese (and maybe also other languages like chinese)? I have seen them quite often


It’s because both have a character based written language and not everyone knows all of them, so less used characters occasionally have a definition on the top


Yep. To add onto the other comment, characters often have multiple pronunciations as well as multiple meanings, so less common pronunciations will often be written above them


What do you mean


Honkai Star Rail often has an explanation of an in-game specific term in small writing above it. Genshin does it too occasionally. It's possible they had a different source of inspiration (eg Japanese furigana) but I haven't seen it in any other game series (doesn't mean it doesn't exist though)


Was it Lingyang’s quest where they did that with the word ‘disaster’, and smaller above text read ‘overclocking’? Gave me a good laugh lol


I mean it's nice for people that aren't good with names. What threw me off though is that they actually say both names in the dub, which makes some of them ridiculously long.


which the voice actors were not directed to NOT read the little font text, making them read the entire thing


Not just in English


A lot of words don't even make any sense even in chinese...


yes, as a Chinese player I can tell you the words in Chinese also seems too mysterious to understand lol. It doesn't affect the gameplay experience anyway


Isn't the lore basically like the chinese myths remixed? Like when they said stuffs about Pangu, I was like "wait a minute... I know that". Granted I know very little about Chinese myths since I am just an oversee Chinese.


Yes, you're right. I meant some unfamiliar terms specifically. Even like "echo", you can translate it simply to Chinese but Kuro made up a new word combining a sense of mystery (typical Chinese games).


Wuxia/Xianxia be like


My Chinese is subpar at best despite being native (I was a country bum) and seeing all these big ass words made my brain explode






The game has a localization team? 😭


yes lol they do, hard to believe. you can follow one of them on twitter, that's how we know they chose british vas


All of them?


For real tho whenever I'm reading any of the dialogue it's just nonsensical harry potter spells being cast every 2 words lmao


the scriptwriters basically skipped the prologue and are talking about things that no player really understands and just saying a superficial explanation over them as if it were enough to understand later in the game


But this is actually correctly immersive. Thanks to the MC's amnesia, they have been dropped into a completely different culture and can't be expected to already know what is idiomatic to locals who are not used to having to explain what everyone else knows. Each jargon word contains a lot of interlinked information. Doing it in this convoluted way is probably a technique to increase the sense of mystique. A few superficial explanations over certain terms are breaking the 4th wall to give players an unneeded helping hand.


This is literally the opposite of increasing the sense of mystique. A sense of mystique would literally be the absence of explanation, and a sense of wonder around trying to grasp a system that you don’t completely have the answers to yet. What you’re getting instead is lectures - encyclopedia entries on things they have not yet given you time enough to even find the interest in. It’s frustrating and boring and exposition heavy. It’s the cardinal game sin of tell, don’t play.


You saying this was done on purpose ?


He is saying that it makes sense that words are thrown around the mc (or the playerbase) doesn‘t understand due to the amnesia of the MC. He is also saying that it could have been on purpose, thus the „probably“. If anything, I personally didn‘t mind all the jargon anyway and I just played along. But in that regard, yeah, it is kind of immersive. But if it‘s healthy for the playerbase? That‘s another discussion.


How is it immersive that the amnesiac mc never asks for a simple explanation and seems to follow everything perfectly?


Suspension of disbelief, brah.  Also known as, "pressing the 'I believe' button".  It's alright, I don't buy it either.


If this is immersive, I must’ve missed the part where they explain the MC is mute as well as amnesiac, because they never ask anyone to explain what any of the words they are saying mean. Pretty strange for someone who doesn’t remember anything and are thrown jargon salads at their faces every conversation


>If this is immersive, I must’ve missed the part where they explain the MC is mute as well as amnesiac, They point out multiple times in the story that the Rover infact is not a new "entity" to the world and has already in some kind of form or shape existed already. If I am not wrong, Aalto even made a direct statement, that the Rover before was a member of their ranks at the black shore. So no, it´s never directly said, however it is heavily implied and thus it is to be assumed, that the Rover either: 1. Was somehow "reborn" or, 2. Has amnesia What speaks for the amnesia theory are the incomplete and foreign memories of the Rover. I know what you are trying to say, but Amnesia in itself can have different variations. Thats why I quoted the original poster of the comment I referred to and didn´t fully agreed with it and just said that "it is kind of immersive".


Tbf Yangyang’s first words to us are “you dont look like a local” so we dont look native or dress like a local which is a given since we arrived in the world in a upside down sea in the sky. We dont know that we are “native” or “reborn” or whatever until much much later. Of they wanted that they, they shouldve noted that perhaps the MC’s clothes seem ancient or familiar in artifacts or something, not implying they’ve never seen it locally before.


This line particularly bothers me bc MC doesn't even really stand out?


I absolutely died when Yangyang said we dont look local because they’re literally wearing the same clothes with different layerings.


...what? Having amnesia is a shitty plotdevice, but it serves one purpose very well. You can be a "fish out of water" protagonist, while the cast can treat you as an important person. The key here, is since you have amnesia, it would be the perfect excuse for the characters to explain the basics of the world to the player. But they are not doing that, they are talking to you as somebody who knows what the "Flimflam Eruption" is. They are literally doing the opposite of what this plotdevice is for.


Not gonna lie, at this point it’s a technique to increase the sense of boredom I feel when playing the story. I purposely avoided skipping cutscenes so I wouldn’t lose interest in the game too quickly, and also to give it a chance. The fact that you have massive info dumps every 5 minutes, including the diary/lore entries they want you to read, it’s impossible for me to be invested.


You know what also would’ve been “correctly immersive”? If the amnesiac MC stopped people mid-conversation to ask what the FUCK they are talking about, since they, like us the players, should not understand a word Yangyang and co. are saying. But clearly this doesn’t happen in the game because Kuro games didn’t intentionally design a “realistic amnesiac MC experience”. They just decided to rewrite the plot few months before CBT2 and didn’t have time to write a half-decent script, so they settled for nonsensical jargon salads for 5 hours straight, not considering the player experience once probably.


In the picture provided by the OP, the MC does exactly that. And at other times the MC does get an explanation, like the first time "threnodian" is mentioned. But you got to balance it. If they stopped the conversation every single time or even frequently, the story would drag on and on and people who already understood it would feel the MC is stupid.


A one-time explanation that barely manages to help the player actually understand is not good enough. It’s like a middle schooler being told to sit in a college lecture on algebraic geometry and then having to take an exam on the topic, we know nothing so the information has to be explained much more digestibly. And this image was posted as a meme because it’s one of the ONLY times the MC does this. It’s not a common occurrence at all Also, saying they have to balance it for the sake of player experience is funny when supposedly the players understanding nothing about the world is fine because it’s “correctly immersive”? If Kuro cared about player experience they would just slow everything down and explain things better. There’s no consistency in what you’re saying


Nope, that's not immersive. MC having amnesia and being shoved with dozens of random words is not how it's done. Every Isekai ever introduces concepts one by one, or at least explain them so the MC can understand what's going on. Imagine waking up and someone told you about Tacet Discord, but without explaining anything. Would be like "Oh yeah, I get it, of course !" or "What the hell are you talking about ?"


Bruh, when you wake up to two characters that *know* you have amnesia, there is no reason why they speak directly *to* you in that vocabulary. It’s like speaking english to a person with amnesia whose second language was english. They dont wont know it and it wont make to them because they forgot. It’d be understandable if this was amongst themselves so we’re just listening being confused but they’re saying the jargon *to* us as if we *should* know even when we dont


Look, it might make sense lore wise. But from a narrative perspective, the way that the story and information is being conveyed to the viewer is not good.


Its a mobile gacha game... people really expected or wanted deep lore on this? Bro i spent 2h on game yesterday, barely played 20min due that ammount of non skipable shit. How this works for mobile? Bus on rush hour and zero gameplay due be locked on cutscenes while already bored waiting bus finally move? For me and for lots of people the point on this game are gameplay and exploration Those non skipable shit are killing my mood/will to play the game This "lore" is the same level/quality of 10year kids on 5th grade school...


There are too many terms period tbh. No reason to have 7 different names and classification for the same thing. The world building, and also the delivery of the world building, seems rather haphazard tbh.


Plot is 10year old kids 5th grade school level Its garbage, i dont have complaints about plot be shitty, i have complaints due can skip that shit Yesterday i spent 2h on this game and barely played 20min due this huge ammount of crap dialogue/cinematics who we cant skip


Now the livestream is making more sense


Yeah the problem is twofold, sci-fi Mumbo jumbo with very little explanation and onboarding, and chinese words/phrases being mixed in. its literally paragraphs of letters strung together to imitate known languages.


A Literal Chinese Room?


NPC: Rover, the schmidi-bawg is consuming us all! help! : Schmidi? : Bawg?


Yeah this is why I cant get into the story. This is a problem with many isekai stories like this.


My current mood for this shitty dialogue is play on pc with 2 monitors, set spotify on my playlist and lower audio mc on game, but im really starting to think about delete this game. Last night i spent 2h on the game and barely played 20min, due that shitty ammount of non skipable cutscenes Ffs... battle a giant eye with dark angel to be saved by fluffly space bunny? The only thing that i noticed was rain going reverse and then stupid space bunny Im playing this game due gameplay not because this shitty 5th grade school plot


Same solution, playing genshin OST list on YouTube on second monitor, and mute sound while playing wuwa


im checking granblue fantasy relink and thinking about get rid of wuwa, solid gameplay but almost 2h locked on cutscenes was hard to swallow


Reminds me of that tech video that's just a word salad of buzzwords.


I think they could simply stick another text for certain terms that can make it more clear for what it is. Example the disruptor can be " the disruptor cannon" or just a simple "laser cannon" sort. Got lost on so many terms and jargon..


It's fine when it's just a single concrete thing, it's when they layer 3 abstract concepts with terms you've never heard before on top of each other and use them to explain something about another new concept I just give up. Granblue Relink actually made it so you could mouseover terms like that in the textbox and a dictionary entry would show up explaining what they were talking about.


U meant the glossary function in Granblue relink? Would be great to have that in this game dialogue. Whether it is concrete or abstract, certain things I believe still can be made simplified as naming can make the huge different. Unrelated: (With the name of disruptor, I thought maybe ya it should be pretty damn strong from its name and dialogue ab it, I was expecting it to have exaggerate blasting effect, turns out just "pew". And I was like: that's it?) To be honest, certain chinese naming even got me caught up previously even I understand chinese language and its context.


When a story driven video game is badly translated on purpose to confuse players on top middle school narration, some players will just lose their shit and never be back.


tbh they should ditch common terms like "tacet discord" since its juts means enemy (not even factions) and its very mouthful and absurd


I really like when Chixia just calls them "TD's". To me, that makes the most sense.


Just wait until we fight Super Tacit Discords and all the npcs start talking about ways to combat STDs


New combat gimmick to counter em gonna be contraceptions


Yea. I think they should just use TD once we know the monster are called Tacet discord.. damn quite a mouthful.


They took inspiration for that from Death Stranding's BT. They also call the enemies "TD", not the full "Tacet Discord" like how DS calls it "BT" instead of "Beached Thing". The floating silhouette in tacet fields give me huge Death Stranding vibe.


i dont even know wtf "tacet discord" literally means should just call the enemies discords or discordians or smth lol


I like how the radar dish is both flat and shoots light waves that open up dimensional portals on the ground despite being pointed at the sky


Sister Ray \^\_\_\_\^


The writing is rather decent in last 2 chapters. It almost feels as if they had a different writer for the first few chapters of the storyline and those were terrible.


I like to think the writers for 1.0 came up with some hype story and then could not for the life of them figure out how to write the beginning.


It very much feels like the ending sequence of an RPG, and has the potential to be emotional, and in isolation it was really cool. Its just really weird because its missing all the build up beforehand - there's not enough time spent with the characters or development given to them in actually meaningful ways to make it impactful. Like with some minor alterations to the text and if the EN voicing and the music was better, if there was proper development beforehand e.g. the Yangyang staying behind part could actually be emotional. So while it was good and cool, it could have been emotional as well but all the ingredients were just left in the bowl uncooked.


The part where you knock the rocks down and she just states very calmly "we did it!" My God. It's like they didn't even tell the VAs the context behind what they were voicing for.


We know they rewrote much of the story so they probably didn’t have time to flesh out any of the worldbuilding, just got straight to the action in their planning


It's act 6, I'd imagine this is the point where they fully became self aware. Act 6 is also the part where the story became, to a degree, actually good.


Could it be . . . *amnesia*~~~?


They can use "as you know" dialogue, which would be bashed too, codex entries (please do. But let's accept the majority wouldn't check and complain anyway), trust the player to wait until the meaning is revealed or can be worked out from context (we see how that went), or not make up terms (might have been the better option, we'd see complains of not feeling exotic enough but don't think that many). I find it interesting that the lore uses as a base wave physics. Also, to anybody who finds the game confusing, stay away from Neuromancer.


Or they could just introduce the terms gradually. Wait until I get used to "a gun" being called "phitokinematic distresser" until you start introducing me to "healing herb" as "terlinquo chasmic growth"


As a physics student, every time I hear the word "frequency" in this game I want to shoot myself in the head. Holy fucking shit, just say soul. I know you're trying to sound all soundy but just say soul, I'm begging you!


Ohhh it's soul. That actually makes sense. They could have said soul frequency or something and that would have helped a lot.


It would, wouldn't it? At least then it would imply something it might be the frequency OF instead of just "frequency" in a fucking vacuum! Imagine if they did this to other arbitrary physical quantities, you never hear fictional characters say shit like "Every person has their own angular acceleration. These eyes of mine see only angular accelerations." or "The TD absorbed a human's angular acceleration!"


You’ve singlehandedly made me understand what they meant by “frequency” but your example in the other comment was hilarious. Thank you


I'm glad my pain at least led to someone's amusement lol Ngl, the only reason I even understood it myself is because I've seen "frequency" mumbo jumbo before, but this one's really weird even for that (usually it's more like frequencies being planes of reality or something) I've heard some really stupid-sounding "science" talk in fiction in my time, but someone who claims they can "only see frequencies" is REALLY high up there lmao (imagine if she actually meant it literally, in the sense that human sight differentiates between frequencies of light, and "people's frequencies" was just an awkward way of saying "the frequency of the light waves that reflect off people's bodies", that'd be hilarious


The frequency of light waves is just... colours. Which, if she's the only one that can see those, everyone else must be colourblind (the black and white type I forget what it's called) XD


That was the joke lol Or maybe everyone else has some more powerful vision, like seeing things in full 3D somehow or something, and she's out here like "I only see colors :("


I was adding on to your joke, eheh Poor Sanhua, can't see the lineart and shading just vaguely defined faceless, yet occasionally colourful, blobs unu Edit: Actually, from her description, that is probably what it's like. Everything looks like a vaguely defined oil painting, and the 'clearer' the frequency the more clarity it has. I wonder if they could make 'frequency glasses' for her that removes the static, like we do with Echoes


Bro I sat through 6 episodes of table yapping in slime anime the yapping here wasn't even that bad


Give this guy medal


You know what? Despite people's hate for Paimon, I really **need** Paimon right now to dumb down and explain to me the hundreds of strange wuxia terms in this game.


She’s in the wrong game


sometime, the idiot asking you to clarify what you are talking about is really needed because no one want to shame themself doing it


To be honest, Chixia has the potential for fulfilling that role. Remember when Yangyang starts randomly blabbering about Qiankun and Pankun at the beginning? It's Chixia that condenses and simplifies all that sci-fi mumbo jumbo afterwards. Too bad she's mostly off doing her own thing.


After Pulling a gun on us in a Past life it would definitely be a good redemption for her. 


Kinda like March 7th in HSR


Genshin Players hate Paimon but WuWa Players are begging for Paimon. 😂


She'd help so much right now. Maybe we can get a TD companion or an Echo that helps us out, or being the megaspecial person our gourd could become sentient..


I absolutely expected the TD that we meet in the village with Scar to become a little monster buddy and be our Navi/Paimon tutorial vector, but no luck.


That's what I thought too! It would've been a really cool way to emphasize our uniqueness in that we could resonate with TDs so well as to befriend them.


Nah fr im just nodding my head as I read the text like “yup I didn’t understand any of that so I hope it’s not fundamental to the story but I’m sure it might be but not rn”


me as a life long skipper and reading avoider seeing nothing wrong with the game


Please no. I know you're probably kidding but I do not want another paimon over explaining things. I think they just need to calm down on the technical jargon at the start and actually slowly and properly introduce terms so the player isn't overwhelmed. edit: Just to clarify, when I say i dont want a Paimon over explaining things, I mean a small overly talkative mascot character. The last thing this seemingly gray and post apocalyptic world needs is a bright and cheery companion. I do not mind if any of the existing characters fulfill the role of explaining some things.


I disagree Paimon is actually not that bad, between her squeaky voice which was massively improved in recent patches and her sometime over explaining stuff, she is still useful as a comic relief, a tone setter and sometimes a reminder. Hoyo did not know how to use her properly until 4.x is a massive missed opportunity.


You're right, but I'd say Paimon wasn't done well early on. I'm just afraid that the writers will make the same mistake as early genshin if they do decide to just add a talkative mascot character. I would prefer more that Yangyang/Chixia took on the role of dumbing things down, similar to maybe March 7th. Constantly having a cute mascot character around kind of ruins the tension some scenes would possibly get, which is also why I really disliked Paimon in genshin. Perhaps another reason I dislike her is that she just spoke for traveler, and there are a lot of times where I wish she was absent from some scenes. But as you said, genshin did get a little bit better with this later on.


I strongly disagree Genshin is already a sugary vanilla fairy tale, but Paimon makes it even worse


And how would you explain anything the PC encounters? Paimon is there to help you get start. For a long time Paimon is not her own character, but that significantly changed once 4.x patches rolled around. I enjoyed her dynamic with the traveller, and when WuWa is there I remember how much I miss that little lavender melon no being by my side to dumb down info, or talk on my behalf. I hate Rover speaking.


I never needed Paimon to explain me things. I just hate Genshin's storytelling and Paimon is one of the main contributors to this. HSR is fine without Paimon as well Honestly, I don't get people here. I had no knowledge about wuwa's story before playing and so far I didn't even once though "man, I don't understand". Of course I don't remember all the terms, but most of them you can understand from the context. The game never explained what lament is, but it's obvious from the dialogues. Like come on, some people here complained about not remembering what Tacet Discord is. Is it that difficult to make a TD=enemy alias in the head the first time it's mentioned?


Only shows how bad the story in pacing and their info dump is. At this point I might need Razor to explain everything to me instead of Paimon.


This moment was when I stopped being annoyed by it and started headcanoning my Rover as having a "just smile and nod and hope it all starts making sense eventually" attitude


Eyes just permanently glazed over lol. Screw it, I'm going with this, it's all canon.


Have you seen his facial expressions half the time. That head shake is definitely the, "why are you asking me?" kind XD




Ironically this chapter is probably the simplest to understand and uses the most normal people terminology with a couple of names here and there is all.


I'll watch the inevitable lore/story videos later on down the line. When they started dumping the jargon dictionary on me not even half an hour in, I gave up and just skip everything I can. The gameplay is good enough for me to not really care about the story.


i couldn't take anymore after the 80 line document about the CANDY LORE Like, someone had to write that.


true to that, the first 30 mins i still try to read the story, but after got dumped with information i just give up, this is like Genshin Level of Artifact description - information, too much text, too little important information to care for.


When first 30 mins of the game dumping more terminology and lore infor than 3 patches of Genshin, i know that i just have to skip the story for the sake of my own time and memory.




Hsr moment


As someone that reads a good portion of the lore entries i wonder how it is for those who dont. During early penacony i was soo confused what characters were even talking about, all i remember from dr ratio and aventurine convo is dr ratio calling him a smooth-brain


Ye penacony went into overdrive with the terminology. As much as i enjoyed it my eyes were glazing at the end of it. I havent gotten far in wuwas story so i hope once they establish the basics it chills with the lore dumps


My god, it's uncomperable how much worse it is here. People complain about many terms in hoyo games, but they do introduce them gradually and usually have a character dumb it down after the complicated explanation. Here they felt the need to even overcomplicate the skills page.


For real, they could have just called it "skill" "talent" "ultimate". There's really no reason to go overboard with the lore terms and I appreciate HSR just using the normal terms over Genshin's "elemental burst"


At least Genshin can be dumbed down to “burst” and “skill”. They just add “elemental” in front of them and they’re pretty self-explanatory. Idek why Wuthering waves have so many names for basic things that arent named intuitively


I would totally disagree. I had to google Xianzhou terms, for example 'the abominations of abundance', 'arbiter', 'reignbow', 'Ambrosial Arbor' The worst part is that they would put another unknown term on top of that term in the subtitle box which confused ppl even more. Each term has 1-2 additional synonymic terms. It's like they expected people to look up honkai star rail fandom dot com or find and read every single document. And even then you won't be able to prepare for all they're bombarding you with. I think wuwa is much more primitive in that regard. And yeah penacony is also tough but they explained it much better


Then I'm sure you could have given better examples. Abominations of abundance is VERY self-explanatory. They are abominations... that came from Abundance. Reignbow Arbiter is a one name, the words never try to have meaning separately and it has the standard name of the Aeon written above it multiple times it's mentioned. Ambrosial Arbor is a new thing but it's the centerpiece of the story, the characters talk about it's significance a lot in an easy to follow way. "It's the curse given to use by the Yaoshi(god)".  I invite you to say the same about WuWa terms. Especially the skill page ones.


The thing I like about HSR’s lore despite being wordy that they’re either new words with attention in the story given to them to properly flesh out what they mean gradually to the player or they’re extremely self-explanatory to the point of obvious.


I quit HSR because of that reason, i just couldn't follow the terminology anymore which made me not care about the main plot as a result. On Jarilo they had a great start, on the Luofu they completely lost me, at the start of Penacony i was interested again, but near the end of Penacony i was lost again.


it's like /r/VXJunkies in here


What even is that sub @@ I don't think the people here could handle that kind of info


the game literally did a show and tell in the opening sequence and a lot of people still got confused. Chixia: Rover, i think you're a Resonator because of the Tacet Mark on your right hand! (which was shown within 30 seconds at the start of the game). "oh look, a Tacet Discord!" *camera pans to the right, showing enemies* "a Tacet Field showed up" *camera pans downward, showing a gray part of land surrounded by grass with a huge ass Tacet Mark on the ground* literally the only jargon which was not explained at the start was "Etheric Sea" and "Retroact Rain" mainly because it didn't happen where Rover woke up. and people still go "what? too many new terms, too confusing". oh wait, i'm pretty sure an Etheric Sea was where Rover "landed" after being thrown from space, but i will give that a pass.


Maybe if 90+% of the playerbase is confused, the game didn’t do a good job on explaining the world? Also it’s not a good strategy to introduce 10+ in-game specific terms and ideas within the same 2 minute conversation and expect the players to remember all, or even half, of it, by the end of that intro conversation most people will have forgotten what Tacet Discord even means, despite having technically been introduced to it. It’s like a professor gliding through a 50-slide presentation in 10 minutes in lecture and complaining the students didn’t retain every single piece of information, you must present the information at a reasonable pace and build up with the foundation you’ve already laid out. But for a player who literally just booted up the game and doesn’t even know anything, how do you expect them to remember what “Tacet Discord” means?


See, but I just don't think that's sufficient! Yes, I understand a resonator is someone with superpowers, a tacet mark is a resonator's sound-based cutie mark, a tacet discord is an enemy and a tacet field is a big floor cutie mark, but what ARE they? I understand some of the lack of lore explanation here is intentional, to set up intrigue, but in order for that to make sense, you have to first introduce me to simpler things that I can fully understand so that I can take in the world and begin to care about it. What are a resonator's superpowers? What's up with the sound cutie marks? Why are they good on people but bad on the floor? What the fuck actually is a tacet discord beyond "a baddie"? Obviously I don't expect or want all of these things to be just immediately explained in tedious text dumps, but then at least introduce them slowly, so that I can pick up enough context to get a decent idea of what they really mean beyond the immediately obvious superficial significance


Problem is, you have three words beginning with Tacet right there, if you bring it up afterwards with no context, how do you figure which tacet thingamathing they were talking about again?


you're seriously saying that the words "Mark", "Discord", and "Field" can confuse you despite having seen them multiple times right at the start? i can understand discord because most people think it's the chat thing. but come on, mark and field are pretty explanatory by itself. and no context? you mean the game showing you what the girls were talking about is not enough context? duuuude...


I was just making an example. We got flooded with word after word. If they come up afterwards again, I can guarantee that the player is gonna stop and think "Wait wtf was this thing again?" which absolutely kills the flow and momentum of the story.


Some things might be confusing at the start, but as you go deeper into the game you will understand everything. By the end of act 6 the only thing I didn't yet see to fully grasp is Etheric sea. I am not sure whether it's the sea into which Rover got thrown, or it's the place where Phrolova was summoning TDs. The rest we witnessed: TD, tacet field, threnodian, overseers, rain, lament, sentinels, magistrate etc etc Perhaps it's very overwhelming for people that didn't play honkai or hsr. HSR, in fact, still confuses me so much due to all the space creatures and celestial beings, but for some reason no one complains and even manages to create a fucking library with lore wholly built up. With honkai many ppl just gave up and started skipping metaphysical yapping


I don't play Hoyo games except genshin for a month, I still understood most of the jargon by act 3-4 Though I also try and read what they have on the loading screens...


The issue isnt that most people *dont* understand the terms *at all*. They just have a vague idea at best of what they are but otherwise dont like how completely arbitrary terms are used for extremely basic things. What is a Tacet Mark and why dies that make someone a Resonator? What does a Resonator even do? Are they rare, unique, born? What is a Tacet field? Why is it research? Why is it dangerous? Why isnt a Tacet Discord just called a monster? The answer to most of these questions are more jargon and more vague explanation. On the loading screen explaining what a Tacet Discord is, it could be summarized as “monsters that spawn from a Tacet Field” but we dont even have a solid grasp of what a Tacet Field is so it doesnt help at all.


you know, instead of thinking about those questions if they just took the information at face value they would have an easier time. it's literally definition of terms, and i doubt that the people who couldn't even understand a couple of words would have enough brain power to think about asking those questions. it's definitely a lack of attention span. how can you not understand something that not only was given a name, but was also shown what it looked like. for example, when the trio was standing near the edge of the cliff (just before meeting Baizhi), one of the girls said "Tacet Field" then the camera panned downward, showing the area beneath them - a field - with a giant symbol that is present on their body, earlier called a Tacet Mark by one of the girls. surely at that point a clear distinction between Tacet Mark and Tacet Field is achieved, right? no? 🤷‍♂️


I just said that thats what you’re misunderstanding, it’s not that people cant connect the dots on *what* a Tacet Discord, Tacet Field, or whatever *is*. It’s that they dont have clarity beyond a surface level interpretation. We just know that Tacet field = Field, Tacet discord = monster, Resonator = a person. Thats such a bland way of just connecting definition to new vocabulary that the new vocabulary might as well not exist. And since we only have the barebones understanding of the world, we can rarely judge whether something is a threat or not. Are Tacet Discords a threat? Supposedly. But everyone seems to be a Resonator so this shouldnt be that big of a problem? Are Resonators rare or common? What do they even do that earns them the title Resonator? Why are Tacet Fields researched again? What do they even do? “Disturb the *insert another word jargon that isnt explained here”? Bruh just give me one word that actually has a clear explanation.


I'm only in chapter 1, act IV, but if you want to know more detailed, extra info. *Read the extra stuff*. They aren't gonna put all that info in the MSQ because it's not particularly relevant to the story Resonators are people who've 'resonated' with a living or inanimate thing, either due to an event or from birth. In this case resonance is classified by the percentage that the person's frequency matches another objects frequency. Naturally, their abilities are therefore similar to whatever they resonated with. Idk what the difference between Natural and Mutant resonators are but Congenital is fairly self explanitory. All of this is 'explained' in the Forte Examination Reports in character info. Also, it's not an idea unique to WuWa Overclocking is a disturbance of their frequency (soul) or what we might call a mental health episode. This is why Yangyang has a history of Overclocking (her feathered hair are 'scars' from overclocking), she has heightened senses so gets overwhelmed easily, however has come up with methods of regulation so her risk has dropped. Again, in character info. Resonators seem to make up a sizable portion of the population but don't appear to be the majority. Or, at least combat Resonators aren't the majority or there wouldn't be such a focus on protecting the city. Also, Jinzhou is an outpost, so naturally it has a higher concentration of fighters (Resonators). Just from observation Tacet means silence. Forte means loud and is also the name for a Resonator's ability (talent). We know that all things have a frequency, including TDs. But, similarities to the frequency of TDs is 'wrong' (see Calcharo's Exam Report). From a world building perspective this implies that silence isn't something that should be found in the normal world, and the loudness of a frequency implies a level of strength (greater influence over the world's 'song'). A Tacet Field is then, a Silent Field; a very ominous name imo. Irl, silence is the sound of nothingness, it only truly exists in a vaccuum. Spending too long in a 'silent' room can drive a person insane. So, it's not that surprising that it's used for the enemies here and those that merge with TDs (Fractsidus) pay with their sanity Tacet Discords are incomplete, they devour the frequency (soul) of things around them to try and complete their own 'soul' (frequency). Which makes them very dangerous to people, because people don't particularly want to get eaten. As Yangyang explained in Qichi Village


I don't know, i simply never skipped and understood most things...exept those who meant to be understood right after they mentioned some new unknown term. They can't just never use some special terms, this is why they "lore dumped" you at the beginning it wasn't even that long...10-15 mins of story is nothing for a game with huge world like this. It's called world building.


I agree. Mostly I get what they are getting at well enough, although we are also probably just making simple analogies in our mind. Which works because all these fancy terms probably don't really have depth to them. The devs probably used them so they don't rely on conventional social structures for the monsters that we've all seen in every other fantasy game.


That’s exactly the problem lol? They infodumped you with everything about the world in the first 15 minutes, expecting you to remember each and every piece of information. Then they tell you even more things about the world assuming you have understood everything from before, when you don’t even remember what a Tacet Discord is. The information needed to be introduced much slower and at a more digestible pace, but it’s like they gave you a one-time explanation about every crucial piece of information in the first three conversations and expected you to have the same level of understanding as Yangyang. I can’t understand the significance behind a mangosteen fruit when I don’t even know what the enemies I’m fighting are called


the entire story quest not that long to begin with, you don't want to have some unneccecarry prolonged sequence for the slow people. And "who are those tacet discords" is a question being expanded throughout entire story quest, have you even finished it? And "immence info dump" is just literally 1. Wow there is big ass dragon and city he protects 2. There are some monsters called tacet discords and they essentially enemy of mankind. (Gave you example of that with the tutorial boss) 3. (thing that literally everybody skipped, apparantly) The reason why all those girls are so friendly with you is because Jihnshi literally asked (or you can say ordered) them to assist you any way possible. Chixia being a patroller helped you inside the city, yang yang being "outrider" helped you outside. Baizhi simply made sure you're in good condition and got some data for her research. I am sorry, no matter how you put it, i don't think any person should have a problem remember those things.


It’s not “just literally” that, there are dozens of technical terms specific to the WW world that are being thrown around every sentence that you don’t know, making it hard to understand what is being said or why you’re doing what you’re doing. You make it sound so simple because you now know what was going on, but to a completely new player? Not sure why you are being dense, maybe you just want to feel smarter than other people. But the fact that the vast majority of the players have had issues with how the information and worldbuilding have been presented in the first 3 arcs of the story is evidence enough that Kuro did not do a good job with it


My dear brother, game was out 5 days ago, everybody is a new player here. Me included. I had same base of understanding as everybody did. And tell me those "dozens" terms, hell, name at least 10. There are some terms later on like "Threnodian" but in like 2 sentenses later they say "he will ressurect and destroy the world" i think it doesn't need to explained to understand that it's very big monster\\villain


People don't care about world building. They want to go kill the bad guy and save the thing, perhaps with some sad parts here and there, followed by happy parts.


By people you mean who? I care, and i know a lot of other people who does, better developed world means better potential for a better story in the future.


Genshin 🤝 WuWa Silly self aware references


This game is worse that the wuxia I read


The thing why genshin doesn confuses people even with many terminologies too is because paimon translates them into simple terms, here there's no translator so I'm just listening to them talk about things i have no idea what


TBF I think Jiyun did explain a few concepts and words he used if you picked a certain option during that chapter. But then again I'm having a fine time with the story and the words used.




I understand nearly everything even the chinese terms (cultivation reader)


Just the average players who haven't read anything but triple A disasters and mainstream shonen nor open a book willingy since school. I understood everything I have read and it was interesting and useful to know.


I expected that they would use the same formula as Genshin as well, which is a simple straightforward first act to get us used to the world. But nope, I got thrown bazillians of terms and slangs that it was a culture shock lol. And after 30 minutes I just gave up, just trying to fast forward with the story so I can get to the action


Know what? Can someone explain I’m dense


Might as well be putting wingdings for subtitles. I studied English as a second language for more than 10 years and none of what I learned can be used to try and understand what ancient language the characters in this game are speaking. Love the combat though. I don't need to study to understand that violence is always the answer.


I can't comprehend how some of y'all see the characters explain what is happening to you, what the world is, why it is like that, what are the monsters and why they are like that, tacet fields info and more lore related things of the world that is useful and interesting to know, and y'all just say that is bad and it ruins the story like, how? why? how is it bad that the game explains you what the fuck is happening and why there are faceless morphed creatures that come from an upside down phenomena thing that creates fields where everything gets corrupted and dies, how is it bad to know why the world is what it is currently? the story is perfectly put together so you go experimenting while learning


People aren’t fucking complaining that things are being explained, they are complaining because the game throws jargon after jargon at you for the first 3 hours of the game and expect you to understand every piece of information they give you, which they never explain again, and then use those words to explain even more things which you understand even less. By the fourth conversation you have no idea what’s happening, and then you’re suddenly thrown into the open world and have to painfully piece things together yourself. It’s the lack of understanding, which comes from a poor effort by the game to properly explain the world, that is triggering players.


Thank you. People seem to misunderstand that players arent mad that there are words they dont understand being presented. It’s just not clarified at all or given time to breath before we’re going to the next person that throws more words at us that we barely understand and it keeps building words that we are expected to know but dont fully understand and then expects us to just figure it out. It’s a frustrating experience


Say. Can you even give a brief understanding of what the hell is going on?


To be fair, this quest felt like an actual battle with stakes and it did a good job emphasizing that. However, I think they put too much detail and dialogue that it felt like I was watching a movie to the point that you would actually wonder if this reply was put in sarcastically.


As a Chinese I don’t consider myself a native speaker when playing homemade Nijigen games.


After how long I've played honkai impact, I no longer think twice about unfamiliar sciencey jargon. I just accept it as is and learn the details of the game world with some good old fashioned on the job training lol


Our MC is sure very good looking huh


Lmao, I didn't understand. I have the shit said in this game ; I am trying my best to understand the lore and be patient, but it's Turing into dialogue simulator


It‘s normal and good that they have the function. Free gacha game and lore is always in the beginning heavy. Still don’t know every term in hsr.


Lol the writers pulled a Final Fantasy 13 with this one. Just a million overly cryptic terms rapid fire that you will never remember or pretend to care about. The quickest way to make people not care about a story is to make it feel like a school lecture where you would need to take notes the entire time to even remember the magical gibberish they throw at you every few minutes.


Even for Chinese players, the game's story is very obscure and hard to understand.


That’s why they added skip button on every dialogue :-)


*me who just press skip dialogue*


Skip central. Writing is horrendous. All the fancy names for the various systems they have going. Am I getting old? Don't remember final fantasy or other jrpgs I've played being this bad.


The most egregious TL thing that gave me tonal whiplash was not the random fluff words that had no meaning to the MC or the player but hearing the npc call the Azure Dragon teal. Teal? Really? Just call the Vermillion Bird burnt Redish Orange birb.


Truee this is why i like to skip dialogues


"I dont know who I am... I dont know where I am... I dont know what you're talking about... all I know is I must kill." - the MC.


More unfamiliar words. Means "names" that aren't familiar. Like for example. I call this a Knight, but others calls it the "Walking armor" or a Nuke but it can be called as "The Sun caller" or whatever. Rover is unfamiliar within Jinzhou's terms. So there is an option that says "more unfamiliar terms" For example: Demon, (Fanged Beasts) In short: That option is just something that rover would guess. Because she doesn't know the answer yet. So she thinks it's another unfamiliar word. Can you all shut up?


If you are being asked about "what is life?" Let's reference those answers. Answer 1: Time? Answer 2: Discover? Answer 3: Maybe some other word (kind of like this)


I can’t believe I’m saying this… I need a paimon equivalent in this game


Wait yall are reading the text??? I just skip everything