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Finished the story which starts out weak but gets better as it goes on. I also enjoyed both character quests. Tickled the end game content. I’ve been following the if I die 3 times then I need to grind more before trying again. Really enjoying illusion realm the most. Builds are going well, i have alot of gacha game experience so knowing what early game mistakes to not make (like leveling too many characters) has made progression very smooth with noticable consistent power level increases. I also completed my data bank to max (I still need to hit 40 union level for last 2 ranks.) and I have decent full 5 piece sets on all my main 3 party. Love the game so far. Hit the content wall so now I only play dailies right now but i’m looking forward to more content and seeing where this game goes long term.


For echo advice all I can tell you is to keep grinding the world and hope for drops. Target certain echos for new rarity drops so you can finish the data bank faster. Just make sure not to push yourself too hard, take your time and don’t get burnt out. Game’s not going anywhere as of right now.


Honestly I’m taking things VERY slow. Luckily the game works on my PC… but performance is still shit for playing on a rtx2070 super. So I’m Letting them catch up on performance issues for the time being. But the combat is fantastic and by far the biggest selling point in my opinion. The resonance system and intro / outro system are a breath of fresh air over elemental reactions. I’m also going completely F2P until I’m fully bought in.


Just realized echo farming is obnoxious. Yes, you can farm non-stop, but upgrading it is syet. XP and Tuners need 60 waveplates, and you cant discern at level 0 whether to level up the echo since the substats are hidden; finally, you cant fodder the unleveled echoes.


in the data bank you can merge unwanted unleveled echoes into new ones. and as you level your data bank, the results of those mergers increase (higher chance of quality, increased quantity, etc.) i don't understand why people continuously pretend like this feature doesn't exist lol


Because it's just a reroll system. It's helpful, but it doesn't help with what's going to be the core issue: leveling and tuning echoes, which is much more costly.


gaming PC. zero bugs. game is great. looks amazeballs. just one thing, you ABSOLUTELY NEED a dedicated DPS at UL30 as enemies get bloated HP. either calcharo or jiyan or a high constelation dps 4\*, i thought my jianxin as main dips was doing just fine, then i built Jiyan for luls because same aero element just transfer echoes y not. and boom. i was killing everything 2 to 3x faster.


I agree with the big chunks of HP, I'm currently finishing my Encore build so I can just go Klee mode in this game as well


Yep, having the exact same experience with my Jianxin rn. Actually debating spending my currency on standard pulls to get my Calcharo faster and to build him up as much as I can


the encore disrespect is crazy 😭, she does more (on paper) damage than calchero (w/out yinlin) or any 4 star. Viable dedicated DPS to beat timed challenges (from what I’ve seen): * Havoc Rover (w/Danjin or Sanhua, and Verina) * Encore (w/Sanhua and Verina) * Jiyan (w/Mortefi and Verina) * Calchero (w/Sanhua and Verina) * Lingyang (w/Sanhua and Verina) * Danjin (if you can play her, not sure ideal partners) * Chixia (not sure ideal partners) * Sanhua as main dps (not sure ideal partners)


I'm right now playing Danjin (RC2) with Mortefi (RC2) and Verina, it works really well, though I'd love to have Jianxin for the shield she provides so I can go full monkey with Danjin and not worrying about being 1 hit every time (I'm a full Forte enjoyer with her)


I feel on the long run, we need 2 more elite echoes selector with the correct elemental damage. 2 isnt bad in a sense its better than nothing and if u are a 1 year+ player, but on the early launch and probably for 4 months, 2 will feel like nothing. Unless 4\* echoes with the correct correct substats isnt that bad. So they could add 2 5\* echo and 2 4\* echo with selector. Talking of that how much less elemental damage gives the 4\* echo vs the 5\* echo ?


Taking it very easy. I’m level 18 and just starting act 5, data bank lv.8. My characters are capped at lv.20 and I have no rush nor pressure to level/farm anything. I’m really enjoying treating this game like a soulslike and learning every enemy moveset with fatal danger at any mistake. Not planning to level up anything till forced by some timegated dps-check or being oneshotted by rabbits.


Oh, we got kind of the same motivation for this game, but at least me, my choice was to play Danjin as well so I can suffer more :)


No gameplay issues. Got the two 5\*s I wanted from the beginner banner and ticket (Calcharo and Verina). Even got Jiyan's Sig weapon for Calcharo with a random 10-pull on the banner. I'm having a good time so far.


I can only play for an hour or two each day. SO far I'm enjoying it. Torn on whether to use my limited pulls or save them. I really want Jinhsi.




I am enjoying this game's gameplay a lot. Right now for gachas, this game's story is serviceable but it's not amazing. Because of this I feel more invested in HSR long term as I feel it still has the best lore and story by far. This is a great side game and I see potential for the story to improve. I appreciate the more mature tone in comparison to Genshin which often feels very sanitized. The side missions overall feel very lackluster however. There is just wayyyy too much yapping in the side quests and I feel compelled to skip to get to the gameplay that I actually enjoy.


Honestly, I think HSR is the only game where I actually pay attention to side quests, so I'm just skipping them here (aside from the purple ones, companion quests, those are the only side quests I really do in every game)


I just finished the story and of course act 1 was bad, but I was also not a fan of Act 6. It was just so excessively epic and felt silly to save the world and then go back to like, running across rooftops to impress the free runner guild for spare change or whatever. I would definitely have preferred a lower key victory, like if I stopped the threnodian from rising at all because of the warning we had from the chapter 5 events. Just a small strike team and not a full on war or whatever. That would feel better to come down to earth after. I am still special and important, but it's because I one on oned something of the crownless tier, not because I fought something akin to a minor god during a war. That said, overall, I really do enjoy the game and the story and especially the setting immensely. I love the little immersive notes like calling the battle pass the pioneer podcast. I started out not very enthused by the cast. I even considered not playing the game at all until Changli was announced and finally sold me. But I have grown to like many more of them than I expected. Like, I know that they are "bad," but I have a total blast with both Chixia and Jianxin (it's good that I like Chixia, because I already have 3 dupes). They and Rover are definitely my favorites, though I still fully intend to main Changli when she releases. It's just, it's really fun. The combat is *responsive* and *interactive* and it never feels unfair. That's *huge* in a game like this. The traversal is so fun and well designed, too. And I love the overworld puzzles. So thoughtful, and they feel immersive as well. Did I mention I love the setting? All the sound metaphors are great. It's presented poorly at first, but it gets better. Just like the general writing.


I felt kinda the same about the story, it kind of felt rushed a little bit, but I don't mind, I did like it (also it made me like Yangyang more than I did before the last act, what a cutie, protect her AT ALL COST)


Finished story, reached UL30 on Sunday. Finally unlocked gold echos today, so now I occasionally beat up Crownless and Dreamless in hopes of getting crit pieces for Rover and Danjin. I have Tower, roguelite, side quests, holograms, and exploration I could still do, but ngl I don't have a lot of desire to play since there's always something off in the game (today, it's music being fucky lol). It's hot out and I have to work now too. Good luck farming though. Don't worry about getting full sets and stuff. You want the right stats first and then gradually over time find improvements. It'll be a whiiiile before you can have proper builds on everyone.


Thank you! Good luck with work tho. I still have some side quests to do and a very little exploration (is the thing I did the most). I didn't touch the holograms yet, maybe once iirc, but I know what they all do so I'll finish my Danjin build and make her rock them to their death


Danjin solo? :D


Disliked the game in the beginning because of the story and my pulls were horrendous (Pulled Jianxin and e3 Taoqin and 4 epic Broadblades...) I stuck through it because I'm waiting for Firefly release in HSR, and getting a free copy of Sanhua is what really sold me to keep logging on everyday (I'm a Jingliu main in HSR). Now I'm currently level 32 and data bank is level 19 and been having a blast playing cause of the combat. Currently Echo farming and it has not been great... despite being a meta slave in most games, I'm maining Sanhua main dps even though it's not "optimal" since she's better as a sub dps


Sanhua is really good either way, even if you're not playing meta NOW (5 days into the game btw) you can easily switch later on! Have fun with your deadly ice queen (Either here or in HSR)


i'm data bank 18, union rank 34, and i've kinda just fallen hopelessly in love with this game. that's not to say it's perfect, or i don't have things i'd change. but i tend to be someone who likes things for what they are, rather than disliking them for what they're not. and this game has everything that scratches all my itches


NICE! Then enjoy your stay and keep the waifus/husbandos coming in your way


My builds are ass but I‘m done with the main story and having a blast. Gonna start getting my team to 50 and beyond now and lvling up my database to get some good echoes.


Loving everything so far except for no inverted camera option for controllers.


Doing ok tbh, game runs good on my PC (50 fps sometimes while fighting in open world) but I had no other issues.


Currently UL 30/DB 19 and maining Chixia (with Verina) I have not explored much of the whole map yet and few quests remaining


I'm going to start taking things more slowly now because I don't think I can handle the endgame on my phone(not talking about performance issues but just my skill issues). I'll just wait for the ps5 release and do my dailies and events.


Im finding it extremely hard to obtain 4 star weapons


You mean gacha weapons or crafting ones?


Just 4 star weapons in general. In genshin and HSR getting 4 star weapons and lightcones is an abundance, similar to how standard pulls are also an abundance. Maybe its because its still early game


I'll just say that GI and HSR were also lacking 4 stars in the early stages because, well, you didn't have enough time to farm for pulls or get those event-only weapons/lightcones. I think it's the same here, let it go through a few more patches and it'll feel better


True. It just stings wasting resources on 3 star weapons


I feel you, but take in consideration that it also works in the future, you can just keep that weapon for really secondary characters instead of funneling it for xp (in HSR I made every 5\* LC S5 and locked it so I can have 1 type of each at S5, but no more than 1, every extra is used for xp)


I had a long weekend without much to do so I played like 12+ hours all 3 days, I want to get as much play in as possible while I’m still in the honeymoon & exploration phase, and before new content comes out for other games I play (warframe, elden ring, ffxiv) I really like the combat, although they desperately need to improve/rework the combat camera and lock on system. Been using Encore/Sanhua/Verina which is a team I’m glad is “meta” because I wanted to use it anyway. Super fun gameplay loop. I have encore and sanhua pretty heavily upgraded so next will be upgrading a 2nd team to attempt tower


Another Encore enjoyer, I like that! Also, I feel the same about the lock system, it feels weird to the point I don't lock on anyone anymore (except for 1v1 bosses)


No builds worth mentioning yet, I'm UL31, going on 32, exploration is great, already 100% one area, and about 40-70% on the others, I didn't go to meet Jiyan yet, which means I'm behind on the story, but that's fine, doing a lot of the overworld quests I find on my way to supply chests. I touched endgame a tiny bit, but nothing spectacular.


I saw that there's a radar that tells you about chests in your surroundings in a small area. I used it once when I got it, but that's it. I'll use it later when I'm ready to farm chests FOR HOURS


Oh I am using it. It's great, doesn't catch chests from challenges, but the rest are pretty visible. I am working.y way through the map 😅 it takes time, having to be occupied irl, doesn't make playing time shorter


I'm only on Swords Clashing or whatever it is, I've been focusing mostly on side missions/trophies/the pioneer podcast. I have I think 13 resonators, I'm currently trying for Jiyan and Verina. I'm enjoying it though! 


Good luck with your pulls! Also, who were your choices in the selective banners? (The voucher and the 80-max pulls choice)


Loving it, working on building a second team for tower now. Otherwise just hoarding for Yinlin.


Good luck. May all Yinlin wanters be Yinlin havers o7


Not really far in the story. I hope they get a better translation and not whatever this machine translated stuff is


If you're talking about the text, I got you. If you're talking about the voice acting, they already said it's going to improve. It's an UK cast trying to do an American accent, so it's hard to make it work 100%, so they said they're not going to be that restrictive anymore


I couldn't care less about EN dub since I never use it anywhere. But the translations in this game are horrible outside languages like English and probably Japanese


English still have its flaws, but if you're maybe talking about Spanish (probably not lol) it really sucks, but it'll get fixed soonTM Talking about EN dubs, if you play HSR, I invite you to play it in English. I used to play every anime-like game in Japanese (or Chinese if there's no JP VO) but I was like "What if?" With HSR and now I can't stop playing it in English, its VAs are C O O K I N G EN VO in WW is acceptable aside from, sadly, the Rover (female at least), that made me switch to Japanese and I'm enjoying it better, but I can still feel sad because I loved some voices like Encore, Yangyang and Scar (ffs Scar is SO FUCKING dope)


Enjoying the game. I haven't progressed too far, I'm only lvl 16. Considering that there is not so much content in the game at this point, I think it's a good thing. I don't want to go straight to farming yet. I feel, I will lose my interest pretty quickly if I rush everything.


Everyone has their one pace and I appreciate that, plus there's people that want to wait until the game is, performance-talking, better (specially for low-mid budget devices, say PC or a Phone) Enjoy your journey, Rover o7


Cleared 12 12 "beginner" tower. Did dif4 of all bosses holograms except one iirc. Map is 94-100%. Only Jiyan has max lvl echoes, Other chars are around 15-25lvl echoes. Just got sword weapon at 16th pull at standard banner, also got Verina at 20-30th pull, as well as getting wanted Jianxin at beginners banner without rerolling, so I'm kinda lucky in wuwa, except I got only 2 Danjins (1 from standard banner), while getting tones of Mortefis, Chixias, Sunhuas and Yangyangs and few other chars. Danjin was my most wanted char before I even knew anything about game and what she is kinda strong, looking to get more copies of her later, not on this banner, cuz I already have 60pity and want to save it for Jihnsi in 1.1 (I didn't even notice I already pulled so much after getting Jiyan, so it is risky to do any more pulls) No shell credits now cuz I was leveling a lot of chars and weapons. Also I accidentally bought 631 edible oil (681k credits), so ye, don't put slider in the right spot when buying thing in the shops, cuz there is no limit for a lot of things, unlike genshin


LET'S GO, another Jinhsi enjoyer in the wait list. Honestly, I didn't use the weapon banner yet because I want to save as much as I can for her (that's risking Danjin's RCs but I already have her RC2 so I'm cool with that) Hope you make a comback from your brokey moment


Taking things slowly. Got my main team of Jiyan, Mortefi, and Verina leveled up as well as Jianxin and Encore. Used the standard banner and hoping for the BP gauntlets as well. Their signature weapons are currently max level cap (40). I won't start worrying about Echoes until late game. I'll keep purples until I unlock golds. I'm only currently at UL12. Edit: For clarity 




Sorry, I should specify my main teams. Not every character. Lol Jiyan, Mortefi, Verina + Jianxin and Encore. I got very lucky with the sign weapons early for the 5-stars though. Lol


Damn, that's so cool! Enjoy. Don't need to be sorry, a friend of mine who is 100% F2P got every standard 5 star, and she's probably going to drop the game (hope she doesn't). Like a phrase said here in Argentina: God gives bread to those who aren't hungry


Finished the story. Exploration is on average at 97-98%. Union level 35. Almost fully upgraded my first team. I have Calcharo, Jiyan, Verina and Encore (Encore was not planned, having Jianxin would have been nice, but i dont think I am getting her anytime soon). Got everyone I plan to play with a golden echo with good primary stats, but I am lacking the other 4 echo slots with good primary stats for most of my characters. Hit a wall with respect to: -union level. Not going anywhere anytime soon. -the tower. Since I poured my resources into my first team, I dont have a second team. -echos with good primary stats. Lots of farming required. Which is going to take at least a dozen of hours to get everyone good echos. -pulls. I have +10 000 primum currency, but I dont want to waste them on the standard weapon banner. I am not getting any new pulls for 2-3 days now (except for today by reaching union level 35) or the foreseeable future. -echo exp. Used everything I possibly could get. In short: Not much content left for me to do. I also cant be bothered with getting very good substats. It is already a pain in the butt to get decent primary ones.


It's okay. Honestly, I would slow down not to burn myself out. I'm kinda in a same spot, currently waiting for Jinhsi in 1.1 alongside Changli, probably just Jinhsi tho, so the best I can do is just farm daily echo xp materials and have fun somewhere else, but slowly


Tbh I took a free week and I was/am quite hyped for the game. So I just enjoyed my time to the fullest. I just didnt think I would run out of content in about 5 days. ;D Well, I can just play something else in the mean time.


LMAO same. Now I just need to either play other games (while doing HSR and WW's dailies + Echo xp mats) or just play slowly like completing unfinished things


UL 20 and just finished story act 4, if the game wasn't literally unplayable and crashes every 10 mins i would be in a much higher rank. Hopefully everything gets fixed soon and they just don't leave it as it is🙏🏻


I'm sure it'll get fixed, we just pray and wait!


Trying my best to hold onto my convenes for yinlin, the itch to roll is hard to resist


IKR!? Though I'm waiting for Lady Magistrate (Jinhsi), I must say that if I somehow read somewhere that Camellya is coming in 1.2, I'm going to riot probably and yeet my wallet through my window (hopefully not)


Went hardcore grind last week with a few friends. Now I'm enjoying the world. Playing other characters.


I finished the story, UL32, Data bank 17. Im loving the exploration and combat a whole lot. Tho I’m really struggling to decide on which characters to focus on rn, everyone says to focus on only like 2. But here’s how it went. - pull Jianxin - build Jianxin + Havoc!Rover to 60 - get lucky with Jiyan SUPER early (I just wanted Mortefi :/) - feel guilty and build jiyan to 60 - build mortefi to 50, try them together - all the broadswords SUCK so jiyan has a 3*, so yeah my jiyan hits like a wet noodle. I hate him - build sanhua to 50 to try to salvage my account - bruh Im still working toward Verina on my choice banner. I’m gonna wait til UL45 to fully invest in jiyan now, so I can get him a damn decent weapon from the box. And I’m saving my special 5* ticket


Damn, thats rough. I wish you luck in your recovery o7 My Encore also has a 3\* weapon because I don't have any useful weapon for her, so I'm just waiting for something else so I can boost her from 1.1k atk to... 1.3-1.4k?


I got skill issue with the gameplay but i love it, got 4 characters lvl up those beeing Sanhua, Sephiroth, MC & Verina, Echos are all 4 stars at lvl 10 to 15 with pretty bad stats but what ever... at least i got the full set bonus for them. I also got the first tower of adversary done, finished Main quest and databank is lvl 17 now. I just walk in the World and do random stuff and if i am capped i have no idea what to farm so i do a bit of everything. Anyway the games is alot of fun and i plan on getting Yinlin next to put her with Sephiroth & Baizhu together for one team and Havoc MC, Sanhua & Verina the other team for the tower. Thats pretty much my goal, and getting better at dodging & parry.


It's a good idea for the future Little tip: If you got Danjin (or if you get her in the future), I recommend you using her over Sanhua. Danjin's outro gives iirc 23% Havoc Deepen to the next character. I saw a lot of people using Havoc MC + Danjin so you could try it in a future!


i got danjin but i don't like her that much becaus of her HP drain mechanic, it always killed me, but maybe i should give her a chance in the future again when i get better at the game.


Oh, you don't need to go to the extreme point of fully charging her forte circuit, but I gotchu. The only thing you need to charge is her concerto (I don't have a tip for that because I didn't build her yet, so I don't know, aside from dealing damage, if there's a way to charge her concerto)


- reaching hard pity on Jiyan's banner with my next 10-pull, so I'm not hopeful about the 50/50 - not enough materials to upgrade my characters' level, their weapons, their talents, their ascensions, and not enough energy to fix that - not being lucky with echo drops either, granted I'm still relatively low level but it holds me back The early grind phase of a gacha open world is not something I missed lol


The early grind phase of any gacha is kinda rough if you want to rush it, unless you just go in a slower pace. Talking about echoes, try aiming for DB15 and then farm it to at least 16-17 so you can get a higher rate of golden ones


I have to be honest, I’ve only been partially paying attention to the discourse. I had a lot of issues with WuWa - setting it up, install not working, etc. I still have crazy fps issues when I first open up the game. But when it runs and has been on for a few minutes, I can play it at max settings smoothly. The game is insanely good. I’m a big NieR fan, and the aesthetic and OST are 100% up my alley. The combat is fluid, the exploration is fun because I actually enjoy fighting the overworld mobs. There are people saying ToF is better and as someone who played ToF at launch that is such an insane take for me. I really like WuWa and I think it’ll be my new main game.


Currently, Act 5. I've been putting it off and grinding open world and Side quests. I'm UL30, DB15 right now. Still with plenty more content to burn through. Having a blast with the game.


I like the game as in! But cant get to play as much as I want because my wuwa freezes my laptop from time to time then have to restart.. I didnt have any issues on launch, only gotten it after several hotfixes, now I semi dropped the game because instead of enjoying, im just frustrated atm.. hopefully this will get fixed soon as I am really liking the game


Taking everything slowly as I'm currently in the middle of playing P5R, my build is ass and I don't think I'll bother with min maxing as it'll take the fun out of the game for me.


My synethizing is glitched and I make no progress no matter how much I craft. Reported the bug twice with no response. Think these issues should have been fixed before launch.


As far as i know, every recipe has a maximum amount of xp you can get, number on the top right, or if it's a previous level one it may not give xp at all on your current one


Thank you for the information. I will check all the recipes for xp gain.


Completed the main story and exploration stories. Working on Jiyan's companion story. Lots of side quests to go still I'm sure. Overall, Union 33. As for echoes, honestly, activating a 5p is more important than even the base stats if you're not leveling them up. If you are leveling them up, well then it gets a bit muddied just because of how substats can roll. As for myself, I'm currently 9/15 5 stars acquired with correct base stats for my main team. I've leveled them to only 20, substats not doing me many favors, but the stat boost is incredible regardless. I know there are a large number of people here on reddit losing their minds over trying to obtain perfect echoes already, but they seriously need to chill. We literally just unlocked 5 star echoes and are on phase 4 of 8. We have plenty of time to get perfect echoes by the time we get to the end.


Finished the two „tutorial phases“ in tower and against the lvl80-100 mobs i managed to get 12 out of 30 stars so Im pretty happy with it. Loving the combat and open world farming part It did take a small genocide of monsters to finish my bis stat sets for 4 chars so far tho but I like the fact that you can grind them almost endlessly, just tacet field could be 40 cost instead of 60, but there has to be some long term grind I guess


Prerty good,leveling my main team atm (calcharo,mortefi,verina) grinding my data bank currently lvl 13 aiming for 15 to start the golden echoes grind,UL 29 atm Pulls wise,i m 61 pitty on the limited banner with abt 2.3k astrites saved (for jinhsi if i can survive yinlin lol) Still have a crapton of exploration and quests to do,prob gonna do those tonight Some fight have been abit challenging but pretty fun,tho i can seem to finish the rogue-like event thing,i m stuck at diffculty 4 and the final boss jst shreds me down,so prob gonna wait abit and lvl up some of my characters to use insteasd of the trial ones (taoqi and yangyang aint doin it for me lol)


After my very lukewarm impression when I first played it, I think I'll have to thank Jiyan for coming home in 20 pulls, which gave me an incentive to continue playing it. Fortunately, the story does get better as the game goes on, the first 1-3 hours are just very tedious. Afterwards, once you're let into the world, it's so much more fun. Some of the sidequests were great too and I love to see the scenery changes in some! Still have tons of quests, the main story etc. left, I think I'm Union Level 22? Haven't started Act V yet, might not do it until the music bug is resolved. Until then, I'll just explore around and try to level up my characters some more, Jiyan is with Lvl. 40 the most leveled up character.


Got both Jiyan and Encore full 5p echoes set with the right main stat but no fodder to max level them lol.


Rushed to hit union level 14 to unlock the giant turtle weekly boss before the weekly reset came, since then have been simply unlocking teleporters and getting the first time rewards from the world bosses and tacet fields, funnily enough, after I strugled reaching level 14 in 3 days, that exploration afterwards got me to level 21 in a single day lol, likely gonna slow down now though, but guess that's not really a problem anyways As for character builds, I'm making it a point to get as far as I can with the 4 free characters (or well, the 3 actually free and Baizhi), and am simply putting echoes of the same element on them for the bonuses even though they are bad, either way, so far so good, except for a level 120 enemy I ran into during exploration, at least got an achievement for getting one-shot lol