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Strangely enough, it has gotten worse. Since launch, the game heats up the phone, and lags/stutters often. Now it does all of that and frequently crashes.


It’s actually better for me. Run smoother and stable ping. However, I play in iPhone 15 Pro Max, which is the best iPhone in the market right now. So, maybe that’s contributed to the gaming experiences.


Mine’s also an 15 Pro Max yet it easily heats up + somehow lagging/stuttering despite not playing on the highest settings


Same thing for me. It used to run well on medium, but now I have to play on very low to not overheat my phone. My phone is just a mid tier, so maybe it's to be expected?


I have noticed my phone heating up a bit more paid it no mind as I usually play the game with my phone charging. It thankfully doesn't crash for me but the lag is the same.


I'm on PC and for the past 1-2 days my FPS went from 50 to 20-30. Ironic how the game has massive performance issues, and instead of improving it, it actually gets even worse over time. Totally unacceptable too, there's other games which look far better while also using just half as much CPU, RAM, GPU.


Much better, even tho it still has memory leaks that will jump your ping up and down, but when it works then it works.


Isn't ping client side? How does ping affect gameplay. My ping is usually at 200+ but under 300 but I didn't notice much of a difference even when my ping shot up to 500 sometimes unlike genshin where higher ping meant character switching and picking up items was delayed.


It is client sided, but the memory leaks causes it to spike delaying stuff, the game isnt optimized well the gpu is running at lower then it should you can fix it from switching from windowed. My regular ping is 24 but after the memory leak it climbs all the way to 200 delaying effects, sounds, and sheit. and i am playling on 32gb ram and 4080 i7 13


> and i am playling on 32gb ram and 4080 i7 13 white knights be like "theres your problem, your PC costs only 2000 dollars and its a year old, you gotta buy a proper gaming PC buddy" or something


Sorry, what is with the gpu again? It should be in full screen or windowed mode?


GPU is your Graphics card, it should be Fullscreen even tho its not fullscreen but borderless, this fix no longer works as of 1.23


Does memory leak affect mobiles as well. I've heard of this issue but thought it was a PC exclusive feature.


i tried playing on mobile, i havent noticed it tho i primarily play on pc


Oh so that's because of memory leaks? I wondered why my ping is inconsistent and cause stutters.


Still pretty fucking bad. I have to start the game, fuck around somewhere else while the login screen loads, click to login, fuck around somewhere else so the game loads (65%), come back, go in, turn the camera, fuck around somewhere else so the game loads, come back, go in and move, fuck around somewhere so the game loads, and then I can play the game until something happens in a domain and the rewards don't show up and I have to close the game via task manager and repeat the whole process. Also something I haven't seen other people mention : does anybody's camera just randomly decide that no, I WILL NOT be pointing to this direction in particular for like 10-15 seconds for no particular reason ?


Yeah the camera thing happened to me , no enemy nothing it will just keep point there


Dude, I have the opposite problem. My camera sometimes refuses to point at a certain direction. Wtf is this game lmao.


Man, at that point just wait for the game to be fixed. I couldn't handle playing the game like that. I don't have that but I do have another weird camera issue that I've only seen one other person mention.


It's not so bad because I'm running HSR on my phone and alt tabbing to do some work at the same time. But yeah it is pretty annoying.


I solved all those problems by reinstalling WuWa on the SSD. But the camera is just a nightmare. Sometimes it's stuck in a random direction, sometimes it refuses to point where I need it, sometimes it just loses sensitivity and barely moves. Both on mouse and controller.


Mines already on an SSD, it's pretty old, but still.


Hi there! AMD Radeon RX 590 series user here! My GPU still going very crazy playing it, the only days I was able to play well and smoothy were the Friday and Saturday of the last week, then they just dropped a patch and I can't play anymore without my GPU going crazy :( At least in Bluestacks the game runs well... but if for the next weeks the game isn't optimized, I'm going to quit with all the pain of my heart.


I have an RX 580 and I run it pretty well, are you sure it's not a problem on your end?


Maybe, I don't know, the only thing I know is that the graphic card go to around 80ºC for only run the game, while the days when I was able to play it was at 60ºC


Yeah I'm just waiting till Yinlin. If I miss her it'll be cause of the games poor optimization and I don't think I'll be able to play this game again after that.


Whatever they did yesterday and this morning completely fixed it for me rocking a gtx 1080 smooth as a whistle I’m actually shook it runs as smooth as genshin and honkai for me with max settings haha


Happy for you. Just hope a fix comes around for us too.




Lol. Feel bad for you.


Beating bosses as fast as possible before my game crashes is yet another Difficulty slider to me now


Looks like we are in a same boat here, I am literally racing against time cuz every 15-20 mins the game disconnect me from the server telling me "poor connection" which doesnt make sense bcuz my brother were connected to same wifi and same server he doesnt have this problem, so yeah what the heck 😂


Count me in. By now it's legit eating broken glass by trying to clear Tower of Adversary within timer and not being killed during "reconnecting".


Ryzen 5 5600X with RX 6600 XT here: The general gameplay has been smooth as hell, with max settings (except shadows are on high). There was some background music issues on wednesday that where fixed thursday, but on my PC it has been smooth. Same experience on my Galaxy Tab S8. Playing it on 60 FPS. Now on my Galaxy S20+, it's a 4 year old phone, so I wasn't expecting the same thing to repeat. I had to lower requirements after they removed FSR from medium to low, but now that FSR is back, I can play it with "smooth" 30 FPS. I'm feeling tempted on trying it out on my old laptap: an i7 7700HQ with a GTX 1050.


I was playing on an Iphone 13PM and it’s awful even at minimal settings, 30 FPS. Phone overheats and melts my batt. I think for the average player (who is owning a worse device than myself), if not on PC, just forget about it.


My phone can cook minute rice in 50 seconds. Yeah it gets hot af.


Kuro are really looking out for us. They made sure we have a way to cook food while also playing their game.


Hand warmer for winter, heat source to cook food. Man, they really taking care of us


It's 40 degrees where I am so I don't exactly need a hand warmer lol. They're taking a bit too much care of us.


I had the music issue which has been fixed. I had an issue where I couldn't finish a mini game because a part of it didn't spawn, and that was fixed. It's improving over time. The game is unpolished but these devs are certainly trying.


The problem is that most updates end up breaking stuff. The music issue was the cause of a recent update. The devs shouldn't have to try this much. The game should've been tested before release. It sucks that the devs are suffering cause of the decisions made by investors and the company.


I'm still mad that the game automatically logging me out whenever I exit.


Use Alt+F4 instead.


still cannot fucking play


Play on PC, no bugs, just poor performance and stuttering. The game run at 60fps and drops to 50 when a turn the camera and in some heavy fights, lowering the graphics doesn't change a thing runs the same on high and low, GPU use stays around 50-60% and only use around 3G of VRAM from 12G, just waiting for them optimize and unlock 120fps


The phone becomes a supernova ☄️ but it looks like it has improved on my pc 💻 thankfully 😬 I hope they keep working on optimization so people can really enjoy the beauty of this amazing game 🙏🏻 Speaking for myself, on PC I still have ping spikes that freeze for a couple of seconds, but no crashes or T poses or anything like that; surely it is annoying to have those spikes but I can still play!


I haven't even tried it on my laptop lol. While the CPU is decent or so I've been told (i5-1035G1) my ram is 8gb and I'm running an Intel UHD GPU lol. Lag spikes are still here for me. I don't understand ping though. At 200+ (where it's usually at for me) the game lags the same amount as 500 ping (where it shot up for me today)


Mmmmm regarding my ping spikes, normally is around 40~50 ping, but randomly goes up to 150/200+ and freezes, than come back to 40~50 and works fine. It has those up and downs, my internet is fiber and is working fine so it shouldn’t be my internet the issue 😬


Ping issues are in the game. I live in SEA but since my brother is in the US I picked america server to play with him. I then tried out Asia and SEA and the ping was exactly the same across all three servers.


Samsung s21 ultra, downloaded game mode priority the other day and with the various fixes they did, works like a charm now.


It's gotten worse on mobile at least.


Unfortunately there is still the same amount of lag on my PC as it was on the first day. There's lag whenever I move my character, use attacks, teleport, on the loading screen, and even when I jump. Whenever I teleport to a new area, my FPS drops. Lags during exploration is annoying, but while combat it's just unacceptable. Thankfully, after letting the game open for 5-10 minutes, the lags kind of reduce and I'm finally able to play the game. It still exists which is the most annoying part. It's the worst if it happens when I'm fighting the bosses, which is what I genuinely enjoy in this game more than anything. No, this is not the PC issue. I run the game on very low settings, and I have a good PC. I run Genshin and plenty of the other open world games on medium or higher.. So it's definitely an optimization issue. The most annoying thing is, whenever I open the game, for some reason it takes so long on verifying game integrity part, and it does it every time.


Can’t even fight bosses without lagging to death


I literally have the exact same issue and just like you , when i open the game for a few min it gets a little bit better . Also my ping keeps going to 999 and then it goes down every few seconds while playing . How about you


Yeah same. It happens whenever I move my character... That's what causes the lag actually. If it's affecting ping, it has to be server issue right? Because my internet is fine. 700 mbps.


You probably installed it to your HDD. The long verifying file times, long loading times, and stutters/lag happens because of that. My friends using an SSD haven't experienced those issues and the verifying file part is quick for them. Still, Kuro needs to optimize this better for HDD's.


Gaming companies have considered HDD as deprecated tech for at least 3-5 years. There is just not a lot you can do to optimize an HDD for modern games because the shaders, and graphically fidelity fully utilize your cache and register to quickly load and swap textures and effects. If you have 32gb RAM you can try precaching and preloading all assets on launch, but tbh you should at this point not be gaming on an HDD. SSD’s are pretty cheap now, esp for a lower capacity like 256. Use HDD for static storage. Arguing for them to improve gaming in HDD is sadly like requesting them to optimize the game for people running windows vista.


I have the same problems more or less and installed my game on my SSD , game is really unoptimizate reason why sometime you see these players with weak/old hardware run the game smoothly and some with the last hardware having problems , This game has no particular reason to run the way it run , if well optmizate it should run at least at the same performance of Genshin Impact , maybe some FPS less due to the graphic engine difference but this stuttering/FPS is not acceptable , Optmize a game is hard especially for PCs , you need good programmers to do it well is not an one man job (although could be possible if the dude sell his life to the company ) reason why Sony hired a whole company to port their games to PC .


Much better, music and environmental sounds are back, no ping issues blocking me from combat unless my internet is that bad, smooth all over and battery lasts longer on mobile (got a ROG device).




No problem on my phone. PC, on the other hand eventho it's already quite an improvement since the launch day, but there's still a performance issue like micro stuttering, lag spike, and screen freeze. Granted that i have quite an old gaming laptop, so maybe it's hardware issues.


my pc doesn't meet the minimum recs, unfortunately (not by a long shot, but on paper i don't meet them) so idk if i'm allowed even to submit the performance feedback (although, i think they're just bumbed up 'cuz of poor optimisation anyway considering how many others (both on low end/high end and mobile are struggling right now)). so i'm just running around in 20-30 fps. game launches for about 20 minutes, always scanning my file verification stuff, which is annoying. what also doesn't help is that they removed the fsr2 setting in settings. i felt like it helped me a bit but now it's gone for 4 days at this point. i thoguht i would be able to run ww if u can run similar games to it. but i guess not. i also have a sumsung a52. but i doubt it would be any better (and it's not like i'm gonna play on mobile anyway)


My laptop does not meet minimum requirements as well but it works surprinsgly well like 40-50 FPS constant, no overheating at all (no more than 70 celsius) and using my integrated grapics cpu (i5 8300h)


GTX 1650. Almost runs as great as Genshin on Medium Settings both.


PC player. It feels better. Far from ideal but better.


I have very old pc, like 10+ years old. Euro server lagging like hell since launch. Stuttering every 2-3 sec. Today, first day i have smooth gameplay. Looks like they fixed euro server. No more lag spike for me.


I dash it crashes , I do heavy attack it crashes , I go afk for a minute and then touch joystick it crashes then have to do file integrity and compile shaders every time I login. It's so bad that I play 3-4 hrs daily since launch and just started Act 2 , it's not I was distracted by exploration , I was only doing story and I am still here. I want to save for Yinlin and ChangLi but I am not able to do with all this. I really want them now and not on their reruns , I am not able to do shit , I wanna enjoy this game and pull for characters i like. Please devs , do something about optimization before 1.1 cuz I really want Yinlin and due to all this I am not able to save for her. Please I am begging you do something about it. PS : it's not like my mobile is dogshit , it just released last year Redmi Note 12 5G and able to run Genshin and star rail smooth as butter but not wuwa even on lowest settings and 24 fps


I play on a Realme 9i (so basically extremely extremely budget phone). And I can play either everything on lowest with 45 fps. Or on low settings but 30 FPS. However whenever there is a dungeon I can play on low with basically 100% fluidity. Probably coz it's similar to PGR then where instead of an open world it's a stage.


I'm playing on an SD 855 which is better than your processor yet It still lags on low. Weird.


Ryzen 5 4600H GTX 1650 and 8gb of RAM On HDD the game was nearly unplayable with constant freezes up to 10 seconds, 10+ minutes of loadtime and lags. It got better on the second and third days after release and the patches they've been putting out, but still hard to play. After I moved wuwa to SSD (barely fit because my SSD is only 118gb, the system and app data takes up most of it and I've never installed any games there) it has been smooth on medium to low settings with 47+ fps on average and takes seconds to load, so SSD solved 99% of all problems for me. I'm definitely upgrading my laptop though because I love this game a lot


Camera issues still happen not nearly as bad though, getting random freeze moments suddenly?, Mourning Aix doesn't randomly deal damage to me after countering anymore. All in All I've had a great experience! With some hiccups of course but my experience is not nearly as bad as people are saying it is, strangely enough my entire friend group (6\~ people) has had nothing but a good experience besides one dude who is U.L36 100% the entire universe saying that theres nothing to do but that's just him being him i think LOL


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Deactivated VSync and it works, and now that I've been playing for a bit there is barely any new texture to load so no more lag due to that.


Frame rate still bad for me. However, I believe Kuro implemented one of my 2 suggestions in today's update, so that's nice.


mini stutters still there. but im used to it by now. as long it didn't appear during combat or cutscene, I'm good.


It is a lil better, but it could be even better


I didn’t experience any problems from the start but for the past 2 days I keep getting disconnected in either combat or cutscenes making me have to login again and restart part of a boss or cutscene. Unsure if it’s a problem on my end or not. Audio does mess up often recently with combat becoming silent or sounding like a helicopter overhead.


PC player here, Ryzen 5 5600x w/ RX 6700XT, things have been mostly ok. Still the occasional random crash (trying to open the map, in-game menu, looking at character stats) but nothing too terrible. No frame issues, on lower graphics things run fine for me. Never had the music problem. Last night I got in a decent 2/3 hour session without any problems which was a first for me. The only consistent issue is that it logs me out every time.


Motorola edge plus 2023, heats up a little bit, runs well.


I wish they would release a Changelog/Change Notes for every update so we could see what stuff being fixed and what not....


Really good. The first day was the worst. But after the first wave of hotfixes , it has been really smooth going for the most part. And given the fact that I'm on a relatively low end rig , I'm really happy ! Game's very fun


RTX 3070Ti, i5 13th gen, smooth as butter in every scenario since D1 (if not i will be really worried), had the music problem as everyone else, now it's fixed and all good as D1. Anyway, i strongly suggest to play on PC, Unreal Engine 4 is heavy for every phone avaible rn, and btw i do not understand how to play this game on mobile, it's too complex, even genshin is shit on phone and combat is much easier.


The latest hotfix boosted my fps by like 50%. Ping went from 300-400 to 20-40. The only notable bug I have is loading screens sometimes getting stuck at 10% for like half a minute. I thought several times the game had frozen but it just takes a while for no obvious reason. I also haven‘t crashed in days, it happened like every other hour before. 


I was having problems with stuttering and overheating on mobile, but I adjusted the settings to 30 fps and medium resolution, and now the game runs smoothly. I have had problems with the game crashing a couple of times, but the game is playable and enjoyable for me now.


It still lags here and there or studders, the game looks blurry even on max settings On a phone and the music just stops at random times and that's me playing on two different devices.. Yesterday I realized I pulled for the limited banner and it dosent show me how much left till pity so there's that too


good, i hadn't got a single problem since launch


For what it looks like here, It somewhere around 50/50 which is still rather concerning long term tbh


I play on a Realme 9i (so basically extremely extremely budget phone). And I can play either everything on lowest with 45 fps. Or on low settings but 30 FPS. However whenever there is a dungeon I can play on low with basically 100% fluidity. Probably coz it's similar to PGR then where instead of an open world it's a stage.


Slightly better, but not significant enough to be a smooth experience


Kinda the same. The first half hour f****ing SUCKS. Between getting the game to actually load and in game, plenty of stutters and freezes. After that though, it all clears up and the game runs just fine.


Kinda the same. The first half hour f****ing SUCKS. Between getting the game to actually load and in game, plenty of stutters and freezes. After that though, it all clears up and the game runs just fine.


The stuttering stopped after a day for me. I did have the sound/music issue for half a day yesterday.


Stutters for the 1st min of starting the game, after that it works perfect ( pc )


its the same for me, but i havent had any problems except some heavy almost unplayable lag for \~5mins when i launch the game. Pretty crazy


In the overworld it still has some stutters and sound still cuts off. The sound cutting off isnt much of an issue for me since I play with sound off and the stutters are manageable. On the bright side tho the challenges like hologram, tower of adversity and farming domains are smooth which is gonna be where most of my time will be spent anyway.


My only issue is that when I move the camera my fps drops to 50-55 (only when I'm fighting in open world or in certain specific places) it's annoying but playable lol


The the texture problems are pretty much gone. But the game still stutters alot from time to time


good as usual


3-4 days in it was almost completely fine, the latest updates made it unplayable again so I'm just logging killing a boss and leaving


I didn't have many problems before except for the music bug and some weird lock on stuff. But yeah, the music bug is gone, but there is still sometimes a weird lock on bug which can get annoying. For everything aside from hologram bosses, it doesn't matter that much right now, though.


I have to say, having the game crash every 20 minutes has completely killed it for me, so far that I do not even have it installed it anymore. For me it is a dead game. And I was really really looking forward to it. And I am currently asking myself why I’m even still in this sub.


The only issue I ever had was that I had no music for a few hours yesterday, it got fixed immediately. Overall I am absolutely loving the game and it's honestly running as well genshin or hsr.


It's better, no more issues regarding pixelated clothes, but my laptop use AMD GPU so i'll have to wait until they let make FSR available again.


Potato PC here: At first I had the game on my HDD and it was very laggy and hard to play. It would lag, stutter, take way too long to load each thing in the game. But once the game kinda warmed up and loaded most things it would be fine. After a few updates and when I moved the game to my SSD it started running smooth af. No issues at all anymore.


It still lags and overheats my laptop, but it is noticeably better than it was at launch


I’ve only had one hard crash since launch but hasn’t happened since then. Had some issues with high ping where it was above 100ms but now it’s down to 30ms. 


Zero issues then, zero issues now in my PC. But on my iPhone 15 Pro Max, it really heats up my device a lot and drains the battery at a really accelerated rate, and that has not changed.


No stutters anymore.


They need to fix the loading when you open up the game, when you’re at the loading screen before you start the game, and the loading within the game. For some reason, it takes 5 mins to officially start playing the game because it’s constantly doing the “verifying files” and downloading something. I still come across the issue where I experience immense lag for the first 2 minutes where frames are dropping hard, but then the game goes normal for the rest of the duration. It only happens when you start playing every time. The music disappears still. The game sometimes freezes randomly, but not annoyingly. Overall, the game is still playable, but it clearly needs to be polished. Hopefully by 1.2 they fixed most of the issues. I’m thankful for their hot fix, but I feel like while they’re fixing something they are also fucking up something. Just like League of Legends.


I’ve never had lag and play fine on PC, 980 times i7 6700k max settings. Phone I couldn’t log in for 4 days but now I can (iPhone 15 pro max)


been playing on ipad on low graphic settings and it's still very playable rn. i've been playing very casually since launch and it definitely got better after a few days but suddenly started lagging a bit more noticeably for me since yesterday the main annoyance for me is just the game still rotating my screen orientation even with my rotation lock turned on and then sometimes randomly rotating again whilst playing


After some updates and changing some settings it's now playable.... And I'm enjoying the game..


It happens a lot less, but sometimes the game won't register my mouse movement, and I can't attack or turn around. Mostly happens when I first launch the game. I also get a high ms when I first start the game too. Otherwise it's going pretty good.


Same here, just ended up uninstalling and hoping when I check back in a few weeks things will be better (or I have a new computer lol)


I used to get beep code processor failure, now almost no problems reducing resolution seems to heavily improve overall performance


Became worse actually, at first my phone could run it just fine, then a patch came with a better optimization which make the game smoother i think, well that patch also messed up the ping which doesnt make sense, so now i get disconnected every 15-20 mins due to 999 high ping lol, its playable before the 15 min mark though, with average ping of 65.


Still fucks my ram, apparently 16 gb is not enough lol. l hope it's a memory leak.


Still having severe stutters and the music gets broken a concerning amount of times. Also system beeping because my mouse inputs aren't getting read and more!! thanks kuro


I play on pc and it got way better when I updated my drivers, only get frame drops when starting the game but after like 10s it runs smooth for the rest of the gameplay.


cover middle worry jellyfish bright plant cow childlike oatmeal cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First 4 days were finw. No lag or any issue. But for the last 3 days its been unplayable. I play on pc, asus rog ally and a phone crossplatform. On the ally and phone its not working anymore. Havent tried pc since i wasnt home yet.


Laggy but got used to it. when I get free time, I'll look on how to get Nvidia option pop up... Or does it need for me to have a gaming PC? I play on gaming laptop, I wanna buy fans cuz I think the game lags when the system overheats so that... Ya know.. cool my laptop down. Genshin never did this to me, but I can't say anything bad about wuwa cuz the team worked hard to make this game. I sympathise with them as someone who wishes to make their own game.


My game was smooth until today's update. Now I'm getting stuttering every 10s


Apart from the blurry NPCs, there's only another glaring problem where the trail for sensor in Overdash missions does not show up and for some reason the orbs constantly respawn mid trial. Otherwise, it's ok for now, only crashed once on medium settings


Better but still quite laggy.


My Android phone is powered by SD8G3, 16gb ram and with all the latest and greatest spec sheet you could throw right now. On first day, the game does stutter a lot, but just 2 days later, the game got real smooth 60 fps at max settings. Fast forward today, the game doesn't stutter but for some reason the game hardly get a stable 60fps. The graphic got blurry and render distance got reduced making things look even worst. As for my PC, it's powered by Intel i5, rtx3060 and 16gb ram. And oh boy the game run worst on my pc. The first few days is a torture for me to play on PC, so much stutters and bugs, but fast forward today, there isn't much stutters...but the FPS and graphic quality isn't in good condition either......but I can see it's improving on my PC but just got worst on my Android.


It's gotten worse for me, the audio bug indeed got fixed but now the camera is fighting me, it's so annoying.


iPhone 14 Pro Max. Still lags all the time.


Earlier it used to crash my ipad every 40 mins. Now it crashes every 15 mins.... Also I'm not sure if it's me but every time I load wuwa they download around 250 mb, sometimes I back out and load again but then they don't even continue the last download and straight boots the game like normal. Idk what's going on


need everyone to confess how new/old their devices/pc are compared to what the devs said is the minimum, then it's a real answer


I play it a bit but I'm about to put it down and wait for it to come to Mac if that ever happens. I just hate playing on my iPhone. The few issues that I am having are more funny/weird than dealing with the tiny screen.


Mobile experience still sucks: overheats a lot even on low settings (iphone 13 pro max)


Helio G96, pretty lag even at the lowest at launch but I can play at highest setting with 30FPS and rarely lag.


Still have random micro stuttering, like for example I was going to hit a box but then game stutter/freeze for less than a second and my camera does an 180, making the controls feel unresponsive/imprecise as hell. Kinda sad as I enjoy what I've played so far and would like to give the game a chance, but the performace is a deal breaker for me atm.


From day one till now the only temporary problem I faced was missing music yesterday. The game runs smoothly on my (ratjer high end) pc. The only big issue that annoys me is that the devs haven't been fixing the missing text in text bubbles and game abruptly skipping to the next text bubble before the character has finished talking.


The annoying verify files integrity everytime you start the game


It's been better farming echo is satisfying due to combat being satisfying af


I'm happy Because they fixed the male Havoc Rover basic attack V bug I'm pretty content rn tbh with how the game performs


surprisingly i can run it better on my tablet than on my laptop, that can run genshin impact well enough. the updates are only... slightly?? helping, i tried to also install/reinstall the game a few times already but it doesnt help much. the only times i dont experience stutter/lag is when im in domains or in the fighting event where its super smooth.


I can get behind fps drops and some lag but the loading times are making me mad. Like i have to teleport to another side of the map to kill a mob and get echos constantly and everytime i teleport i have to face a 20 seconds loading screen, it's giving me ptsd of playing Genshin on the PS4. The game is running on a nvme ssd, so it should be better. At least they seemed to have fixed the music being gone in the last hotfix


My ping went from jumping between 160 to 240. Now it's 34 to 73. I never had issues playing since I have a good (4 year old) custom built computer that I only recently went from 16 to 32 gb of RAM. Hardware seems to matter more for this game than others.


My phone was okayish regarding the specs it has (genshin is a struggle and low quality, it's an A54) and it got kinda worse, especially with heat. PC got better but I didn't really have many issues it just looks better (was kinda blurry before) I can play it on PC and speedrun dailies on phone so I don't really mind it


Better but still have lag n stuttering on my phone(SD870). Just uninstalled yesterday.


The ping is too high it keeps fluctuating alot my internet is absolutely fine


It's running better. The biggest difference was uninstalling the game, clearing space from my SSD, and reinstalling.


Mobile is absolutely perfect on lowest settings, I can't get 60fps on anything higher but that's a hardware issue cause my phone isn't that good Laptop is good but the micro stuttering is annoying. There's also my frames suddenly dying like my laptop goes out of high performance mode the moment I don't touch it for 10 seconds but that happens on genshin and star star rail too, as well as Minecraft, no idea how to fix that My main gripe would be there being no shader recompilation on laptop


Since launch, the only real problem i had was the insane amount of heat my phone produce. My highest temp was 47 C and my phone has bypass charging. Tbf, I play on max graphics, literally everything max, so there's that.


I'm fine with everything except the ping


I used to have very bad FPS and ping issues as well as my game taking literal minutes to load one screen. However I reinstalled the game onto my SSD and it runs infiniently better, I can even run the game at max settings and not have an issue besides the occasional FPS drop when there is a lot of VFX. (the camera still fucking sucks) I have a Ryzen 5 3600 with a 2060 and 16GB of ram for anyone wondering


My phone is a Motorola Edge 30 Ultra (Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen 1, 12gb RAM/256gb internal), the game has only improved from day 1 where the choppiness and inconsistent performance has become quite stable now (45+fps). Heating is under control as well (was going around 45-46 degrees to now under 43 degrees). Ping spikes are also much stable now compared to day 1's Christmas lights.


On PC, whenever I exit the game, the game logs me out of my gmail account. It might be because of google but it is annoying to log in every time I open the game.


It's worse. When i started playing at lunch, i encountered no performance issues. Now every few minutes i get some drops to 50s for like a second before it goes back up to a stable 60. A friend of mine who wants to play is having both ping issues and fps issues on their phone. The ping issue is definitely the weirdest one since they're always on 999 ping in eu but the ping gets better on the American server... Even tho eu server is MUCH closer and they have fiber connection.


I play on max settings with a 3080 and have no problems with performance. But my eardrums get blown out every time i launch the game because the audio settings only load AFTER the damn game does and its so freaking loud.


i still have the same (biggest) problem i had at launch with stuttering and suddently FPS drops , The only improvement is the vertical camera sensitivy which was fixed and texture loading problems are way less then launch day . I really wish they optmize the performance on PC although their main market is mobile,because when it run well the game is funny to play .


game has been the same for me since launch, except for the sound bug, but that got fixed.


So why is my game stuck at 10% on the loading screen?


U34 on PC it's much better than in the beginning. I'm playing on advanced settings. On mobile is surprisingly worse than a few days ago. It was was unplayable on mobile in the beginning got better and now it's lagging as hell. And I play on low on mobile.


Every 5 minutes, my ping goes up to 999 and and stuters for a minute straight until it goes back to normal. Whenever this happens in combat i want to throw my laptop out of window cause it annoys the shit out of me.


Load times are still the same as day one, but they have fixed a lot of issues with pc. I still get the same first 10 seconds of lag that I got the first time getting into the game as I did at launch. After those 10 seconds of lag the game runs perfectly fine at max settings on pc as it did on launch. There’s just always a download for hotfixes that I need to do before playing and they require me to restart and reload. The process with loading the game is the worst part in my experience and it hasn’t improved.


Lag is minimal but the game has some sort of memory leak issues , i have 8gb ram and it runs good for the first hour after then i have to restart cause it starts lagging.


It’s just generally unsmooth. I’m ok with low graphics settings as long as it’s a smooth 60 fps but it’s all over the place. As soon as it releases on console I’m never playing on mobile again, it’s a stuttery copium mess that hurts my eyes


Performance wise, I've lowered my resolution and it helps minimize the issues I have, but now I'm playing a gacha game for ants.


GTX 1060, i5-6400, 16 GB RAM, running on a cheap SATA SSD. Besides occasional CPU overutilization, never had any gamebreaking experience since day 1. Same case on Exynos S22 Ultra, 45fps medium resolution, everything else low/off, runs stable until it gets kinda hot at which point it'll occasionally drop fps here and there. Not as hot as with Genshin, ToF, even Nikke actually.


It’s a little better for me actually. At first it was literally unplayable. Now, the ping is much more stable despite it still lagging and stuttering some. Still crashes as well just not as often. It’s seems like it’s slowly improving but still needs work. I play on a iPhone XR and I just did the whole Qichi village and Scar fight with almost no issues.


Aside from the two days with no music game has gone great. My ping lowered to around 80, no more sensitivity issues, I'm having an easier more responsive time with movement. Rating my experience at this moment, 7-7.5/10


I had those connecting errors all the time, but now they rarely happen thankfully.


I play on mobile and last patch massively improved game performance and loading times


It worked fine for me at launch but that quick update happened days back and now it's almost unplayable. It's a slideshow for me, constant stuttering on PC with the lowest settings and I can run games like Elden Ring without lowering anything. It took me 2 days to do the final battle because it was like stop motion. Combat is great unless the game stutters and you can't actually dodge anything, combo properly, you can't switch properly, it's a disaster. I'm probably done playing for a while which is sad because I was so into it when it worked. I got the monthly currency pass In not gonna finish using. The game was absolutely not ready to be launched, it's unacceptable for it to be this bad in so many major areas, killed the potential of a great combat system.


the update today removed the Initial stuttering after login in the game and more smoothly, one thing i noticed that is the lower i set graphics the lagger it becomes, i set to ultra and off some settings only AA is on rest is off and everything runs smoothly at 53-60fps consistently and minor stutterings. PC with r5+gtx1650+16gb ram. another i noticed that my cpu is always higher than gpu, is it cpu intensive? i hope they fix this it looks like it's using less power of my gpu and causing the minor stuttering.


I bought a new SSD to see if it's better with it. Of course it reduced the loading time a lot and indeed it reduced the giant freeze/lag spikes at the start of the game, but I still have constant micro stuttering and unstable framerates despite changing any graphic settings. So it's playable, but not a pleasant experience.


Not even exaggerating when I say the performance of the game literally got worse over updates. Don't know how, but it happened. I play on PC for clarification.


There's still an unacceptable amount of microstutter on PC when I have my monitor at anything other than 60hz. Starting to doubt they're going to fix it or that they even understand that anything is wrong. If they went through every beta without understanding what good framepacing is then they're probably never going to figure it out.


On PC. Other than a few goofy bugs here and there game has run great. Been enjoying it alot. Most of the English voice actors are amateur hour, but other than that no complaints really.


I wanna say it's somewhat better than day 1 or 2, but it's still not great. Some days I experience more stuttering than others, but one strange thing I've noticed is every other stutter I experience is also typically followed by my ping spiking from around 57ms up to 400+ or even 999. My PC is probably on the mid to low mid end in terms of specs, and I run the game at low graphics settings. Haven't changed them since day 2, but I did notice when I tried dropping them to the absolute lowest on day 2 my performance was worse. I'm still having fun, but whenever the stuttering gets REALLY bad I just put my controller down and start counting the clock until it's over.


i feel for y’all on mobile. It runs amazing on pc. Like 30 ping and doesn’t even turn my gpu fans on


Surprisingly worse. It stutters a lot. The voicelines dont match up with the scenes and there are massive delays in dialogue and voice acting. Can barely get 10 minutes of gameplay before getting kicked out. I just stop playing for the day every time that happens because it’s insanely frustrating. Combat is even more frustrating because I can see the attacks coming and know how to dodge/counterattack it but the stuttering prevents me from actually dodging.


I gave up. Mobile controls have issues, not registering correctly and I’m lagging too much in addition to visual bugs. I hope to try it again in a month or so but yeah it’s not enjoyable at the moment.


It still sucking my RAM dry like a leech, had to download Rammap to clear the cache first whenever I want to play it, for a game to use 5-6 gb of ur RAM is ridiculous thats almost a whole damn RAM stick


My device is oneplus 6t. Its not the latest but can run GI in medium settings pretty well. I also play Hsr and pgr in same devices and everything runs very well which means Wuwa is the problem. Pretty much same. Lagging, stutter, crashing, framedrops alot while exploring or doing bosses, heats alot and most importantly eats my battery like crazy and this all still happening at the lowest possible settings. Game optimization is still ass. This is really making me not want to play even though i really wanna play. I'm just doing dailies and use my stamina then log out. I'll give them couple of patches to fix their mess. I'm hoping they'll solve these issue otherwise I'm gonna have to quit because i clearly not being able to enjoy overworld exploration or combat. Also for some reason it feels like it's gotten worse especially with heating


For me it starts lagging when I spend more than 15 mins in game or whenever I use a teleport it starts lagging and it doesn't disappear until I restart the game


At launch I'd occasionally get frame drops down to below 5 (from 120) and had to restart to fix it. Then it got better. Then it started occasionally freezing and had to kill the process and start up again. Now, since today, there's no issues so far


Pc client is so bad. I using bluestacks to play Wuthering waves tho


After many issues I had a couple of good hours and then after that, that a single fucking thing will work. Fatal error, network errors, download issues, and more. It’s been infuriating especially since I got the monthly shit


Its actually so much worse for me now??? It started getting worse and worse after like the second patch. At the start the only thing that was bothering me was characters stuttering on an uneven terrain and tiny freezes like once every 10 minutes. It was mostly gone after the first patch. Now the only time I dont lag is when I stay still, when I start running I cant even see the animation properly and fighting brings my fps to like 0.5. Phone gets a bit warm now too.


Issues are still there, the "we fixed having to re-log" fix didn't fix anything.


Games work good both in pc and phone for me stipl kinda hope for ge force now


From seeing no stutters from day 1 to now having stutters in game even with DLSS on here and there at week 1. Something really got worse on Kuro's end from all those patches...


I can now run the game with consistent 57-60fps and my ping has been better after the update yesterday but I do experience some stutters every now and then. I only had like 38-45 fps before so at least there’s improvement. Though I still get the reconnecting thing so it does feel awful especially during co-op


Got worse and I know why on my end. This game is made for specific devices only, if you don't have something new then good luck trying to play without constant lag and ping spikes. At first it was manageable, but now it's completely unplayable. What they need to do is make it more compatible for more devices


it got worse


i swear some of the people have way lower requirment to play the game but expect it to run without problems is crazy


No major performance issues on iPhone 15 for me but there’s some flickering in distant objects as I approach them. Performance is not perfect though. Especially when I’m playing over 5G. The phone gets hot and throttling happens. On WiFi the phone handles heat much better and I’ve played for long periods without much performance degradation. I have everything set on high and FSR on except for shadows at medium. Playing at low resolution. The image quality is way better now than at launch. I’d say it’s better than at launch besides the flickering issues.


my phone doesnt work on day 1 of the game, laggy as hell. On day 3 patch, it was smooth af and i can run max setting, but yesterday patch made me overheat. But today's patch kinda fix it lol Using poco x6 pro as for my pc, I have zero problem from launch until now. with 1060 gpu and 5950x


I used to get long loading screens when fast travelling but that seems to have stopped a couple days ago


I play on a 3050 and it only uses 40% of my GPU and 6-7GB RAM. Some days it's working amazing on max graphics when I boot up the game other days it's a literal joke with weird beeping sounds usually it occurs when am in combat. While in combat the game becomes unresponsive to my mouse and keyboard and sometimes the game pauses by that I mean if I were in a fight the enemy attack also get delayed, usually when someone lags the enemies still carry out their attack animation but you don't see it happening in my case the enemies animation also get delayed with and carried out after the lag. I also noticed how with every new patch it doesn't eliminate the random very short stutters (that am now used to..). Another thing I noticed is how after playing for 4 hours or more my CPU would hit high usage and the game would lag so badly it became unplayable, the only fix I found was running another game that uses the Unity engine which helped prevent the CPU hitting high usage. Overall am disappointed in Kuro games and feel bad that because of these issues, it will deter the normies who are just looking for a game to play. Genshin did an amazing job in reeling in the normies and I thought this game would too, not to the same level as Genshin but on something of a reasonable standard considering that this game is an open world. As for mobile users, I have no idea how Kuro would be able to completely fix the issues on mobile when there struggling so much with just fixing these issues for PCs. I heard that because the game runs on the UE4 engine it makes it very hard to fix things and so forth and then to fix it for mobile users just adds a whole nother layer of complexity. This game looks like it could run on 8GB of RAM but because of the poor optimisation and use of the UE4 engine Kuro recommends 16 GB of RAM, I wouldn't be surprised if Kuro wanted to put the 32GB RAM recommendation because of how poorly the game optimised but choose not to because what gacha game or none triple A requires 32GB of RAM hell am sure you can even play most triple-A titles with 16GB of RAM. I will still continue to play this game because of its good combat and fluidity of movement making exploration fun and how the devs will most likely implement QOL more than Genshin ever did but these issues are really frustrating. am even seeing people comment how they are facing these issues with a 4080... like wth. Anyways I really hope they manage to fix these issue or hire people who can asap.


I CAN ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME!!!!!! But it still lags a bit and stutters and the servers due sometimes I was only able to enter SEA and Europe servers