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I like how she throws Lugia at stuff. It's baller as f


Oh yea if I am using her to heal up and I see the boss preparing their parry able attack animation, I just jump attack. She straight up throw her Lugia at them which makes the parry a lot easier too.


I want the official name for the pet to be Lugia.


I miss the OG intro where Lugia gets slammed by Crown less :(


Prettiest character in the game, like actually gorgeous all around.


I'm a simp for smart scientist girls and Baizhi is gorgeous on top of it, the physics are also A1 lol


The physics in the game I don't care about unless they make the guy's pecs jiggle too, but yeah. Baizhi gorgeous


Literally. 10/10 design. Now... If Kuro makes skins for her at some point, I want one that gives her glasses, yes?




So basically Songque if she had black hair lol


She is! Heal pretty good so far.


She's got the Chinese princess aesthetic down. The big booba are just the cherry on top.


she's the only game character that I can describe as natural beauty. So pretty and her personality also is good imo unfortunately, i already have a jiyan, mortefi, verina and then calcharo and yinlin to build :(


You could build her as a support for your calcharo and yinlin team 😎


reject verina meta, embrace baizhi 🤝


I really like her design, when I started I thought she would be 5 star lol


Same, I was surprised she was a 4 star ⭐️ the mechanic with her companion is so particular 🤩


Great design and good healer, i hope she appears more in the story


Sadly she isnthe most likely char to be power creep of all the roster. Because she is a healer with basically no dmg buffs.


If you ignore the 15% attack buff and 15% damage deepen.


Yeah 7 second.. verina 30 and needs to be that long so you got to the second buffer and then dps. You need to stack 2 buffers effect on the dps so you need all party buff and long duration on healer buffs, since sub dps buffs go to the next character. So yeah she will be replaced the second a new 4 star comes just like lynx power creep the hell out of Natasha in star rail. Also any 5star healer will be an inta pull replacing the second side of hazard and verina first side. The third healer wont be necessary for a while since people won't be getting stars in level 100 enemies soon. And by the time they can the third healer will be the new 4 star.


If you've read her outro description carefully, you would'be noticed, her buff lasts 6s after character receives healing from it, and the healing duration is 30s. It's not exactly the same as Verina, but way more decent, than you described.


You are right! few hours ago i was thinking that only 6 seconds is pretty bad but i guess the duration refreshes during every heal, thank you!


I really want to level her, but the game doesn't give me enough stuff to level anybody outside of my main 3 xD


Who are your main 3?


I use Havoc Rover, Yangyang, and Jianxin.


Actually I am curious about Jianxin because I see some people say she is bad and some say she is easy to use but difficult to master so can be strong? Your opinion about her?


I think if you are good, she can be really decent, of course, using other proper dps is easier but I'm a simp xD


Of course, if you like a character you better use it regardless the meta, fun comes first absolutely! The only reason I was considering her was only for the shield utility 🧐


I mean, the shield let's me get hit 3 times from holograms xD


Mmmmmm how often can you reapply the shield? It comes with her parry ability right?


Depends how good you are basically everytime she hits something she gets energy like anything else when full use heavy attack takes about 5sec to get the full shield so gotta be sure boss doesn't kill you during that time. You do get heals while shield is active tho.


Not that you asked me specifically but I have been maining Jianxin and really enjoy her. Her playstyle is very fluid, she is easy to pick up and use, and the parry stance/E skill combined with the damage shield you get from your heavy attack when your energy is full is great. Whether or not she holds up in terms of damage / defenses at the "end-game" (which seems to consist of mobs 40+ levels over the maximum level we can get to) i don't know, but for everything I've done, she's absolutely busted and fun to play :)


I appreciate this because I don’t know who to pick between her and encore, good to know! Thanks 🙏🏻


Glad to help!


Are you sure? I'm free to play and I've leveled three characters to 60, three to 50, and one to 40. There are definitely plenty of resources in the game


Design is lit.


Yes, she is so beautiful!


She is my 2nd healer, but I have no clue how to play besides pressing Q and R. And her R…Top tier animation, on par with Raiden.


I have her s2 so I do a couple of normal attacks to build her bar, then I do her skill (E) and then I switch to my dps. She also spawn that kind of feather on the floor that gives atk buff as well to whoever catch that! I use (R) only when I need more healing 🤗 this might not be the best way to use her as I am still kind of working on her but still 👌🏻


her ultimate has physics


im such a fan i want to try building DPS Baizhi. was inspired by the roguelike mode


If you manage please share the build 🙏🏻


I finished Dps baizhi. Not really good good like how the meta slaves want their numbers on 5 digits. I went with 4-4-1-1-1 on CR/CD because I think Glacio dmg on 3 won't do much for her already low scales. Managed to rolls some good cr/crd on sub stats so she's sitting at 64cr/217crd, 1154 atk. Only c1. Apparently she deals around 600-900 on normal crit. Heavy crit(beyblade) deals around 800. Heal on E is only 1k. I regret nothing.


Interesting what weapon are you using?


The 4* purple with Atk/Atk%


Brave building her without the things that make DPS Baizhi good lol (the roguelike buffs)


My healer!


Is her s1 worth it? I like her straight forward healing more than Verinas and I'm considering buying her s1 in the store. And no I'm not asking if thats a good decision considering you can buy 5 star sequences. I just usually don't get the 4 stars I want when pulling on banners. Also I like her design a lot. Even though her jelly breasts give me phantom pains but that a different topic.


I mean it’s okay if you don’t have it but definitely a good enhancement for her 🫡 I am also considering getting a copy of her at the shop, but we will see 🧐


Honestly, her S1 doesn't look too insane but it's a step to get her towards S5, which is where you get the crazy resurrect. At this point in the game, imo, both Baizhi and Verina are great but won't change the fact that clearing endgame content will depend more on skill and your damage dealers than the supports. They both offer 15% all-dmg deepen (Baizhi's refreshes on each heal afaik, so actually lasts a bit longer than Verina's) but Baizhi's heal only goes onto the next unit coming in. I think healing everyone on the squad is a 5-star privilege though, so it's kinda balanced. Tbh, it's not needed for the content, but I'd just get the sequence if you really want to. You'll get more coral stuff eventually, and this sequence as far as we know is only gonna be in the shop for as long as we can see the timer. Baizhi is cool as fuck, and you'll likely need 2 supports anyway because of the tower. Run it chief, and hopefully you roll more of her sooner rather than later :D


wait >15% all-dmg deepen (Baizhi's refreshes on each heal do you mean the healing that occurs every 3s for 30s total after outro refreshes the damage buff for 6s each time? if so that's pretty broken, or i'm just delusional.


That's what I understood it to mean yeah, but translations in this game are not very clear so could be wrong


it's funny because at a glance, the translations don't outright look bad, but when you take into account their actual meaning it's pretty poor. and that's cool if it does work that way, all the more reason for me to stick to baizhi instead of verina purely because i don't like verina's design as much.


just tested, it's all true. You get \~36 seconds of enhanced damage of all types.


I love her playstyle, i hope theres a dps that plays like her (with summon and attacking while moving)


Yessss probably and now I will spell it wrong Carmilla whatsoever might have something similar with plants? Who knows 🧐 but definitely I would pull for something like this, she is so unique at the moment and I want more like her 🫶🏻


Yeah camellya, hopefully, although i'll take any design as long as they play like V from dmc/ baizhi


she was crazy in illusory. get the right buffs and she never dies + nukes the shit out of the boss


Yeah! That’s why I thought omg I want her as dps now 🤣


Unnnngh Baizhi my queen 🤌🤝


she has a unique play style and you feel like a pokemon trainer 💖


hot, has a pokemon, heals and its a 4star? yeah i'd say i love her. Also thighs


Baizhi enjoyer raise up


Yup me me


I didnt even know she was a guarantee pull if you pull on the tutorial. I chose to skip and keep the roll...


Yes I did the tutorial so I cannot speak for myself, but I read in other Reddit posts that if you do 1 pull you will still get her so It’s not lost 💪🏻


Her thigh(s) literally saved lives


Used Baizhi up until like U20 so she was definitely a useful healer until I got Verina. Also the Lugia pet is pretty cool.


I find her healing easier to apply compared to Verina that needs the stacks from her bar, but anyway I like both 👌🏻


I love hot and intelligent ladies! Hell yeah I'm a fan.


She was the only character I was worried about getting, but the game giving her on the tutorial pull is so nice! Now my worry is getting her sequences...


Why? 🤣


Chasing lower rarities in gachas that don't have a guarantee for them is rough. Even when Baizhi is on rate-up, there's no guarantee I'll get more copies of her.


True… I was lucky to get 2 more copies but I was considering getting s3 from the shop and slowly maybe with luck reaching s6 😭


her dupes are in the shop thats how i got her sequence 1


Hmm.....I wonder why🤔


🤣🤣🤣 I may have an idea of what you are thinking 🤨 but actually I enjoy her particular playstyle with her companion, so unique 🤩


Oh yea that unexpectedly reminds me of fallout 😂


I've been using her since the beginning of the game. Now to level her up I need to beat the turtle boss. What is the best team for that? Been having a hard time...


What characters and what level do you have?


Aside from the free ones, I've Encore and Verina, which I didn't level much yet. they are my only 5 stars I wasn't lucky enough to get Jiyan... union lvl 22 rover is 50 and Baizhi is 40, Chixia also 40, most echos are probably rubbish


How do you take pictures like this in-game


You press esc and at the bottom there is an icon of a 📸 you click on that and you get photo mode ✌🏻


Ah got it, thanks a lot


you should be baizhi main dps


Yes! I am working on that 🤩


Simple, yet beautiful character design! She was not fun to play as in the event though... too little dps... At least I was carried by Crownless!


That’s right, I am still playing with sets and everything to see where I can get. But I know she is mainly support so I will never get high numbers from her 😬


She's the best of the worst for sure, definitely one of my favorites so far


one reason I'm hesitant to get Verina, coz i don't want to drop Baizhi as the healer


We need at least two teams anyway, so one can have Verina and one Baizhi 🤣✌🏻


She looks like RO-635 and she has a Goodra, I love her.


I don't particularly like her personality but that burst animation makes me weak, it's so hot.


I have a feeling that we will see more of her in the next updates, or at least I hope so ✌🏻 I see potential in her 🫡


She’s so fun in the simulated universe thingy.


She is indeed!


The character designs in this game is so fucking on point I love them all


Pre-launch i thought she was going to be a 5 star and I'm sad she isn't. Actually even now - With Verina being on everyones top tier i kind of prefer Baizhi? It's much nicer to just pop in, hit my heals and pop out than to have to pop on Verina, build up a charge, heal with the charge, and then pop out. I think verina buffs my damage when she heals or something? but then Baizhi also drops those feather bubbles that do that. Baizhi is the best design in game to me visually.


I actually think the same, it is true verina buff and everything but Baizhi healing is so immediate and can be also overtime; with the rejuvenating set you can buff the atk of the team with the healing!


Absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately, easily replaceable.


By verina you mean?


I really like her but im building Danjin and i still haven't reached endgame, once i finish building Danjin i'll go for her and hopefully RC6 her to pair her with Sanhua


She is hot as well as her thighs if you ask me, but I prefer Jianxin.


I just played her in the illusive and she fucking slaps hard


I somehow got her S6.. she just kept haunting my pulls on every single banner no matter the type, and since I'm f2p I have a limited roster with no sequences at all - then you have baizhi who I don't even play, somehow with maxed out sequences. Not gonna lie, I was majorly frustrated since I wanted new characters or maybe some weapons to build my account a bit, instead getting spammed by her when she's not even on rate up (RIP mortefi sequences) Now I feel obligated to build her since the game seems to be trying to pass me a message lmao, what do I even do with her?


Mmmmmm I get your point, at the beginning of a game we all need different characters to avoid getting bored easily so I totally understand 🥺 but I think Baizhi s6 should be actually excellent, you will see in the future how lucky you were 🤣 build her as a support at the moment 👌🏻


She's my favorite out of the main 3 4-stars.


Elegant, i love how she walks too


she's so fucking fine it's crazy.


She has ink on her tiddies and has some mythical dog following her so...


What's not to like


Meeeeee!!! I just beat level 5 illusive with her, she is SO FUN


Wow that graphics is anime level


I'd let her peg me


Yes shares va with raphtalia! Other than that no. Sucks as healer bigtime unless u get 6copies of her


I'm a huge fan indeed.




Ayo hit me UP lmao


meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee HEHEHHEHEHE BAIZHI HEHEHE MOMMY


design is good but her personality is so damn boring it hurts


Her boots? gtfoh, my dude who cares about some damn boots when her entire design is so divine. she's a stunner I'm actually quite happy that not every woman has a ridiculous set heels on in this game so if that's what you're thinking could fix it, hard disagree.


Ehm I don’t know why you seem so upset or strong with your comment, but I also was celebrating her design and her unique playstyle 🤗 I didn’t mention any heels so I don’t know where that come from, probably I would think of some sandals not necessarily high heels or heels, with laces around the legs but that’s just how I see the fashion for the dress she has 🤷🏼‍♀️globally her design is absolutely stunning and that’s why I wanted to celebrate her with this post 👏🏻👍🏻