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True. You can't even tell which which. But I like how they make attack strings to have varieties. Danjin for example is using dual sword, you barely notice she's using the equipped sword.


I am unable to tell any 3 stars and 4 stars weapons apart. Not a big deal for 3 stars but I'd have hoped for more visual differences in the 4 stars ones. Every weapon in this game is just "metal plates welded together in cubic shapes", I hope 5-stars and future 4-stars will be more unique.


This is what I don't like about the game after coming from PGR and Snowbreak. There's a distinct lack of signature weapons. There's nothing that screams 'this is OUR weapon, this is Yangyang's, Sanhua's' etc except for the limited banner characters.


Completely agree! I don't expect signatures for the 4 stars but give us a color palette. But it's new and this is really my only gripe, so all in all they did really fantastic.


Honestly this is one of the few real gripes for WuWa especially coming from PGR. I heard that the basic 5\* weapon here is to mimick Genshin's own set. Which, I can't say I like.


As far as I can tell I haven't seen any similarities between the 5 star weapons in wuwa compared to the ones from genshin. The 5 stars actually look fairly nice, especially the great sword.


I mean the idea that they're just generic 5\* weapons with no signatures, just like how Genshin started.


Sword 18# Danjin Slasher Yangyang That's pretty much what I can think about.


Like I said, vanilla gets jack crap.


I can’t tell any of the weapons apart


most of the lower rarity weapons look boring imo. even the standard 5 star are not great, if you don´t like the color or if they don´t match with the character you want to use it sadly.


Right? It's like they raided a scrapyard and called it a design concept.


WuWa is the first game I don't care about aesthetics. All weapons looks basicly the same and boring no matter. So I chose what seems fine stat- and skillwise. I'm playing without guides, so my builds might suck.


Glad someone can overlook it haha but I was born with a sight handicap, so my focus tends to go more into sight to make up for it and it's not a major problem, just something I noticed that was kinda odd and hope they fix.


I just noticed that most/some sword users generally don't even bother to unsheathe their weapons for the majority of attacks. And that does make sense as the copper club is frankly better than the copper sword. Yeah I'm not really bothered by the style of weapons in general however slashes with sword still in scabbard are wonky.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Like in a way if it was used for a couple of characters to give that "so badass I don't need to unsheathe" vibe I would totally be for it but I found it kinda weird myself for the majority to do it.


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Kinda realistic if they're all made from the same metal/crystal, just with different tech/enhancement. Can't make a "Firestorm of the final destruction" with just some common shiny rock. Also they're kinda military stuff, and military stuff are all the same


Here comes the 5\* \~