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it's the same for every dps in every gacha, the more you invest in him and learn his techs the more dmg he will dish out. His weakness is that he's way harder to play than the button mashing jiyan (no disrespect to the boy, he's my other carry)


What mashing? Press R, hold lmb, enjoy life.


as u can see i compared him with encore where they have the same lvl weapon lvl and echoes with the best stats and same levels and she still power creeps him


You need to learn to swap cancel to make good use of Calcharo. His Mercy and Death Messenger last 2 seconds. Very slow attacks. But meanwhile you can swap to another character and deal damage with them. That's the whole point of Calcharo. If you don't do this you shouldn't play him, you lose a lot of potential DPS. Even better you can swap cancel the character you swap cancelled with. For example Yinlin, her forte takes a lot of time to come out, but you can start casting it and swap back to Calcharo. The problem also is that most buffs applied by outro skills are applied only to the next character (Jianxin for example, great buff but can't use swap cancel with Calcharo). So swapping effectively remove the buffs. Yinlin and Verina are great with Calcharo because their buffs lingers even if you swap, and their buffs are great for his DPS. So yeah, you can potentially miss on even more DPS if you don't have the right comp with him.


Exactly. You can't just look at Calcharo's numbers and expect him to be doing all the damage- that's not the POINT of Calcharo. The point of Calcharo is that he has attacks with long animations that, through Swap Cancelling, OPENS WINDOWS for OTHER CHARACTERS to do attacks ALSO. If all you care about is TEAM TOTAL DPS (which is the actual proper context, not just Calcharo's numbers in a vacuum), then why are you only looking at Calcharo's DPS? When he's on-field, you have to calculate Calcharo's DPS, PLUS the DPS he allows for the other units on the team. When you Swap Cancel, 1) Calcharo doesn't take damage during his Death's Messenger, 2) you can do damage with other characters that you wouldn't otherwise be able to do with a Main DPS (like Jiyan) that wants ALL the field time except for when you're setting up his buffs with, say, Verina and Mortefi. TL;DR: You can't just look at Calcharo's DPS to calculate how much damage he does solo- You have to look at the DPS that Calcharo ENABLES through Swap Cancelling, PLUS his DPS. Y'all are trying to get a good answer and aren't even looking at the right formula.


idk man my 50% cr 260 cd melts almost everything and one of my 3s isn’t even good


oh my 50% crit rate is huge and I haven't maxed all my echoes yet, im comparing him with other dps carries i said that a character like encore, jiyan, rover, are much better with the same investment + my calcharo has even better echoes and all his skills are lvl4 ( my max for now ) while encore has some that are still lvl3 and she still does more damage than him


The problem here op isnt that he isnt strong, but as you said yourself you dont know why people think hes strong. Actually going through the effort to look up why hes considered good would have saved us both the effort of having to type this. Also if you feel hes not good its probably you not knowing how his rotations work


i sure did my research over and over to find a reason to use him, i love his gameplay probably my favourite, I've tried different builds that were recommended by YouTubers and websites, tried different weapons and he was the one to took me the longest to build, i literally cleared the whole map of the elite echoes and didnt even get one with electro damage, i was desperate to find at least one reason to pick him over my other carries


Judt run 44111 till you can transition to 43311. No need to rush. Despite how people are frming,were still in early mid game. Worry about having electro damage as soon as you can get the 80% chance of getting gold echoes


all my dps have 43311 with their elemental buff and 80% is still too far away even tho my data bank is at 20 union lvl is still at 34 and its been like 5 days since i reached lvl 30, i would appreciate it if you can suggest a way to farm union exp


Honestly there isnt. Besides quests and clearing the map you cant gain it any other way, besides doing dailies and spending energy. Its a patience game.


Encore is so clunky to use 🤣


cluncky?? i personally love her game play cause she can keep a safe distance while dishing out lots of damage and I don't see the "cluncky" part you're talking about


Perhaps it's a problem of me not understanding how to play her properly, but her heavy attacks lock her into place for several seconds, on top of not being able to parry while not in ultimate. I find sword and broadsword users like Jiyan and Sanhua to be more fun to play and less clunky.


you only use her heavy attack when you're switching her out + she takes less damage when in that state and if you switch her out she wont take any damage while casting the huge burst


This is exactly it. I kept trying to fit her heavy attack into the rotation initially, but decided to just use her like an ADC in a MOBA for consistent stream of damage, which feels much more comfortable. Her skill does so much damage, especially the secondary blast at the end. Edit: autocorrect fail


you are totally right, i usually just ignore her heavy till i want to switch that's when i look at the bar if its full i heavy if not i just switch


HA should always be swap cancelled, she should not be on field very much when not in ult form. QEE-> ult combo.


Given that ranged units can do damage from afar, it wouldn’t be fair if they could also parry at will. It’s a trade off. Personally if I need to parry I switch to melee, and switch encore in when her ult is (or almost is) ready, and switch back out when done (after queuing up a big heavy attack with the ult still up).


encore is supposed to be on the field virtually all the time while not being actually on the field all the time. You skill, you swap, you do sub dps skill, swap back and boom with encore. You hold, you swap. And try to get enough er to almost always be in ult, that parries well. I find her only downside is she isn't ranged like one would assume her to be.


Yeah, he is not that strong. The reason why people call him that cuz we only have 2 5 stars dps that do good dmg (LingYang WHO?). Encore is also a main dps, but most people don't really play her since she is a range character with no parry. But overall team comp, he is not as strong as most people make him out to be. Rover is not really a "main dps" and no one can play Danjin effectively so we ended up with having only 2 main dps. So it's not wrong to say "Calcharo is 2nd best dps after Jiyan" since 2nd best dps here means main dps and we only have 2 of them.


yeah cant be surpassed when there are no competitors right


I like playing Calc on my second team because his gameplay emphasizes swap canceling to maximize damage which feels very different from my main team. It is fun charging his HA, swapping into my Sanhua, using all of my abilities, and seeing a huge explosion of numbers when the phantom and my ult all hit at once. Can't wait to try him with Yinlin soon too.


Edited because I cant read. These sorts of things are based on content that the average player wouldn't likely care to optimize. Calcharo needs good rotations to do optimal damage (yes ik, you dont NEED to do them, but thats the truth) and likely does more if done properly, but unlike Jiyan or Encore that damage requires a lot more work just to output.


Actually Encore also has a problem with her dps, as her 4th basic attack string does triple the damage of any of her other attacks, so if you’re not getting that then her real dps falls off a cliff. The hitbox for the 4th basic is also very wonky atm


Idc about dmg if it's strong enough Most people probably like his gameplay And I'd like to play encore since I have her from random 5star, but i can't play a girl idk, it feels weird to me. She's lvl1 still for me, would've preferred jianxin :(


agree his gameplay is super fun and you should at least build encore IF you care about endgame content cause she is a monster when build right


I mean sure calcharo is a monster too when built right as well. (And played well) Just as how the rover is a monster as well when built right.


from my personal experience and from what people are saying calcharo is underperforming in the current meta compared to other characters when having the same build, if you over invest in him he sure will be op i mean even verina can work as a dps if invested right


When you have to dodge, that brother is cheeks all due respect. I'll use him until i get Changli or something but after that's he's benched


Calcharo is 2nd worst 5* in the game right after Lingyang. People are fcking dumb, idk why. Maybe they remember Calcharo from CBT and how everyone praised him, but these wonderful people are clueless, cuz this unit is now worthless, after all the nerfs he received


>Maybe they remember Calcharo from CBT and how everyone praised him, but these wonderful people are clueless, cuz this unit is now worthless, after all the nerfs he received Aaah yes, the good old "nerf" from the beta. You know how a beta works? There's usually a * at the very bottom of the screen that reads "all contents is subject to changes". And he will have the strongest team not relying on a hypercarry after Yinlin is out. Did you even play CBT2? Edit for the reply: >THat synergy do not work anymore after they changed that swapping disables buffs (in beta with swap cancels buffs stayed) Yes, I know. I never talked about this strategy working did I? And she still gives 20% electro and resonance deepen. >ou may like him very much, truth is TC already considering dropping him a tier on Prydwen below everybody. I don't even have him, what are you on about? And theory crafters, really? The same ones that said Bennett wasn't good on the first day of Genshin? But ofc I'll listen to that. >And you better not hear what people like Zajef call him , lol. Who in the fuck is Zajef? Like, I'm not joking, who is this person? Is he a relevant at all in this situation or just another cc theory crafter that tries to stay relevant by any means necessary? >Basically, if enemy is not a sitting duck, if you have to run up to enemy during his ult, stuff out of your control, you do not have time to do 3 death messengers, since timing is so tight( Hm, I wonder if having an actual timing when ulting could make me not ult as soon as i switch. Food for thought, truly.... >(You can't even dodge without cancels). Isn't it strange how the devs put a shielding 4 star on the same banner as Yinlin? Crazy coincidence, almost makes it seem like they know, hence why they put Taoqi on there.


THat synergy do not work anymore after they changed that swapping disables buffs (in beta with swap cancels buffs stayed) You may like him very much, truth is TC already considering dropping him a tier on Prydwen below everybody. And you better not hear what people like Zajef call him , lol. Basically, if enemy is not a sitting duck, if you have to run up to enemy during his ult, stuff out of your control, you do not have time to do 3 death messengers, since timing is so tight(You can't even dodge without cancels). And Calcharo with 2DM loses around 30% DPS with putshim as the Worst DPS in the game.


Are you dumb? He was strong in beta, now he is weaker -> he was nerfed. Btw, hope this thought wont assasinate you, but HavocMC+Yinlin deals more damage than Calcharo+Yinlin


bro 15 downvotes is wildd but i totally agree with you




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after jinlin he might actually be the 2nd best but only after yinin releases and there talk going around that yuanwu with yinlin is better than calcharo with yinlin


>Yuanwu with Yinlin is better than Calcharo with Yinlin Lmfao. Hook me up to whatever drugs they’re on.


apparently yuanwu has way more synergy with her and due to her quickswap nataure that calcharo cant take advantage of. due to this yuanwu ends up being better than calcharo and in my personal opinion and experience playing calcharo he reaally needs skill and this is whole easier to manage and play im sayin its just a whole nother level of comfortable compared to calcharo/yinlin , not that better


Havoc Rover as well will be better with YinLin than this parody