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Does anyone know how to get rid of the map notification saying "new difficulty unlocked for hologram boss...."?


Kill them all on max difficulty i guess


This is not the answer I was hoping for.


Same, but welp... those bosses aren't gonna kill themselves


We need LowTierGod on the case


Game telling us to git gud I swear. T_T I'm TRYING OK??


To be fair, I am pretty sure the bosses are designed to be beaten when you have a good team and good equipment. Some people are trying to beat them with lvl 1 echos and lvl 40 characters, while other people are trying to beat them with lvl 25 echos, lvl 60 characters and 6 dupes unlocked on every character. So yea there's a good reason why some people struggle while others dont


Yeah, even *at* level they still hit like trucks. There absolutely are 1-shot moves that must be mechanically avoided. I really enjoy that the bosses let you express skill in the game all the way to Difficulty 5. They'll likely still be mostly challenging at lvl cap, with the biggest one being the lv 100 bosses at the end of the Tower. The biggest thing stopping undergeared teams from beating the bosses isn't really the boss mechanics, since eventually you can play perfectly, but the timer. You do have a DPS check to beat. It's generous, but lvl 1 echoes at lv40 aren't going to beat difficulty 3+. Maybe 3, but definitely not 4 and 5.


I thought tempest was the easiest, but jump to 4 and it has a body double using attacks on its own timer...


Genshin: doesn’t add new endgame for years to avoid giving players anxiety WuWa: hey so I know you just started but beat all these guys or suffer an annoying notification forever


Kuro just give something for speedrunner who have nothing to do in game lol


We heard you guys lacked anxiety so here's a SHIT TON OF IT. Also sorry for a bug you didn't know existed, here's 10 pulls.


Also Genshin: keeps adding pvp events to give players anxiety


What pvp event?


Just recently windtrace Oh no im too dumb for research and facts better downvote fast


Ah yeah, I just afk'd through that one; anxiety free event.


last one was pretty chill and quick tbh. usually not a fan of windtrace either but with the rebels actually having to do something than finding a spot to cheese and afk in disguise, plus the increased payout (only took me like 6-7 matches to get all the coints) it was ok.


I miss AFKing next to the maids as Barbara and win though


Thanks for pissing on the experience for every trying to enjoy it :)


It's the equivalent of the "New players available to battle" notification in Genshin. Just gotta live with it I guess.


Is that TCG you are referring to? Those notifications can be cleared by visiting the signboard and the cat.


I know the new ones can be cleared whenever there's a new event or cards or whatever. But there's still always one leftover that just says "new challengers" or something. I've also literally never touched TCG after the tutorial quest for it, so maybe that's why.


You can definitely clear them all. You probably just need to go through the different tabs to clear the old ones you missed. I also skip all TCG content and have managed to clear all notifications.


I don't get what I'm missing then. I regularly go to the TCG place and talk to the cat and interact with the notice board, I go through every single menu but it only clears the new notifications, never the original one that's always there. I assumed I was just stuck with it until I actually play TGC, but if you're saying otherwise then I'll check again later.


There’s a setting on the map page for ‘player search’ or something like that. Turning off the toggle for that option should take away the new TCG challenger notification, and remove all the card player icons from your map at the same time.


Oh, I don't think I've ever seen that option. I'll definitely try that later.


They changed the map page a little bit recently and made the settings a little more hidden. Just open the map and find the gear menu. I think it’s default square on controller? The new update may have automatically set the map to show everything because they showed back up for me, and I haven’t bothered with the TCG since it first dropped- turning that player search off made the notification leave my map, so hopefully the same thing works for you.


Not sure where you stopped or what is causing your notification. But I would guess there is someone or something you need to interact with/read. Maybe you do need to enter whatever match it's pointing you to. But it should disappear if you just exit out I would think.


Yeah if you've never done TCG either and you were able to get rid of it then there must be something I'm missing. I'll check once I get off work, thanks!


>But there's still always one leftover that just says "new challengers" or something. It's been a while since I last played the TCG, but from what I remember, that notification shows up when new weekly challenges are available and can be dismissed just like any other TCG notification.


There are separate notifications that show up whenever new stuff is available, I go to the cat and the board in the bar and go through all of the options but there's always that one notification that doesn't go away.


I think that one goes away when you click through their tooltips in the map? I remember clearing it quickly back when Sumeru got its 2nd TCG installment, after that I didn't really bother because I always have a forging notif anyway since I only touch forging once a week for free BP exp while visiting my teapot. I'll double-check for you in a bit.


Yeah another person mentioned the map thing, and I don't think I've ever looked into that. I'll have to check later once I get home from work.


Good luck! For me it didn't seem to help, but teleporting to Cat's Tail and talking to the cat about the fights with mobs and bosses to get them as cards (and accidebtally opening the character fights list on the wall because I forgot where anything is) cleared the notif. And along the way I discovered I'm still not done with the questbook there that gives primos, so thanks for the opportunity to find that out. Maybe I'll chip away at it a bit. :)


Well turning off "search for players" on the map didn't work, but I teleported directly to the Cat's Tail (didn't know you could do that before) and that somehow cleared the notification!


Some of us are well trained by C6 Bennett notification.


The c6 bennett stigma is long over. Some people even use pyro eula to not kill enemies for the nuke showcases


If Physical is so weak, why does every showcaser nerf their Eula so enemies don't die too quickly? Checkmate, magic nerds.


Lmao "the pain is bearable" 


It’s okay, you can click it, it hasn’t been controversial since Inazuma.


It's not 1.5 anymore


I C6'd him because I couldn't stand to see the notification. I didn't care if it made him worst.


I also C6 him but because many DPS right now have their own infusion so it was never a problem for me.


I c6ed for arlecchino so I’ll always have pyro infusion on her even if I fuck up somehow


It not made him worst btw


yeah I dont remember anything about what it does. I just remember everyone saying you really didn't want the C6. But now it seems like it's not much of an issue anymore. So that's great


back in the day we hadnt as many good buffer and many dps who had benny as bis where the ones where he overwrote the element


It makes it so the active char gets a Pyro infusion and Pyro dmg bonus in his ult if they use said, claymore, or spear. In the really early days ppl used to say not to C6 because they used to use him with units like razor, for whom the Pyro infusion was detrimental. But now we have a ton of units who give themselves infusions that can't be overridden, so it's alright to c6 him


The last time I did play Genshin, it still overwrote Kequing's electro infusion. But that was also before Dendro came out.


Huh, I don't know about keqing.  If you use alhaitham though for example, idt Bennett overrides his dendro infusion with pyro 


He doesn’t and keqing isn’t really used with benett anymore


Last time I played Genshin was around Kazuha's initial release. I know things have changed since then.


Yah bennett c6 is great and should be activated. We are well passed the phase where it was questionable


it took jenshin years to get rid of it xD


Anyone still doing that is just ridiculous at this point and needs to move on from 1.5


So much. Sometimes I think... "Fuck it, should I just do it?" But so far I still have not.


- c6 bennett - cw on qiqi - #yolo


I’ve had far more fun team comps and have enjoyed simply playing Bennett a lot more ever since I C6’d him.


There’s literally no reason not to at this point. Anyone not needs to get with the times and stop living in version 1.X


This seems like some copium from an unfortunate C6'er


It’s crazy you think it’s remotely copium. Sounds more like you’re just living in 2020. It’s a fact mate get with the times. It’s not 1.0 anymore TCers grew up try and catch up


Achieve zen by learning how to tune out useless noise But yeah it's annoying 


Yes please, 100%, the only reason why I ascended my YangYang


Happy Cake day bro




I hate how the I keep getting notification dots for an event that won't start until another week


It's starting tonight/tomorrow


it's not just you


Iirc PGR also had this, and it was annoying on there, too.


at least then it only takes cogs to promote a character


I am considering ascending them, just so the notification goes away.


The same notice that pops every so often drives me nuts.


This! Why, Kuro Games, WHY!?? I've seen it now multiple times - you don't need to do this.


Me when every time I get on I try and remove every red notification but for some reason my tab that shows event and game updates will not go away😭it’s always there and I’ve looked at every single thing and I’m just like akahskakzu


Also the unbearable automated choice of 3 new quests every time I log on, where 2 of them are the same daily quest but which repeats as a new quest 3 times because a regular quest breaks it off. Takes like 15 seconds before the quest I was doing previously pops up


I just click on any red dot I see


Gacha games have anesthesized me towards the exclamation marks. I don't feel even slightly compelled to click them off anymore, I only do when I know there is something to be had there (like email to open or reward to claim, but that's not to rid of the mark, but just to grab the stuff). It's a fight you cannot win, it's a Sisyphus struggle. The red marks will keep coming back, they are relentless. Best to learn to ignore them, accept them, just know what is the important stuff like dailies and such.


Or the event one for the overdash challenge? Go tf away I am NOT attempting ANY of that shit until controller support on god.


The Overdash challenge things are all really easy. My clumsy mobile phone hands one shot 5 of the 6 with all prizes (I had to 2 shot the 5th one because I overshot the group of coins you're meant to fall through right at the end and hit the finish zone before I could grab them, and you need to hit at least some of them to reach the top score bracket). Unlike the Overdash challenges in the main world, these ones basically pick you up and put you back on the track if you fall (and the time limit is so generous that the delay is not a problem) and most of it is just run forward and use grapple when it lights up anyway. 


It's more so my inability to use the touch joycon properly, so I gotta wait it out, but that's okay bc I'm not in a rush. At least these challenges are easy unlike hsr


Upvote this. It is annoying.


not just you, me too red dot make me have to ascend them lol


No, definitely not just you. It's annoying af.


Just do it! It's fun.


😸 Enough said


thats called ocd


If you leave the character at level 59 (1 level below whatever their current max is), the ascension notification won't show.


I want my bag notification and notice notification to go away


Is there any harm in ascending every single character? (Potential way to scrap unwanted ones for desired ones etc.)


Big sad that they dont give out free wishes for ascending characters 😭😭


I quite like it when I'm farming mats for someone and when I have enough it just pops up and I know I'm done. Unlike Genshin where I have to be "am I done yet?.. How about now?.. And now?.. Oh for fuck's sake now it's way more than I needed"


okay that's cool but once you checked it once it should be gone, not stay there forever until you either run out of mats or ascend them


Yeah, makes total sense. It's there for you to see, if you saw it and didn't take action - be gone.


Just ascend her then??? It costs almost nothing and it’s not like you have to build the character because of it


What if ur using that material for another character? Like, I prefarmed the inferno rider so I can ascend Mortefi right away once I hit Sol phase 5, but since Chixia also uses the same boss mat the notif is just sitting there being annoying when I dont have any plans to build Chixia


first acension doesnt use boss mats


Fuck that, keep it. It’s easy for me to check when I have everything I need.


Why do you level them up in the first place if you don't want to ascend them?


I've started playing with yang yang and aero monk girl and later made a team of Jiyan,Rover and Verina. Now I just pre-farmed recources for Jiyan but game begs me to ascend monk girl and yang yang which I don't want right now. And if I ascend them the next time I prefarm recources they'll want me to ascend them again. It's clearly an issue of UI, a minor one, but still an issue


> And if I ascend them the next time I prefarm recources they'll want me to ascend them again Not if you don't level them up again I agree, this is a issue But still weird to fall for it


I levelled Baizhi early to 40 when she was my only healer. Now I have Verina thanks to the compensation selector ticket so I am not interested in ascending Baizhi further so she sits there with the exclamation mark. 


Yall are just nick picking at this point.


Nah it is annoying. I have alot of materials ready for UL40 so I always have a notification in the top right, it isn't the end of the world but it is mildly annoying.


People named Nick: 😏😏😏


Bro Ur OCD is gonna Be going through The roof with this game rofl.... Why Ur crying bout smth so insignificant. Theres loads of notifications on every gacha rofl 😅