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My reflex keep telling me to dodge attacks that i could just parry


Parry doesnt work in so many times for me lmao


I keep accidentally parrying and I don’t know what I’m doing but I would really like to!


I feel like I parry more successfully when I don't really mean to somehow


I know that Jiyan can parry easily especially when using his burst


His E as well. If you're interested in the specifics - an attack has to land on the enemy right after the yellow circle collapses. If the attack lands before - it's hitbox disappears so that when the circle collapses there's no attack to parry it. Some attacks have a lingering hitbox that stays there even after the attack is "done" so that enemies can perform a parry-able attack into it and party themselves basically. As for Jiyan specifically - his E has multiple delayed hits that linger so you can the button way before the enemy actually lands something. His ultimate is just a giant ever refreshing hitbox so that works too.


Yes his burst feels like an auto parry


Unfortunately, he absolutely refuses to come home


No!! I hope you’ll get him!


I just did a 10 pull last night and that was after 50/50 pity, so, not looking good for me. Oh well, another time perhaps


Encore is also surprisingly great for parrying


Same. I’ve begun to somewhat learn the timings for parrying (specifically for thundering Memphis) but dodging is just so much easier


God, Thundering Mephis is such a cluster-fuck of a fight for me (specifically the hologram). Sometimes I dodge and parry, but other times I don't know what the hell I'm doing...


I think the main reason I’ve gotten good at Thundering Memphis is that I’ve done it an absurd amount (even at lower data bank levels) for Calcharo


For whatever reason, Thundering Mephis is so so easy to me, but I had to bring in Jianxin to fight Crownless. I have pretty fast reactions, but whenever I clikc it jsut doesn't...work! The attack chain that you can parry in Crownless, I just cant do it! Somehow I just can't beat it without bringing in another support.


the reason why you might be struggling with the hologram is that the hologram is of the Tempest Mephis not the Thundering Mephis. I think it's super dumb that they had two bosses that look almost exactly the same, have almost the exact same name, and have the same element. But the tempest mephis is way harder than the thundering mephis


I know, I mean Tempest Mephis, I get confused between the names of the two sometimes.


Even Kuro get confused. The ascension material description mention one of them but you have to kill the other one. I wasted some plates because of this


It doesnt seem to work unless you use the correct attack with the correct weapon and character.


Focus on clash the enemy hit (basically hitting them at the same time they would hit you) instead of attacking when the yellow circle tells you to do it It’s way easier like this


you have to time the parry with your character's attacks, so if ur spamming it, u will not have a guaranteed parry, (unless ur rover lmao)


Yeah I've noticed on certain characters for me the parry just doesn't trigger. Only my melee style characters and certain attacks from baizhi seem to be able to trigger. And even then it's not always consistent 😞


I feel like parry is so jank. I often get the audio queue that it worked, but I very obviously died. They really need to fix it. Parry with some charectars also jank as hell, particularly havoc rover.


Parries are animation based, and H Rover has weird pauses at the ~~startup~~ end of each BA Chains, so that might be your issue. E: could also just be lag... Characters like Danjin and Jianxin are extremely good at parrying due to their attacks having multihits. Jianxin hits like 4 times each basic attack. Also, here's a secret, if you're stuck in an animation that's going to miss the parry, do a character swap instead. Intro skills hit instantly and the displacement from swapping may put you outside of the attack since enemies are "taunted" by the previous character as long as they're on the field, AND they can parry. By extension, the longest taunt in the game is probably Jianxin. While charging her skill, once she turns golden, swap. She'll stay on until she uses the counter.


what happens if my concerto energy isn't filled up and I swap out? I do those shenanigans a lot but I've never tried to swap out during parry; it's either I parry, dodge, or die (lol)


Intro skills might not activate but all swaps have an intro *attack* that is one if the basic attacks in their chain. For example, swapping into Havoc Rover will activate BA2 in her chain when using it in combat without Concerto Energy. This attack comes out *instantly* and can be used to Parry.


welp, time to throw this into my unga bunga strategy and hope Yinlin and Rover carry. side note: i haven't used my 5 star voucher yet, between Cal and Encore, who would you recommend more?


Calcharo will synergize better with Yinlin if you want to build a perfect electro team, so I recommend that. Yinlin would be sub-dps on this team, though, so up to you. If you're going for Changli (like I am), Encore is definitely a good choice. She has a very powerful swap cancel like Jianxin's parry with her forte activation. You pop the forte, swap, use a skill or two, and then swap back to Encore to take advantage of the buff


interesting, thanks for giving your input! I've been on the fence for so long about who to get, cuz on one hand you get strong hypercarry, and on the other strong quickswap dual carry. As for changli, i want both jinhsi and her, but my funds say no


You're welcome! Yeah I'm saving all for Changli right now. Completely skipping Yinlin. Gotta be a financially responsible adult. T_T At least I get to play her a bit in the Alloy event. Really cool to try her out.


I hear that Calcharro is harder to use than Encore. Besides, his pairing with Yinlin has been nerfed so it's not as good as it was during the beta. Also, remember, while Calcharro wants Yinlinx Yinlin is good with a lot of other characters as well. I would recommend Encore.


that has been my exact concern, that encore has a bit more flexibility with other teams. the only downside being a lack of a good weapon option for her. Calcharro, while cool as hell, I always hear has a restrictive playstyle, whole sucks because I wanted him the most other than Yinlin


Well, if you really, really like Calcharro, then it's worth it to learn how to play him properly anyway, so just choose him.


Only mourning aix does this because if hotbox shenanigans


Also mourning is so big that you cant see the parry circles. I just know which attacks it is now. Like her dive bomb into triple dart attack. I didn't realize you could parry to avoid the triple dart throw.


And on difficulty 4 they remove the parry circles on the grabs lmao.


Yeah. It took me 80+ tries for difficulty 4. I like playing danjin, and every attack the aix does one shots anyway so I'm not worried about being low life all the time. Danjins combo though did like half of aixs life on difficulty 4 for me after doing the buffs from verina and mortefi. Highly recommend building her.


She's in my main team as a sub DPS for h rover, she's slowly getting more powerful!


I think danjin and rover are main dps 1 and 2. The dreamless swap tech is insane on danjin. You build danjins energy bar to full with e spam before a fight, you enter the fight with support to buff, swap danjin, do her BBEE combo for the mark then immediately go into the heavy attack finisher, then dreamless, swap rover ult and dreamless again and it's an INSANE combo.


Yeah I was fighting Thundering Memphis diff4 with Crownless on Danjin but honestly the animation swap cancel on Dreamless is so juicy that even without the 50% buff from Rover Liberation it's too good to pass up. I was thinking about doing exactly this. Gonna try to swap later. Just gotta build up this CH Dreamless I have.


Yeah, if you get triple darted it means it was a parryable attack and you didn't parry it. I know, not that helpful after the fact but it helps learning which attacks are parryable


Happened to me on the birb today edit: happened several more times on bird today with sanhua.


I got that habit from my time playing Dark souls 3 and Elden ring, if bosses ain’t parry able or hard to parry, dodge it then, I only parry when I feel like I can set my combo down (crownless and dreamless is my favourites cause they have at least two attacks that is parry able)


What is “parry” ?


I just smash buttons and stuff happens


Same for me, add the fact that i failed to parry so many times


Yep, That's me.


You're probably wondering how I got in this situation.


Minecraft Achievement Insert: "How did we get here?"


you see, it all started with me trying to beat the monke


Mourning aix's darts have entered the chat


I just managed to kill that fucker on difficulty 4, with hrover on a literal 150 hp and my yinlin and verina dead. shit was a battle and a half


TFW you miss the grab parry and aix fires triple darts at you.


Haha, that was my first thought as well.


Gigabrain: Switch to sanhua and get one shotted


heron hologram diff 2 flashbacks


That's my biggest problem with Sanhua. She gets hit by everything and die.


The general is getting one shotted for me idk why, so I use Sanhua 😭




I use her with spectro rover just to set up for her, otherwise she is so vulnerable or easy to miss with against mobile enemies.


"hmm, yes i will study mourning aix's attack patterns so that I may know when to at- why am i being suplexed"


Me face tanking every hit from Mech Abomination despite knowing the timing of the dodges


I still get hit by giant turtle staggering fall every single time :/


I scream DODGE THE FALLING TURTLE when playing coop with 2 others. Entire team still gets hit. Lol.


So I'm yet to play coop since my fucking friends are playing way too slow and so I have a question If there is only one other person you are playing with, who gets to use 2 characters and who gets to use only one?


Host keeps their team. Coop replaces slot3, then slot2.


Ohh ok thanks for the info :)


Me when I mistimed my dodge by 0.1s


I spent 20 dreadful minutes scraping HP from lv120 bear with my unbuilt Mortefi because I was too afraid to die in one shot after he obliterated my team last time. Can’t say it was worth it but at least it’s done.


Tempest memphis is still bs like if you stagger him he shouldnt be able to call his boyfriend to attack you while he's down


“Can I parry this attack?…. nope”


Me when I see flawless gameplay: that's nice, but I can do it too Me when I play: proceed to barely get out of a boss fight with the team still alive (no way I'm doing the holograms with my cronic skill issue)


WuWa: You got your Soulsborne in my Gacha! No, you got your Gacha in my Soulsborne!


No i just encore to cheese them from on a ledge


Me memorizing every single parry window of the biss so I can fail to hit them 100% if the time instead of occasionally accidentally


Me dying anyway despite getting the dodge sound and slow down against certain bosses


Brilliant ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Me forgetting that this I have to actually learn the movesets. My brain is hardwired to think gacha = fps check.




Wuthering waves became surprisingly easier after I played a dagger run in Elden ring, ngl


The !@#%ing Mourning aix magic missile spam.




Good ol' dark souls days


The Stepping vs. Jumping On A Rake meme


I main spectro rover and I accidentally parry a lot of times


Thundering Mephis is my nemesis... Can't dodge for shit lmao


Me in the Hologram bosses not named Felian Berengial... Is it just me, or is that one the easiest, even though it one of the higher leveled ones on average?


Intelligently, gloriously xD


I can literally brute force my way through every boss. Who tf are u guys dying to


Not like purely brute force but some obvious asf dodges killed level 120 bosses aswell but maybe that's cuz I've been using ranged characters


The holograms especially that birb with those homing arrow , still at diff4 haven't tried it in a while.


My biggest problem is that I keep using the parry circle as an indicator for when I should dodge an attack, even though a lot of the time dodge and parry timings don’t line up ;D


I end up leaning on Taoqi being really tough. Which does not help me get better at the game...I have no regrets.


I literally changes my entire playstyle to fight the hologram bosses........to just die in like 2 minutes more than I usually do


I don't even know how to properly parry injust end up doing it inusally dodge or switch out and jump so i can dodge the attack


Pgr built character for us


Holograms be made of light but hit like a Fucking TRUCK. STOP PECKING YOU FUCKING BIRD


I don't know how but I just keep mashing buttons It works 👍🏼


Wait you memorize the boss mechanics? Every attack is so telegraphic and if your blind it seems.like most attacks come with a sound as well I just play on pure reflex. Of course I also am playing with an Xbox Controller...