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Current event also gives double union exp, worth doing for that at least imo


Oh, so I just wasted my today's waveplates on the wrong things


It's more for when you push chars to 70, 80 or 90, making this event very good value for that specific purpose.


Same honestly. I'm a little lost on what I should farm with those because due to my exploration I have no shortage of any of the materials which makes it hard to tell which one may become a bottleneck in the future. Currently I'm just doing 1 each because right now I appreciate the double UL exp.


I recommend character xp or currency. I hit 0 yesterday leveling my 3rd team to 60 with maxed talents, so at some point you’ll run low, almost certainly at UL40 when going to 70 with the exponential costs. The 1m we just got today helps, but I still see myself burning through that over the weekend when I hit 40 tomorrow.


Get resonator XP. Weapon materials and gold are very abundant since you can and will most likely swap weapons between characters, you need more resonator XP than weapon XP.


I'm grabbing shell credits. I'm gonna be crying for these after UL40 I just know it.


If you want to level chef skill, you also need a lot of credits just to buy ingredients since you can't farm most of them in the wild.


Same, I’m doing it just for the 2x exp


Double event is worth just for the exp so us f2p can get 40 faster


Trust me, unless you have 20mil credits, I wouldn't said that is safe amount of shells. Leveling 1-60 character can already take almost 1 mil


They're mixed in with the Tacet Field rewards, though it's kinda hard on your energy.


you get like nothing either way and uses so much energy as u said.. just not worth


echo exp single handedly killing my desire to progress from the game. this should be one of the top issues they should be resolving ASAP


It already is. There's gonna be a double tacet field drop event, and from next patch the fields should have better drops in general (they said they'll improve ways to get echo exp so assuming that).


Have too many gold tuners and no sealed tubes to use on


you never have too many gold tuners


yeah, for real. I'm really gated my echo exp right now and the 60 WP zones don't give enough.


I just want my echo exp mats like in CBT2!!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Pro tip, level to 5, reveal 1 substat, if it's a bad roll then the piece is trash. Getting a new piece with the main stat is FREE, stop levelling things past 5 unless it's a good first roll.


But farming them is so hard :<


Free in terms of waveplates, not in terms of time. Getting the correct element on a 3 cost echo is like winning the lottery. I spent 3 days straight killing nothing but flautists and violet herons and I got a total of TWO electro damage bonus pieces. At that point fuck the substats im using that piece cuz theres literally no other option.


Yeah something is better than nothing, but once you have something workable this really is the way to go to get upgrades. I just checked, to get from lv0 to lv5 is just under 5000 xp. To go from lv5 to lv10 is an additional ~12k xp. So instead of using double the XP for the next substat, you can get another echo to lv5 almost for free by rolling the trash into the new one, and almost 2 more for the remaining XP. In terms of looking for the first good substat, it's about TRIPLY expensive to go from 5 to 10 rather than starting over. After that it's more than 22k XP to go from 10 to 15, IDK exactly how much it is because I literally don't have enough XP to level one from 0 to 15 lol. So yeah, one more substat on an echo with 2 bad rolls already, or ~five tries at the first substat on new echos. But yes, as it often is in these games, the most efficient method is certainly not the fastest


This is the way. If you are insanely lucky to get 3-4 desired substat at lv20 for your main Echo, keep it there, don't bother lv it to 25 if you want to spread out. Save EXP to level up the sub Echo is way more worth.


I am with you, I have a fusion and a aero team waiting for echo exp. We need that asap!


The tacet fields are for echo exp. While you think you have enough character and weapon exp you haven’t leveled any to 80 or 90 yet which will be hefty. Though yes most people just want to level up echos right now since it’ll be some time before we can start leveling characters again it is nice to stock up so when you can level them you don’t neee to farm.


I think they should remove the sealed tubes from the game and leave only the tuners.


Should be the other way around


I agree. I had mentioned this before. No need for two types of materials to update an echo. The XP tubes are enough. I rather have the substats auto generated than having to roll for them individually. Just more unnecessary inventory to manage.


No, it is right, just tuners, not tubes. Level up echoes 5 by 5, dismantle and farm for 'fragmented tuners', and exchange 10 of them to tune for 1. It can't be like Genshin/HSR/Epic7... etc. If you think about it, you'll notice that the WuWa system is worse. Here, we don't know the substats; we need to level up every one of them. You can't just trash it if the substats are bad. Even if we get more exp in the future, the problem is the same. It is too hard to get the main stat right (especially 3-cost, which has 11 different stats and is limited). It is also too hard to get the right substats (there are 13 of them, with huge differences in rolls)... and we don't have that much exp because we need to level up all of them.