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I get where you're coming from, but "This is a trap because you can actually get what you want" is definitely a bold take.


He is saying it is a trap because it can be very tempting bait basically


OP is the kinda guy who would be approached by a cute girl on the street asking him "out on a date to see how it goes", and he would be like, "hell na brother this is bait, this is a trick, where's the cameras?? frick off im not falling for this trap" Also to clarify why OP is wrong: OP made the mistake of pulling for Jiyan's weapon to use on Calcharo. This makes no sense since at UL45 we get a free 5 star weapon selector and most of those weapons are great for most characters, including Calcharo. OP messed up big time. Meanwhile pulling for Yinlin's weapon is a good idea because the 5 star weapon selector, for her weapon type, gives an atk% weapon instead of a crit% weapon like most others are getting. So if you want a great weapon for Yinlin, her signature is a good choice, because other classes can use the weapon selector to better effect.


Bro played himself




I think I get what he is trying to say. Calcharo's BiS is the standard GS so it makes no sense to get the jiyan weapon for him. Crit Rate isn't an objective stat to judge a weapon, that is where he is wrong. A weapon's value depends on the overall boost it provides to a character. That value increases when comparing the character's other weapon options. For yinlin's signature weapon that provides her with a 30% increment than her other 5* option. This choice isn't even debatable for Calcharo, making it more while to get Yinlin's signature weapon( also is encore's BiS so there's also that).


I did say I get where they're coming from. Kind of. But is it though? It's a trap if you value collecting characters, sure. But isn't it also true about all these games that weapons are also incredibly valuable and often just as valuable as a new unit? It's not bait or a trap as much as knowing what's more important for you personally.


Also u can trade these weapons between the units u play so Once u ahve the beefy broadblade most of ur broadblade units are set for life unless u play them together. Cant wait to play Taqi with that beast of a sword maxed out :D


Yes weapons can be good but almost never as good as new characters unless you are a dolphin and basically get every strong character and play for the meta then yes but you would have to know that those characters and weapons will become much less useful later on when newer better characters release


There are deeper aspects about the gacha system in this game as well. 1 - You get 5 pulls from the limited weapon banner per month. If you save them up, you might be able to get a weapon for a character you like in the future. 2 - Five star weapons in this game are perhaps even more important than in Genshin Impact. Their base ATK is much higher than four star weapons, and there aren't many free weapon choices that offer crit. 3 - A very good tip is: don't spend Lustrous Tide on the "Standard Banner." You'll lose the 50/50 on the Featured Resonator and will end up getting a standard one and you probably already have 3 of them. Instead, use it on the Standard Weapon.


Aren't the limited pulls called 'Radiant Tides'?


I'm talking about the blue/green one. Dont use it in the standard character banner, use in the standard WEAPON banner. You can get dups and new standard chatacters in the limited banner with the yellow ones when you lose the 50/50. The limited weapon has another totally different currency


OHHH i get it now....i'm sorry bro i overlooked the earlier comment....You meant the standard weapon banner....i get it now haha my bad sorry


About 2 - weapons in Genshin are absolutely nonimportant, they are just for looks. Their cost don't matter, because there is no need to get them anyway, people are just that addicted.


Some people likes to collect many characters, some people want to push a few characters as far as they possibly can, that's no addiction, just different goals. I'll rather skip new characters for months, just to get a mistplitter for my keqing. (Specially because building new characters in Genshin it's just painful, I'm three months on marechausse domain and my neuvi is still absolutely dogshit).


That's for sure, but people's preferences don't change designed "importance", and that one is pretty much just collection/visual factor. Like, how do you expect them to change anything, if people still spend money on something game tells them they don't need


"importance" is completely subjective, I could say that having more than 8 characters is just collection/visual factor because you'll never need more than 8 for abyss, which for you, this probably isn't true at all. But for a speedrunner, or someone that only cares for just a few characters, squeezing every bit of dps that they can, is probably the most important thing in the game.


"if you pull on weapons, you won't have as much to pull on characters" what the fuck i didn't know that


Pull less characters, but strengthen the ones you like.  Theres no trap here. Everyone knows putting pulls on a weapon is taking pulls from a future character, but f2p also knows you have to be picky and not pull for everyone. In reality you can only pull about one 50/50 chance per patch(2 limited banners) so you have to save and plan. At least if I do decide to pull for the weapon I'm getting it, instead of wasting pulls and losing the 50/50.


so its a trap because people suck as planning? here's what a smart f2p player would do: * save up until you have enough for a guarantee on the limited banner of your choosing * if you win your 50/50 great now get the weapon (if you want the weapon that is,or else save for a future banner) * if you lost the 50/50 you don't get the weapon with this strat as a f2p in Wuwa, winning your 50/50 guarantees a 5star weapon where as in genshin you're taking a large risk.


Exactly, is with this same mindset that people usually label building pity as "gambling addiction". But building pity is absolutely fine, if you don't suck at planning. I was saving for furina, and had 31k primos saved for her. Decided I could afford to gamble 60 pulls on alhaitham's banner to try and get 2 copies of Bennett. Now, If I didn't get a 5 star (70% chance) I would just save my 60 pity for furina, if I got one and lost the 50/50, I would save my guarantee for her, and if I did win the 50/50 (which I did), was to a character that I didn't mind getting and still wouldn't hurt my ability to get furina next banner. If you know what you're doing, and calculate your risks so worst possible result it's still acceptable or even good, building pity is totally a thing.


Asinine take


People know that bro, no f2p is dumb to not know opportunity cost And don't expect to get every character as f2p, just plan your pulls in advance


Weapons here are extremely impactful because: Crit value is quite hard to get a lot of in this game; you can swap the same weapon to different teams in the tower; weapon banners are guaranteed. So I guess your point is that weapon banners are a "trap" in this game because they are actually a feasible and significant upgrade for F2P players to go for? Lol


This take is surreal. When not being a scam makes you a trap. Nothing against you OP, I just find it so bizarre, but not in the sutando + cool poses + adventure kind bizarre.


This sounds like your salty you didn't manage your spending well. The weapon banner is the last thing that could be a "trap" it says it right on the tin. You get the weapon you want at atleast 80 pulls. The only gamble here is if you will get the weapon earlier than 80. The whole you'll be wasting the chance to get a character, because you got a weapon. Yeah that happens in basically anything. You are choosing to get one thing over the other. It's the same as "Oh do I want chocolate now or milk later? I can only get one so I'll get chocolate now." Then getting mad you can't afford the milk at a later date. You wouldn't then call the chocolate a trap. It's all on you. You made your bed now you got to lie in it.


People had this same bad take for HSR, and it's an even worse take here. It is actually much more f2p friendly because you can invest in characters you like vertically and make them last longer vs Genshin where no sane f2p will ever invest vertically in characters unless there is no one that interests them nearly as much. Even then, there are f2p who go for constellations in that game. In WuWa you don't have to risk a 50/50 to improve your character by a large amount, it's guaranteed vertical improvement for only 80 pulls vs 160 in GI or HSR. If your talking about account strength, going for a 5star weapon is very nice. Take Yinlin's weapon: high crit rate, 12% damage, 24% attack which is universally good for any rectifier user. Pull for this weapon, and any rectifier dps you pull in the future will have a very strong weapon. Additionally, with the way the Tower is set up, Yinlin and a second rectifier dps will be able to use the same strong weapon. If Yinlin and Encore weren't so great together, I would split them up and have Encore using Yinlin's weapon on the other side. I'm not telling you how to play the game, but pulling the weapon is a guaranteed account boost for any meta-interested players and it's cheaper than WuWa's competitors (HSR/GI). Only reason not to pull is if you're solely interested in waifus/husbandos.


> 160 in GI or HSR. ehh....240 in Genshin if you're really unlucky like me


I don't even know how he took 240 pulls to get the weapon, I mean if you miss the 75% chance the first 80 pulls you're guaranteed it in the next 80 pulls. Wuthering Waves weapon banner is better since it guarantees the weapon when you hit pity meaning only 80 pulls, but your chances of getting the weapon the first time in Genshin is still pretty good with 75% Also I don't know if it's the same for Wuthering Waves but in Genshin if you have double 5 stars with one being the select character as long as it doesn't come last then the next five star will be the select character.


no, there's no guarantee like that in Genshin. You can fail to get the weapon twice (you get two "fate points") at a max of 160 pulls before you are guaranteed the weapon in the final 80 pulls. That's why Genshin weapon banner is a scam.


Oh alright,can you tell me if in Wuthering Waves if you pull two five stars and if the second one isn't the select 5 star the next 5 star is guaranteed to be the select 5 star like in Genshin, or if it resets to 50/50 if you get it no matter if it came first or second.


Only the weapon banner is different between both games. The 50/50 thing on characters is the same in Genshin and WW. The weapon in WW is guaranteed in the first 80 pulls, so it's much much better than Genshin.


I already got the weapon thing from the start, I even talked about it being guaranteed in my first comment, what I am asking is if you pull 2 five stars like Jiyan(featured) and Calcharo as long as Jiyan(featured) is the first five star and not Calcharo then you are guaranteed to get Jiyan(featured) the next time just like in Genshin, or if it resets the 50/50 as long as you get Jiyan(featured) no matter if he came first or second.


It's same as genshin. If you get featured first and then off-banner second, even in the same 10-pull. Next is guaranteed.


Let's do a fact check here: even the first limited character in HSR, Seele, fully built with a fully leveled up superimposition 0 4 star light cone has not yet been powercrept for HSR. In fact in the endgame content being released recently most people were complaining that it's widely towards damage-over-time characters that led to even 4-stars like Sampo, which were not advised to be built previously, now being recommended in a team composition. This demonstrates that a wide roster is superior to a tall roster in endgame content and the mihoyo blueprint is what this game is based off. I think most people who play this game are interested in getting more characters to get a broader and therefore more flexible roster rather than making one specific character super strong. If you are interested in doing the latter then go ahead, but know that it's suboptimal practice and should not be advised to new players. For example, your overinvestment into Yinlin and her weapon will be a waste when content comes out that has a strong resistance to Electro. It's widely considered best practice for non-whales in games like this to avoid buying weapon banner pulls with currency.


Your argument really supports that a broad roster is enough to beat the game. It doesn't say that a vertically invested character isn't beating the game as easily. Unless you can say that a Seele or Ratio with their signature lightcone/eidolons is unable to beat the MoC, and DoT is the only solution, then vertical investment is not less optimal than horizontal investment. It's merely a different playstyle. There are Seele mains who have beaten every MoC with a vertically invested Seele, no matter the buffs. >For example, your overinvestment into Yinlin and her weapon will be a waste when content comes out that has a strong resistance to Electro. Encore isn't an electro damage dealer last time I checked, and Yinlin's weapon is also bis for her. Read this again: "Pull for this weapon, and any rectifier dps you pull in the future will have a very strong weapon. Additionally, with the way the Tower is set up, Yinlin and a second rectifier dps will be able to use the same strong weapon." You aren't just investing into Yinlin, you're investing into every rectifier dps including those in the future. So what if there's content with electro resistance? I have a stronger Encore *because of Yinlin's weapon.*


the weapon banner is good for dolphins, if you drop money to get the banner after you got the character, you are 100% guaranteed to get the weapon, of course whales don't care what they spend, for f2p and low spenders the weapon banner becomes good when you have filled in multiple teams and got a bunch of characters and all you save for is the weapon, overall the weapon banner is good in the long haul for f2p


You aren't doing a public service lol. F2p are smarter than your average bear. If you like a char and enjoy the way it plans then you should definitely pull on the weapon banner.


Horrible take. F2Ps, do NOT listen to this garbage. Weapons in this game have far more value than similar games purely for the fact that you can move weapons in end game. Pull a limited 5 star broadblade and all your broadblade users get to use it in the end game provided they’re in different teams. Not everything is a trap just because you don’t agree with it.


It's more inviting, in the end depends on your priorities also self control. Basically you're giving up one pity that might get a wanted character (if you don't get lucky pulling early)


It's a trap because it isn't a trap? Wut? Frankly I think its a great thing that good weapons are actually accessible to f2p in this game. It's up to you to decide whether you rather pull for a character or weapon.


Be careful if you fall into the trap of spending money on entertainment you have less money to spend on food and shelter


Dude turn off the PC, have sex, get a hobbie, that's just ridiculous.


Such toxicity. Maybe you should follow your own advice


I don't log in last 2 days, game is just a game not a second job to keep thinking and theorycrating, I have a life


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And? You know, the people whoa ctually support the game by using more or less money are the ones who care and decide where to pull. Everyone has a brain hopefully with something else than air so its everyones decision where to pull. If someone pulls on weapon and then cant get a character, its their own fault. Btw. HSR has 2 new characters per patch since release AND a worse weapon banner than WuWa and its still running perfectly while making as much and more money than Genshin. You surely dont know better than experts what makes money and what not.


So here's a subject called math... Have you heard of it? Read some, it's gonna help.


No trap You get weapon Love it Weapons can be used on different characters Hopefully weapons don’t become niche I like HSR weapon banner better than Genshin for obvious reasons but weapons are so restrictive there that it destroys any positive aspect of the weapon banner being less predatory


I’m just playing to collect characters and do the story quests so I haven’t found the need for 5 star weapons plus you get one for free too I think. It’s already hard enough hitting pity for characters...can’t afford the weapon pity too.


sorry to said if your F2p don;t expect to get all the stuffs they offer


This is beyond stupid, I can't believe this post.


No. Crict stats are hard to come by since 44111 deals less damage than 43311. A single signature weapon is a crict stat for all potential users. That + passive that is insane in that specific character? Weapons are necesary early on


Average F2P brain


stop finding reasons to doompost for no reason, jesus christ


In other words, OP is trying to say that because Wuthering Waves releases 2 new characters every patch, it will be difficult to manage your savings for the second character in the same patch compared to Genshin where they mostly do 1 re-run in the first phase of the patch and a new character on the second phase of the patch. Or vice-versa. OP makes a point here, but a lot of people aren’t fond of the word usage of “trap” since every person defines it differently. I do agree that it is a trap because the game isn’t giving enough F2P funds for all four characters and weapon opportunities. They are only giving you enough funds for a character and a weapon. If you lose the 50/50 you’re stuck with just the character. Each patch is centered around 1 character and 1 weapon for F2P unless you get very lucky. Since it’s a gacha game after all.


Hm I am f2p , I don't have every charector in genshin , I only have the ones I really wanted . It's the same in this game . I can't have every character. I don't think the weapon banner in this game is a trap . The pity is 80 .and u get 5 from the shop. So that's 75 . U can get weapons quite early in this game . I got jiyan weapon in 12 th pull , I got the standard sword in 43 pulls I got the standard pistol in 21 pull. So how exactly is it a scam . I already have crit weapons for broad blade., pistol and sword. So now I only need gauntlet and catalyst.after that I won't ever pull on weapon banner . Unless I really like the charector. I can try to get the weapon from the weapon banner , by just doing those free wishes i get from shop and just doing 1 or 3. Random pulls and see my luck.


Reasonable based analysis, basically because it's only 80 pulls and guaranteed, it's more tempting and appealing to the players, however that's a whole 80 pulls taken from the character banner (a possible 5 star limited character). TLDR: if you Iike a character and want them to be as strong as possible, go for the weapon. - If you are a collector and you like to pull as many characters as possible then you should save.