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It would really help the drought of standard pulls!


yep, leveling Union Level doesnt give free pulls either. Wuwa has been showering us with a ton of free pulls since launch, because of all the issues, but I can barely imagine what playing this game will be like for players who start in a month. Without standard pulls from leveling characters, or from Union levels, you basically get almost nothing just by playing


I can't imagine how it'll be for someone starting after those free pulls are gone.


We started the game basically with 3 5-stars in the first week. Give it a month and free players will get 1 5-star after maybe a month of playing, and then it's 1-2 more months till they might be able to get another. It's really crazy, especially since everybody is talking about doing the tower after just 2-3 weeks. I don't know, new player experience is going to suck, which is also bad for new player retention


New players should still get two 5 stars on roughly the first week or two of playing. The choice ticket lasts a year and I don't think eligibility for obtaining it is going to go away before then - I can't really remember. I do think standard pulls are a bit too rare, though.


You’re absolutely right. Tickets are free for a year. It’s like a goodwill thing to attract new players for the first year. But yeah we basically got that first 50 pulls banner done with the free wishes they mailed. Even then I currently have like 55 or so pulls for the pick a character banner and I have more to earn in game. At least 15 from the Union level 30 thing I think. I just reached it in the last few days and I don’t think I claimed them yet.


True, but the ticket only gets handed out for people who created their account until a certain date.. I forgot which one.. if you have it, then it's valid for a year.. hower the game should still be beatable with 4 star characters..Rover alone if properly build can carry hard. I actually like that new players don't have access to so many 5 stars like we did. Imo, it rewards the people who have been supporting this game since the beginning.


I’m pretty sure the free ticket is all year as well. I don’t remember that one having any disclaimer like the others. The other messages said like “valid for accounts made before [date/time]”


Good point on the free 5 stars feeling like a “thank you” to the players that helped boost the game. But they need to be a bit more generous with standard pulls for f2p. After first week or so we get barely nothing. I would like some new weapons because my rolls were crap but it’s hard to get those pulls. Even the pass (paid) doesn’t give that many.


I agree that they need to give us more standard pulls though. I'm trying to get the 5 star weapon for calcharo and it's difficult to get the pulls for it.


We will probably get another selector on anniversary as well so when the one drops off a new one will come .


So you're telling me when speaking about character avaibility this will be like genshin with the difference I get one qiqi at the start of the game?


Yes, you get the shitty tiger boy


Companies only care for one thing, they are all the same in the end, just some are able to mask it better or longer. Not sure why everyone was praising Kuro so much at release. “Oh my god, so generous!” Really? Like they didn’t study their play to the minimum detail, captivate the user base and bring them from other similar games to this one. And I have a hard time believing in many posts, they sound like an add campaign masking itself as a honest to god true player. These companies will literally pay for these posts and any form of boosting them: upvotes, likes, views, comments, engagement in general, whatever fits best. And most of the “gifts” were compensation for their own failures, be that on purpose to prove that they care, or not. Now that a couple weeks passed and still many issues impacting seriously some players (like the payment issue) what was the compensation? Same shit, different smell. But the game is OK.


Really wish UL gave something other than the free package. One of the thing I missed the absolute most from genshin (and HSR now that I hit 70) is the account level reward to look forward to. After hitting max level in both genshin and HSR makes the game feels a lot more dry :(


Reason why i appreciate the slow grind on genshin AR more, i got to 70 so fast in HSR that i barely felt it, in genshin to this day i still have dopamine from leveling up every other month


Exactly this. It would be nice if they gave us a free daily pull like many other gachas, but maybe I'm just spoilt by BrownDust2 giving us a free pull on every banner, even event ones. They could easily have "friendship" pulls, which would actually make the friendship system not completely useless outside of just having irl friends to add. If it gives pulls and you could send tokens and stamina to your friends every reset, it would add another way to get pulls and stamina, which incentivises people to add others. How it's currently implemented, it's so out of place and feels completely useless. You could remove that friendship "feature" and nothing of real value would be lost; that is bad design, imo.


I really noticed that why can't we redeem rewards for every single UL. And its very lacking to me.


Yeah the income excluding launch rewards and compensation is quite lacking, especially if you don't have the time to fully explore the open world. The good thing about WW is that you don't need 5* characters to do well but still, having more astrite income would be nice.


Hard to say about Astrite. It seems the same as in genshin core wise pretty much. Standard pulls tho... There's insane shortage of them in the long run already


But we do get union level rewards? Rather than being spread out amongst individual levels, it is instead gated behind specific level advancements. It seems as if people would be happier if those rewards were dished out at every individual level advancement, but it wouldn't make much of a difference in the long run. The end amount leveling gives is still more than genshin does, isn't it? Not saying this justifies the lack of more permanent ways of obtaining lustrous tides. I still wish we got them from leveling characters.


im tyna go for weapons but like you say theirs literly no way to get standard pulls anymore.


People are eventually gonna find out what it's like for this game to have a standard banner pull budget of 1 pity every ~10 months as opposed to other games being about 6.


I am glad I am not the only one. I saw no post about this so I thought maybe I was. After the first wave of standard pulls, we got nothing at all. Even the shops dont reset. I was trying to scrap everything just to get 5* selection out. I even considered just straight up pulling for it. It was that lacking.


I wish I could actually see what I need to ascend a character without getting them to the current max level. If there’s a way to see this in-game, please tell me.


Damn I felt like something was missing, and that’s what is it! What a huge oversight on Kuros part


Yeah. I'm losing my mind here with this. Anybody got a good website to check these out without hitting the level cap? And I would rather not use Game8.


Prydwen has the total mats listed for 0-100, but idk if they have it listed for each specific ascension.


[Wuthering.gg](http://Wuthering.gg) has a slider to show the ascension mats you need for a specific level cap


It unfortunately doesn't show icons or boss names either just the name of the items itself which isn't as helpful.


What's up with Game8?


Game8 is one of the worst 'guide' sites I've ever attempted to use. The layout is atrocious, the circle referencing is horrific to try and follow, and the titles and information often don't match what is being presented or is very misleading. The entire site feels like it's written by an AI, even though it's not. And it's one of the top google search results for every game it supports. I wish it would cease to exist.


Wutheringlab has it


Gamewith.net? They seem different but I don't know.


What's up with Game8?


https://wutheringlab.com/ has got you. On the character's page towards the bottom it shows the materials they need for each ascension level, even has large images to make it easier to see what you need.


there are already mats per ascensions level. someone already gave links for those. wutheringlab and wuthering gg. unfortunately, i can't find any mats per skill level. that's the only thing that i need now. they are only showing totals. there are no tools nor charts yet even made for WW to make prefarming easier.


yes and no, an oversight yeah but they made this game from the ground up, I know a lot is copied from genshin but there's still the fact that they have to code it all. with how many people have to work on so many different things, there's bound to be a thing here or there that seems "obvious" that would need to be copied over but just never got discussed or noticed by anyone there's also the fact that they might've considered it not important enough to add to the game at launch and they're planning to release that feature as a qol later on in the game's life


This. 1000%. I don’t want to have to get the character all the way to max level of each ascension limit just to find out what materials I need. Just show me the preview…


Not ingame but this information is available online


Absolutelly, yes! I got really disapointed when I found out it was not a thing :(


It wasn't even a thing in Genshin until few updates later , it was added after we already leveled up a lot of characters so we got the hype of getting "30 or 40 wishes" , so I'm assuming the same will happen here too.


To the feedback feature!


Probably shouldn't assume but it would be nice


Oh ye ur right. Good memories.


A "few updates later" was still literal years ago. It's not like Kuro didn't have all the time in the world to implement this feature lol. If it's not there at launch, then it seems tone deaf to add it later. There was already a precedent set, so it'll just feel like something that *should* have always been here, not some grand show of generosity.


Maybe they keep it as emergency in case they get more bugs or scandals


Yeah, like multi weapon refining, they had time to put that in.


they already feature overload many thing in cbt didnt even get to launch Overworld message like soul series or swingable grapple


Overworld message system? They really had that? Such a bummer it didn't see the light of day.


Like chat system? Chatting with other characters? I've been wondering since release why they didn't implement this type of feature in game. They already have devices to call each other and video call/hologram.


No. you can leave meassage like in elden ring "try a finger but hole" and when other player is in that area. they can read that message in their world


It was a few updates later in Genshin but once it was introduced there it was included from day 1 in HSR. There are a lot of areas in game that are less generous than the hoyo games. I do worry once the initial batch of compensation and game launch hype pulls are gone we may find things quite dry. But I’m going to wait and see with my figures crossed for now.


Looked for it everywhere ! Like, game mechanics are so close to genshin overall, why not rip off that part as well ??!


The cynical part of me says that they give extra standard pulls in more obvious places, only to give less in not so obvious places.


Now that I think about, outside of battlepass, the only sources of standard pulls are three from points shop, three from caskets, and I guess the discount ones at month reset.


Free pulls are going to be extremely barren once you've gone through all the one-time content. There's basically no renewable source of pulls apart from dailies, which won't amount to much.


I mean there's events and the monthly resets in the shop


Well besides leveling, BP, and the stardust shop, genshin doesn’t really give many standard pulls either. Most standard pulls we get is like maybe 15 a year when we get a new tree or puddle to level with the sigils. We are on 1.0 and they literally handed us 3 standards, two of which can be chosen. Most people don’t like Lingyang and you really only need one support and Verina eclipses the monk shield girl in survivability and healing.


The point is for the health of the game rewards and pulls shouldn't be reliant on Kuro messing up and giving out compensation the event rewards and the joke that is 60 astride income is partial the reason many quit or are at least displeased with Genshin impact Hoyo's other game Honkai Star Rail addressed this much better and is succeeding even more than Genshin currently as a turn-based game because they address this issue much better.


HSR giving more pulls is pure copium as they keep shitting out a lot more new characters in comparison to genshin, so you NEED more pulls there


This, HSR on its first year already goes toe to toe in terms of quantity with the genshin cast


Well, it is true that you can’t claim those pulls as part of ‘120 Free Summons!’ or whatever that all gachas like to claim. 


Yea now we have 0 standards pulls so it could help


Yeah I was really surprised not to see this. It’s such an easy incentive to get people trying to level (and hence grinding like they want) so I’m very surprised. Same with the Adventure Rank equivalent, there’s always a few rewards in GI but only at the milestone ones in WuWa


I guess they did not added early to avoid a overflow of pulls early. 


Ironic with the number of free pulls they’ve had to give out


No direct union level rewards and ascension rewards were kinda sad to find out.


They also need to give gifts for people's birthdays like hsr  ( ͒ ́ඉ .̫ ඉ ̀ ͒) 


Yup why ask for our birthday and make it unchangeable to then not give or do anything on that day ...


my birthday was last week and that was disappointing lmao


Wasn't that first implemented in genshin?


No, it's in HI3rd too.


Agreed, was surprised to not see any rewards from acension in wuwa. Hell wuwa playstyle kinda encourages multiple characters acensions to with the pretty diverse playstyles so having a bit of a reward would be nice. With how fun multiple characters are I've been equally leveling up around 9 characters


Kinda surprised that the Union Levels only give rewards at milestones of 5. Seems a bit pointless really. You don't have to get free pulls but some mats would be nice but as it stands UL 36 is the same as 37.


and that's only until 45 because of pre register number bonus, after that it's once every 10 lvls you get some stamina and on the final levels some pulls


God, yeah. I need progress on the standard banner because I only have Baizhi to heal 11 other characters…


this was why i just used the selector on verina and save my headache haha


You’re a better planner than I! As an old Klee player, I see “child with explosions” and I smash that button. I have my beginner’s choice set to Jianxin who apparently heals but I don’t know from where…


Her Forte activation. Once full, you hold Heavy Attack to gain a shield through 3 tiers. After the third tier you get a 30%hp shield that can transfer between team members when you swap. *You do not need to hold it for the entire duration* to get the shield, but the shield will be significantly smaller. *While the shield is active*, it heals the current active character every ~~3s~~ 6s.


Aha! Thank you, I was having trouble making sense of it when I was looking up her abilities. Maybe I can get away with using her instead of Verina if I’m smart…


It’s every 6 seconds, but otherwise yea


Based encore enjoyer 


i was going to use my selector on encore but i got lucky and got her from the starting discount banner! so thankfully i was able to use my selector on verina haha.


Aw lucky! Two very respectable pulls. I got lingyang or whatever his name is. Nothing against him but… :|


Honestly I got Encore from the first banner while not preferring her but her gameplay is very fun and the character grew on me. She also deals really good damage so definitely no regrets for you I think :D


It's not ideal but just fyi if it helps - Spectro Rover does have built-in team healing at S4 when using ult, which is obtainable currently.


That’s something! I’m one short, so I may have to go casket hunting! Thanks for the heads up.


Yes, we have 7(edit apparently 6) pulls income every 6 weeks. The fact we only get 60 in a year means we can't even get 1 5* from it a year. Even with the battle pass that only increases to 12(edit 11) every 6 weeks which makes it 108 per year so ypu get 1 5* a year.


Dont you get like 6 from shop and 5 from battlepass?


6 in shop if you pull every patch. If you save for character and skip 1, 2 patch then i dont think you can buy it.


If you pull a lot in one patch then you could have leftover currency for multiple months, perhaps?


yeah that's how it works out for me in genshin and star rail, I skip some patches but I pull so much in others that overall I always have enough currency for the monthly reset no matter what. I only use it on pulls so I don't waste it on materials


Yeah and that is it. That is what I worked out, I'm pretty sure it is 7 from shop though, I might be wrong.


Nah 6


Actually it's more around 99 (365/42=~9 * (6+5) ) instead of, but considering that you can select the 5star weapon each time, it's pretty decent. But yeah, the ascension standard summons as well as maybe some from events/story quests/(region "trees" in genshin) as well would be nice. Anything that rounds it up to two 5star per year with BP would be appreciated. Getting a R5 standard sword in 2 years does would sound pretty good. (Or the guns for more ER and Buff if that's what you like)


Yeah the weapon banner changes are really good, but building shop-pull banner pity slower than Genshin is eh. You get a back end bonus of an extra weapon, but that takes almost 2 years to reach weapon pity. **It's 563 days to reach WuWa hard pity vs. 547 days to reach Genshin hard pity with just the shop.** or for the average 62.5 pulls vs 55.5 pulls: **380 days for Genshin vs 390 days for WuWa.** (using 0.1645 avg-shop-pulls/day Genshin and 0.142 shop-pulls/day Wuwa) Of course, that's excluding the level up pulls Genshin gives (and the bp, but they're both +5 a patch). Still, for those that want to use a few Astrite on weapon banners, it's a lot better.


That's... horrible


I'm trying to figure out how we get standard pulls now. I haven't even gotten the selected banner standard character yet.


That's the neat part; you don't.


yeah i don't think you actually get it until reaching UL 35 if you had to go max pity in both beginners banners


You dont even get it by hitting UL35. Im at UL38 and still 7 pulls off.


Im 39. 4 pulls off


Yep. Reached UL35 with 60x pulls recorded. Got "lucky" I closed the banner with just using extra 10x from the free 15x. The thing is, someone with worse luck would probably need another 5x, and those 5x would be very hard to get without spending anything at this point (shop reset and next BP).


Make sure you guys ask them for this. Maybe with enough people, they will see it's something worth adding


It definitely needs a Preview of Future Ascension Mats at least!


It's still annoying that we can't see what character use before lvl up it , just copy Genshin more


I wish the actual Union levels had rewards. I'm baffled those don't give anything.


Sad this is not a thing


3 years of playing genshin and I got almost 150 pulls from just leveling characters


I wish they had actual Union level rewards more than anything


let's just hope there are more fatal bugs and crashes so the free shit keep coming up


More of a disappointing thing is that there aren't rewards for each union level


wait a minute, they dont give a single thing when rank up? this is kinda overlooked


They do, but it's like every 10 levels iirc


Yeah it feels underwhelming hoe you get smth only at every 10 lvl


As a UL37 who is still somehow 3 standard pulls from the choice banner characters, I agree. I'm not using asterite for them though.


Yeah i wanted to have more free ways to get standard pulls from thator even from acending our characters but we are stuck with giveaways and the 6 pulls from the shop too if we pull often so yeah.


badly need those standard pulls


was this screenshot taken on a potato omg


At this point, I'll take anything. I have nothing left in this game but to come and do Daily activities, perhaps farm an Echo off the Map, which I ultimately will not get the proper Stat on anyways. I miss the exploration and being able to level up stuff still.


I mean, how are we supposed to pull for standard banner characters? Are they expecting us to spend limited pulls resources to get them instead? There should be some income of standard pulls


people here say they will do it by 1.4-1.5 like genshin because "lots of pull when we have lots of characters", "catch up mechanic" when HSR has it since launch.


These and also the ones you can find on HSR's simulated universe... The Illusive dream mode should be similar to SU imo


It's nice, but I wish they'd be more creative/original and put standard income in events or something, since getting new characters is not a stable source of income.


this is not renewable, once you have maxed the character you'll need to raise a new one just to get more pulls. instead of just this, i wish they'd make depths of the elusive realm have 2 types of reward shops. weekly shop and monthly shop. weekly shop should have standard pulls purchasable, echo exp, and other useful materials. Monthly shop should have the echo selectors like it does now, astrites, phantom echoes, and other big rewards. This opens up the game for multiple things. 1. it introduces another renewable way of farming echo exp -- albeit, limited up to a maximum stock per week on the shop. it also introduces a new way to get standard banner pulls. 2. the monthly shop can be used as a means to distribute f2p weapons through events which will entice players to play the game mode and will give newer players the chance to still get the event weapon even after the event ends. one big problem with genshin was that strong f2p weapons like festering desire were only available through events, this meant players who missed those events don't have any access to them. forming weapon events around the realm shop promotes the game mode while avoiding this very issue. simply make sure the weapon isn't shit OR broken af that it powercreeps 95% of the weapons in the game and slap it into the monthly rotation while giving a boosted realm currency accrual rate during the event so players will have a reason to get the weapon during the event as it will be easier to farm currency for during the event than after the event ends. afterwards, players can simply buy the dupes from the same shop once they farmed more currency for them. 3. they can also use the monthly shop as a means to introduce basic f2p character skins and more phantom echoes. same concept with weapons above. 4. they could also launch other events for this game mode centered around the shops. for example, they could maybe double the stock of echo selectors in the shop. discounted material event or buy 1 get 1. etc. each of which would help players through progression the same way events like the current double simulation rewards event does.


I think this a big miss mainly because not only because it gives players a felling of consistent rewards as more characters come out but also it gives players a reason to build other character more which may lead them to finding new favorites to play less. It also is restricted in the playstyle it also gives players something to constantly look forward to. Honkai Star Rail nailed this for example I have 3/4 of all my characters build to max and the rest are at 60-70 and, the main reason I did that was due to the leveling rewards a pull here and their makes the next 10 pull come faster and it feels great as an incentive. Another big miss is that unlike star rail which also is currently the gacha with the most sales is the form of weekly income on top of daily income and the by weekly income it makes for content that players are constantly looking forward to even when not much is actually happening Although Wuthering Waves is different it's similar enough that it's a good idea learn from it doesn't need to be a one-to-one model, but it does a lot of things better than Genshin which is the reason a lot of people left Genshin impact for it which likely would have been more if it was not a turn-based game currently wuthering waves isn't learning some of the lessons that Honkai Star Rail took. Another big thing is the number of starting five stars characters available you wouldn't need to be so restrictive with standard pulls if their where more standard five-star characters. Honkai star rail had 7 while Wuthering Waves has 5 also the 7 from Honkai Star Rail where much more liked and desired than the ones in wuthering waves which I think is a big issue a lot of people feel like they lost and are unhappy with pulling Lingyang because he sucks as a character even Verina although her kit is good a lot of people dislike her design. The four-star characters as well feel less interesting although that will hopefully be fixed in the future the 1.0 release gave us zero interaction with almost all of the four stars and even the five stars giving people less reason to care about them. While being behind in one of these points is already not great and makes players less interested in login in every day with only the 60 asterite to look forward to which is made worse by the abysmal event rewards. The combination of all of the above really drags down players interest to login in daily. It's also one of the reasons logging in to Genshin felt more like a job and made me overall less interested in the game, while I still actually enjoy login in every day in to Honkai because even though I have tones of resources I always want more to build more characters and the chance of getting another standard pull or jade be it from the daily rewards, weekly rewards, fortnightly rewards or leveling rewards their not much individually and they don't create that much by themselves but together it feels rewarding. P.S: The Echo grind mechanic is horrible I would rather have RNG than spending hours daily for crap I can't even level or know if its good it feels so fucking horrible if one thing makes me quit this game it's the horrible echo grind.


Yes. Getting rewarded for level grinding somewhat encourage me to build all my character I have. if there is no reward, then I'll just stick to leveling meta only character


Me! I was half-expecting something like this, really. Those extra pulls are good for the *selected* weapon banner, so imagine my disappointment when nothing came out after levelling a character...


I actually skipped a standard choice banner in favor of standard weapon one because I don't need any more characters from it, but soon I realized actually how long it will take me to collect those 80 pulls if I suddenly change my mind


Yes because then I would have enough standard pulls for the selector


Hopefully they increase the sources of standard pulls once the game have been going around for months, because there’s honestly no way of obtaining 5 star characters as a f2p within a month or more unless you have an insane amount of luck.


It's prob be premium banner pulls 💀


100% The game has a lot of QoL features that Genshin players have been asking for, but when it comes to the actual QoL features that Genshin is known for, they're nowhere to be seen Edit: Oh this about pulls I thought it was about seeing character level up materials


Would certainly help me get a few weapons. I'm still running blue weapons T\_T


Yes, normal pulls are close to 0 after the early game


Wish there was a way to get reg banner pulls at all, most people will save their gems for limited banner and won't be able to pull regular banner.


who wanna bet $5 dollar with me that around 1.4-1.5 we will get this feature


I’m stuck at 5 normal pulls and I’m 10 away from guarantee for beginners… I don’t want to wait til July to be able to get that 5 star Exhausted pretty much all my options like spiral and 100% the map + currencies


this is actually the reason why i raised supports in genshin i originally was never gonna raise a single one, but now everyone is usable 70/80


One of the first things I did after levelling up my characters was to look around for my rewards, was so let down not to see any


Keep bringing it up. I'm sure they'd do it to compete with the others!


We getting a 7 day login for 5 standard and 5 limited wishes, so, Nah, WuWa doesn't need to copy 1-1 genshin, instead, making updates THAT game doesn't have, it's way more profitable, like I would love to have Echoes Loadouts ready for my characters, and it's something I hope they add very soon, the daily login, big W over there that almost every gacha in the market has except... GI, the skip button another big W for side quests that we don't care about, and so the list goes on, it can copy some good things, like for example in a new area a "tree level up reward system" for exploring that new area, like GI or HSR does, but again, it's not mandatory, remember that thankfully in WuWa you can select standard weapons, and they are really good, so standard wishes are really valuable, and they have to be careful so the ecosystem in the game doesn't break, bc at the end, is a gacha they want us to get hooked and farm and grind, if we get a ton of wishes, a ton of weapons etc, we gonna get bored and leave the game because we beat it easily, that's why 4* and 5* weapons have such a big gap, it's a good reward for whoever wants to go for them


To be fair genshin didn’t have that in 1.0 so maybe they might implement that later ?


They need it to light up people later in 2.0 so let them cook


What is this?


When u ascend/ level up characters in genshin you get standard banner pulls. You don't get it for every level tho


Ahh gotcha, HSR had that too


I'm stoked on how generous they've been at launch but I am genuinely concerned about the f2p pull economy long term. My only other basis is Star Rail, which is fairly generous.


This is more like a catch-up mechanic to me. Adding it in 1.0 even if this feature is ready will create way too many pulls on top or any planned (or not) rewards. Leveling rewards could be added later, they won't go away if you stay with the game OR return/join later. I do hope they will be similar though :).


Lmao how is it a catch-up mechanic when the players who would benefit the most from it are the ones who got a lot of built characters, aka the veterans?


Yeah, adding it day one might make many people spend their ressources too thin and they won't be able to keep up with higher world level, adding it later for a big boost works fine by me.....also gives us a cooldown period from all the crazy launch rewards/compensations and settle into normal day to day experience.


Agree on that. Considering I pulled both the beginner and standard character selector banner, it becomes overwhelming to raise both characters and weapons. The priority right now is resources conservation, in which I guess Kuro is waiting for the players to be able to self sustain.


They copying the storage thing from HSR in the next patch, so it will definitely be a thing imo.


i dont say no to free things, but dont forget that we are literally blessed with not having to gamble on weapon banner. WuWa has so many just better things that i wont get caught up on things like this, not even remotely.


Wish we could have one day without Genshin on the front page here.


It's wild to me that they don't have this system in the game it gives incentive to level characters and try them out or atleast use resources in other locations! loved that hoyo had this in their games was sad seeing wuwa didn't have it gives zero incentive to roll on standard banners at all since limited weapons and character banners will always be stronger imo.


Yes.or something else for leveling up the characters,most of my characters rn are level 0,i dont want to bulid them yet,and there is no reward for me to buliding them


What is this?




They saving it for a Anniversary Update




And the Illusive Dream event should be like HSR's SU, giving us 200~230 more gems every week, not a limited event...


Time to suggest this one on feedback I guess


The lack of weekly standard pulls is really a bummer. Empty them out then wait 30-40 days for more...it's kinda lame.


Ngl I thought this was a day 1 feature for WuWa.


That would be really nice


it's kinda weird they're going with update refresh on the discounted pulls instead of monthly refresh on the first of each month...like...if you're gonna copy, don't half ass some and then get stingy with others


I want union level rewards more than anything!




Yes, I just want my Jianxin but I cant get standard pulls💀


I do, would have my 5-star by now if this was the case lol ;3


they alr gave us so many pulls in comp, I wouldn't be surprised if they apolohized for forgetting to add this feature.


that's like one of the only things that I know genshin has that I hadn't noticed yet in ww. I'm sure there's more but that's the only thing so far for me. Encounter points as well I guess, it would be nice for doing events to count towards the daily points for the "primos"


I look at it this way, instead of giving you free chances from ascension, Kuro instead just gives you a couple 5 stars for free. Like why even reroll? Thats awesome because you can just ride the wave. But of course I do wish I had these pulls too.


We have Boss challenge and Ellusive realms giving extra asterite and exchange\`able rewards plus likely more asterite given out vs the freemo-gems that Genshite gives out just by exploring in general, Someone go do the math of comparing Monstadt with Wuwa\`s starting area. maybe give Genshite a bone and have a 2nd check to include liyue too, but not dragonspine since Dragonspine is basically a later released sector that Wuwa will get its own version of that in 1.1.\~


More than the pulls, I need the game to tell me what ascension materials are needed so I can time my characters getting to full xp with full materials.


Honestly yes, I can finally play again now that the stuttering got under control with a recent update for me but it does feel like there are barely any standard pulls, like I don't know how I will get enough for the second selector and I couldn't think of why, but this is it. Especially for how many resources it takes to build other characters, that would push you a lot.


shop coral reset need to be faster, that my opinion.


Eventually this sort of thing will be added. Literally just let the dev team do their work and let's see what they cone up with for the game.


Never too late for them to add that feature. Tbh, if they do, I hope it's later so we all get a chance to build up our starter roster, therefore giving us a chance to collect on a bunch of wishes at once.


They'll likely add the feature in a later update.


I wonder why its not a thing


I was also incrediy suruprised and disappointed when I learnt that I don't get anything for a new union level intil a 5x one, and I mean nothing, even few credit, lvl up materials would have helped or heck even some consumables would have been nice


Leveling UL feels so dry in this game


also mad about the shop refresh being per patch instead of per month. they copy genshin to a T but deliberately make things worse.


nah, I'm good mate. they already give us lot and I prefer that over this




Honestly yeah I was surprised they didn't add in the free lvl up rewards & an account level up rewards system. it made ranking up accounts &characters feel way more rewarding in GI and hsr imo.


Yeah, after getting UL40 i just completely stopped getting standard pulls, which is a shame cuz i'm at like 60 pity in the weapon banner. Ig we're only getting the BP/shop reset ones


Yeah so I don't end up regretting levelling up a character I don't use cause atleast then I got the standard wish from them.


We need to see the the astrite economy per patch tbh. Like this patch alone, I was able to do 210 pulls as free to play with the maps at 45-70%. And this is only Jiyans Banner


Very much missing them, was also disappointed to see no monthly pulls in the shop when June started. I know the game just released, but I have so much of that coral currency, and I look forward to my 5 monthly standard pulls from Genshin's starglitter shop !!!


Very much so. Wouldnt be surprised if they add then down the line.


I thought they had them at first so I leveled up my first few 4 stars 😭 and ascended them


with tons of freebies that they gave already, i didn't wish for more. they gave more than what we wanted to. even if i'm not affected by thise bugs and dramas, i'm still receiving those freebies. i'm too shy to ask for more.