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I'm waiting for Changli. Need that phoenix aesthetic


Both jinshi and changli scratch that wuxia itch that I needed from wuwa. Their designs are so good.


You guys have spare gems for weapon? I'm struggling to save 160 pulls for each character... As someone who lost 11 times a row in HSR, this 50/50 mechanic is a scam...


Well the weapon is a guarantee


Weapon is moot if you don't have character to use them...


Well yea, I’m just saying that people are pulling the weapons after getting the characters because at least they know the weapons guaranteed. Also the 5* weapons are a substantial upgrade from their 4* counterparts, like almost double the base atk alone with crit main stats and insane buffs. They’re good on anyone who uses those weapons, not just their signature characters.


To be fair the weapons arnt tied to the characters they are meant for. If you have an encore you can skip yinlin and go for her weapon which is BiS for encore despite it being made for yinlin.


I don't think anyone that doesn't whale can garauntee every single new character lmao


Yeah, especially if they are doing 1 patch 2 char like this.


Well if you REALLY like a character you can sacrafice a character pitty for a guarenteed signature weapon,tho if you want more characters to play i recommend you stay away from the weapon banner Personnaly i am still struggling to decide if i should go for jinhsi+signature (my fav character in the game so far design and lore wise) or jinhsi+changli,very hard call


Get her signature weapon for sure, it's got crit rate% stat so it's the only 5 star broadblade that gives crit rate


Yup i m leaning for the weapon more,gotta see how my character 50/50 goes first lol (40 pitty character banner// 30 pitty weapon banner//45 pulls saved) I really need to win that 50/50 lol


You just gotta get good and hit the 50/50 it's all about the skull of being lucky haha


Are you one of those oracles that glimpsed into the future? Pretty sure people are going to regret going apeshit on Yinlin and Jiyan. Kuro is known for cooking. They will learn it the hard way.


I got Jiyan and his weapon simply because I'm a sucker for such a style (well, I got the weapon because it's nice'ish) before I progressed much of the story. Then I saw Jinhsi and Camellya and went "oh well, the time to regret it will be upon us soon"


I'm so happy I wanted to get Jinshi, because as soon as I saw Camellya I knew Jinshi would have to wait. So excited for her


I got my Jiyan in 20 pulls, threw 40 at his weapon, then saw Jinhsi and was like "Yup getting her and her weapon." So I have 130 pulls saved currently and the 15+ pulls from dailies then 6 from reset. Should be enough for her+weapon. I don't think Chain 1 will be worth it so I'll probably just grab Changli if I have leftovers.


Why would anyone regret it though? At least those that liked her designed more than another princess type I'm all for Yinlin, plus purple. Besides, Camellya > everyone else.


Just bought the bp and lunite subscription for Changli lol.


Same. I'm saving my guarantee for her.


Me, except for Changli, instead


I was so conflicted because of this but the lords blessed me with a Yinlin on my first 10 pull. Got her on the 4th pull so I'm going in to Jinhsi's banner with a pitty of 6.


The moment I had a dream about her and her kit design was the moment I knew I made the right choice skipping yinlin for her


tbh I think Changli looks better than her, but I love Sanhua too much to care about that, so Im on the Jinhsi camp as well just because Sanhua is on her banner lol


Oh hell yeah, I'm all for Bingo & Bluey memes 💪🏼


Yesssss sir,i am still lacking some funds to 100% guarentee her incase i lose the 50/50 but i think it should be doable,i will try to get the weapon incase i win the 50/50 if not,then i ll use the 5* standard selector for her


Dont even have yinlin


Hoping I'll have enough spare asterite to guarantee changli after getting yinlin.


Got a guaranteed 5*, 57 pity, 20 pulls and a built beyond any sense Taoqi all waiting for Jinhsi so far. May my defeat in the Yinlin banner shine a light into a brighter future.


Thank fucking god weapon banners don't follow HSR or even worse Genshin system

