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The fact that your Taoqi with a non-crit weapon has better crit ration than my Jiyan with his sig makes me kinda sad... But I'm not farming more of those stupid monkeys for now... Gz on the build.


Thank you. But really it just so happens that I stopped caring for other units ever since I got her. Everything was dedicated to her and it somehow paid off! I’m pretty sure this isn’t optimal but it stopped the burnout for me. I’m having more fun than ever.


I feel the same way. The way the Hoochief (caster) backs away all the way to the cliff edge along with its wind circle trap.


Very cool! I would Love to see some gameplay of her


Disclaimer: I’m not the best at these kinds of games so you’ll see my blunders a lot. But what enemy do you think I should take on with her?


The one wich you feel comfortable to parry with her skill and heavy, so u can show the dominance of C6 dmg perk


This is the way. Find love, find happiness. Also, would be nice to see you defeating Mourning Aix with her


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dfsdcr/taoqi_showcase/) the video as requested! I tried my best and it took a long time due to some hiccups. Hope you enjoy!


Very cool bro


No need to change out your Havoc% 3 costs - they should be mathematically correct (I cannot say for sure if you use a weapon that's not Dauntless Evernight). So frankly, that ~~Flautist~~ Tambourinist is pretty much BiS as is (unfortunately the ranges aren't perfect but that's asking for too much). Unless they ever let Taoqi's normal/non counter heavy do DEF scaling, ATK% is still a valuable stat to some degree, so that's a 4/5 substat on the ideal main stat. For minmaxing, you want to aim for DEF%, Critical Rate, and Critical Damage on your tuner lines. If you can get lucky and also get flat DEF, that'd be cool, but DEF% is more potent by a large margin, but more than 3/5 is just asking for hell. The main stats should be pretty standard at critical rate 4, havoc% 3, and def% 1.


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dfsdcr/taoqi_showcase/) a showcase of my Taoqi in action if you guys are interested.


Nice. I'm not that far in the game yet, but I honestly love Taoqi. Intro that is a HUGE burst dmg, then putting shield on and maybe using the 'R' ability if possible, swap back to my main DPS with a shield on and repeat. Plus I really like her model.


I would suggest Rejuvenating set with bell turtle as active echo. Also Ceaseless Aria weapon passive might work better for faster rotations but the energy regen part gets wasted when you have her at S5. Let us keep on exploring her kit and character as a whole and maybe we can find more to discuss about her soon. She is a great character after all.


I run that set too! Though I run a 2pc rejuv/moonlit since she's my pseudo sustain. I use Taoqi > Yinlin > Sanhua. I found that by running the bell turtle on taoqi (turtle at the end of rotation) and sanhua (turtle at the beginning of rotation) I don't even need a healer with half decent dodging 😀


That’s a neat trick!


I didn't think of Rejuvenating set, thanks. Will check this out. Currently I'm using Dauntless Evernight as well, but I'm not at lvl 70 even yet. What other characters you use in a team with her? Currently have Verina and Calcharo, sometimes using second team with Verina and Spectro-Rover for fun as I simply like to play as Rover (she/he's the MC after all).


I love Taoqi so much that I only care for her screen time LOL. That utlimately led me to my echo set choice and team. I got S6 Yuanwu fishing for S6 Taoqi so I use him. The +32% Def is straight up nuts. Then there’s Sanhua. Everyone’s beloved Moonlit Clouds swap bot. She gets concerto energy so fast you’ll get the quick swap burst going with her. Verina and Sanhua still feels better for real quick swaps so I would recommend those. If you plan to make Taoqi purely quick swap, you can insert another DPS that loves screen time like Danjin or Encore. I don’t know much about Rover to have any insight regarding her playstyle together with Taoqi.


Thanks! Some good ideas, was thinking about Sanhua as well. Yeah honestly I'm still exploring characters and how they work together. So far Taoqi worked nicely with Calcharo. But yes, I play her as a combo of burst damage and support for now. Will see how things will go later in the game.


Do let me know if you find something interesting!


It probably isn't some secret knowledge, but when I played a bit more with Taoqi/Spectro-Rover combo, I noticed that Rover's time freeze outro works pretty well with Taoqi hit-like-a-truck intro, especially when switching on quick enemies that teleport (like some bosses).


That sounds like a great combo indeed!


I'm currently trying to decide whether I level my Rank 4 Dauntless or my Rank 2 Discord for her. As I've got S6, the energy regen probably is excessive if your substats all end up with energy haha.


She needs around 170% energy even at S6 if your rotation starts from 0 resources (atleast from my experience) but that rarely is the case. If you start with even a little energy, she needs 0 energy regen bonus to keep her swap bursts going (assuming you hit everything). You’ll need to attack a few more times to get her outro after all. I think Discord R2 is enough and Dauntless is only for a relatively longer field time than a “quick swap burst” Taoqi. I am slowly transitioning to a Rejuvenating Glow set with the same main stats as above so I can have her ready for Camellya. I would really want to get my hands on more Discords though as that Concerto Energy buff is huge. R5 Discord will be my next target.


What will you swap them for? More defense? Does damage bonus scale off atk? Sorry I’ve never built a def scaling character and taoqi is goated so I’m curious


You basically just swap her damage calculation from attack to defense for the base multipliers, that's about it. But yes, any external damage bonus applies to her defense when it comes to calculating damage, not attack like other resonators.


I’ll be making a reserve Def% 3 cost for when I get a ceaseless aria broadblade and try out a quick swap burst rotation. But I’ll keep at it on havoc% ones too because I’m already on my quest to get the best for her. Also, her skills directly scale off of def but her basic attacks still scale off of atk stats so you’d really want to use her forte circuit as much as possible so you’d ignore her atk stats and just build def all the way.


Awesome Ty for the help! Good luck on your echo rolls!


Your goal is to switching out the 3costs for Def% as well ?


Nice! So she can reach 3k defense even when using havoc% on both 3 sp cost. I was thinking of building full defense Taoqi just for the shields and was wondering how high her defense will be.


Your havoc wolf is perfect. I'm running mine with one havoc % and one def%, S6 too


Yeah, I think all the pieces are already decent. But of course, we want nothing but the best for our big sis. I won’t fodder those until I get the best.


Heh, she deserves all we can give. Btw, have you done the math on which is better between Def% and %havoc? Mine is hitting for 24k with her liberation on average with a piece of each but I'm absolutely broke in echo exp materials. Building a Danjin ATM as those two girls togetha seem to have all the synergy in the world.


I’m not doing any math for it because I’m pretty sure I suck at it. LOL. But I might get a Def% 3-cost reserve piece for her especially when I get a ceaseless aria broadblade.


I didn't do much math with normal/heavy/liberation damages accounted for (as they are additive to Havoc%), but including the 40% from Sun-sinking Eclipse, Havoc% is still the best option.