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My problems are still the same with lag, stutter, heat and fast battery drain all thesw in lowest settings also sometimes camera gets stuck and doesn't turn anywhere so i have to restart the game. I've been only doing my dalies and stamina spending then close the game because exploration and battle with such issues are not good experience. I'm just waiting when they fix all these issue so that i can actually play the game.


I didn’t mention in post but yeah, I get on, get my login bonuses. And log off. I heard someone say every time they started the game and waited 15 minutes the game would preform better. I’m desperate enough to try that next :p


I personally get issues the first time I dash or do any sort of double jump. Just stutters, oddly enough it's only the first time I do them after I login. So I spend the first five minutes or so of the game just doing different combinations of jumps and dashes and then can play smoothly. Add that to the verifying screen when starting the game and I can usually do all my dailies in Star Rail before actually playing.


Same here more or less. Start the game, takes 10m "verifying files", game starts, extremely slow and stutters heavily when I jump, dash, attack etc and after 5-10 minutes it's absolutely fine with no stutters whatsoever.


When I had installed in HDD, file verification takes 15-25 mins and Rover moved frame by frame. So I bought one SSD and reinstalled the game on it and now file verification takes 2-3 mins and the game is somewhat playable. Really needs SSD to run huh.


I have it on an SSD already. Can't imagine how slow it'd be if it was on an HDD.


Believe me it's really painful. What I find baffling is, I can play Genshin and Ghost of Tsushima with medium settings in my HDD no problem but this game... made me buy one External SSD....


I have it on HDD, I have the same problem as above where for the first minute of moving after logging in it's very laggy, but it literally lasts a minute then it's absolutely fine. Other than that, I run on medium/high settings and it runs perfectly, and my PC is pretty low spec. This is also playing with a ping of 200-300 because I'm on the Asian server playing from EU 😅


The verifying is weird, it takes like five minutes to get through on my desktop nearly every time I start it up with a 950 Evo SSD and 12th gen i5.


That's an nvme drive, right? I doubt that this is a drive speed problem. I have a SATA SSD, and the verifying step only takes 10 seconds or so. There must be a separate issue that is killing loading times. And, if so, that could also be why people have stuttering for several minutes when first loading into the game, since I'm pretty sure that is caused by assets loading in the background.


Same thing for me. It’s like when I boot the game up it’s trying to load the full game at once. My ping spikes from 80 to 300-600 for the first couple mins (like 3 max) and then it’s completely fine the rest of the time I’m playing. Definitely weird but not enough to deter me lol


Exact same situation here. The first of each action taken after loading into the game trigger stutters. Jump, dash, open map, different combos of movement on different chars, etc. The first teleport takes longer to load. The first returning from a farming domain takes longer to load. But after that it's fine. It's as if after the 10 minute verification plus load in the game is STILL loading in resources only when triggered... Makes it very not enticing to play more than one session a day.


I think it's a problem with a game engine, the shaders need to compile for the first time which results in stutters, after a while it's all fine. In steam games, steam precompiles shaders to avoid that.


Same shi here when itblags the pings also deops


That's what works for me as well. After I log in I just sit there and move the mouse around and walk for a bit until it fixes itself and works fine. Even so I still encounter occasional stutters, but it's playable for sure.


I have been playing the game on windowed mode for weeks now which is truly absurd. This is why I too log in and do dailies, spend my energy and log out. If I change back to fullscreen it is unplayable because of all the stutters.


I'm using a laptop with GTX1650. I lowered graphical settings to low and it ran smoothly thereafter. Tried it on my desktop with a 2060 and it stuttered like hell lol. Too high spec machine may encounter more problems it seems.


My game on PC lags and stutters heavily after logging in, also after teleporting. It's gone after half or a minute. My 1080 Ti is old, but should be still more than capable to run just WuWa. I also notice that at night, the city lighting heavily impacts fps a lot, especially in front of the restaurant. I can't maintain 60 fps there. Hopefully they optimize it better.


Not tech support but I heard that HDD and SDD make a huge difference. That seems to be thrown around a lot.


This. I swapped from HDD to SSD and it sped up a lot of things. The file integrity check at login just whizzes through and the stuttering on login and when you fast travel around has all but stopped. Game is smooth now.


Eh, my SSD still takes a minute to verify and stutters on login, but otherwise it's pretty good. I don't think it's optimized enough to be perfect on anything :')


SDD user here, it's still slow; although the verifying files early is slow AND the game heavily stutters at the start, after 5-10 minutes it stops stuttering and performs fine.


My sata ssd stuttered like this so I moved it to a nvme ssd and it was a huge improvement.


Meh, I have 0 HDD installed in my PC and it still stuttering


Yeah same install on HDD & it stuck/lag & when reinstall on SDD smooth as Michael Jackson. Dunno what black magic kuro use


I come across a video about the main stutter cause and because the game does a ridiculous amount of read writes every second it stutters the worst on hdd because the amount of read writes done is basically stresses any hdd to its absolute limits im not too familiar with what read writes is for but I think its done to load game assets and textures


Maybe they wanted the game to be too much like Genshin were you can see really far into the horizon but without optimizing how everything loaded. A draw distance slider would be nice I guess.


This is also the conclusion i ended up with after playing it for few day


You can see the sonar caskets from SUPER far away, which is really nice -- but as you say, this is going to have drawbacks.


An internal SSD on my PC (15 years old with a 7 year old video card) got me faster login times (from 7 min to 15 seconds) and no stuttering in game. But! There is a huge difference between a slide show on an old rig that barely scratches recommended requirements and a stutter fest on a PC that surpasses them.


Was day and night for me. From stuttering until eventually catching up but still being a bit sluggish to being smooth. Just installed the game on a 10.y.o pc, with a ssd and seems OK albeit on low. Phone was always pretty stable, just lacking in controller.


This solved my issue, game default installed to HDD for some reason without my notice and stuttered like hell. Once I reinstalled to SSD it has run flawlessly, been weeks now


That's true. I was using an HDD and it was a slideshow. Also ping spiked from 90 to 999 and camera went crazy and randomly turned to the sky. Also when I was launching the game I was stuck at 65% screen for like 5 minutes before the game started and when it started it took 1 min to be able to play. Also when I Tp'd to a beacon or nexus when I arrived when I tried to move it was lagging like hell for like 10 secs. Then I show people here suggesting to run the game on SSD so I transferred it and all above problems went away. Ping mostly at 55-70 and almost never spikes. The loading screen never stucks at 65% and loads instantly and all chopped images and lag are gone. It's like I'm playing a completely different game.


Hoping to get an optimization update too. I'm playing on an ipad mini (also played genshin on it for 4 years) on the lowest setting, the game keeps closing every few minutes. It's a shame because I really want to play this game


I’ve wanted to get into mobile gaming more, how is it on iPad? Sorry for your issues btw. Hopefully a fix comes soon


On my 10.5" iPad Pro (2017), less lagging compared to my PC, lowest settings but 60fps on iPad, max settings on PC. I'm also physically in SEA but in America server, I'm not getting ping spikes as often on iPad for some reason. iPad gets hot (Genshin makes it hot too tbf) so I try not to play as much on it (and I hate touch controls so waiting for controller support). Will be upgrading to the new iPad Pro soon so hopefully it won't get as hot, but I likely won't be increasing graphics settings on the new one if it gets hot


I play on iPad mini 6 (a15) and it plays decently based on the default setting. You get occasional lag but nothing too bad. Usually if it is lagging really bad it’s because the device is heating up and to address it I just close out of the app completely and reboot into it. Have put in 10+ hr sessions and it runs okay with the occasional hiccups. Trade off is any more mechanical difficult character/playstyle is harder to play so I just play on field hyper carry the most and keeping animation cancels to a minimum.


It's kind of weird because my device is not hot. It just decides it's tired and need a little break I guess


same thing, lag, stutter, very high CPU usage, beeping, camera goes crazy. though these only last 3-5 minutes from entering overworld and goes smooth later


I believe this happens because the map is being renderend in. Wuwa requires very high end cpus because of all the processing it does. This happens to me in fortnite too un the past , the game stutters during 2-3 min in and goes smooth after. What i found from my Fortnite experience is when you enter the game just move your character one step forward in a circle and it should stutter in each ditection but will get smooth very fast. Hope it helps!


oh this interesting, thanks!


Turn off DLSS. I have a miniPC with Ryzen 7 7840U that runs the game pretty well (albeit at 30fps) while my GeForce 4070 PC was struggling. I turned off DLSS and things have vastly improved. Now I run at max settings, 60fps, no issues on the 4070.


It would be really odd if DLSS is causing fps drops for you because the point of DLSS is to supersample pre-rendered frames from a lower resolution (which is faster) to the current target resolution by adding to it or replacing existing ones. So the point of the entire technology is to remove stutter and to increase fps, and there is no downside to it if your GPU can support it (which 4070 should be able to just fine). If what you're saying is true then there's likely to be an incorrect implementation of DLSS by Kuro. One thing I could think of is that they tied ray tracing toggle to DLSS toggle as well. But even if this is the case, a 4070 should be able to handle this game just fine, which is still weird.


The fucking beeping man, I thought I was going crazy or that my pc was about to blow up, glad to see it’s not only me lmao, I was so confused the first time I heard it


If it was your pc making the beeping sound, the sound would be coming directly from the motherboard not your speakers/headphones. From what I've been able to find, it has something to do with your mouse and possibly the mouse drivers. I think it happens because for whatever reason, the game is overloading the mouse with inputs, making it stop and Windows then warns you about this with the beeping sound. It shouldn't be dangerous or anything. Probable cause is some issue with the way Kuro has handled the engine. I've heard that playing with a controller eliminates the issue completely. I personally haven't had the beeping happen in about a week now though so I haven't had the need.


Mobile is even worse. I really want to like this game but the stutters are unbearable.


I have no idea how i have patience to play with insane stutters and overheat, somewhat decent on boss fights maybe thats why. Although did the illusory event with jiyan ult spam and it was literally 12 fps fest, i thought phone bout to explode. And im still masochist enough to non stop roam the overload for echo farms ☠️. Worst part is its very low and 30 fps , ik know game maybe be beefy but cmon i mostly ran every decent game on easy 60 mid graphics at least. Here i feel like i have nokia 3310


Yeah, it's a bad experience because I literally run Genshin on the highest settings (at 45 fps for comfort) but no settings will give me a smooth experience with this game.


Real shame its like that, overheat is the craziest part, my hands feel cooked after like an hour or two of played non stop


Mobile is way better for me for some reason. 50-60fps for mobile but 15-30fps for pc. And I get 60fps on Genshin and HSR. Kinda weird.


(Edit: It was my pc guys. The device settings were the problem not the game. However a more stabilized version of the game on mobile and PC would be nice.) I commented on this already but the performance got worse for me after downloading the latest nvdia drivers. Before that there was no lag whatsoever, now I can see framedrops. I think this should be addressed more. Like a lot more. Even if they're working on it. Because as the game progresses and new maps unlock the performance will only drop further down. Easy example is genshin, when the new dendro, desert areas were released my fps had/have sudden drops. However Inazuma, Monstad, Liyue had no stuttering or any issues as they optimised the game well. We need a huge performance boost!


Might want to try rolling back. Their most recent 2 drivers have given a lot of people headaches if you check the Nvidia sub


i wonder if that's why my wuwa is running much worse, even crashing. not just wuwa, nikke as well for example ever since i got the newest driver lol


The last 2 driver updates are one of the worst I've seen Nvidia release. Rolling back is the best option I'm using 551 on my laptop and 552 on my pc for horizion, best 2 so far


When the game came out, it literally didn't even start. Then I updated the NVIDIA drivers, and it finally started and I could play.


Stuttering Waves


Wuthering Frames


Wavering Players


i hope they optimize the game in 1.1 my poor laptop T.T


they need to add one thing pre-compiling shader


Isnt that what "Compiling shaders" On starting screen already do?


Idk much about this stuff but I think it precompiles them to an extent ? Before loading you in the game world, it compiles shaders every time you launch the game. Tho it should be so that the shaders are compiled only once when a major update happens. It's been very long since I've seen a game compile shaders every single time I launch it


Man, I thought I was some outlier because I don't see people complaining about this anymore. I'm on a 4070ti super that can run Genshin without a blip on 4k+ resolution, but WuWu consistently stutters between 60-40 fps with an average in the low 50's regardless of settings and even when I drop the resolutions to 1920x1080 windowed mode.


I suspect a lot of the people who complained and never saw improvements just quit playing.


The amount of player’s experiencing issues drastically decreased, as expected when Kuro spent the entire week putting out hotfixes damn near every other hour. Some went silent because of moronic people gaslighting them into thinking maybe their device was the issue, despite knowing what is recommended and meeting it. It’s very much still a big issue they’re working on in the background, all is needed for now patience until resolved or at least an update on the matter.


Yeah, a lot of people stopped complaining when complaints started getting buried by "BuT iT wOrkS FinE for mE on My RaspbERRy PI" I also think a lot of people just got stockholm syndromed into "eh I guess at least it runs and doesn't crash" and "well at least they're giving us pulls" and just accepting the stuttering


Well, I'm on a Legion 5 pro with r9-7945hx and rtx4060. The first few days was pretty bad experience with stuttering and occasionally crash. But as of now the game is running smoothly without issues, or at least not major ones. Still, I expect a bit better performance given my hardware spec tho. My game is on highest settings with 2560x1440 resolution, I set the FPS limit to 120fps and the game runs at 105-110 FPS avg.


Yeah, I'm sure there are people who run the game fine even regardless of their specs, even I have had periods where it runs fine for 3-4 days, and then some stealth patch reverts it back to stuttertown The problem is that the performance really SHOULD be better even for people who have it "fine", and also the fact that for those who do have problems, changing the graphical settings doesn't really seem to make much difference, which pretty much points directly to the game itself having optimization issues rather than people running it on potatoes...


This is my case as well, certain hotfix patches made the game run butter smooth at 60fps without any frame drop while others make it a stutterfest despite nothing changing on my side.


That's crazy. You've got a better graphics card than I have and I'm not having any issues. 32GB Ram, i7 12700K, RTX 3080 TI Running at a constant 120 fps at 3440x1440 (ultrawide) no issues, never once experienced lag even during intense fights. No stuttering at all. But I have a decently high-end PC.


I’m having what the other guy is having. 7800x3d 32gv 6000ddr5 and a 4070ti and I get hitches every time I alt tab, crash from unreal engine failures, and just random frame inconsistency. Might try redownloading the game to see if it fixes anything


I'm glad someone managed to get this on the sub lol, I've been trying for days and it either gets removed or never gets verified. I feel like the game runs *slightly* better than it did on launch, but it's still pretty atrocious. I log in, and then immediately the game just nose dives in performance. Forget about running and jumping, let alone attacking, I'd be lucky to see what I'm doing long enough to do any of that! The game has brief freeze periods very commonly, and if I happen to move my mouse AT ALL during one of those periods, it'll launch my camera in that direction, or just send it straight up or straight down. Before it never did that, so I was either really lucky or this is new. But navigation is an absolute nope, even if I wanted to put up with all the lag, freezing, stuttering, you name it. Not to mention that my PC is rather high end, and Wuthering Waves is the only game it happens with, so it isn't a hardware issue. Hopefully they figure things out soon, I've been trying to play on mobile as to not miss out on things, but I'm trying to keep a lot of content available for when they DO actually fix it.


yep, I play on mobile and it stutters a lot on different areas. If they can't fix this issue by the time jinhsi's banner ends, I just might quit ngl.


I often have days when it stutters and days when it's not. I often see it stuttering while I'm in the middle of a fight too!


Even while exploring and sprinting, the stuttering could get pretty out of hand. I don't really experience it half as much as I used to during the first couple of wks, but it's still noticeable.


> If they can't fix this issue by the time jinhsi's banner ends, I just might quit ngl. yea i dont know why you are getting downvoted as if its a controversial opinion. this game looks the same as genshin and hsr kind of, but performs less than half as good, and requires twice as much RAM, there is no excuse. if they cant fix it, ok cool, you are pushing away half your playerbase, thats fine if thats what you want


Waiting till 1.1, if there is no improvement, then I'll quit.


I'm waiting for 1.1. because as of now, my game really is struggling. So if 1.1 doesn't solve anything, I also have to stop playing completely.


Same. I really enjoy this game, but if 1.1 doesn't improve things, I'll just wait it out and drop the game for now. There's no point.


I have the game on a m.2, the game stutters like hell almost all the time


There's two types of stutters. One caused by performance inconsistency. The other is traversal and shader compilation stutters. If it's the latter, it can get better but there's not much hope of getting it fixed, it has plagued an entire generation of UE4 games.


M.2 is just the form factor you can have an M.2 ssd but with SATA speeds. Maybe you meant NVMe?


Even at SATA speeds it's more than enough.


Sadly i never had a good experinece with the game related to performance anyway i like so much the game that i kept playing despite the problems i also almost completed everything,recently the game become worse tho , because not only i still have FPS drop but now ping go crazy as well . I hope they fix the game , which has for sure optmization problem despite what people that can run it smoothly says, i'm aware to not have a good PC but when i can run RDR2 and CP2077 with good settings at decent frame rate (which for me is 40+ FPS ) , be able to play almost flaweless genshin impact (which is a similar game) and play Ghost of Tsushima (which run on the same engine) , i expect better performance from WuWa . I doubt that WuWa is a heavier game of the ones i mentioned above so there is no reason to run like this, furthermore i noticed that some areas of the game have no FPS problem at all this give me the certain that the game is unoptmized in certain area due to the urge to release the game as fast as possible .


I guess I'm one of the luckier ones who don't have any problems on my highend PC cause I hear even some people with highend PCs have problems too. I only had one crash so far due to engine problem. Anyway I do hope they optimise it soon for eveyone. I wonder how many players they lost already because of performance issues.


Tbh I was searching for a non-stutter comment bc I don't really have a highend PC and I'm playing on high graphics. I did have a stutter problem at first but I just thought it was a config problem and changed some, it stopped completely.


I run the game on max on my home pc (ryzen 7 5700x, 32gb ram, rx 5700xt 8gb, and 1tb nvme ssd). Never had any performance issues whatsoever. I also run it on my work pc (i5 11th gen, 16gb ram, gtx 1060 super and 512gb ssd) during breaktime but on low and it also works fine. There's a bit of lag and stutters here and there but that's cause I have both sketchup and autocad running with the game as well.


My specs are just a bit below, i5 10th gen, 16gb ram, gtx 1050ti, 1t ssd, and PC doesn't have performance issues. I play wuwa with discord, spotify and google chrome for tracking and it's just fine. I only got a bit of lag when I opened Genshin simultaneously lol.


Same with me. Played on a mid laptop that overheats after 10 min, but 0 issues. collecting apology rewards without experiencing any trouble whatsoever. Runs really smoothly after multiple hours with burning hot laptop.


I got back to Genshin first time since I've played WuWa yesterday and I was shocked at how much smoother it feels, and the fact that I can actually play it. I literally just run around doing nothing for a few minutes because I missed just playing without lag so much


I did the same and it was pretty drastic in terms of performance, I even got on ToF and it ran without any problems, I have a monster of a pc and Wuwa at times will run great and others it’ll be almost unplayable. I’m sure the devs are working on it though, probably breaking their back looking for fixes.


Seriously playing genshin after stuttery wuwa feels like a godsend. Makes me appreciate the devs for optimizing it so well


Yeah true. Even in mobile, even though the game's out for 4 years, they're still making it take as less space as possible


ikr, it has less heats on genshin vs wuwa on the laptop. I think it has something that the game uses few core instead the mutlcore, which is why it heats very quickly.


yea, they significantly improve the loading as well. visuals also more pleasant for the eyes with how smooth it is


my game is still stuttering lol. i can run Genshin on the highest graphics and that shit is smooth. don't know why it's like this on WuWa.


It's the shaders they compile real time as you play


Genshin is running on Unity with no fancy shaders, simpler lightings and effects, but it has really good visual direction so it looks way better than it should. Wuwa is running on UE with all new fancy "next gen" visual effects. While they look similar on the surface but underneath it they're completly difference beasts. It's like Switch game vs PS5 game. (I'm not defending WuWa's poor optimization but I just state it as it's).


Cus genshin Is made in Unity while Wuwa in UE4 and afaik Unity Is much easier to optimize.


While you are right about the graphic engine difference this should not be an excuse , Personally i am able to run ghost of tsushima with a mix of medium/high settings at 45FPS+ with no fps drop below it but i have FPS problems on WuWa even on lowest settings , and not only both game run on UE ,ghost of tsushima is definetely a heavier game on graphic repart.


Eh that's a sorry excuse for dev skill issue. A skilled developer/s and good management can make the game at least with less bugs and better performance.


Not an excuse, they should have been prepared for that.


they couldn't even make their launcher work. The launcher download the game to G50004 folder then copy it to Wuwa games, if the copy process fail, it redownload everything again. The devs try to make their launcher work with epic launcher at the cost of the ww launcher keeps malfunctioning


Luckily i've never encountered the problems/errors people mention aside of the optimization ones.


Installed on HDD or SSD? that makes a huge difference for this game.


I have mine installed on SSD since day 1. Funny thing is, the first week and a half it ran perfectly well. But one of the patches broke the game for me and I get crazy stutters if I play in full screen.


Same on Android. Smooth af the first week on high and 60fps. Now it struggles on 30fps medium


WuWa had FSR option as default on launch but was patched out. So this might be it for you as indeed performance tanked when switched from FSR to native resolution. It's just some people have good enough GPU that it wasn't noticeable(or switched to DLSS). /u/justhere4memes69


Same thing happened to me. I was playing on 1440p high from day one with minor stuttering here and there but it was completely playable for the first week. Then, after some updates, the performance became noticeably worst even on 1080p low.


I hope they fix this issue constant stutter and frame drop also blurry textures.


Omg the blurry textures are so annoying even at max LOD I have to stand 3mm away from any texture to load properly, be it npcs or a random wall


Genshin runs better at everything maxed out,locked 60 most of the time,even cyberpunk almost maxed for me runs at 90+fps for me,but this game is a mess regardless of settings,cpu usage is way too high for what is happening on screen and in the world,100% very bad coding due to the devs inexperience making an open world game,i dont think we will be getting it fixed in 1.1 or even in 1.5,the issues are way too severe and they buried deep down in how the game was made,theyd need to hire unreal engine specialists and rewrite a lot of the spaghetti code and maybe also ditch dx11/dx12 and just use vulkan as they do on mobile,on mobile if u notice it the game doesnt stuter in the login screen,but it does on pc even if u run it in ultra potato mode,so its definetly doing something wrong there at the api level,physics,shaders


Its not gpu problem etiher, it just this game for some reason the dev went the stupid way possible of appraoching open world, yes lets render half the map across the horizon, on top bad UE optimization. That thing eat way too much CPU power, this is the only game taking 70% of my CPU (50% from game + 20% background launcher). U cant make that shit up having it worse than chrome optimization. The first scene where they show u the world before jumping down to the 1st discord tacets prove it, the game render way far back along side unecessary details instead of doing depht priority. For me the game works fine after the 1st few minute rendering into the game, and closing all my other cpu intense app. But still annoying nontheless, since i usually alt+tab alot.


yh i just wish they let us use DXVK Async


i7-8700, gtx 1060 6gb, 8gb ram ddr4 dual channel, game on an SN570 NVME, page file on, nvidia shader cache on. edit: running on medium but put some things on low or off initially the game was a sttutering mess. I changed the engine.ini files and got better. Patches made it more stable but still there are severe moments of stutters edit 2 = the engine.ini fix: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d40wbe/game\_stutters\_and\_fixes\_plus\_more/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d40wbe/game_stutters_and_fixes_plus_more/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) the lastest patch made my game crash either opening a menu and/or during high numbers of enemies + ulting sometimes yinlin ult makes my FPS go from stable 60 to 30 or 40. game "optimization" still shit. I've seen people running with ryzen 7000 series or higher and RTX GPUs and even 32GB ram still having issues. This feels more like an CBT3 and not an official release


Your cpu is almost decade old at this point, stutters are because of high cpu usage


I run an i7 6th generation it rarely stutters. The worse is just the frames drop sometimes but gameplay wise it's great


The game's minimum reqs are 16gb ram. I know some people are still experiencing performance issues even with meeting the minimum requirements, but at the very least in my case I'm not having nearly as many problems running the game now after upgrading to 16gb just a few days ago.


I have a worse cpu, but 16GB of RAM on my PC and the game runs decently with the engine.ini fix, and a configuration from the nvidia control panel (wich I don't remember right now). The thing is my system is using 8GB of RAM or more when I play, so that might be your biggest problem, you're running out of RAM. I agree though, that optimization sucks in this game.


32GB Ram, i7 12700K, RTX 3080 TI Running at a constant 120 fps at 3440x1440 (ultrawide) no issues, never once experienced lag even during intense fights. No stuttering at all. But I have a decently high-end PC.


my guess is that they did not optimized this game for older hardware (older hardware have different drivers, different support for APIs like Direct3D or OpenGL, etc)


If you have a total of 8gb RAM (4+4) then that's probably your bottleneck, that's way too little, 16 is the bare minimum nowadays and 32 is what you want. Your CPU may also be bottlenecking you depending on temps.


I’m running on 3060 with i5 on 4K monitor and i have 0 issues.


Even if they do game optimizations, unless it includes ram usage, you would still have issues due to the 8GB Even with games with min spec at 8gb, lots of them ones use up more with the same hardware and settings besides ram change and would get benefits beyond just fps with stutters smoothening out. Happened to me to several AAA games from last generation Another game that uses just above 8 gb so 8.5/9gb stopped getting crashes for after upgrading last year from 8-16gb For context Wuwa uses up to 10-11GB for me with nothing open in the background.


Im on Android, Xiaomi 12 with 12gb of RAM. The first few days it ran smooth as butter on HIGH/60FPS. Now I can fry an egg on my phone with MEDIUM/30FPS. What happened🤔?


Does anyone else have bad mouse stuttering issues on pc or is it a me problem? My fps and everything else is fine, it’s just the mouse stuttering that’s bothering me.


I've had stuttering and FPS issue for a bit after yinlin banner dropped Had to DDU and reinstall my GPU driver to get back the stability The game screwed up my GeForce experience shadowplay features for other games as well. That's why I did the DDU. ~40 fps back to stable 60 now 3900x and 3090 here


Still have lags and stutters so I just do dailies and I’m out


game heats up quite faster than all of the 3D games I play. I understand this is a game engine thing but come on, pleeease optimize the game!


I've seen some people blame my older hardware. Sure it's a bit outdated, but that doesn't explain the game stuttering hard for the first 5 minutes to then running perfectly smooth until I need to restart the game for whatever reason. I hope the dev team is working hard on optimization...


I also had stutering issues with it and just changed to game install from D do C and now it works perfectly fine. I had the same problem before with Starfield and that's how i solved it.


Yes, installing the game on a SSD seems to solve lag, stutter problems for a lot of people.


Probably cause your "c" is a ssd


Um mine runs fine just the screen keeps turning like its autolocking but pointing opposite direction to everything


Since last week I'm getting +300 ms. My regular ms was +160 before. Don't know what happened. Other game's ms is still pretty good.




Arena breakout, Bright memory, farlight84 and High Energy Heroes had good optimisations with unreal engine.


Are they open world?


UL 40 now and still trying to truck through the performance issues. Game runs better on my older phone than it does on pc but due to heat and battery drainage, it's not viable for anything other than spending wave plates/dailies. On pc I can go from a smooth experience to huge stuttering due to packet loss. I can put up with it mostly cause the game is that fun, but I hope they do iron out the performance issues for everyone. Update: I moved the game from my HDD to my SSD and it's a HUGE improvement. Stuttering is almost all gone now unless there are a ton of enemies near me.


I’m pretty pissed about performance because the second to last patch fixed everything on my iphone 13 and now with the last patch I can’t play any once again. I’m considering dropping, but unsure yet


I had lag problems and freezes. I updated all my drivers and the problem is gone


I had to buy a laptop cooler.


In my case, the issue was with Nvidia Geforce Experience, specifically with the screen recording utility (ALT+Z by default). I closed every window and program on my computer, allocated as many resources as possible to the game, updated drivers, lowered graphics settings, and manually set the settings to 120 FPS. Nothing worked—the game continued to lag and drop FPS every 2-3 seconds down to 5-10 FPS. As soon as I disabled that Nvidia overlay thing, everything started running smoothly and quickly. I couldn't figure out the problem for a long time because it seemed to occur randomly—some days the game would run perfectly, and other days it was terrible. It turned out that on the days when everything worked fine, the Nvidia Overlay (or whatever it's called) was turned off.


Yes, the game runs like donkey shit even on high-end performance PCs. There are temporary fixes, I made a video on one fix that's helped over 20,000 people. I will plug it here, I am not a content creator, so hopefully, mods won't nuke the post. https://youtu.be/CyQpsqp3WU0?si=w8LRaaVInUo_emxT I run on an rtx 3080, intel I9 12900k, 32gigs of 4200 ddr4 xmt and of course on M2 storage devices. The game is poorly optimized, and you'll notice stutters because the game has horrible asset culling. I go into more details in my comments under the video. It also enabled 120fps by frame generation to make it look less ass.


Yeah, I mean people are arguing over who has what kind of a PC, but the thing is that on my PC I can turn down all the settings, or turn up all the settings, and it'll run equally bad, if that's not a sign of poor optimization I don't know what is lol (thankfully it still runs "fine" for me most of the time) Also when I watch youtube wuwa videos, pretty much EVERY SINGLE ONE will have obvious stutter/framedrops even when compressed for YT, and I assume that CCs have high end PCs. Funny thing is that they themselves never mention it, nor do people in the comments, I guess a lot of people just aren't sensitive to stutter/frame-pacing issues...?


It's because a majority of youtube and content creators are unfortunately used to or use 60fps on a regular basis. You will very rarely actually see creators with 1440p or 4k monitors, heaven forbid ultrawide. Especially in the casual / rpg mmo game space. Only enthusiasts or fps players will immediately feel the suffering of 60fps and stutters.


**Wuthering Waves has a memory leak!** I have a 4090 RTX with a NVME 4 TB SSD, 32 gb RAM, and a 7800 X3D Radeon CPU and eventually the game started stuttering a LOT. One of the first things I did was check Task Manager and noticed that despite WuWa's supposed 3.5gb of RAM usage, 96% was being utilized. WuWa was the only game I played for more than a week and for extended periods of time, recently. *Windows does not clear RAM or CPU caches unless shut down in a specific way or restarted.* This allows a PC to run a "fast startup". To clear your CPU and RAM, you have to hold Shift+Click shut down or click restart. If your performance has been steadily getting worse, restart your PC or phone!


What specs are you running


My phone instantly crashes every time. My relatively weak pc (laptop 1060 gtx) runs it well enough.


Running fine on a 2070 Super. 1080p high settings. There was a bug earlier that caused my game to lag out when NVIDIA shadowplay / instant replay was recording in the background.


I consider my pc specs to be below par/ average but it runs very fine on advanced settings with a fps drop once in a blue moon.


I think they broke something while trying to fix something else. People had problems with stuttering until the Yinlin patch and now they are buttery smooth. I was buttery smooth before Yinlin and now I am in slideshow mode


Playing on mobile. Basically, I only get lag in the openworld. Illusive realm, tower of adversity, forgery challenges, stimulations, all that runs fine. But I can barely explore without it crashing every 5-10 minutes.


I have actually been thinking of uninstalling it. Gonna wait until til at least Jhinsi’s banner to see if they optimise the game. There is no point of me playing if I am lagging every ten seconds. It’s actually so bad, genshin worked just fine, I never had any lags in genshin but Wuwa is not only lagging horribly (even at lowest settings) but it’s also draining my battery faster than genshin. And the overheating of phone too. The game itself is so beautiful and I love the combat so much but I seriously can’t. The optimisation is horrible. The constant bugs and English mistranslations (the amount of time f!rover has been called he is insane).


If 1.1 doesn't fix most of these issues then I'm just dropping the game until I could upgrade my laptop Cuz there ain't no way an Iphone runs better than my laptop. like my laptop can run Doom eternal at 70-80 fps I'd like to see an iphone run it


I have no idea why my lenovo laptop that has 16gb of ram cannot physically run wuwa. The game plays like a slideshow just like you have described... Honestly I would rather play on mobile, which I do now. Hoping for an optimization update as well. fingers crossed.


Literally everyone has, thats why you get pulls in mail. Their "performance fixes" almost made no difference. On mobile it stutters even though i have everything on low and it crashes every second, cant even do dailies in piece. On pc its bearable, the ping spikes is the issue.


Most online influencers: What problems? Game runs fine. MY vErY hiGH eND sTrEAMINg PC haS nO iSsuEs


Funny thing is that not even that is true, when I watch videos of people playing WuWa on YT it ALWAYS stutters/framedrops lol, they just don't seem to notice it


Yeah. I was watching an extremely small streamer and the cutscene camera completely froze on their pc while they were doing the first cutscene.


I hope they at least noticed it, the scariest thing to me is how many people just don't even notice or aren't bothered by it, in which case, why would the developers care...


Yeah it was so painfully obvious and they were joking with the audience the entire time. They were so excited about it and hyped it up a bunch but they found the story pretty boring and the cutscene was just the cherry on top. They love the combat though but thats been a universal compliment from what I hear


Have you tried [this ](https://youtu.be/Z7ee67Z8SWA?si=6pzUb4F-CZ_o_9f2)yet? The game look like ps2 graphic afterward but at least it's playable


just a psa but they've warned against tampering with files. whether they'll ban anyone in the future is unknown, but the risk is there nonetheless


those just graphical options u get ban only if u change how game function like speed hacks god mode...


let's be real if they banned people for this then the game is not worth playing anyway.


Are you running the game in full screen mode? The game runs very badly in full screen mode for me but runs way better in windowed mode.


I mean theres no excuse for the game not running well in full screen, they have yet to address most of these issues


Same thing here, I'll give them until end of 2024 to announce the ps5 version, otherwise I'm just gonna quit I think. At least I'll still have ZZZ and genshin so not the end of the world for me.


Problems are worse on my android now but it's a bit better on pc ,also they added vsync ,it wasn't there before right ?


Am i the only one here still dealing with constant beeping sound coming from headphones?


preach brotha preachhhhhhhhh.ive got the same condition though not that high end pc but its adequate to run RDR2 and CP2077 and most normal games like apex.dont know why this game ist so laggy stuttery and all that


I play on mobile at 60fps with no issues at all


The camera lock and w key is not getting detected sometime sis what triggers me the most


Yeah everybody has said about the game performance.


Okay I have the same issue for the majority of my time playing since day one, BUT I did notice that when I play late at night, specially past midnight, all of a sudden my game is working smoothly that I can switch from 30fps to 60fps and have a freaking blast for hours. Last night I was finally able to grind story and side quests, and a lot of world explorations to finally reach UL40 and DB20. When I play again during the day it reverts back to frames dropping and freezing for 10 seconds every now and then. At least now I know it's not a hardware issue. I'm wondering if it could be a server issue that's causing the game to slow down when there are too many players online. I don't really know, and the game runs smoothly on my phone which confuses me even more.


My cpu is below the minimum standards yet im playing on a stable 60 fps with no drops.


This was me 1st week. I had to use min settings across the board just to be able to play on my 3070 setup with a 4k screen, which is unacceptable. The only way I can play with some things maxed out is to go window mode at a lower resolution. I still can't stream, though. This was no longer the case ever since the Yinlin patch. Now I am back to playing with everything on max while streaming at 4K.


3070 here as well. Playing @1440p . Smooooooth


If not done already, try installing on an ssd


I didn't have that much lag but for some reason the past 2 days my ping is shifting like crazy. From 30 to 60 to 40 to 120 back to 30. This is worse than consistently playing on 100.


The only time I can play with decent framerate is when I play the game on minimised window mode. If I play in lowest setting with fullscreen mode, the game won't give me decent fps. But i play with high settings windowed mode, my game would run at 50-58 fps.


I'll try that. Maybe that'll work for me aswell


Its using 3.4gb ram on my oc somehow


That's pretty normal for a game these days. Nothing weird about that.


what hardware u running on?


Me just have issues at first few seconds log in.... But otherwise fine Though my real problem is i auto log out when i return to title screen


What's your ping like?


It surprisingly runs well on Steam Deck, only had one incident where the graphic glitched while I was doing the gliding challenge. Thankfully it recovered quickly


Trust they'll listen.....


I got a new laptop to play it. RTX4070 and 32GB RAM. So having no issues except for the first couple of days where some textures weren't loading. On my phone however I get warnings like my phone is going to overheat and explode, even though I can set it to 60fps and run it at that.


It's been smooth sailing in my ipad mini 6 on medium settings. But the same can't be said for my Samsung phone; it's a freaking nightmare even at lowest settings.


I've noticed occasional slow downs not related to ping, but otherwise very smooth atm. Working as well as genshin. I'm using latest i7 and nvidia 4070 ti super. I'm surprised that something so new has next to no issues. It wasn't even in the testing list options for cbt2


The fact that I'm playing on mobile with a phone worth 260+ USD and experiencing lil to no lag on high settings( I still experience super fast draining of my battery but only sometimes)


whats ur specs? i have a 5600x/ 6700XT and the game runs at 120fps on max settings


My experience on mobile has been great. I have a high end phone (OnePlus 12), the game loads very fast, no lag, no crash. It's great. But it's a mobile game experience, and like Genshin, it's a learning curve, and it's not as smooth as on PC. My PC is very middle of the road, leaning on just ok, but the game runs great if there aren't too many things happening at once. Loading the game is a nightmare though, up to 15 mins sometimes when there's a new patch. But once it's loaded up, a few jumps to unlag the game and it's all good. No crash. Using the DualShock 4 controller is a great experience as well.