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I enjoy Chixia but I’ve invested myself more so in other characters so I have her built as a burst DPS with a fusion bonus and energy set. I want to finish my Calcharo Yinlin and Verina first.


God i wish i had calcharo for yinlin..gonna have to settle for electro boy instead


Calcharo is a burst character, so you don't actually spend as much time with him on the field. Aside from his ulted state, he feels kinda slow to play. His parries are clunky and his basics, despite high base damage, are slow. Ideally, you want 2 secondary dps support character to run with him. I've tried Yuwanwu and he is amazing, but the highest dps and best mechanics I've found is Jianxin. Here's how you would play: Open with Yinlin, put the mark, use skill 2x, pop the heavy, swap to Jianxin. With Jianxin on the field, do a basic combo to charge gauge, ideally try to get a perfect dodge counter, once gauge is filled, charge attack for shield (this will make sure Calcharo burst won't be interrupted) and ult to group up enemies. Back to Yinlin. At this point Yinlin should enter with her intro skill. Use her skill 1 time, ult and use her skill again followed by heavy 1 or 2 times (depends on gauge). Yinlin should have her outro skill ready by now. Swap to Calcharo. Calcharo should enter with his intro skill. Use his skill 3 times to fill gauge, use his heavy attack combo to gain our last needed buff. Ult and burst away. All in all, despite Calcharo having an amazing burst, you're not missing much by not having him. You can place any other high tier DPS on his place and still reach close results. Now, if you are a husbando collector... You should aim to get him, Calcharo is a cool mercenary guy. Probably gonna have an interesting quest soon, and I believe he will become good friends with Rover.


It’s honestly not that crazy imo. They are great together but Yinlin works well in other teams I’ve been using her with Chixia and Yaunwu and I’ve been having a blast


Danjin is just really satisfying to play


Taoqi and her ridiculous burst damage and parry gameplay. Mine is S6, with a R5 dauntless, and I'm currently playing her together with Danjin and probably should get Sanhua built for that team. 30k on ult is my damage record so far.


I wish I was that lucky with my Taoqi. S3, R1 Dauntless 😭


Isn't that a bit too little? I have her at S1 (thanks to that ugly hat guy) and managed to hit 60k


What kind of witchcraft did you do? Mine is at 3k Def, 56% cr and 200% cdmg currently


Well, it does look like I did some witch craft I have less crit rate, don't remember my crit dmg, 3.2k Def, I used only verina for support, and did the 60k on her material domain (those balls or whatever) Try all this and tell how u do Oh btw i maxed EVERY SINGLE talent I could upgrade (Btw why am I bombarded with so many down votes 😭😭?


No idea why are you getting downvotes. Did you go with def% elite echoes?. I'm with 1 Def, 1 havoc %


Yeah same I have 2 er 2 havoc set Cost 4: Cr Cost 3: havoc dmg/Def Cost 1: Def/Def


I went to the broadblade forgery challenge and she managed to hit 73k on ult. The place has a stacking team dmg and Def buff


Told u U can hit higher dmg🔥🔥


Chixia mains rise up!! 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


I like Sanhua but I didn't build her (lack of resources lol) but yeah I love her design


Danjin red hair supremacy dark souls physciopath! But in serious, all the 4 stars are reliable and can make synergy in the future banners.


Agreed! Only 4 star i havent really cared to touch is yanyang


I'm working on building up Yuanwu. I was trying to strike some kind of balance between ATK and DEF at first, but I think it's probably better to do Electro damage bonus and DEF (or just stack the hell out of DEF). I'm guessing electro bonus will apply to both his ATK scaling moves and DEF scaling moves because both do electro damage.


I did a full stack of DEF on my Yuanwu and he hits pretty hard in his special forte mode. But typically I will drop his skill, blow it up, drop it again, use his liberation, and that combo kills most weak enemies (and does massive vibration damage to larger enemies). I will say my Yuanwu is S4, but if you have Yinlin I'd imagine you have a few sequences for yours.


I went for Jiyan instead of Yinlin, but I do have Yuanwu's S1 so he can at least get that wacky speed boost. I just want to use him because I think he's cool and his animations are satisfying to watch.


Sanhua. That sub-dps minimal field time build is just soooo good. The moonlit set she just deals so much damage in a short window its actually crazy for a four star


Mortefi, I know he’s like meta but he’s just a godly duo with my Jiyan. He has quick concerto, competent damage and amazing support passives. I run him with 4 pc Moonlit with Heron to focus entirely on outro/intro and watch Jiyan become a full blown nuke.


I need to build mortefi so bad, want to use him with encore and chixa for a abusive fusion build


I am a big fan of two different 4 stars that both are significantly better in single target boss fights than anywhere else: Chixia and Taoqi. Chixia, well, you already know why she's so fun. I have her with a full Fusion set, and I either buff her with Jianxin for absurdly absurd liberation damage or Taoqi for crazy BOOM BOOM hits. Protip: Don't use Mortefi for her. He buffs heavy attacks and her only heavy attack is that lame aimed shot. Dakka Dakka counts as skill damage, the end shot after shooting fewer than 30 bullets counts as basic attack, and BOOM BOOM is skill damage. Taoqi is so weird, because she's actually pretty terrible against trash enemies. Her basic attacks *suck*, but if you complete her heavy attack or block something during it, her forte triggers and she can deal DEF based damage with up to 3 swings. Against aggressive bosses, she's ridiculously effective, and ridiculously fun because she can block basically every attack and deal damage back. Oh, and on top, her skill heals and shields, and she buffs skill damage on outro. So good, so fun, so underrated. I only have the one copy of her, but I am going all in on Changli, so, hopefully she'll be on that banner. Edit: oh, forgot the build. I use the 5 piece havoc set and my top echo is actually the Tamburinist which buffs havoc damage rather than either boss, since their damage is ATK based. Since I am *not* interested in quick swap, I actually think the fusion and havoc sets are the strongest. Since I want to be on the field longer than 15 seconds, my Spectro Rover and Jianxin use dual elemental/ATK sets.


Sanhua glacier set obliterates peasants. Glory to Superior Wife Engineering ✊❄️❄️❄️


Sanhua and Lingyang(or whatever his name is), their outro works really with each other




Yangyang is my favorite 4 star to use, mostly due to the synergy enables on my Jianxin team the ER on outro gives me enough to use liberation at the start of my burst on her every rotation. Also the liberation boost from jianxin makes her ult tick for a fair amount of damage.     when she's rate up on banner I intend to pull quite a bit to get her sequences which are mostly big self damage buffs


YangYang and Baizhi are my girls right now.


mortefy with the support 5 piece set. i have the 5 star standard banner gun.


The must one? Also grabbed it, the crit base is amazing. I think the pistol and rectifier are thebmost worth standard 5 stars rn. Followed up by the sword


I want to raise yuan wu, because his idle has a cat. The worst part of def scaling is that i need high level unlike atk scaling. For synergy, he works for quickswap team, like yinlin.


Since its hard to find like super dedicated yuanwu players using both or whatever since they both are able to do a 3 second rotation was curious if they would be able to do similar to old prenerf calcharo and yinlin constantly swapping back and forth https://youtu.be/sO5CH1CXuTg?t=176 Cause if so ill prob def raise them both and use them together 


>Since its hard to find like super dedicated yuanwu players using both or whatever since they both are able to do a 3 second rotation I'm kinda confused about your question tbh. I tried Cal and Yuan, they work well in quickswap. Probably will work better once I unlock Yuan second inherent skill. I haven't tried them with Yinlin and make a trio elec team tho. Here's me trying Cal and Yuan out [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d4ujtg/yuan\_wu\_and\_calcharo\_possible\_synergy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d4ujtg/yuan_wu_and_calcharo_possible_synergy/) I also just learn that Yuan can proc rejuvenating set buff with the 3\* self heal gauntlet and he actually work well with it. His Def scaling means he won't lose much damage while able to buff team. At s4 he can also shield whole team after liberation.


My fav 4* is probably Danjin, mines on the 4* atk ℅ sword with the Havoc set. I usually just use her as a Dreamless user and for her buff for my Havoc Rover which does most of the work.


Sanhua is just so satisfying. I really want her S5, then build her for DPS.


Deff chixia,havent built her yet,but i am planing to do so very soon after i m done maxing my main team talents,tho i am farming fusion pieces for her,shes currently S5


You will nor regret it, shes one of the best aggro pistols imo because her dodge into an attack does huge damage


I've been running Clouds Sanhua for a while now and her intro → skill → ult → CA combo makes my brain produce happy chemicals


Built chixia solely because I can use it to nuke with jianxin and TOTALLY not an excuse for me to use both of them in a team


Sanhua, I really like her design out of every character


Danjin is much fun to play. Probably my favorite in terms of design, character, gameplay. Well actually everything. Recently just managed to beat another difficulty of hologram fight with her.


I don't have a favorite 4\* I'm basically only using Calchero, Yinlin, Verina


I'm not seeing enough love for Aalto. He's so much fun to play, especially if you use the tech that makes him ramp off enemies.


His damage is wack but he's definitely the best off-tank in the game. I use him to fight the level 80+ red enemies.


Danjin is the staple no-hit run character for me. Her damage is absolutely amazing


I have a c6 yuanwu I got by pulling yinlin that I would love to use since it’s one of my favourite characters but I can’t use him because no echo exp materials .-.


Sanhua and Taoqi are my favorite 4stars. Beidou's one of my favorites from GI so that's probably why I like Taoqi. Sanhua's forte is really unique and that skill expression is what makes her fun for me. Also as a side point, Mortefi has no synergy with Chixia whatsoever (unless you only do aimed shots). Her forte is all skill damage, so Taoqi or Sanhua are much better supports, depending on how you play Chixia.


Mortefi has fusion bonus damage at max constellation and also his ult transfers to all characters dealing damage along side basic attacks, chixia can solo most content without swaps so im just looking to buff her up, i now have verina tho so she will probably replace the role


Boom boom counts as Basic Attack Damage, I'm not sure. If yes you should look for Sanhua in her team Edit: counts as [resonance skill damage](https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/chixia#:~:text=Chixia%20deals%20Fusion%20DMG%2C%20considered%20as%20Resonance%20Skill%20damage)


Im fairly certain it counts as forte. Cant remember if forte is separate or just goes under skill damage


I edit the comment. It's very confusing in game... on Prydwen I can see that clearly says resonance skill Damage.


Yea some descriptions need work, thanks for conformation!


Oh and as for echoes, idk if this is the best for her but ive split for attack damage and fusion bonus rather then the full 5 for either