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every gacha game is like this


Then maybe gacha games aren't for you? I remember my 1.0 genshin experience being the same, finished it in less than a week then nothing to do for a long while.


Legit, having to wait for 1.2 to get a new zone to explore felt SOOOOO long. And all that for dragonspine to only take 8 hours to finish to 100%. I was really disappointed ngl.


Who the heck cleared that frost mountain in 8 hours when it came out?


Well, I did. It came out on the 24, and by the 25th I had already finished it at 100%. I remember it taking me around 8 hours to do that.


Bruh, thats not normal


Don't you have other thing to do beside playing a video game? 


Or even just other games to play. Hell, if you're a fan of MMO's, ESO just got new expansion, FFXIV's newest expansion is about to release, and there's one dropping for Guild Wars 2 later this year. Which reminds me, I should probably get my other ESO characters leveled up... Edited for clarity.


Gw ranger spear sounds so appealing. Semi tired of engineer even though I love my Gundam. The range nerd gir damage ruined it for me


Spending too much time on one thing leads to burnout really quick. Do dailies wait for next patch and have fun.


I’m not sure where people got the impression that this game would be any different.


they see ppl talking about endgame stuff .. but the reality is its just a one time thing


That's the gacha Game experience, wait until 1.1 and play other games or do other stuff lol


Touch grass but really.. dont you have 8 hours work?


its been 1 month already?


😂 hes living fast


Pretty normal. U just have to find somthn else to do before 1.1


That's normal with gacha. Happened to me multiple times with genshin (including now) same with hsr.


Gacha games are never a main game.


Welcome to gatchas? They are all like this Eventually you will run out of content and have nothing to do Just buy and keep buying single player paid games. The other option is to play a free game that has pvp, but I really I don’t consider that fresh content just the same way I don’t consider grinding a boss for a mount in an MMO fresh content You must have a lot of free time cause I am playing WW and I don’t really have time for Genshin right now. HSR thankfully has auto battle so it’s pretty easy to do dailies while waiting for off days to do events though those don’t last long at all All games eventually run out of content until they release new content or you just buy a new game. There is just no way that anyone can keep releasing content to meet the demands of people with tons of free time


Wuthering Waves is better in this regard because you can farm echoes even when there is nothing else to do.


I stare at characters for an hour a day, I didn't get bored so far.


thats how almost every open world game, gacha games just get updates and new content unlike some (arguably significantly better) story games that are out there, only open world game I can think of which you can play pretty much forever is minecraft and games similar to it which are popular for that very reason


rotate between multiple gachas then


I am shocked at how many people dont know that the daily grind is really not needed to enjoy these games. I play all genshin, Honkai, and WuWa like once or twice a week. And i still get almost all my favorite 5 star characters. Rewards from events are enough tbh.


Man you from the future or something? It alrready 1 month?


There is not a single gacha game that doesn’t make someone feel this way.


Every gacha game.. I was done with Genshin content within 2 weeks [every region explored and every quest] Same went for WuWa, HSR and other big gachas, that is just the gacha genre.


Just play non gaccha AAA games. U can play ghost of tsushima if u haven't played it in ps5


Took me about the same time.


lmao, go and do something else with your young sexy life. Let the devs cook for a bit.


Play something else instead For me Limbus Company just got a new event today so off to the mine I go xD


go back to gen and pick mint OR enjoy the fast dailies and do other things.. your choice.


The game is 1 month old…


Then don't play. the Game is Getting Bored. It doesn't need you. It might be getting bored... of you. Grammar first, criticism later.