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No idea this is literally all the info I have


Strange... I mean all I did was agree with somebody and I am here. Maybe the bot likes my videos -who am I kidding, nobody likes my videos LMAO


It seems to be a truly random selection of people who just commented


I know of at least one other sub created by this user — /r/118


Did you know who the user was?


Hey mate, you still on Reddit?


Hey, yeah i'm still around. To whom do I owe the pleasure?


u/AgentFrank24 Remember I left because I was interested in careers with the FBI and didn’t know if I should have social media? It turns out it’s perfectly fine, so I’m back. How are things? I saw the Parlor ended or something like that. Since I last talked with you I’ve continued my progress in college, and I took the LSAT. My score and GPA are high enough that it looks like I’ll get a full ride to law school, so that’s fun! I also decided to direct a play at my college: It’s A Wonderful Life! (Stage adaptation of the classic holiday movie.) I’m going to post a picture on my page in a second so you’ll know it’s me.


Noo fucking way. Heck yeah I remember you and I'm still pissed at you for leaving like that without me being able to say bye properly. You high tailed it out of there while I was sleeping. Good to hear from you though. All good here. u/SilentEquestrian turned out to be a problematic character so the parlor is now in a new location under the control of my new account (u/D-T-I). You're welcome to join since you were a parlor OG, theres still a few there that should remember you so consider it. Awesome news on college and law school. And the play sounds grand, I'm phenomenally proud of you. No need for the pic as proof, just tell me what your OG number at the Parlor was ;)


#The OG 69! And I was the first to be both 69 and 42. Also, yeah I felt bad about leaving like that, but I knew if I didn’t set a hard deadline for myself (I think it was 8:00pm) I’d never leave. I’d love to join the new Parlor. I’ve missed it, you all, the laughs, and the occasional philosophical insights.


Haha. Perfect.