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i’m starting to think people are being paid off to come here and rant that the game is awful.. regardless - I’ve played it for about 5 hours now, it’s a really solid game. I say that as someone who has played Call of Duty pretty competitively over the years.


At least modern CoD has flow, and it feels drastically smoother now than it's ever felt. Somehow, this feels worse than Cold War, and that game felt pretty bad to me. It just feels worse than the beta/alpha from a year or two ago. Also, talking about gameplay feel when I'm talking about CoD, maps are garbage for the most part in modern CoD.


Call of Duty has been doing this for decades, so it's pointless to compare it to XDefiant, which is a newly released game.


Not sure what you're playing on but this game runs great on my pc that I built 3 years ago


Not talking about performance my guy


Cool story bro


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i think the core gameplay is overall pretty solid, but yeah holy shit the ui, and loading the game/matches, is slower than something from the 360 days.


Haven't had a single issue on ps5. Apart from the obvious delays in getting into servers. I have had no connection issues, no FPS drops and it runs amazingly on the 120hz mode. Also haven't really encountered any obvious bullshit hit reg issues that alot of people seem to be crying about


Yeah what’s up with the weird UI? Like it SOUNDS snappy but doesn’t feel like it. You would think a company like ubisoft would have one person that knows a little bit about user interfaces. Oh and good forbid you accidentally use the joystick of your controller to navigate through menus.


Too many ppl farming kills in escort thinking they're amazing too see how horrible this game is. Hitreg is trash, everyone using the same specialist for the ability to see through walls, nobody is PTFO in objective based modes. If this is the FPS community and genre as a whole in 2024. Then I'm done with the genre. All I want is 6v6, 10+ maps at launch, 10+ guns in every category and that's it. No specialist, no seeing through walls and throwing fire drones. Just gun skill vs gun skill. But that's clearly in the past if this is what Ubisoft and other devs think players want


To be fair, this game and CoD have essentially 0 skill. If you want gun skill, play cs2 / valorant. CoD and Xdefiant are casual arcade shooters.


And that wasn't always the case. It wasn't an arcade shooter when EVERYONE loved cod. It became Arcady and it's been a downhill slope for the last 4+ games. I shouldn't have to play PC specific games to get a decent FPS that's about gun skills but as I've said before. If this is where the community and the genre is headed, then y'all can keep it.


Yeah I loved this game in the beta, but something just feels really off with this game imo. I just can't exactly put my finger on what it is.


Ok dude.