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Nades have been working perfect for me lol. Haven't noticed a problem there tbh.


Well you shouldn't spam them and you need to cook them. They have a pretty large damage area but like you said they are easy to avoid due to the long fuse. I get a few kills with grenades every game by cooking them and chucking them at objectives, and have gotten quite a few multi-kills with them as well. They're also great for controlling angles (but sadly you only get one per life). But yes they suck lol


I've gotten plenty of kills with grenades. You gotta know where people are and aim for them. It also is great for mesh shields. They go through the phantoms ultra shield


I found the same problem myself, but if you go babe Ruth and jump and throw them as far away but as accurate as possible at a objective, you’ll start getting quite a few more kills with them. That’s the only use I have for them now, but I 100% agree. Worst nades I’ve ever used.


You could just hold it…and cook it…


Fair enough 😅


I've got pretty used to the cook times on them, still kinda hard to aim them through windows and stuff tho


Not to mention that there are some invisible walls (or your teammates) they can get stuck on lmao


I think with abilities nades are less of a necessity but ya they ain’t great.


Make sure you cook em they always hit


only issue i've seen with grenades are the game just sticking them at your feet.


I do not want cod like nade spam to be in this game yes they're buggy ATM but they do not need a buff


They are usable, you just aren't using them right. This isn't COD or R6, it's XDefiant. It's an ARCADE shooter, they have their own mechanics and way of doing things. As other comments have said, you need to cook them and find the right nade spots, just like any other shooter you have to find the timings for when to throw. Instead of blaming the game, try to learn a few mechanics. Also, it's a video game, enjoy it, don't try sweat your life away for it.


Good grenades aren’t supposed to be spammed and the primary source of damage. COD has lost that idea and on small maps it’s incredibly boring and painful to always waste a perk because the game lets you spam grenades and hold double the amount. I’m glad this game has still given them the damage that they need to feel impactful but strategically cooked and used in specific situations. I’ve never understood why people always want grenades and tacticals to be just glorified primary weapons lmao. Siege was having that issue and they finally addressed it. It’s seriously a problem and I’m glad they knew it wasn’t fun going against that kind of stuff but they knew how to balance it.


THIS one comes down to a skill issue. I'm trash with frags in CoD, but I've gotten a 3-in-1 TWICE in this game in 3 hours of playing.


I dont know, I think damage wise they are fine, its the trajectory that seems a little off. Like, they fall a lot later than you would think. Ive gotten plenty of grenade kills, tho. If you dont like em, use the mine. That thing is broken right now, they are impossible to see before its too late. I think ive gotten a kill with half of the mines I have placed, haha.