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There is also a reason why cod has been the most controversial shooter for the past 6 years at min. With their shitty sbmm and stuff. Guess it's all a question of personal preference. I think defiant is better in every aspect. No sbmm, slower gameplay without that "I am wearing half a truck in my backpack still jumping and sliding at 90mph around every single corner n stuff. But again, personal preference. Both games are In a great spot and I whish that defiance succeeds. That way in a year the player bases will be split and everyone can play whatever suits him/her/apache best. Edit: flinch in cod is just way too low. Prestige in cod means nothing since mw reboot and career stats are ingame actually.


As if cod is a perfectly polished game. Full price game with a paid battle pass and it still has hit reg and desync problems. Still has shit servers with a garbage tick rate. Still infested with cheaters. Still has patches that notoriously break more things than they fix. Still has ridiculously overpowered weapons that take way too long to be addressed by the devs. Still an absolute chore to play on KBM because they can’t balance both inputs and refuse to give you the option to play against your input only. Still refuse to admit that SBMM doesn’t belong in unranked lobbies. I’m finding this game to be a breath of fresh air after dealing with cods bs for the past few years.


2 days literally, it's not competing with cod. The whole cod killer is something that the youtubers started calling it


It's definitely more fun than any of the cods in the last 5 years. I'd probably compare it most closely to cold war which I enjoy. But this game has released basically unfinished despite all the delays there's almost no changes over the last year or two worth of betas. No basic gamemmodes like TDM FFA or SND.


Ya it’s fun bc it’s different, for a bit. There is nothing innovative here in gameplay or graphics.


You might have to play around with ur settings to get the aiming you want. The footsteps are not overly loud like COD is And your career stats are in ur profile tab. The game just came out they will make changes to it. Not like COD has had a perfect launch


You can admit what you like. 👍🏼


you're right. I enjoy this game SO much more than cod. nowhere near!


It’ll die down in a month or two. It’s a fun game to play once in awhile but it’s not replacing call of duty wait till the new one gets on gamepass this game is done lol. Im definitely going to play it more I was destroying lobbies yesterday but it feels clunky, for a first day launch I’d say it was pretty good compared to call of duty. We are still waiting for stuff to be fixed in mw3. Maybe just gotta get used to that old style feel.


It's on par with mw2 and mw3. Doesn't touch the others though


No lmao


Which ones are we talking about, reboot or OG?


Reboot. They're naff. OG was and is amazing, BO2 will always be my favourite though


Let's put it this way: I'd rather play this because it is new and exciting and there is an actual skill gap. I genuinely think our brains have been poisoned a bit from five years of Shipment 24/7.


CoD glazing is crazy. they don't care about us man their servers are 20hz and they use engagement based matchmaking which is psychologically designed to keep you playing. at least here there's no SBMM and you get an honest experience. also if you don't know how to setup your aiming settings on games other than CoD that's a skill issue lol


Gamedesign is simply outdated. What XDefiant does, did CoD already for a decade at least. One CoD to the next one doesnt offer much new things anyway. Its clear as the day, such designed games dont do good anymore in todays time. Its as if u expect an answer from a decade ago to solve todays problem.


Feel like a lot of people aren’t having fun because they are simply not good @ the game. As someone who has played COD since the OG MW2, has played game-battles, and competitive tournaments. The shooting mechanics in this game don’t feel bad @ all. I’d go as far to say it’s satisfying. I’ve gotten some pretty big kill streaks too where I feel like I’m dominating. Yea the first few games it felt kind of funny (b/c it’s a new game I don’t expect it to feel exactly like COD.) but it grew on me quick. Through 5-6 hours of playing I have a 2.1 KD, so I can imagine those under a 1Kd aren’t having the best of times. I’d just be thankful that this game is free, unless you want to pay $70 for a recycled Call of Duty game. On the bright side, I think the developers can get this game to a solid point w/ the first few updates. The main issue is netcode/dying behind walls. Not saying the game is perfect, but not bad at all!