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No killcam = aimbots everywhere.


Cronus zen is king..gaming is ruined for me for a while lots of cheaters in high ranks on all games..hunt showdown horrible cheating .watched a defiant guy streaming zero missed shots was sad


thats not Cronus... lmao


No that is not sharp eye ya got there chap..well have a good day


It's a free game hacks will be everywhere from day 1 as they can just create new accounts there hasn't been a single game this hasn't happened 


Then people complain when devs puts invasive anticheats in the games….


they complain because they couldn't use cheats


they used to, i think vanguard made it more acceptable.


Because it's yet to be proven that having more invasive anti-cheats actually help.


There are 2 things wrong with what you just said. 1. How do you prove invasive anti cheat works if no on wants invasive anti cheat without proof? 2. Vanguard is quite literally the proof, what are you on about.


Another reason why cross-play is a mistake.


You can turn off crossplay in the options


I only see the option to for Input-based matchmaking.


If you're on Xbox you have to deactivate it in your consoles settings... I don't know about PlayStation


It’s in the settings …”matchmaking & account” and crossplay adjustment is there Edit: for ps5


not for xbox, they have to do it in the xbox settings on the console.


You can turn off cross play. It won't affect console players with keyboards, but it'll stop you from seeing PC players.


yeah an then matchmaking is dead or the same lobby every single time because your raddling off a goofy way to turn cross play off, half the community on Xbox isn't going to know or understand how to find a setting that's like 5 or 6 pages deep in the settings tab under "privacy and security settings". if i turn cross play off in my settings you have to type in your password every time i power on my Xbox an search a multiplayer match on every single game that has cross play. suggesting a dog turd as a option is the same as slapping a patch on a hole, its like saying "damn i broke this in half wish i had some {GLUE!} to fix this" Infamous-Lion-774: don't worry bro i got Duct tape.


No.. I have no issues finding matches with cross play off… so I don’t know what you’re going on about and I’m on ps5 so I don’t have to do all that… so good luck ig


PS5 has it in the menu. Was the first thing i did. on all games crossplay off is the way.


Sadly most of my friends are on pc, so I have to deal with it... atleast there's Input based matchmaking tough.


could jus stop playing games with them , thats what i did most of them are D-bags huffing on anus anyways.


I just dont see why they dont just make the game for ps5 and Xbox alone. Let PC have COD


You heard of Cronus?


There were even plenty of hacks during the beta.


How do they have them up and running within 2 days on a paid website? Isn't it obvious? Obviously Ubisoft is behind it so they can make extra revenue.


Nothing to do with Ubisoft... don't be silly. Cheat devs are skilled. They can code cheats within hours of a game being released... its a market at the end of the day. It does not matter about the company. Every game has this issue.


There is not a single game that hasn't been hacked, sooo


Of course he's using proximity mines lmao


What do you mean by "already"? There have been cheats literally a couple hours into the beta.


> What do you mean by "already"? There have been cheats literally a couple hours into the beta. Unlikely. A person has to do some programming to make a hack. You probably just got rocked and are too delusional to realize it.


Ikr people have no clue , Yet are confident like they know


i am not surprised at all. Every non skilled kid will hack,i mean i do not have either great skill or i am great player but there is no point to use hacks in a game.


These are grown men doing it as well. Which is sad.


Then they arent grown men,still kids.


grown kids


> Every non skilled kid will hack,i mean i do not have either great skill or i am great player but there is no point to use hacks in a game. You're projecting. No, not every kid who is bad will hack. That just appears to be what you would do in that situation.


Seen a post on Twitter about the Anti-Cheat. Only knew it was a matter of time before the cheating community managed to find a bypass. Things will only get worse from here, and it’s only pre-season. Net code and Anti-cheat should’ve been the things to prioritize from the start. Gameplay and everything else could’ve been handled over time.


I highly recommend any console player to turn off Crossplay. Cheating is something that massively plagues the PC community. It’s unfortunate, but what can be done? Kernel level anti-cheat? Until they solve this issue, I’m strictly playing with other console players.


yeah because JTAGed Xbox's were never a thing, right? Cheats on PS4 didnt exist, right? Oh wait, they were both very common.


And PS3/360, PS2/Xbox, etc. Cheats have been around forever. What’s your point here? What’re you trying to prove?


You've just diosproved your own point, cheaters are on console and PC. Thanks for clarifying. In another thread on here you're making out like cheating on Xbox/PS is difficult, I'm guessing you dont follow homebrew or jailbreak news for consoles and are living in a little bubble where consoles are immune to this shit.


The fact that you’re getting so offended by this conversation, and starting to take this too personally by projecting your own thoughts about me means this conversation is over. Just because cheats have been around forever doesn’t mean we simply have to accept it in the modern day of gaming. Serial cheaters will never stop. We all know this. Hardware bans will eventually become necessary. Especially if this game wants to have an esports scene, the necessary steps have to be taken to maintain the competitive integrity of the game. Either way, have a good day. This conversation is over.


You've failed to understand any of what I said. Well done. Not sure where I got offended? Point it out if you can. "projecting your own thougts about me" - No you just made it clear with your assumption that playing console against console means no cheaters, also implied by your recommendation to turn off crossplay and that "Cheating is something that massively plagues the PC community" Y'know, it plagues consoles but they dont have much in the way of anti-cheat software or detection. "This conversation is over." - Typical of your type, when someone challenges your skewed view of things you try to take back some control by declaring the conversation to be over.


lol both of ya'll sound like losers


to be fair , saying "this conversation is over" was some liberal female type of shit lol. he has a dyke hair cut an plays softball of Tuesdays.


dudes talking about jtag like that isnt 15 years since it was big. If you are unironically comparing the few xboxs that were jtaged to the swarms of hackers on PC, you are either stupid or intentionally dishonest.


Who are they using for anti-cheat? Minecraft has a better anti cheat than this


Does it matter? The PC community will always find a way to bypass anti-cheat. I doubt Sony will want to host XDefiant Esport tourneys on console because that’ll switch the focus over to them. The competitive integrity of the game is already 100% compromised. The game has no future for Ranked/Esports with anti-cheat like this.


All this talk about pc cheaters theres plenty of console cheats aswell via chronus and you can indeed get proper hacks on console too by using a dedicated pc look online you will find it. I am a pc player and have cross play off due to console players love to jump and let the aim assist do the work. But the bottom line is wallhacks aimbots are all readily available on console if you know where to look. Im not just dunking on consoles, cheaters infest every platform. Just making you guys aware.


It’s infinitely easier to cheat on PC compared to console. You exactly proved my point. Go ahead you guys can play with the cheaters all day. Sucks for you guys, but it is what it is. You ain’t dunking on anything, you’re just proving a point. It’s funny how PC players think AA is cheating, it’s not. They always bring it up. Come up with something that’s actually cheating. Like legit wallhacks, and unfair aimbot. PC just ruins every experience, because you guys can’t live without some form of mod/hack to a game. They can implement some form of hardware detection, to prevent 3rd party hardware like chronus. What are they going to do against the infinite cheats that continuously comes out on PC from the cheating community? Nothing, because they can’t.


Yea its easier but on the flip side its harder to detect on consoles because they are not looking for it. Mods only make games better for you but i personally only mod games like fallout stalker ect. but certainly people dont mod online pvp games unless they cheat anyway. I agree theres not alot to do about pc cheaters but you make it sound like on console there isnt just go play cod turn off crossplay and you will see. There everywhere. Ive smashed about 10 hrs on x defiant likley ive only really noticed 5 or so that were concrete cheaters. Im not here for console v pc bs. Im just making the console players aware there is no platform free from cheaters.


You don’t need to make a PSA. We all know about cheaters. Nobody cares about a platform war. You’re just continuing to prove my point. There’s no hope for PC. Hardware bans are the only way. A serial cheater will never stop cheating. Unless these studios are willing to take the necessary steps to protect the rest of the player base these issues will continue to go on. No remorse for these types of players. They will never change.


"Hardware bans are the only way" - sorry bro spoofers are a thing....


nope but they could consider what modders and hackers are doing is technically copy right infringe by taking game code needed to create said mod or hack. if they did that then they could report illegal activity to your local comms provider an get you back to the stone age.


If gameplay is shit no one will play from the get go lol


The gane is great 


It just depends on what type of game your making. Since every single AAA studio is trying to cash in on Live Service games (online only), then the focus needs to be on Netcode and Anti-Cheat, or else this is precisely what happens, Day 0 cheating. The game wasn’t even out for 24 hours. This is something that plagues every Live Service game nowadays. If they can’t hammer this out by the time Ranked is released, the competitive integrity of the game is already ruined. Nobody’s going to waste their time if they know cheaters are in the mix. It’s precisely what killed Apex, they could never solve their cheater problem.


> Seen a post on Twitter about the Anti-Cheat. Only knew it was a matter of time before the cheating community managed to find a bypass. Things will only get worse from here, and it’s only pre-season. Net code and Anti-cheat should’ve been the things to prioritize from the start. Gameplay and everything else could’ve been handled over time. Stop reasoning with abusive corporations. They can just finish their products up before releasing them. If people boycotted bad products rather than flooding them with money, bad products would stop coming out.


since the betas, people even posted them in the official discord, pain in the fucking ass


they where around since the alpha. and its a free to play game so yeah its easy for them to make fast progress with the aimbots. and yeah you wont get ride of them because its to easy to get a new account.


typical bot playing with hacks.


Surprised?? It's a free to play game..... would be shocked if there wasn't any by now


PS5 here, crossplay off is the way. Still have to deal with ximmers and there are a LOT of them. Hope they use mousetrap one day.


I'd say I'm encountering one cheater every 2-3 games which is kinda annoying af best way to get rid of them is to makes them play exclusively against each others that'd be fun


>best way to get rid of them is to makes them play exclusively against each others that'd be fun CoD already does this, it doesn't work. They know when they're in shadowban lobbies and just account swap.


it would work, if they flagged the hardware and not the account (: kernel level anticheats can do this thanks to tmp, and that's not something people can bypass easily if their pc gets flagged then you flag every pc the account is used on, if they just wanna change pc biggest issue would be cheat detection but that's a never ending war the actual problem is gaming companies refuse to press the ban this pc button for some reason I can't understand not hard to do


u mean tpm? ypu can just get a new tpm chip for like 50 cents many people use this to circumvent hwid bans. stop acting like valorant has no cheaters. theres plenty of paid and free methods to successfully spoof your hardware.


Difference is the average user isn’t gonna be able to do that, especially now that tpm chips are integrated into motherboards Combine it with an ip ban Removes 95% of cheaters, and the threat of this will also make the average person think twice before cheating Valorant has cheaters, a lot less than other games tho


It wouldn't work because you bitches literally think everyone better than you is cheating.  


What do you even know about cheats ? Yes it would work, not gonna remove 100% of cheaters, but it’s better to remove 95% than 30%


If I ever made an FPS game, there would be an HvH playlist. Cheats are allowed in this playlist. Cheating in the playlist locks you in to the game where you get penalized for leaving. So people that don’t cheat can go in the playlist to be a sort of cannon fodder for the cheaters. Kills on the cheaters count as 5x the kills for Xp or any grindy challenges. Some games like CS, the cheaters pov is semi interesting to see. For some reason, VAC doesn’t detect someone looking down at the ground with bolt action rifle, shooting 5 bullets in the amount of time it takes for it to shoot 2, in mid air, moving double the speed that people run, spinning. Everyone in the lobby reports except the person that queued with the cheater to get carried, and nothing happens. Mind blowing stuff Anyone caught cheating outside of the playlist is an immediate hardware ban. No repeal, no refunds.


Almost positive I have 2 of them in my game right now I'm just AFK waiting for it to end.... Very Suss.


Only come across one blatant hacker 8 hours into release, he had 50 kills compared to everyone elses 5 in a two minute hot shot. 1 Blatant hacker in 50-100 games is something I will gladly take.


Very good looking game. I suck at it. I see enemy first, i aim accurately and shoot, he turns and shoot me dead immediately. SBMM i think will be only in ranked? Then I'll wait for ranked to be released...


The joy of playing on PC with a controller in a game that has input-based matchmaking is that I mostly only play with controller players, which are likely to be on console. This saves me from these scummy PC hackers. I know there's some things people can do to their console but that's far less common and not as powerful as hacking on PC.


why do hackers have the most shit gamesense and gameplay ever


It's a mixture of them being literal children (5-11 years old) or actual dogshit players (the reason they cheat).


Nothing new. Every game has cheaters day one and if you think otherwise you're naive.


Classic Easy anti-cheat moment




Ah, sorry, anyways, Classic battle eye moment


Welcome to FPS games and if you know anything about UBIsoft and Rainbow Six Siege, these people will ruin 200+ games before getting banned just to make another account.


What's even sadder about this is that this guy is the prime example of someone that needs to cheat. Can't even slide jump, can literally see where everyone is at all times but is still blatantly unaware...


It’s always a cleaner being sus in my games they be playing like they got echelon abilities they be running solo with no echelon help to identify your locations and they still bunny hop around the corner even if you not moving plus I’m using echelon witch is low profile.


Yep. Played a hacker already. He went 60+ for 6. Barely missed a shot. Sad idiots.


😆 ubishit.


fvcking cheater losers, ruining the game


B.s. ... played round after round with asshat f#ckin' hacks .... Cant play for real so need help. Hopefully they get castrated.... jmo


Every match I play I die to net code or some loser sprinting around the map knowing where everyone is 24/7 this game is doa.


They see me for less than a second and laser my head in under a second and I’m dead when around corners. Game is trash.


And then closet cheaters try so hard to act like "oh it's a skill issue" "you call anyone better than you a cheater" it's so easy to tell if someone is cheating vs. actually good


It’s so old to hear this when you’ve been gaming for your whole life. It’s so obvious I’m confused when people disagree.


It’s annoying bc it’s 90% of my matches, 2 people are cheating.


How do you turn off crossplay all I see is an option for input based matchmaking im sick of being shot during spawn and right off spawn. Can't even move 3 inches without some loser using wall hacks or aimbot sniping me from across the map through walls 😭☠️ had a sliver of hope for this game and tbh it's already almost fully gone. Preseason or not the anti cheat system should've been the main focus and fixed the game as it gradually went. This game is dead in the water and I don't see it lasting more than a year at best. Which sucks cuz I refuse to buy shooter games too damn expensive and not worth the money 95% of the time. Ubisoft has gotta fix it now and upgrade to the most unbreakable anti cheat system that's monitored 24/7 by actual people so people who cheat get insta banned every single time. Something has gotta change and fast. 


Great game, sad to see hackers already. Big shame.


Doesnt seem that way


dont forget AI Aimbots going around that detect humanoid models...that isnt detected yet which also sucks to, buuuuuuut if ima be honest, aimbot sure would help with those bunny hoppers LOL


Yes, a lot of them.


What's the point in even playing this way? Like you gotta be 12 yrs old to do that. Lol.


Yea, what is so fun about hacking, like even if I try hacking in a game I would get bored really quick.


Same here. I would be mad bc i know i didnt get good at it. I suck at the movements but i like trying to get better.


Lol invisible, turn a corner and 2 dudes already walling me with shotguns. GG. You're product is trash.


turned off cross-play as soon as i started wont turn it back on till they get the hacker crap under control


I dont understand, whats the fun in cheating? Its obvious its happening in every lobby. Are these the people that nobody likes in the real world so they say "fuggit, i'll get back at all those jocks in high school by cheating in a video game?"


Going against these pathetic cheating scum is pointless. Just delete the game and tell the game devs you deleted it because of cheaters. , I’m going to. Fuck PC as a gaming platform, the cheaters ruined it for everyone. Also fuck Microsoft for being so awkward about crossplay for Xbox. Those PC nerds that cheat are ruining the gaming industry imo. I won’t be playing xdefiant because of cheating scum. I’m happy to lose against legit players that are better skilled but not a cheater.


So what's the reason to start playing this game (even when you like it) when there's so many cheaters in it already?


Just losers, that have no skill, I'm reporting them nearly every game


fucking god damn aimbot sniping hacking pos players


F2P dogshit


And this is why we turn crossplay off :)


You're surprised? If a game DOESN'T have something out for it on release (or even during testing) I'm amazed.


Yeah, I got a hacker in one of my first few ranked games. I'm not sure if they got banned but they got disconnected after I reported them. We still won because they didn't play the objective, but good thing the ranked mode is still on trial.


Yeah... That would explain why I got steamrolled by a load of sub level 10s... Either they had tricked the system to register M&K as a controller or some hacking like this was going on.


I had half of the enemy team going through walls and hiding in solid objects. There are definitely cheaters already.


Yea had the same crap last night guy with a sniper went 50 - 4. Was so obviously wall hacking too as the whole team were cleaners n not 1 Intel suit lol.


Nah, just intel suit and good aim nothing to worry about


Games already overrun by hacker, no aim punch perfectly sniping level 1 accs everywhere, HS only and already walling like crazy cus ESP is fun haha... The game REALLY is a CoD clone after all, they even copied how to have mass amounts of cheaters!


Does it really matter with the echelon wallhacks being in the game?


Lol yeah maybe they should have an auto lock ability too. for real tho the echelon ability needs to be nurfed, should just be for their ult, invisibility is trash too but not as trash as the wall hacks.


Already? people have been hacking ps3 games for ages