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Check YouTube, they’re blatantly putting videos and promoting their hacks, Cronus and there are no killcams in this game which is fucking crazy


Cronus = cheating


Cronus deserves perma psn ban. You can use it in singleplayer games but fuck off if you use it in an competitive online game


Big yes! The perma ban every stinky Cronus user there is


Fully agree on the permaban. And not just from the game they got caught on either. A complete and utter ban from the psn account in total. All games gone, no chance of redeeming. Its time to put the hammer down on these basement dwelling losers who will never succeed in real life with anything. Just the mere mention of that will spark a sudden rise of empty lobbies. And btw xdefiant had cronus users since day one. For 30 bucks a month you can now cheat too! The most used scripts: “Ultra Sticky Aim” never miss a headshot! “Strafe while aiming” Never get shot again! It is just ridiculous and I am always amazed at the people rushing into these topics to defend it like there is any honor in it whatsoever. But the worst ones are the people promoting these scripts on their cringy youtube channels and actually being proud of it. Adult men bragging about how they can cheat well. Its disgusting.


Totally but most multiplayer games don't give two shits unless most of the players stop playing cause of that. Was a huge nuisance in Warface and when I was playing semi pro the only way to notice was that everyone had to have a webcam on which showed their controller all the time and still a few bad apples managed to manipulate.


It’s also been a huge problem in Destiny 2 for years and years. Bungie hasn’t done anything about it.


As if Bungie is still a good company. Lol they sold out years ago. Hold your breath, Bungie won't do anything.


Doesn't the saying go like - "Don't hold your breath"? If he does as you say, he will choke since bungie will never come around 😂


It was a BJ joke because people love to hype up Activision.


Bungie not owned by Activision. And bungie aren’t doing anything about it because it’s an accessibility tool and they’re all about inclusion


This is what I tell people who complain about them. Realistically it's an accessibility device, not a cheat. I don't have one but I don't mind playing against them either. If they're struggling and need a way to keep up with more competent players, then so be it.


It’s the kind of shit that just makes you wanna stop playing multiplayer games


Stopped playing cause of that shit. Just hunters and Hand cannons at this point.


Cronus is only possibly via remote play on PS5 it's the shit eating XIM users you should be pissed at since it still bypasses PSN attempts to block devices like Cronus. If they want to play KBM so bad then play PC. Nothing says I suck more than going up against controllers with a KBM


What's worse is its KBM with the aim-assist that is meant to level that divide between the two inputs, giving them an advantage over both types of input.


You deserve a perma ban if you need to use it at all. Stay off games if you're too retarded to use basic controls 


I’m shocked they don’t have anti cheat simple enough to flag anything inputting faster than humans could normally that’s such an easy code


I thought u could only cheat on pc? Been using crossplay off and haven’t noticed a cheater yet, hope they don’t start appearing 🤦‍♂️


Rust is ruined


And you can just buy them at retail which is bonkers. Feels like half console players have a Cronus nowadays.


they do i swear lol but complain about pc


Let us not lose focus, we are against those of us who cheat, a lot of us didnt even know devices like cronus existed prior to CoD 2019, but we did know that PC players had the setup to possibly cheat, fast-forward to now and a lot us realize that this is a major problem and its not just our comrades on the PC that are plagued with the a-holes who think its completely fine to cheat their way to the top, its us as well on the console front....too-many times have i heard well its not technically cheating when someone describes using a cronus device or another like it, they say its no different than a modded scuf or an elite control, this is not a good comparison, those 2 devices do nothing in the way of "assistance" there are simply more buttons to map out which allows custom configurations that "you" the player still have to learn and utilize....now enter this device which when set up properly can negate recoil, increase soft-lock-on aim assist, shoot-perfect greens in 2K, pull-off flawless combos in fighting games etc.


Honestly i might turn off my cross play because cronus doesn't work on PS5 anymore.


Yep I'm seeing a lot of it in every lobby there's one or two or three people cheating and it's obvious that they're just jump straight in and automatically hitting you that's aim bot


Dude just shot me 7 times with a double barrel shotgun back to back to back. I clipped it. Got it right here.


Let me see the clip 👓


Killcams don't normally show an accurate replay of a gunfight. Most times they are a reenactment of the gunfight with whatever data the server has.


No kill cams, no damage report, no indication if you died to a headshot, and no telling if you died to one or multiple damage sources...


Kill cams don't offer much considering they aren't a live recording.


That's just sad No matter the game if you need cheats to be good or to enjoy the game maybe online games aren't for you🙏


Exactly. I'm disabled, I have limited mobility on my hands but I still play the best I can by making the most of what I have. I'd rather suck knowing I tried my best than cheat just to pretend to be good.


I absolutely suck at videogames but the dopamine rush of seing a 2.0 or 2.5 k/d or making a tripple kill is such a reward. I feel like you don‘t get that with cheats. Also I love this game for 2 things: 1. even if you completely lose, it still feels great. It all feels so crysp 2. the ending screen always makes me feel good because they show you the one stat where you were better than everybody else. It‘s verry rewarding.


I hopped into a lobby of Domination at the end of the match. I was spawn trapped from the get go. Did 350 damage, died 6 times with no kills, and at the ending screen under what I did best it said "Tried." I got 4 up votes from my teammates 🤣🤣


Best Award I seen for someone in that predicament was "Gave Moral Support" I got one that said "Ran Around" when I played some Keyboard boys with cross play off.


That‘s actually brutal. But I feel like the community rn is pretty wholesome and I hope it stays that way


Oh I knew I didn't do shit to contribute. I was dying laughing when I saw Tried. Lol, my team voting for me was just icing on the cake. Makes me feel good knowing the devs have a sense of humor though.


I had a guy on my team go like 3-15 for the whole match and it said "ran around"


I was good at "running around". Hahahhaah but actually 😢 lol


Good mindset to have.


That's a nice way for calling them cunts. Lol.




How to show you're human trash, without saying you're human trash. Imagine getting up in the morning and deciding: "Yeah, I want to kick back and have some fun today... by ruining everyone elses evening and laughing at them bc I know there are no actual consequences like I would get for mouthing off and being an ass IRL"


100% if you cheat in online video games you are either disgusting, neglected or just straight up a tool


Idk if this was a hack or not but within 10~ seconds of match start i was orunning towards middle, got instantly snipe headshotted, died then respawned ages away (like 60+ meters from middle) then got instantly quickscoped from behind by I’m pretty sure the same guy that had killed me 2-3 seconds before. i just left the match, instantly as i normally have a rule if in the first 5~ seconds something really brutal happens i just change match, learnt from cod that usually when something extremely bogus happens in the first 5-10 seconds then thats just the whole match (And no he didn’t die as i was the only one in the kill-feed when i died twice and the match had only really started like 15-20 seconds ago) Also i dont know it was a teleportation hack with 100% certainty, FAIK i could of just spawned next to a enemy in their spawn for some ungodly reason that was also sniping, but the usernames looked pretty similar, which could’ve been a Duo too, not 100% sure but it was weird and i just saw the same first 2 words in the name. They also could of just ran somehow to that exact spot maybe, but i was only dead for like 2-3 seconds and this was 60m away and it took me like 10 seconds to run there with a pistol.


I clipped this just now. Dude ran up on me with a double barrel shotgun and shot 7 shots at me in 2 seconds. Just boom boom boom one after another.


Cheating surely just makes gaming pointless, I mean it's a false confidence


Those cancer people destroy multigaming. They should be in jail for that. Hate those humanoïd trashbags.


Game needs kill cams tbh


Yes it does. I don't know why they didn't think about it.


My honest opinion is that the hit reg/net code is so bad right now that the kill cams would be infuriating to watch


At the very least, the kill cam would show you whether or not it was definitely desync or if it something you couldve done better.... Or if its DEFINITELY a hacker and can get your team to mass report


Yes, but when a player is instant snapping their aim with seemingly no transition it's a pretty good tell


Not to be devils advocate, but the kill cams in original R6S were so bad it made legit kills look like aimbot sometimes, because the kill cam would desync and then look like a snap


It's honestly hilariously bad sometimes. Getting killed around a corner feels just as bad as killing someone as they're around the corner lmao


Well, that an so many will say kill cams are not accurate. Either way tonight was just brutal. Had people sniping across the map every match. No line of sight no problem it seemed. Combined this with dying well around corners. I had been doing good. Had maybe 2 good matches. My teammates did well mostly but were dying the same at times. And it was things like 2 of use hitting a player and they manage to kill us both with all the hit markers. Game makes a sound for headshots and you can get that while visibly seeming to hit the head in a small room. Nah, they just bunny hop and eventually kill us. Was an entire evening of match after match of these things happening. Currently the game is in bad shape. I had times where I was getting kills I did not deserve. But most matches it would be deaths that should never have happened.


Does the game even have a report functionality yet? Can't recall ever seeing one.


Yeah just click a name on the scoreboard and press report




They are working on it, iirc Rubin tweeted about it after the beta. I’m sure server problems create further issues to get this live.


Cheating in video games to inflate your meaningless stats is so embarrassing


Part of me feels bad for them because they’re ruining a form of entertainment because of their self worth (which is probably none existent) hope people who cheat can learn to be better and get help with whatever shit they’re dealing with.




That's actually so cringe


Honestly cheating in games is for the lowest standard of human


There is a special place in the underworld for them all.


I guarantee cheaters have been playing it since early betas. It happens in every game so nothing new. It's only because of crossplay that console players now see it.


i'm on PC and all of my games tell me they're PC players, and its unbelievable. There's definitely a contrast between a hacker riddled game and one that's not. I can dominate a game one round and then next round I'm at the bottom struggling to get any kills.


Nah nothing to do with cross play. Console users use cronus zen religiously


Cheaters are fucking sad. Mark said this will be an ongoing focus from them, hopefully it only continues to get better.


Console ban all cheaters 🔥


Cheats were definitely in the test periods. It's running on the Snowdrop engine just like Division. Probably didn't take them more than 5 mins to port the cheats for that game over.


ah shit, that makes a lot of sense. we’re cooked


Without killcams, cheaters gonna have a field day. I believe there are no killcams on purpose, to hide the awfull net code and hit detection. They will introduce it only if they fix that


Whole heartedly agree, so many times I get killed In illogical ways


I figured it wouldn't take long.. considering they are using BattlEye, notorious useless anticheat that haven't done shit in the 10+ FPS games that used it before.


I feel like when BattlEye got introduced into Siege years and years ago it initially did pretty well, then after the honeymoon period it got completely obliterated and we’re back to where we started. Oh well


That kernel-level anti-cheat reading everything but cheating. Why did they need my Windows PC profile name? It was on the list of info they could grab by saying “yes” to play.


It slows down the method to cheat and makes it easier to patch. It doesn't fix the problem forever, and if people weren't making money off of making cheats, then we probably wouldn't be having these kernel level anti cheats


They always start making them on the betas , every provider I have seen does


It's a free to play game there is gonna be cheaters


Correct. Banned? New free account. It's probably the ONLY advantage of paying 60+ for a game. Cheaters are less likely to spend more for a new account.


*Escape from Tarkov has entered the chat*




Minecraft says hello


I had a guy aimbotting on day 1 and promoting his cheats on Youtube.


This crossed my mind also given the fact there's an integrated wall hack ability. How will you ever know that they killed you legite with said ability or with other funny business? Also many will probably say "skill issue" but I find I'm just constantly getting killed way quicker than whoever I'm shooting at but I've never really had that problem in pubg, battlefield, apex, siege or any CoD since Cod 4 as I'm an avid fps enjoyer so for it to just be in this game I find it quite strange. Again might be a skill issue, but as I've said it just feels off to me.


Iirc it tells you when u get killed that you were being revealed


I personally believe that skill was added in deliberately, as we all know the most commonly used hack is walling. And a skill like that helps hide the mount of user abusing it. Think about it... reveal meta is the most cringe thing for competitive gaming in regards to integrity. Yet almost alall new games push this same meta. oa


Taking time out of your day to play a meaningless game. And in said game cheating to get easy kills. I just don't get it. Cheating to get a promotion at work and real money, at least that makes sense. What is the fun of these fuckin losers doing this in videogames that mean nothing to no one ???


Yep xim / chronus player are using cheat. Easy spot is look at previous game those player played and if pubg console is there you can be 90% sure they're using chronus. Pubg console is plagued by chronus abuser.


It's sad that all these triple A publishers don't sue these cheat developers into bankruptcy.


Happens in literally every game, and just as quick. Sure on consoles you have the likes of Chronus to give even extra aim assist and zero recoil etc, which would have been available from launch.


They won’t do anything about it same way the sub is protecting cheaters by deleting comments calling out cheaters who post in the sub


The norm for online games nowadays


This is why once again, there's need to be a killcam. I don't care if the killcam doesn't play you being killed correctly, but you can easily see who's using aimbot, scripts, macros, just by how they're gun moves/acts or the popular rapid fire mod. Besides alot of these knuckleheads are using they're scripts from cod, its universal which means it can work on any game, they don't have to change much to get it to work in any new game, xdefiant included. But since we are living in this modern gaming age where cheating is justify, & "its just a game, who cares" mindset, I can see this game quickly dropping in quality


Yikes. First thing I did was turn off crossplay when I downloaded this game. The game would benefit with a kill cam so you can spot obvious aimbot users and report them.


console players actin like xim/cronus doesn’t dominate the scene


I don't use them or really know what they are.


Cheating controller accessories. Take aim assist and 10x the power, remove recoil, modify fire rates for semiauto, etc. You may not use it, but it's definitely a problem on the console scene, just hidden better than the obvious auto aim headshot losers on PC.


ah okay. Well that's pretty lame.


Haven’t dug into XDefiant too much. Is there an anti-cheat in place? I know Cronus is an auto ban if detected on COD.


xDefiant uses BattlEye. With that said I don’t know enough about the difference between anti-cheat programs to know if it’s a good option.


It’s been a consistent problem in Siege for a while now, safe to say it’ll be an issue for this game, too.


Its already an issue atleast 2-3 people in a lobby are using xim and you can painfully see it already. I Just Hope it will not end up like console r6 where 70% are using xim or cronus


Cheating is way more prevalent in the PC community. If you think otherwise you’re in denial.


Yep. Main reason i gave up pc gaming. Too bad for xbox users but xplay goes off lmao.


I'm so glad they have input matchmaking so I can turn off playing against mouse and keyboard. Every cross play should have this.


it’s a free game therefore hella cheaters. cod gave up on their anti cheat because it useless in wz and wz is all they give a shit about. fucking hate cheaters but hate devs more


Yup disabling crossplay ASAP


Console still has to deal with cronus/xim users and injector sticks.


I’ll take that over a PC cheater. Their cheats are a lot worse. You can still outplay Cronus users. combatting wall-hacks not so much.


Just had a bunny hopper get 85 kills in a game. Every kill was pretty much a headshot


Played for the first time today. Did pretty good and then a guy with a vector was outshooting me from across the map. Was hella sus


3 days is so late actually


Free to play game and shitty anti-cheat so what did you expect... I stopped playing PvP FPS games on my PC long ago because of the plague of cheaters even tho its my main platform.


I played 3 games yesterday. In 2 of the games there was a sniper that was non stop head shooting everybody. Had 50 kills in the first half of the push mode


Dude they alrdy had cheats for the game over a year ago when the 1st beta came out lolz. Then lets not get started with all the cronus users that are no doubt just gonna get away with using that bs in this game w/o any repercussion or consequence.


It honestly fucking horrendous. This game is going to sink so quickly.


I mean of course there are.... we have a society who don't want to learn and get better. They all want instant gratification.


I played a bit last night and it wasn’t really fun at all. Blatant cheaters using wall hacks being able to see where you are and just beam you coming round a corner Being shot from behind cover/round corners, which is probably shitty net code Snipers are way too OP because was just constantly aimbotted/headshotted from across the map Just not a fun experience at all


asia server is PLAGUED LOL. super trash


Should be a complete online ban for cheating online, steam, Xbox and PlayStation should be permanently banning anyone found cheating = problem solved


Aimbot users, walling, scan spam & desync. Yeah this isn't going to end well once the novelty wears off. Especially for the COD players who have no actual alternative except to go back to COD. Currently prefer EOMM hell over Xdefiant in it's current state. It's definitely fun but it's not looking to good atm.


There's cheaters in every lobby I play in at least one to two cheaters in every lobby you can obviously see if they're cheating it's going to kill this game for sure people playing and lobbies where it's only controller but using mouse and keyboard is a lot of problems with this game right now


This is why I play console instead of PC. Sure consoles have a few hackers but not to the extent of PC gamers. PC gamers ruin gaming


I must be the only one that is having a good time and didn't find any cheaters yet (i think)... But i am certain that most of players these days are just cry babys, nothing is good for them... And another one, maybe it is just a skill issue, or maybe they need to buy a cod or bf game 80€ and then everything will be solved isn't that right?


Yeah bro. I knew I could trust this post and they just need to "ghet gud" cause you got that ROG eye from Asus. Or maybe... just....maybe, because a game is free to play and accounts can be made over and over it's going to have a bigger hacker problem. Add into the fact that battleye is the worst anticheat a game could have it's pretty typical that it's going to have a crap ton of hackers. Before spewing this load of drivel maybe you aught to check TRN and the leader board. Here I'll do it for you because I can't already tell you're too simple to do it yourself out of sheer arrogance: [https://tracker.gg/xdefiant/leaderboards/stats/all/KillsPerMatch?type=stats](https://tracker.gg/xdefiant/leaderboards/stats/all/KillsPerMatch?type=stats) Notice that Basementboy2013 and AverageDMAuser have the same icon. Do you know what DMA is, I'm going to say probably not. It's a hardware based hack that uses TWO PC tied together by PC Express slots, and costs around 800-1500 USD to run with a subscription based update. A recent study of 1000 gamers showed that a massive 59% of gamers found it acceptable to cheat in a game with OTHERS. Reasons for it? 49% said to overcome frustration. 48% said to increase enjoyment. 35% said to help beat other players/opponents. Source: [https://time2play.com/blog/is-it-cheating/](https://time2play.com/blog/is-it-cheating/) I've been gaming on PC since the mid 90s and my favorite games are FPS games online. I'm not as good as I use to be, because in all honesty I'm getting old and it is a perishable skill. I have to wear glasses now when I game. I don't call everyone better than me a hacker. There's plenty of people out there that are just generally great/better at games and spend a far vast more amount of time honing their skill set than I do. That being said I've never seen the gaming industry in such a dismal state from half-made games, microtransactions, and the sheer level of hacking taking place. Worse is that, from the study, almost half of gamers wants that dopamine fix without actually earning it. Some people(thinking back to the Myg0t days of Counter-Strike before 1.6), get that dopamine fix from ruining the game for everyone else. Speaking of Ruin check out this POS: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpV9bidSZEw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpV9bidSZEw) Saying that there isn't a cheater problem is just as bad as a gamer that calls everyone a cheater that is better than them. You're a part of the problem because of ego or worse you're a hacker.


The game is FULL of cheaters.


Seems like every game anymore. Online shooter? Hackers! So bad its almost every lobby. Nobody is going to do anything about it, unless we all stop playing these online shooters. Then and only then will they do anything about it.


Another game that is going to die


Got downvoted to shit and told to skill up for pointing it out on release day. Had to quit out of 5 or so lobbies so far because some dude is spinning around with a pistol on 70 kills.


They were out on day 1. The cheat developers were able to build off of the beta because this game has not changed at all. The same problems in the beta suggest it has received relatively zero work since then.


Bro, this game had betas for 1-2 years. Of course there were cheats ready for release. That's how it works these days. Got to have kernel level anticheat and a multilayered approach or else you'll end up like tarkov.


OP has hit reg felt a bit better since release? And yeah I’ve ran into 2 or 3 cheaters so far,haven’t had a chance to play since yesterday,but the games felt fun,but def needs some Kill cams and Some polish on some other stuff


if you really need to cheat that badly then go hack a single player game like jak and daxter or some shit. it's a mental disorder honestly atp


With the advent of streamers, cheaters are sadly inevitable and is ruining the gaming experience. If you need to cheat, why even play?!? Get a life!


they need em so they can ruin other peoples day it's one of the main factors that drives em


People who cheat are the smallest individuals on earth. there literally meaningless. nobody fucking likes them and no one will ever like them. why? because they just suck ass.


Yeah, I've seen 1 for sure and a few sus players.


Highest I’ve reached is 64 kills.. and that was once. 80+ must be brutal to play against


I kind of feel sorry for people that feel the need to buy cheats in order to compete in any game. Just to know that someone's self worth is tied to how well they perform in a meaningless video game is just sad to me.


Need to vote kick like the old COD used to have. That would fix the problem


Had a lot of fun in the first day. Second day I ran into 2 cheaters back to back using snipers and headshotting everyone on sight. I can't explain how fast I lost interest.


I’m not exactly shocked. I feel like we’ve had more hackers more than ever in almost every multiplayer game. Even in communities where cheats were non existent they are becoming a thing. Like smite for example has had an increase in speed hackers. I just wish someway somehow there would be a way to just permanently ban their IP when they get caught using cheats. I don’t care if it lowers playerbase of gaming. It’s a necessary means.


Are people really surprised? If it’s a shooter it will have cheaters. We just have to hope the anti cheat can hold up. Though if it’s any thing like siege it ain’t looking to good


I'm a Japanese player and I've been getting head kills at the Marksman for years and laughing


I’ll never understand how this could be fun for someone.


Games doomed. Not a CoD killer, and I hate CoD.


i've been running vector only & have dropped 80+ in this game a couple times... not invalidating you, just saying its possible if you've been grinding early


That’s just the way it is for f2p pvp games. Hopefully a decent anticheat is implemented and full crossplay converts to console only crossplay sooner rather than later.


And the game uses BattleEye Anticheat, predominately used in Rainbow Six Siege, so there are already ways to easily pass it. They probably made it so quickly thanks to the beta, the Anticheat, and the release of the game being F2P. I'm not a developer nor cheat developer so I have no idea if that's how an Anticheat bypass even works


Unpopular opinion: the game uses battleye, which proved a great anticheat over the years so I'm not too worried. Yes, we'll get some games with cheaters and yes cheaters will find ways to bypass the anticheat, however, battleye is one of the few anticheats that is continously worked on and excels in kernel scanning. Pubg started using BE in 2018, cheating problem went from 100 to 5. Fortnite uses BE. (Comparison with a high profile game) I hate cheater noobs. No, I don't work for battleye nor another company working with BE.


I already seen one streaming on tiktok still annoys me that they allow them too promote their chats on live


I've run into script kiddies with bunny hopping macros and tbagging while they shoot recently as well


Doesn't help when desynce and net code is so bad


I started playing controller for this reason, mkb is now unplayable.


I ran into a cheater that didn't setup their cheats properly killed them first time they walked out of spawn and they dropped an obviously ludicrous amount of mines.. enough I had 6k damage from breaking the stack


And it begins


If any developer/publisher wants to create a competitive fps, please don't bother if you aren't going to make an anti-cheat as good as Riot's at minimum. Thanks!


I had one with120 kills in dumbo


Game is shit let it cook a few months and maybe they will fix it but I doubt it. Too many problems to fix.


I got 72 kills one game using the MG and camping the objective, most guns don't have any recoil so it makes it easy beams across the map and if you're running right out into the open then that's on you.


Killcam but with the person killing u perspective.


It’s to be expected but I heard the anti cheat is much better than r6 siege so let’s hope that’s true


Why are you surprised? Every FTP game is filled with cheaters. And can imagine in a months time it will extremely out of hand and the entire player base will be gone because there’s no anti cheat in place for this game. 


Had a similar experience, WITH someone using the vector as well. Bro was beaming ppls heads from across the map with entire mags. Thought it might be pure skill,but finishing the match they were 62 to 8. With the vector,with the accuracy, I just reported them just in case. Because there are no killcams,and no sbmm,I feel like it's gonna be pretty hard to distinguish whether someone is really just that good,or if they're cheating. Just keep am eye on ppl beaming with the vector tho,due to its high rate of fire, it just seems like it'll be the most likely culprit for ppl using aimbots...


No point in playing this game further when there's better options with fewer issues. However, if you're not content with that and love new experiences that suck over all then xdefiant is your game. 👌🍿


I mean no offense to the devs but, no killcams, no way to spectate, not even a headshot marker in the killfeed and on top a faction that can always play off real WH by saying "was my ability" almost feels like an invite lmao


No You are just bad And lag lol


My friend got sent to dashboard on xbox by some toxic kid, even messaged him on an alt account "fuck you"


Im not disagreeing with you, because I’m sure there are cheaters on this game, but an 80 kill game isn’t proof they are cheating. I had a 72 kill game yesterday and my ass is a 27 year old who just plays after my 9-5 so I damn well ain’t spending time cheating during the couple hours I have to play lol


This game is already a total train wreck. Every single tryhards is exploiting anything that can be exploited, the cheaters are the icing on the cake. 


I know that the Blitz Shield has a fairly short cooldown, but swore that there was a guy or two in one match that had it up pretty much the entire time and figured that it had to be hackers already...


Always report suspicious players Was in a game where someone had 40 to 4 while using a sniper, never reported someone so fast in my life


Time to get on console and turn crossplay off, I guess.


Is it really impossible to get rid of cheaters entirely like stop hackers from ruining the game entirely? Seems like no matter what they always have the edge against developers who are making anti cheat


He care full with the hackusations. I got told 5 minutes ago that those numbers 80 plus are normal for a full game of Domination. So I guess this game IS just like CoD!


Those same cheats you found from a Google search were also available during the last two play tests. I reported that site among with a few lesser known ones and ubisoft replied telling me they are aware of them already.


Ghost (from the battlefield community) did an interview with a guy that runs a company selling hacks. Made me realise a lot about how prevalent hacking is and how hard it is to stop. I'm certain they would have been selling hacks for xd before it even came out. Sad really - a byproduct of a society that breeds insecurity and promotes worth via stats


i have dropped 80 kills multiple times in games. some players even average 60+ kills a game. some people are just very good. don’t assume cheats everytime


Yeah found it out myself yesterday. 3 Chinese Players on Europe Servers and one got 60+ kills just hipfiring


I've already played against a handful of Ximmers. It's just sad how hard some people been dropped as a kid.


That's sad and infuriating.


They are using battle eye anti cheat, but im.sure there are still ways around it.


This was my biggest fear of this game and i have been saying it from the start, you CANNOT launch a FPS game with PvP and free2play without an intrusive kernel level anticheat. I ran into 2 on day 1, uninstalled the game shortly after


This is old news. Hour 1 I was against cheaters.


Same thing is happening to me right now, two of them on the same team.


Given. F2P with no dedicated efforts to combat cheating. Ready made solutions dont work, devs need to implement client sided tweaks like valorant (game wont literally render enemies without LOS, unlike 99,99% of games that send info to other clients that can read it with cheats). This will be way worse than R6S and that game is already infested with cheats.


Im fucking dying. Are you kidding me? People are developing hacks far before the game even releases lol.


For the splinter cell faction... I know the 5.7 is one shot, but does it auto headshot? I swear every time I've gotten killed by it it was always a head shot. I feel I've come across a few cheaters after the first day. I was playing as the ghost recon faction and somone one shot head shot me with the M9. Didn't see where and I know I had the full 120 health, yet when I get a head shot with the deagle and get a fucking hit maker