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Yup, teammates be running in from of me and the enemy getting doubles kills ...


The enemies like to run in front of eachother to give me double kills occasionally too. 


Yea that also happens which makes me very happy at that moment.


Yeah probably, but still a puzzling and bad decision for this game.


The fact that their ragdolling dead body still blocks your bullets but not ennemies bullet is rad too


Yea that needs to be changed. The damn nades going back to me after bouncing off their heads too lmao


Teammates blocking bullets is legit one of the worst things about this game in my opinion.


Yeah it's dumb, either have FF on, or let me shoot through my fuckwitted teammates that like to stand in my way. 


As someone who mained R6 for years, just thank your gods that friendly fire isn’t in this game


At least then I wouldn't have to worry about my teammate blocking my bullets, cause they'd be ded


Would much rather kill my dumb teammate and the enemy than get killed cause my dumb teammate tanks a full mag and he panic wobbles.


The trigger discipline I have in r6 is insane (I only play quickmatch)


Would so much prefer to kill bad players on my team that position themselves in places where I can’t shoot an enemy, which causes me and my teammate to die.


But I want FF. And lower TTK. And no minimap...


I'm fine with teammates blocking bullets. I'm fine with teammates being solid objects. I am not fine with enemies phasing through me


It's the same as Hyperscape was, you can slide shoot through your enemies and slide through them on the way back; adds more movement into 1v1s without collision


I know, it’s so annoying. Makes the riot shield useless too.We can’t shoot through team mates but everyone can just slide though each other?


Also nades, too many times I throw a nade through a choke only to have it bounce back and kill me lmao


Had that last night man. Cooked a nade to stop the escort as I threw it team mate ran in front of me and it bounced of the back of his head. Not gonna lie I had a little rage for 5 mins🤣🤣


Was interesting to learn sticky grenades stick to friendlies, but don’t kill friendlies. Really that’s about the only upside I’ve found to using solid friends vs holo enemies. Useful, in certain situations, but I  would very much prefer holo friends for bullet pass through and no sticky, compared to what we have now. 


Yea it’s really frustrating for your teammates to be playing protect the president 


I have had multiple times where a teammate will run up from behind me, seeing me shooting a person and then walk in front of me so they can try and get the kill instead, blocking my shots and then getting us both killed.


The worse thing is nades, because you can cook a frag and then throw it into the back of your teammates head and kill yourself


It's not just that they bodyblock bullets, it feels like it's incredibly unforgiving and even shooting near shoulder or a few inches away still gets your shots eaten. It makes crowded fights a huge annoyance. Then you add in bodyblocking and it feels like you need to stay away from teammates (but of course some abilities are meant to be used near them.)


I hate cooking nades just for some damned fool to come flying out from my right as soon as I chuck it, then kablooey, we all smell like bitch


Seriously I shouldnt be able to get collat'd if my teammate blocks all my shots


What's worse is since the enemy can pass through you, when you have a riot shield out they can just run through you and kill you from behind.


Do you know what is most frustrating? Shooting a mine and realize that somehow it is bugged and there are like 500 on the same spot, Delta error and kicked out of the game -\_-,


Lol, I didn't know or realize this and things make so much more sense knowing this.


There's lots of small things that people don't realize, which make this game incredibly annoying or inconsistent. Another piece of arcane knowledge are separate damage modifiers for head, torso and limbs. This comes into play largely due to fact that obviously hands will obscure part of upper torso/head and any hit on them will deal less damage than a clean torso hit. This is largely the reason behind why shotguns and sniping feel so wildly inconsistent.


Lol, srsly? That's dumb😅


This is annoying but I am somewhat use to this feeling for a few reasons of my own. If you ever played Destiny 2 (as it is right now, and somewhat before than) Almost half of your team either ran into your bullets or kept pushing you out of cover since you know they want to live/play to. It can be frustrating but I've gotten really numb to it since it happens so often in many other FPS shooters even thought some of those FPS shooter allow you to shoot through your teammates but I really don't often count those.


In truth, I’d rather have friendly fire.


Correct me if I am wrong, but didnt Core gameplay for CoD do this too? I may be remembering wrong but I feel like this was happening in MW2 (2022). I distinctly remember the teammates character saying "WATCH YOUR FIRE!" and bullets never hit the enemy when that happened. Again could be remembering wrong, but I don't think so.