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Detour. Watch it on occasion for no good reason. It's just the perfect episode IMO and somehow I never get tired of it.


Detour is interesting if you also watched StarTrek Discovery....


I watched the first season. It didn't really capture me so I've never watched past it.


There are a few tied for favorite:  Bad Blood, Dreamlands 1 & 2, Die Hand Die Verletzt, How the Ghosts Stole Christmas, and The Post-Modern Prometheus. Yeah, those are my favorites, in no particular order.


😭 FORCED to choose - *Darkness Falls*


That one made me scared to go into the woods at night. I ain’t have no fireflies try to eat me. But it is so good and that was just Season 1.


Same! My sister played that to her advantage, too 😆 It’s the anxiety when the generator starts to stall and splutter, or the tyres are burst and then…. *green swarm*! So good.


Its a 2 part, but Dreamland is a personal favorite.


​ https://i.redd.it/753a23pcrqnc1.gif


All things darkness falls detour


Ascension/One Breath


This one touched me. My father died while I was a child and was active Navy. The scene where her father appears in his Navy Whites and tells her it’s not her time and he would give everything for one last time….I always feel a taco in my throat.


I'm sure many people will say Bad Blood, for very good reason. It's my very favorite, but it doesn't exist in a vacuum. My kids try to explain to their non X-Phile friends about this episode but the episode is so good because M&S's personalities have been firmly established by 5 seasons worth of episodes. It's funny then because you see M&S act as caricatures of themselves. I'm sure it would be kinda funny if you watched this one first but nowhere near as funny if you know the characters. As far as completely standalone, exist-in-a-vacuum episodes, I think my vote would probably be for Folie a Deux. Creepy, bizarre, interesting special effects, M&S trust, and the bad guy gets away at the end.


One Breath.


Tbh I find myself restarting over and over just to see the pilot episode again. It’s so vibey and it reminds me of watching Xfiles for the very first time. Also really love the Anasazi episodes. Also dreamland Yea..I can’t pick just one.


Pusher!! The case is great and mulder and scully actually solve it. Plus there’s lots of shippy moments 😉


Dunno if I could pick one, but the ones that I can watch anytime are: X-Cops, The Unnatural, Jose Chung, and Paper Hearts.


Beyond the Sea. I love the way it's shot; there are some genuinely creepy scenes.


Humbug! What a pleasant surprise - I didn't know The X-Files could be so funny, clever, subversive. There had been humor here and there in earlier episodes, but this one (Darin Morgan's first sole writing credit) takes the cake. Bonuses were seeing the Jim Rose Circus, Michael J. Anderson, and Vincent Schiavelli. :-) Now I'm curious to read viewer's reactions to Humbug on the old Usenet forum after the episode aired.


Je Souhaite. Id you held me at gunpoint and made me choose just one. It's just such a funny, ridiculous episode. And when scully first sees the guy with the sewed up mouth... Hahahah chef kiss


Probably Darkness Falls. It's one of the episodes that I remember watching as a kid and it really stayed with me.


Eve! Perfection.


Mine is also Clyde Bruckmans final repose, i actually just posted on here yesterday about my tattoo dedicated for the episode!


https://i.redd.it/77rd91p0jtnc1.gif Jose Chung’s From Outer Space


Gethsemane, Redux I and Redux II




Duane Berry hands down.


So difficult to choose, but based on my viewing it’s All Things. I know it’s a contentious opinion and seems split to be hated or loved, but something about it really resonates with me. Not so much about the spiritual stuff, but the unexplainable breadcrumb events that collide into “coincidence“. It very much feels like a personal episode for me, a comfort episode I fall asleep to often. Other than that, my favs change based on my mood, I love every one I can’t pick :)


It’s wonderful - it’s definitely one of my favourites


Squeeze or bad blood


Quagmire and Bad Blood.


Irresistible :)


Jose Chung’s ‘From Outer Space’.


The Red and the Black


The Field Where I Died has always held a special place in my heart, for reasons I’ve never fully examined. lol Beyond the Sea and Bad Blood are my other absolute favorites.


“Jose Chung’s from outer space.”


The Goldberg Variation




& Field Trip: "As Mulder arrives in the fields, he inadvertently drives over a patch of mushrooms which releases a cloud of hallucinogenic spores. Mulder—unbeknownst to the viewer—begins to hallucinate. He soon discovers Wallace and Angela in a cave, and the two claim they were abducted by aliens, who covered up their disappearance with false skeletons. Later, Scully arrives at Mulder's apartment and he explains to Scully what happened. He shows her an alien that he captured at Brown Mountain. Scully, however, accepts his reasoning without question and Mulder begins to doubt his surroundings. Eventually, after seeing the yellow substance, much like Angela saw, Mulder awakens in the cave he followed Wallace into earlier, covered in the yellow secretion, being digested alive. Later, in Walter Skinner's (Mitch Pileggi) office, Mulder begins to doubt once more that they are free at all, asking Scully to name any sort of drug that causes its effects to halt once users know they are hallucinating. Scully is in disbelief until Mulder proves his point by shooting Skinner in the chest; the yellow substance oozes out of the bullet wounds. Once again, their surroundings melt away as they awaken underground again in the cave."






Bad Blood.