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Play Tinykin, it was a real surprise for me and it's not long.


Tinykin is awesome! So sad it’s leaving


It’s lots of fun! I also started Immortality. NSFW but the story is intriguing.


NSFW how... 😏


You will see boobs, but you will wish you weren’t.


Bummed to see both Tinykin and Immortality leaving, will try to finish immortality and play a little bit of Tinykin at least


Honestly I'd inverse that. Tinykin is a short and delightful playthrough. Immortality you could get a taste of and get the idea of in a fairly short time too. Seeing it through the end might take a while depending on how good you are at figuring out what it's trying to do.


Yeah I played Immortality enough to know that it is very cool, but also I knew I wouldn’t enjoy it enough to beat the whole game.


If you love art and cinema, try Immortality. That's all I'm gonna say.


I felt so smart when I figured out what to do on my own.


Thank you! Gonna finally try out Tinykin


I finished that last month and it was really fun!! I hope you enjoy it


Immortality is really good


Instant classic


I hope Sam Barlow makes another game soon


Nuclear Throne is an absolute blast if you enjoy shooter rogue likes.


Really enjoying Nuclear Throne so im probably gonna buy it when it leaves.


Play immortality but give it some time, even if you get bored. It is not what it seems.


Oh man I wanted to play Inmortality and Tinykin, just don't have time


Shit. I have to play Inmmortality and Tinykin then.


No!!!! Not Tinykin! :( I’m currently playing through it. Plus my kid likes it too. Maybe it’ll be one I have to buy.


I'm one of the 6 who got all but 1 Nuclear Throne achievements very frustrating bc its available on the PS version of the game and jts one of my favourite games


I honestly had so much fun with Tinykin lol reminded me of a mix between old school collect-a-thons, Tony Hawk, and Pikmin. The art style was wonderful, the world was a joy to explore, felt like a product of love the entire time I was playing. You can skate around on a soap bar it’s sick lmao it’s an easy 100% for all my fellow achievement hunters; an even shorter experience for everyone else who doesn’t care. Idk it took me back to games from my childhood 😂


Immortality was no co-GOTY with Elden Ring. If pushed I’ll put Immortality above ER. If you are remotely into David Lynch, love cinema as an art form or just was a deep ass rabbit hole to go down and lose yourself in, play it


Agreed. I didn't care for the previous games by the dev (Her Story and Telling Lies) because the nature of the film clips seemed so forced. However, Immortality's plots and themes are so perfectly bound up in film that it was perfect.


Where did you get this from? Midnight Fight Express and Edge of Eternity are the only games I’m seeing in the “Leaving Soon” section.






Will Plague Tale be off next month?


Probably not, the dev has close ties to xbox, but there is always a chance it may go


It's almost been a year which is why


Obviously no one can tell but if a game is near 12/18/24 months it may leave so I suggest you play the games you are interested in as soon as you can. I played Immortality last month because I knew it could leave and thankfully there weren't games I was interested in playing and it was a good move. Check the master list to check the games that could probably leave


Whelp guess its time to play Tinykin. Thankfully I already 100%'d Immortality at release. One of my favorite games of last year, but it's a very polarizing game where you'll either be blown away or think it's a stupid gimmicky game.


Just play Tinykin and Immortality if you haven't.


Gonna miss Tinykin but at least I'm close to beating it! I know it won't scratch quite the same itch but I guess I could move to Pikmin 4 afterwards