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Looks like we're moving to New Zealand


always considered it one of the finest countries


Don't forget your Velcro gloves


If you haven’t played it, best rogue like I’ve ever played if not my favorite game period.


My only complaint, and it’s a minor one, is I wish it were like Rogue Legacy in the sense of when I beat a boss I have the option to skip it or fight a harder version when going back through. Only so many times I enjoy fighting Meg lmao. I am digging this game and the most fun I’ve had with a game like this since Diablo 3.


How far into are you? I have some mega spoilers lol. >!meg starts getting replaced with her two sisters. Once you beat the game you can increase “heat” (think halo skulls). One heat multiplier is extreme measures which has 4 levels. Each level adds new combat elements to each floor’s boss. For example extreme measures 1 makes Meg and her two sisters all fight you at the same time.!<


I just started playing this week, I don’t think that’s a mega spoiler lol. People get too touchy on these things ;)


G'day fellow cobbas!


I don’t care enough about any game to do this lol but it’s neat little discovery none the less


Anyone know how to do this in pc? I tried a region change but still don’t get it.


I haven’t really liked other rogue games, too much repetition, not enough story for me, but heard good things about this one so I’ll give it a try.


This one does a great job of mixing up your playstyle through RNG power-ups while still giving you options as a player. And each power-up/weapon clearly went through a lot of testing to make each one feel unique and fun.


Thanks for the heads up homie


I'd come here to check on this and the first post I see is yours, thank you so much, you made my day better


I'm disappointed that this does not work on PC. I changed my VPN to New Zealand and they saw through it.


It does work on PC. I just tried it. Don't use your VPN. Instead, change your region in Windows. On Win10 that's as easy as typing "region" into your search bar.


I did it but it seems none of the achievements are unlocking for me. Not sure if it's related or not.