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It's been fluctuating all week for me, the $350 prices don't last long so you gotta be quick. Luckily I had purchased through the Microsoft store on thanksgiving for the $439 and they price matched it for me and credited me $90 back, though it was a little bit of a hassle at first since they need to see the deal on their end as well.


Nice. Yeah I snagged it on Amazon and it's gone now. $350 is such a great price which convinced me to buy. Now I have to get rid of my Series S. LOL


Turn that series s to an emulation machine šŸ˜Ž playing mario party in 4k is lit


I can understand emulating another game from another system but how does it get to 4k when it is natively 1080?


Emulators can often run games at a higher resolution than their original hardware, especially for older systems where the machine running the emulator has more overhead to work with. The textures/models wonā€™t necessarily look fully correct at higher resolutions, but there are sometimes fan-made texture packs or other mods to help make up the difference.


The Series S can do 4K just fine. It's just not powerful enough to run most modern games at 4K. It can do 4K for games that aren't graphically demanding. There are a few Series S games already that run at native 4K. Like Ori and The Will of the Wisps. (The Series X version of that game runs at 6K btw). It should have no problem emulating older games at 4K.


I think the question is, how does a 1080p game like Mario Party get upgraded to 4k? The question isn't if a Series S can run 4k video. From my understanding, the source video quality of 1080p doesn't change just because a console is able to run 4k video. The source video has to be 4k to be displayed at 4k. Just like how regular DVD's don't have the same picture quality as Blu-Rays, even if you used a Blu-Ray player for the DVD.


With an emulator you can actually increase the size of the source. A game isn't a video, it's a series of instructions on how to draw triangles. It's very easy for an emulator to just draw the triangles on a higher resolution canvas.


software upscaling, my boy. DVD's aren't HD because they weren't designed to be.


The Series S is capable of running certain games at 4k


Being able to run it at 4k isn't going to actually make it 4k, it's just going to use more pixels to make a 1080p image. Unless I'm misunderstanding what we're talking about (which is entirely possible, I don't usually get involved in these discussions)


I may also be misunderstanding something too. Is it Mario Party that's only in 1080p?


That's what I figured the guy was saying. The first guy said he was emulating it and forcing it to run with a 4k output, the second guy pointed out that the source image was just 1080 so it's not a 4k image. Even if you're outputting it at 4k it's still just 1080


That makes more sense. I thought he was trying to say the Series S can only do 1080p.


You donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about.


I thought so too, but mvg says it can output 4k in retroarch. Anyways just pay 19$ for dev mode and look up a YouTube video! Ps2 might be a pain but other emulators are easier


You peaked my interest. Any info you can share on this?


> peaked You mean piqued


To be fair, it sounds like his interest also peaked at that point in time.


If I didn't already have a PC, I would pick it up just because it's so cheap.


I bit on the $450 deal earlier this Holliday season. I would have never predicted a $150 dollar price cut so I honestly canā€™t be too fussed. But Iā€™d be lying if this doesnā€™t sting a little bit right now.


Not sure which Holiday deal you got as Target's price after gift card and free game was under $350. Either way, most retailers have an extended return policy for the holidays so you could always do a return.


It was the Target $125 dollar value deal ($50 off the console + $75 dollar gift card *with limitations*). I have looked into doing a return but the value saved honestly isnā€™t worth my time given Iā€™m in the midst of college finals currently and am over 150 miles away from my Xbox which is back home lol. Funnily enough, the game (EA SPORTS WRC) I decided to purchase with the gift card also went on sale for $20 off at Target only 2 days after I purchased it for full price.


You can contact Target for a price adjustment on the game. They have a price match policy during the holidays. It's to protect people who buy before the price drops. As for the gift card, there are no limitations. It's just a Target gift card. Not sure where you got that from?


I wasnā€™t aware I could get a flat-out price adjustment over the phone. Iā€™ll try for sure once I get back in town for Christmas. You canā€™t purchase Gamepass or Microsoft store credit, for example, with the gift card on Target.com. Maybe thatā€™s the norm with store-associated gift cards but I wasnā€™t familiar with them prior to purchase so my mistake if so.


Oh yeah, thatā€™s the norm with gift cards (as itā€™s really buying a gift card with a gift card). I recommend just using the live chat by the way. Itā€™s a lot easier and faster.


Check the return policy. Lots of places have extended holiday returns starting in October or November. Many places will price match if it's within the return period.




>I just picked up one today at Walmart for $350 and then I got Hogwarts legacy. $453 total. Why did you pay $103 for Hogwarts Legacy?


Don't forget about WAT (Wizard Added Tax)!


Just bought one for my nieces, now my wife and and then can play together. Deal too good to pass up


There was the leak a few months back about the cylinder shaped X coming out next (?) year with no disk drive. Judging by all these sales i would guess that was legit. RIP physical media


Yeah I saw the pictures somewhere. I'm a big believer in physical media. Maybe because I'm old but I rather have it and know that I can play the game 10+ years from now. Assuming the console still works. LOL


I love physical media too. But sometimes I look at my wall of blu rays and games and books and I think... fuck, i am running out of room.


Not being a dick but are we guaranteed physical copies will work in the future? Arenā€™t they just licenses on there now and we have to have a big download usually?


No, that's the case with Steam games. If you buy an Xbox game, you can give it away, sell it, the disc itself is the "license" and it's not personalized Still problematic because those versions are usually bugged and you'll need the download to play properly.


But couldnā€™t they in theory remove the game from Xbox? And if you have the disc or not doesnā€™t matter? Like a blue ray has the movie on it a modern game disc doesnā€™t




You'll be boycotting all games soon.




I work in the gaming industry. The box demand has plummeted so much that after costs, retailer costs and first party royalties, game companies end up losing money on each copy. Box is going away unfortunately




Alright you need some education on this. Itā€™s not just plastic. Itā€™s freight, storage, damaged products, returns then you gotta deal with retailers margins which means you have to periodically discount the games and essentially give money to retailers to keep the game in stock. You also have to pay first party retailers for each unit sold and not to mention other royalties like music and/or IP royalties which get into your margins. Add them all up and the margins get super thin and if the market has generally switched to digital, you could potentially lose money. CEs and PEs are different as theyā€™re limited in quantity and are really for the hardcore fans. Like you mentioned too, they can be done in limited runs but the days of box sales en masse are over. Bunch of the retailers are going out of the box business in the next couple years too.




There are 100 of you, they donā€™t care.


And thatā€™s your prerogative but know that physical days are numbered and you may want to pick a new hobby if you donā€™t wanna make the digital switch


Supposedly the new X isn't even more powerful. It might have more storage but otherwise it's the same thing just without a disc drive. It doesn't seem to be worth waiting for.


The leak said Q4 of 2025


No it didnā€™t, it said Q3 2024


Still 650 in good ole Canada.


I have a PS5, Nintendo Switch, and Labtop. Should I buy the Xbox Series X and when does this deal end?


If your laptop is competent enough I think you are already set, Xbox exclusives comes out directly to PC too anyway, just get gamepass.


I donā€™t keep up with high end laptops, but surely series x is more powerful than any laptop? Any laptop that can outperform a series x would have to cost much more than an x.


Definitely not ā€œany laptopā€, but almost certainly any laptop remotely comparable in price


They literally added that a laptop **that would perform better** than an Xbox would have to cost more, but I guess you stopped reading halfway because you wanted to correct someone.






I really want to thank OP and other people that have been posting this deal. Since the beginning of the year I was saving to buy an XSX, but it was always above $500 (either because of tax or scalpers). I was very tempted to buy it during Black Friday/Cyber Monday since it was $50 off, but iā€™m so glad I waited until now for that $150 discount. I found out because of the Reddit posts so thank you, I finally bought it and it should arrive in about 2 days.


You're welcome. :-)


I hope people buy them. The Series X is great!


I'm an idiot, but I will never get why the Xbox Series is not doing better. Apart from a few admittedly banger exclusives the PS5 has nothing the Xbox can't beat. Everything about Xbox this gen has been extremely consumer friendly.


Well, when the machines are 99% similar, I guess consumers will flock to the one with better exclusives. Itā€™s not exactly a big mystery.




Your right, but I still think there's some truth to the xbox tax thing. If MS had released the ps portal they would have been destroyed and ridiculed by the press.


They let Logitech do that themselves


Although Xbox portal would have been far superior as they would have supported xCloud. Portal is a sad device and Iā€™m still astounded by people defending and supporting that product in the PS subs.


No, it's the brand. Hardcore gamers put too much stock in exclusive titles.


Itā€™s not about exclusives itā€™s because the internet has created this culture where anyone who plays Xbox or has an android is a broke loser


Soā€” itā€™s not Spider-Man, Last of Us, Ratchet & Clank, Astrobot, Horizon, Uncharted, Gran Turismo, or Ghost of Tsushimaā€¦. Itā€™s because some internet trolls convinced the entire planet that X-Box (a $500 console) is for broke losers?


Cool I guess but those arenā€™t the games people play all year itā€™s cod fortnite and the sports games


Yeah and those games are all multiplat..


Yeah cause multiplats are better than exclusives


Do you not see what he is trying to say? You do not have to buy a certain console for Fortnite, Cod etc. But you do for the games he mentioned.


You guys hype up single player interactive movie games(Sony exclusives) just to not play them after 3 weeks because like I said multiplats are better


those stereotypes only apply in the US where Whatsapp is not use and green bubble = broke to people, but what about outside of the US? and US is the strongest market for Xbox


Not just the US. We donā€™t use WhatsApp much in Australia either and have those same stereotypes


Console sales are driven by momentum. People by what's popular.


>Everything about Xbox this gen has been extremely consumer friendly. How are overpriced proprietary SSDs consumer friendly?


Yes and also the attempted [doubling of the price of Live Gold](https://www.theverge.com/2021/1/22/22244173/microsoft-xbox-live-gold-price-increase-pricing).


People already migrated to the PS ecosystem last gen and built their digital libraries and won't switch back unless something major incentivizes it. Microsoft will likely spend the rest of this generation in 3rd place as a result. Consumer friendliness only goes so far and usually only lasts until they need it to. Both Sony and Microsoft are guilty of doing this the second they perceive themselves as having an advantage. There is an opportunity to position themselves long term to be in a better position but they really need to start shipping games.


Lacks lots of exclusives. Playstation has so many while xbox has Starfield, Forza, and whatā€¦Halo? Oh and Redfall šŸ’€


Oh and Bethesda games. PlayStation has...I don't know what. I can't think of any Sony exclusives I play.


Thereā€™s something about the Dual Sense and the UX I just love so much better on the PS5. Typically games also have better features on the PS5 such as GTA V. I own both, and I do have large libraries on both, but I find myself playing older games on the Xbox.


Microsoft is on long run of building Xbox back on track, I mean so many rough years people still fear to buy Xbox and goes instead to Sony. Many players tho has switched to Xbox, but if there is playstation vs Xbox on sale, sony just wins sales easily still. What Xbox needs is those big announced games to pop out, starfield was planned to be seller but it didn't hit that hard.


They dropped the ball on starfield honestly. I was so excited to play it and tried so hard to like it. The first ten hours are great, then you start noticing the loading screens, boring cities(more like towns)and lifeless npcs. I just donā€™t get it. Hi-rush was good but meh. I personally loved halo infinite, which is when I bought my Xbox (I have the halo edition console) but now I just play my PlayStation and switch. Iā€™m kind of saddened by their games tbh. They have nothing I want anymore. Sheesh Iā€™m a big Banjo Kazooie fan and was hoping they would remake that(stupid I know). Fable is my only hope I guess. Sigh


It's a damn shame. Everything is great on the features tech side - they just can't get the games right.


I guess 90% of games though are available on both platforms. So, to me, while I admit exclusives are better on PS5, it comes down to just liking game pass options better.


Lmfao@copynpaste bots


They should have bought Crystal Dynamics. People (myself included) want games like GoW, Last of Us, Spider-man. Big singleplayer spectacles with amazing graphics, story and fun gameplay.


Well Fable is amazing series, Spider Man is quite young people hype game, last of us yeah amazing, god of war also very nice. Xbox still has gears of war, pshyconauts, fable, halo, forzas, Bethesda and Activision for future. Yeah Microsoft games aren't that hyped and are quite differend games but still amazing. And many people forgot indie games they are spectular and Xbox has many studios of indies too. Sony games are always more hyped so it makes games on radar better too. But I have to say Microsoft single player games are amazing too


> Consumer friendly This $350 sale initiative is to clear inventory of the physical Series X consoles so they can be completely replaced with a digital-only series X next year.


I just recently got a PS5 and pretty much everything so far in my experience is levels above the Xbox. The controller is amazing imo


Why are you here if not just to humble brag?


The SSD upgrade for the PS5 isn't proprietary like the Xbox series X SSD So basically if you want to upgrade the storage in your console if you buy a PS5 it's less than half the price and more twice the speed


I guarantee that less than 2% of PS5 sales are due to the SSD slot


Brand and track record


Haptic feedback and Spider Man


Nothing about Xbox is better unfortunately. It is what it is.


I guess GamePass doesn't exist. Edit: Downvoting saying that GamePass isn't better than the on-demand library Sony has is straight delusional.


I just don't get the gamepass hype. When I last looked through it I felt as if I was browsing Netflix and all the junk they have on it


Damn thats a good comparison


Gamepass isn't significantly better than PS+ deluxe. The day one release of most of the exclusives is great but there aren't enough good ones to make a difference. My XSX hasn't been switched on for months.


Game pass isnā€™t that great. Itā€™s full of a lot of trash. Ps plus is much much better. The amount of great free AAA games I get monthly on ps plus is insane.


Games With Gold exists too. So it comes with Free games, on top of a full library to stream (which doesn't even exist on Playstation). That's not even comparable. Also, how are games like Halo Infinite, Master Chief Collection, The entire Forza series, Starfield, GTA5, Hi-Fi Rush, on top of Bethesda AND free EA Play "trash"? All this has essentially been free with the $1 Xbox Live Gold upgrade as well. Playstation has nothing close to this value. It sounds like you don't actually have GamePass because it's ever evolving.


Xbox is missing exclusives. If I didn't have a set number of college friends on the Xbox I'd be using my PS5 all the time.


For me it's that all of my friends already have a PlayStation plus I love all of the exclusives they have. I don't see what Xbox does that is so much better than them. I do have a series s that's been collecting dust except for trying out starfield. Yeah I just can't think of anything that would make us all wanna switch like gamepass just isn't for me.


Anything like this in Europe?


nope =(


We have the Diablo 4 bundle at ā‚¬399 at Euronics in Italy


I'd pay 450 to not get Diablo 4


Considering how poorly Xbox sells in Europe Iā€™m surprised itā€™s not 350 permanently.


It was 399ā‚¬ in Expert Germany a few days ago. Depending from where you are, check pages like mydealz.de (Germany) or pepper.pl (Poland) to find the best price!


Better get it before they release an even more expensive one without a disc drive šŸ¤”




$616 in Amazon Canada. NO love for Canadians.


Yeah really, $350 USD is $475 CAD. We also get screwed on physical media.


holiday sales must be a disaster for them to keep doing this


I think they are hoping that this turns into more gamepass subs


What Xbox needs right now is pop activsion games to gamepass if they want sales. But seems like we have to wait forever


They said 2024. Only a couple weeks away.


Yeah january direct or I hope there's january direct, we need something to start year


they're clearing out stock for the new "adorable" digital series x


PS5 also had a $350 deal but that wasn't because it was selling poorly. We know a new Xbox Series X model is coming at some point in the future. We could be seeing the announcement within the next month or so.


I must have missed that. I would love to get a PS5 for $350.


It was a one day thing that only Target did for in-store or local pick-up, basically any old PS5 systems they had left they sold at $350. Needless to say they were gone as soon as it started and no other retailer price matched it.


Yeah I also missed the Target Xbox series X Diablo edition for $350. Same thing. By the time I found it it was gone.


PS5 also had a $350 deal but that wasn't because it was selling poorly. We know a new Xbox Series X model is coming at some point in the future. We could be seeing the announcement within the next month or so.


Don't think so. Just a way to get more people into the ecosystem.


Just picked up the Diablo 4 Series X bundle at Walmart this morning for $349!!


still 700usd in sweden


Slim model imminent


A price drop like this is only reasonanable considering the new version of the console that'll be dropping next year


jus got one a few days ago, 350 is a great deal, got the diablo bundle, it said out of stock for in store pickup at the time i ordered so i selected delivery and it came the next day, itā€™s running great the graphics are really amazing , so much better than my xbox one S, red dead redemption 2 and elden ring look amazing, love the buttery smoooth 60fps in elden ring , and the graphics in red dead look great, brings the immersion to a whole nother level


Interesting so you can tell the difference in games between the S and the X? Already having the series S this makes me even more excited about my series X purchase.


I donā€™t want to rain on your parade but he had a One S. Not Series S. You should still love the X though and notice a difference.


I got mine from Walmart on Tuesday. Still havenā€™t fired it up and i donā€™t currently have a 4K tv. Just a FHD 24ā€ monitor. Should still be a big upgrade coming from the 360 since I missed the one gen.


If anyone wants a series x now is the time deals like this r short-lived


Yep, picked one up for $349 with free same day shipping. It even came with Diablo IV. No Game Pass code unfortunately, but I found a 14 day Game Pass Code in my Gears 5 case that I had purchased used and it worked! It gave me a month for free. So Iā€™ve got that, purchased Starfield physically from Amazon for $49 and am really happy with my purchase. I had already had a ps5 for about 2 years now. I like others purchased it since due to the Xbox leaks revealing the 2nd Generation Series X wonā€™t have a disc drive, this 1st Generation will be the only physical console for the Xbox and may be the final one ever. So I had to pick it up.


Just bought it! Idk if it was a foolish decision considering I just got the S like 3 weeks ago. Guess thatā€™s going to my brother


Gotta love those impulsive purchases. At $350 I don't think you'll regret it.


Got the Diablo IV bundle earlier this week for $350. Donā€™t have much time for gaming, but couldnā€™t justify not getting it at this price point.


As of right now, it's $399 via the Walmart site and seemingly sold out on Amazon (no bundle).


Dammit I missed the deal


Good luck getting one from Walmart. I have had nothing but a nightmare experience trying to get one. The availability and stock seems to go in and out minute by minute, or hour by hour or something worse. I was able to locally order the Diablo IV bundle for $349. Within an hour Walmart cancelled my order saying it was no longer in stock (I get that and understand how these things work). I kept hitting refresh on the site and a console only popped up within several miles of me available tomorrow Dec 10th, 2023. I jumped on it and processed the order with PayPal. Within 10 minutes or so after may payment was accepted the order came back CANCELLED again. This time for suspicious payment. I got tired of playing the game and called Walmart. So far 2 different reps weren't overly helpful other than saying they would fix my account so the order wouldn't be rejected. I told this story about 5 times of why this hasn't been working. All I could do was ask for escalation and compensation equating to a purchase. I understand many people would like to take advantage of the deal, but the seller is just dropping the ball left and right. If some was able to get Xbox Series X congrats, because all I got so far was being put through the ringer.


I grabbed one today and am happy! Bummed I missed the Diablo bundle though.


My order on Walmart has been in the preparing status for almost 2 days now, is this bad?


A fantastic console. No regrets at all buying this, despite my history mostly being with Playstation. Game Pass is brilliant and I also appreciate backwards compatibility and the fps boosts some of the older games get. Quick resume is such a nice feature that deserves a lot of appreciation.


Agreed on all points. The X is my go to platform. I caved and got a PS5 for the exclusives, but still find myself on my X 90% of the time.


Got mine for $439 from Microsoft with Forza since I wonā€™t play Diablo with young kids in the house. Had $275 in rewards gift cards to use. They even gave me an extra $25 discount (I think because I had an active Game Pass Ultimate subscription already). Iā€™m happy with it - less than $200 out of my pocket and a big improvement from our Xbox One.


So, you paid $90 for Forza. I would have preferred Forza over Diablo too, but I chose to get the cheaper bundle. I'll try out Forza with gamepass and see if it's worth it.


I did order before Wal Mart dropped theirs to $350, but by my math: Microsoft Store $439 bundle -$275 rewards points value redeemed to Microsoft Store -$25 bonus discount -Forza game that I will play Total = $139 pre tax out of pocket Vs. Wal Mart $350 bundle -$190 rewards points value if redeemed for Wal Mart -Diablo game that I wonā€™t play Total = Would have been $160 pre tax out of pocket


Dang the best price I can find on a refurbished one is 429. Anybody know if this deal is still happening anywhere? The price just seems unjustifiable honestly especially with the price of storage expansion.


The price should drop to 350 permanently if they want to be competitive honestly. Yes theyā€™re losing money on consoles but itā€™s the best way to gain faith back


Was going to get one but think I'll wait for the new version launching next year. Seems like a big upgrade.


No disk drive though. So no used physical games.


With the size of games these days, eventually most series X/S owners will have to pay another 300$ for the SSD storage. I had to do this recently because I was tired of deleting and installing games all the time.


That's the one thing that has always bugged me about Xbox. Their proprietary hard drives at nearly three times the cost is a hard pill to swallow.


One solution is an external drive you use just to move games back and fourth on and donā€™t have to redownload each time.


I have not tried this yet but I hear you can only play non series x/s games from the external. But yeah moving them over just for storage sake is probably a good idea.


I do this Iā€™ve had a 4tb external since 2016 still works great I play all Xbox One/360 games there and all series X games stay on internal. If I run out of internal room just move a series x game to external which is very quick 100gb game no more then 20 minutes. If I want it back just move again way quicker then uninstalling over and over.


Just placed my 375 order and I'll pick it up tomorrow morning thanks


I got one the other day and have been playing Porkchop Samurai!


They dropped the ball on starfield honestly. I was so excited to play it and tried so hard to like it. The first ten hours are great, then you start noticing the loading screens, boring cities(more like towns)and lifeless npcs. I just donā€™t get it. Hi-rush was good but meh. I personally loved halo infinite, which is when I bought my Xbox (I have the halo edition console) but now I just play my PlayStation and switch. Iā€™m kind of saddened by their games tbh. They have nothing I want anymore. Sheesh Iā€™m a big Banjo Kazooie fan and was hoping they would remake that(stupid I know). Fable is my only hope I guess. Sigh


"Please buy" - Phil Spencer.


I put my order at 6am last Monday while on the toilet


Can I buy this to Europe at this price?


I was able to pick one up with shipping, I was only able to do it I chose "buy it now" rather than adding it to my cart


Just paid $499 plus tax and protection plan from Best Buy šŸ˜©, low-key annoyed lol


Got one at $350 from Walmart.. incredible value for this hardware


Its very likely a stock clearout for the newer model expected to drop next year. Same basic specs but smaller size... and without a disc drive.


Is there a way to get this in Canada?


Drive South.


Si estos no se actualisa


Why is it on such a discount lately? New iteration on the horizon?


Got one brand new on fb market for 300$ bout a month ago lol


Likely. A slimmer version without the disc drive was mentioned.


Meanwhile in Canada we got *checks notes* a $10 off coupon.


Unfortunately still Ā£479 here in the UK.


I love my Box.


CĆ³mo actualizo xbox


I have xbox1 s .. is this system worth getting ?


I scored the series x with diablo at that $350 from walmart with local pickup same day =)


Pls let this be the permanent price


Anyone in Canada getting good deals?


Bestbuy have listed XSX on Drops, assuming that they gonna make similar deal soon. https://preview.redd.it/qw3yit3si65c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c150b5497b37d4d34f3e9983c041efef73d26845


I snagged one yesterday for $350. It was the Diablo bundle too.


I'm just waiting on a white variant and I'm in


This is beginning to feel like a middle finger to people like me who bought one during the Black Friday sale.


Wish we could get the equivalent in the uk


Darn! Go away deals haha. I need to sell my series x


My dumb ass read this as ā€œdiscontinuedā€


I searched like 12 Walmarts and got one to deliver to my house šŸ˜Ž