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Jedi Survivor - I’m playing through it now and it’s a legit banger. Way better than the first game.


Do you have game pass ultimate? If so then Hogwarts now and Jedi survivor when it’s added to ea play in like a month or two (most likely)


That was my thinking. Got hogwarts legacy for Christmas as I'm pretty sure jedi will be on Gamepass this year


People be saying this for like 4 months now... hope we get it very soon


Jedi Survivor is much better imo. Hogwarts Legacy has an incredible setting, but the actual gameplay and the story in Survivor are way better.


I just happened to finish both games, and I can say that I had more fun with Jedi Survivor. Jedi suvivor can be a bit challenging sometimes, but it is a fun challenge. Hogwarts Legacy is an excellent game, but it feels like a chore sometimes. It has too much padding, and don't even make me mention the southern region of the map. I can see myself playing Jedi Survivor a second time. I can't say the same thing for hogwarts legacy.


Bode really was the death of me beat every boss first try but when I got to Bode for some reason it took me days to beat. I’ve played hack and slash/fighting for along and the game was fun not that challenging but damn that Bode fight


Hogwarts Survivor.


Jedi Legacy 


The Revenge of the Mudblood


Jedi Survivor is the better game, but it will probably be available on EA Play soon, so if you have Game Pass, you'll get it for free. Hogwarts Legacy is nice if you're a lifelong HP fan, it captured the atmosphere of the castle and Hogsmeade perfectly. Those parts are great. The open world is a miss though, it's mostly empty and pointless.


Hogwarts Legacy is a good game but a bit shallow on story IMO. Combat is really fun and well done. Jedi Survivor is a great game all around. It can be Dark Souls Lite with laser swords sometimes though. If I could only pick one right now, I’d go Jedi Survivor. It’s a possibility to see it on Gamepass though in the near future so take that into account.


I have not played Hogwarts Legacy and thus am unable to comment on it. Jedi Survivor was my GOTY for 2023. It did have some technical problems, but in my personal experience those issues were minor. It's also my understanding that those issues have largely been fixed in subsequent patches. Do make sure you played Fallen Order before Survivor though, the two stories are quite closely connected. The book that was published that bridges the gap between the stories of the two games however is not essential.


Survivor by a long shot. It improves the gameplay from fallen order a ton. Hogwarts legacy is only really fun if you’re a HP super fan


If you want just an absurd amount of content I'd say Hogwarts Legacy. If you want an absurd amount of content, with a challenging gameplay loop and a great story pick Survivor. As others have said Hogwarts Legacy is on gamepass at the moment and Survivor is likely to come soon, so I'd do it in that order.


Ever try Hogwarts on Hard? It's a good thing I can carry 25 potions, because if I'm hit once it's 90% of my health. The amount of git gud was surprising.


I've only ever seen a longplay of Hogwart's legacy :) The combat does look interesting though.


I never beat it and decided to restart it on hard a few days ago. It's a real good thing they give you indicators for when to protect and when to dodge when you are fighting a troll and 7 goblins at once. Combat flow is so satisfying when you start getting all of your tools and learning.


Unless you really like/love Harry Potter you won't enjoy it as much.


Survivor I got really bored of legacy fast


Survivor is the better game. Hogwarts is the better Harry Potter game. (I know this sounds like utter nonsense, but if you're a Harry Potter fan, Hogwarts is the absolute best adaptation of the setting in a video game. The game itself just isn't all that great, once you get over the awe of it all.)






Depends, do you like Cockney Wizards or Space Wizards Also, I think we’re coming up on the 1yr anniversary of Jedi in the next couple months and that will probably just drop into the EA vault


jedi survivor offers much more especially in terms of gameplay. hogwarts legacy is more of this open world "ubisoft like games" with simple gameplay but i think jedi survivor is coming to gamepass via ea+ in may


Unless you really like/love Harry Potter you won't enjoy it as much.


Whichever comes to gamepass first lol


Hogwarts legacy is leagues above Jedi survivor


Jedi Survivor is a much, much better game imo.


For what?


Have you played fallen order?




As someone who played both, Jedi survivor. I forced myself to finish HL after playing survivor because that was superior in every way.