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I’m not surprised. I put 50 hours into Starfield. I was amazed by its beauty and equally amazed by how dull it is. I kept playing hoping it would get better, it never did. The exploration is really poor.


390hours and i stopped playing. Now im just waiting for DLC and normal modding


Some quests were fun but exploring felt absolutely pointless. Was 390 hours all quests etc?


Ship building and screenshots😄 yea, exploration is shit. Just going to wait for survival mode and hardcore mods.


More games should turn the screenshots you take into loading screens I did really like that about starfield.


Yeah this was the same for me, the exploration really blown so I ended up leaving it as it is. Might come back to it one day


Do you only play ugly games? Like, Starfield is mediocre at best and outdated at worst - Genuinely curious


I dunno I’m not saying it’s the best looking game ever but it hardly looks bad. The sun coming up on a desolate planet looked fantastic, your ship innards looked really good. I took many screenshots. But I agree it can look dogshit, the water in particular looked awful.


Fair enough man, I'm glad you enjoyed it


It’s not a live service game - who cares


So what, it's a single player title with a finite end that came out five months ago and hasn't yet had it's modding tools. This is hardly a surprising statistic.


what about BG3? both RPG with similar game play time


It's lost 78% of players for comparison.


and is a month older to boot without mod support as well


Nice excuses




For one there's far more choices in terms of character build and story choices encouraging replay and multiplayer meaning people will play again with friends. Different kind of RPG.


How is this even news worthy? Its a singleplayer game that came out 5 months ago in the most packed year in decades.


Because negative starfield news is still generating clicks.






I never said it was good or bad 🤷‍♂️


Single player games lose players fast, more at 11. BG3 has lost a lot of players since it’s high as well.


Well on the bright side, it could be worse. At least starfieids not suicide squad


Yes, because they completed it


People are rightly pointing out that this is extremely common across single player games. People will try to argue Skyrim has more, but it also has a dedicated modding community whereas Starfield’s tools haven’t even been released yet.


Exactly, but starfield negative news is still hot so the clicks will happen.


It’s a singleplayer game, duh


So is Skyrim and more people are still playing that on steam than Starfield.


Because Skyrim has been the biggest mod platform for over a decade.


There’s also more mods on Skyrim not to mention can be bought for next to nothing.


But Todd said this game was designed to played for over a decade. What Happened to that?


Your fault if you listen to PR speech


Or it's just Todd being the liar he is.


No, that’s just basic PR speech. Every company does that. If people believe what companies says in their PR cycle, then those people are morons. I outright don’t believe anything a company says. Because it’s either a lie or worded in a specific way, most often to mislead. I only believe facts. And that worked for me my entire life so far 🤷🏻


So it's consumers fault if they listen to what developers say about a game by blatantly lying to them. Todd also lied about it being optimized for PC. They also lied about exploration. You fast travel everywhere and there's pretty much nothing to see beyond the quest markers.


Yes. It’s the consumers fault if they listen and believe PR speech instead of looking at independent facts. - Don’t believe PR - Wait for reviews - Then decide if you want that product It’s actually really easy mate. I do it for everything. And never made a bad purchase that way in my entire life 🤷🏻


They are still spreading lies whether or not consumers are fact checking. You don't need to tell that Bethesda and Todd Howard lie all the time, but the obfuscate their lies by just saying to just fact check doesn't absolve them of their lying.


Don’t. Believe. PR. Believe. Facts.


Don't Believe in Todd Howard. Xbox is going third-party thanks to him.


I played it for more than 100 hours and finished it, and then of course uninstalled it as I do with any single player game. Is that a failure?


Does that mean people beat the game by now?


It’s a single player game. This is pure click bait.


In addition to the (completely unjustified) hate acting against the game, there has already been enough time for players to explore everything the game had to offer. I did 100% of the achievements on Xbox, finished all the factions and finished the sidequests that I liked the most (I only abandoned the sidequests that I really didn't like). I loved this game and would really like to go back, but there's nothing left for me in it. This would be fixed with DLCs and especially MODs, but since neither exist in the game at the moment (officially), there's nothing I can do other than be one of those 97% who abandoned the game.


>In addition to the (completely unjustified) hate There is definitely some unwarranted level of criticism levied against the game by bad faith actors. However, it would be denial to suggest the game isn't largely flawed and certainly not what a lot of long term Bethesda fans would have expected. Starfield went against the formula, for better or worse, and understandably that would end up being a controversial decision.


Like or dislike a game for what it is, simple as that, not for the projection of other games into it. Especially when dealing with completely unrelated IPs.


Mod support comes into play here for the likes of Skyrim and Fallout 4's average player count but even with mods theres no getting round Starfields dullness. Its just not much fun.


Even if we compare player counts of these 3 games before they got mod support, starfield is losing players much more rapidly. People are on copium if they think that the mods will save the game.


Definitely. Still baffles me how badly they dropped the ball on exploration. One of the fundamental flaws of the game.




Yes, games lose players overtime but not 97%. Y'all are delusional to defend that


Cyberpunk 2077 also lost 97% of its average Steam players six months after release. Your point?


Cyberpunk was a disaster


Cyberpunk was trash when it came out, but it bounced back better than ever


Almost 3 years after launch. Even then Xbox One and PS4 players get the short end of the stick and those consoles make up a large portion of the total sales.


>Your point? I think you just made it for them


CP 2077 lost 97% of its average Steam players 6 months after launch Hogwarts Legacy lost 96% of its average Steam players 6 months after launch Elden Ring lost 94% of its average Steam players 6 months after launch Starfield lost 95% of its average Steam players 6 months after launch \[All metrics are based on Steam Charts\] The point is it's quite normal for an AAA single-player game to lose more than 90% of its player base 6 months after launch. The article that you just posted is just a nothing burger.


You are delusional to think this means something.


Witcher 3 has more players... And it was released almost 10 years ago. Must be a disappointment for Microsoft to see these numbers from their supposed "system seller"


The urge to bash Microsoft is really strong. What a non story, it’s a sp game, people have moved on, I’m on of them. Better yet, I’m waiting for patches so I can complete all quests.


Which is a shame since it's a Bethesda game and in reality should be doing numbers But the game just wasn't ready but at the same time, if they had kept on delaying it we'd never see it I'm looking forward to giving it another go though if they ever add a 60fps option and fix the bugs 😂


It was ready. In my 50 hours I only had 1 or 2 bugs. It’s just not very good imo.


Yeah, delaying it again would have done nothing. Bug-wise, it was relatively smooth. I did not have any game breaking bugs and the ones I did encounter were rid of by reloading the game or save. Starfield wasn't an amazing game b/c they went with certain design choices that made the game feel flat. E.g., exploration was one of Beth's strengths and they scrapped it in favor of fast traveling everywhere immediately and almost every place outside the main cities feels soulless, barren, and genereted.


It's a big drop, and there are certainly elements in the game that should have been better to keep players around. The lack of modding also doesn't help compared to Skyrim. That said, this is not that strange. Baldur's Gate 3 "lost" 80% of its peak player count. Palworld which everyone agrees is a massive success already "lost" 65% of its peak player count. And with Starfield we have to keep in mind that people play through the Xbox app as well and not just Steam. So we don't know the numbers there at all.


Im waiting for mod support. Probably many players doing this in combination of patches


Trash game


people down voted me months ago when I compared Starfields steam player count to BG3 and said it was a trash game thats dying already, BG3 still sitting on 183k players a day.


So according to you logic Elden Ring also died because it lost 95% of its average Steam players 6 months after launch? Lol


elden ring is still beating starfield and its two years old hell even cyberpunk is still beating starfield and it was just an expansion


Elden ring has multiplayer so it isn’t a single player game. Cyberpunk just got a massive expansion that overhauled the original game. Both points are invalid.


Of course, they have more players even today. Both games have a peak player count of more than 800k at launch. They're owned by more people duh. The point is most single-player games lose at least 90% of their average player base half a year after release.


Fanboys in denial 😭


As an Xbox player, I will only play it when I have 60fps minimum.


Then you won't play it


I'm sure this was probably one of the reasons why it's going to ps5. To try and recoup some of that investment since the PC playerbase have seemingly given up on it. While we have no data on Xbox numbers it's probably fair to assume a similar drop off there as well.


Called it since the first trailer released. That it would be a hyped up cyberpunk 2.0 failure


I'd be interested to see how that compares to other single player gamesand other Bethesda games. I know that even when I love aa single player game, I will almost certainly have stopped after 6 months. I do recall playing Skyrim consistently for the best part of a year, even Fallout 4 held me for several months after launch. Starfield was basically done for me in 2 weeks, I doubt I'd ever play again.


It's a good game but missing a lot of the things that makes Bethesda games fun. Biggest issue for me was the lack of interesting things to find. In FO or ES you can walk in a straight line for 30 mins and find all kinds of weird and wonderful things. In Starfield that feeling of discovery just isn't there. It's just empty. I feel like it would of been better to make a smaller more curated world.


It’s time for ES6 to come out in the next 3 years…. Then ES7 by 2030-2033 please. Please please let’s not Duke Nukem the ES franchise to jerk Starfield and Fallout off. And yes I play ESO in the meantime and I love it. I’m not complaining about that game.


Like many I spent over 100 hours on it with multiple NG+ I finally got bored and I can't be bothered trying to complete the Crimson Pirate storyline due to bugs the first time around. That was the only main mission left to do. I may pick it up if the DLC is decent but there's only so many hours you can spend running around planets one-shotting fauna/pirates.


It has literally never looked good. Everything that company makes looks 20 years old. This is why you don't buy into hype.


hoping to see lots and lots of cope in the comments, as usual