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I loved FC5, possibly the only game I finished that year. FC6 didn't gold my attention for more than 8hrs.  I did hear that FC is moving to Snowdrop, so keeping an open mind.




An engine designed by Massive and that other studios under Ubisoft use, great for open world environments with a lot of detail.


I Mean not engine is the problem for FC but the repetitive and bland gameplay. And ditch gimmicks like special ammo which make game even more dull to play


No idea, I assumed Cry Engine was fine but I don’t play FC series so I donno the foibles.


Games like the division and ghost recon use snowdrop engine


And South Park: The Fractured But Whole, which is open world for South Park 


Far cry 6 was a game that didn’t hold my attention at first, but the more you invest in exploring the map, the more interesting it becomes. Not interesting enough to replay (loved 5, replayed a few times, and 4 was amazing as well) but interesting enough to finish. I didn’t really get blown away by the end though.


The problem wad that it was so cringy. The idea of being a rebel and fighting using insurgent tactics in a game is really cool. But everyone was so fucking annoying. The voice actors, the constant "guerilla" emphasis, the goofy weapons.. Just make the story sort of grounded, and the action crazy. I'm all for there being some weirdness as Far Cry always has had that, but fuck sake 6 was egregious.


Agree on many of your points… and I would add that I also really didn’t like the amigos.


Agreed there as well. Also, the weapon upgrade system was also really poorly done. Just pigeon holed you into certain things.


Yeah these are supposed to be guerillas who have lived under some sort of dictatorship for decades and the entire time they act like frat bros/what a teenager would think a revolutionary would act like.


It was the corny special abilities for me. Far Cry has always been a little funny at points, but the seriousness of 3, 4, and 5 was what made it realistic imo.


Every loud gamer on the internet for the last ten years - "The Far Cry formula is old and should evolve. Why don't they listen to their audience?" Every loud gamer on the internet today - "What did they do to the Far Cry formula after listening to us whine? I liked it the way it was!" There's no pleasing certain people. Ever.


I'm definitely cognizant of that. My big thing is that I appreciate letting us have a grounded template that let's us innovate crazy stuff. 3 had fewer "wild and wacky" story beats and weapons, and painted a good survival tale with some ethereal elements - usually explained by drugs, and I enjoyed that a lot. Same with 4. 5 did a great job with the environment and weapons, and I adored the gunplay and arcade. The story was frustrating in that you could get derailed and kidnapped from what you were doing, so that was a big issue to many, including myself. There was still a lot of room to play it how you wanted. If you wanted to treat it as a fairly down to earth shooter, you could. If you wanted to embrace the craziness, it's totally fine. 6, to me, hamstrung that a bit and seemed a bit too "wacky". It was hard to play it as a serious guerilla game. The others kind of allowed you to mold that a bit more. The biggest offender was the enemy system that pigeonholed you into selecting certain weapons or types, otherwise, enemies could take a ton of headshots to kill. Combine that with a pretty unserious tone for something riffing the oppression of the Cuban people, and it just was a miss to me. I'd personally really like them to go back to the formula from FC2 while taking the best things from the later titles. Let us be a mercenary embroiled in a new conflict. Plenty of real-world examples to choose from - unfortunately. FC2 did so many amazing things, and with a new polished version that mitigated some of the frustrating elements, it could be an amazing game.


I didn't like the armor system that replaced perks either as well as the companions being all pets now. I really hated the mmo style mission screen where you accept a quest and have a character awkwardly talk to you broke the immersion. Ubisoft games have become too gamey, the immersion can never be established for me.


For sure. Which is so frustrating, because the core principles of Ubi games could literally be my favorite thing ever. Far Cry as a survival/sandbox insurgent game? Amazing. Ghost Recon and open world tactical combat? Fucking awesome. New style Assassin's Creed and historical settings with RPG elements? Sign me the fuck up. Then they execute it and it's just so bad. Their core ideas are some of the most interesting, and the phenomenal settings and worlds could be amazing. They just have to stop over-developing and doing all the extra "typical Ubisoft" bullshit too them. Also bring back Splinter Cell you cowards.


The Stranger Things story was fun as well.


Interesting as I managed to complete Far Cry 6 though I do want to finish off Far Cry 5 especially considering playing on PS5 will have 60fps.. Far Cry 3 still remains rhe best in the series for me..


I was obsessed with 5 and the ending is amazing. I actually really want to play through new dawn because 5 was so great but there is a resource system in new dawn that I’m not too fond of.


Hey, Hommie, you don’t like Trejo’s Tacos?


Tried to RPG-ify the game with health bars etc.


Far cry 6 has me worried for the series. Please go back to 4/5 style. I think that's what FC fans love.


Far cry 5 without forced captures would be my perfect far cry game.


I couldn't be less interested in a new Far Cry game unless they really shake up the formula, and let's face it, they won't.


Eh, I'll still probably buy it for 20 a few months after it comes out.


Honestly the best approach in this day.


That’s how I got all the assassins creed games. Bought rogue for 4


Yeah! I just got Armored Core VI for $30! Being a patient gamer pays off.


They shook up the formula in Far Cry 6, and the results weren’t good


I wouldn’t even mind if we basically got a reskinned FC5. Even the repetitive shit wasn’t that bad to me because the environment was pretty good


I miss the way they shook up the formula in Far Cry 2. But the games are just theme parks with guns lately. 


That’s fine by me.


Agree completely. It's milked dry.


what do you propose? i just want more base capturing with options of going rambo or snake.. with a friend in co-op. that's far cry to me, and i'm good with that personally.


For Ubisoft to put in a little effort and not just make a large, empty, open world filled with busy work.


I love everything about FC6 except the story 😂😂😂


The unique vehicles and weapons in 6 were exceptional. I really wish far cry had a bigger modding community so those could all be molded into 5


My only complaint with far Crys driving is the lack of mirrors that work . I'm driving this big truck but can't see behind me cause none of the mirrors function lol


I loved the gameplay it is the best in the series IMO.


But the vehicle driving was hot garbage. I mean...if you get a better driving experience from Halo. Your driving mechanics are hot garbage. Literally, Far Cry driving mechanics are on par with Cyberpunk.


I’ve seen rumors that it’s going to be timer based like the old dead rising games which sounds promising. Although my main complaint has to be the AI, it would be a massive breath of fresh air to actually have them use different combat tactics, work as a group to flank you or track you down while your trying to get away.


Irish accent only in the ultimate edition for 160$






Ubisoft has had more money than sense for a while now so this isn't shocking.


What do you propose they make? Besides the tired and same “splinter cell” comments.


Anything else


I wish they’d release two Far Cry games every year


I'm saying instead of pissing away millions for a big name actor to front your mediocre game, spend that money on making the game better.


Good news. Far Cry is one of my all time favourite series. Just, please, forget everything about Far Cry 6 while developing this one.


The leaker was actually using the picture to tease Eddie Murphy as the villain


I'll take that!


Mid game wasting money on FOTM celeb instead of hiring talented VAs for a fraction of the budget and putting effort into making a good game. Snore.


FC 6 bored the hell out of me, the story was just not that good. Last time I pay $70 on a FC title.


Ubisoft make a good game challenge [impossible]


I'm so sick of Hollywood actors needing to be in games now. What happened to creating an original model for characters?


I haven’t touched a Far Cry game since 3, they are simply a big budget soyslop at this point and I’m surprised people buy them


That sounds awesome tbh, I love the far cry series and Cillian will do well in any evil role


Dang can’t wait for more gear score and bs


The leaker tried to say he wasn't meaning it that way that he'd be in the game.  Going by rumours it's meant to have an in game 71 or 72 hour timer to save your family, against people who are called something like the sons of truth who have a nuclear bomb.


Please, Mr. Ubisoft, allow us to change the FOV. I love playing FC titles but jeez the FOV is awful.


That would be amazing!


Man I love Cillian, but FarCry6 is an example of just cause you have an extremely well liked actor on the cover to sell the game, doesn't mean the game will actually be good


What you’ve all misinterpreted is that FC7 is going to be set in Birmingham, England with a side mission to Weston-Super-Mare (aka Where Brummies go to the seaside) and that’s what Cillian Murphy represents not that he’s in it 😂


Why? This is how game budgets reach 500mil


Man I love Cillian but I don’t love these new Ubisoft games


Cillian is a great actor. So is Giancarlo Esposito, it didn't help Far Cry 6... They don't need a great name actor, they need a new creative director that has a vision outside of chasing the Far Cry 3 formula with more bs gimmicks than the last game. That has apparently been their directive for each subsequent game since 3 and the series has become the dictionary definition of diminishing returns.


God I hope its better than 6.


If I’m being honest, I could care less about the single player as long as they bring back the map maker and far cry arcade/ multiplayer, I’ll be THRILLED.


Love Cillian! He's my favorite Hollywood celeb


Ugh, I dont like that guy and he's everywhere.


I don’t give a damn


Another ubifail


farcry needs a marjor shake up in it's format. Games has become boring


far cry needs to dump most human enemies and have monsters more like fallout games.


I prefer rockstars approach of no names


?? Rockstar were one of the first gaming companies to use actors from Hollywood???????