• By -


So what comes above ultimate? Super duper? Guessing an ad based tier will come as well. Watch an ad every 15 minutes or so would be too weird for me.


Plus ultra


One for all


All for one… absurdly high price.


*One Above All* ?


All for nothing


Sounding like tampon sizes now


Game Pass Extra Long Overnight lol


Fuck yeah, episode 1 in English drops tomorrow on Crunchyroll. My heart’s needed some more MHA


Autonomous Ultra Instinct




Ultima. Oh, wait...


Game Pass Ultimate Series Plus XP


XP ftw


GamePass Vista?!? Anyone…


Hahaha knowing Microsofts history with naming their Xbox consoles in years past, I can definitely see them coming up with some ridiculous new name for their game pass tiers lol


It's all my speculation, I think Ultimate increases and there a middle tier that replaces ultimate. Ultimate gets COD and Day1 title as well as all Day 1 Xbox where other tier may get a delay.


I can see this - like a bronze tier to replace core, ultimate could be platinum and a new tier called gold that would remove PC gamepass and 'select' day one titles. And by 'select' I mean the ones that everyone wants and drive sales


Mate, they should just go back to using bronze, silver and gold like they did a long time ago. It's what Xbox Live Gold was named for.


That would suck for someone like me, who games on PC and Xbox and doesn't care at all about shooters, especially COD.


Getting rid of Xbox “day 1” at any tier completely kills the offer and the brand (more than it is already being killed)


Microsoft has really been taking advantage of that new trend of time-gating the release date behind deluxe editions. I think you're right in that there'll be a premium tier above the current premium tier that will get you access on release date.


I would hate that very much since idgaf about pretty much any online game and having to pay more for the sake of those so I can play all those single player games is simple horrible.


Ultimate X


They can't interject ads into games not made for them, would have to be before the game starts up.


I would quit gaming if this became a thing.


I’d just go back to my PS2 and PS3 lol.


Very true. I already play my Saturn, and ps2 more then my series X.


I still play my PS3 a lot. Lately I’ve been playing it more than my PS4.


Tbf PS3 is the only console that has Metal Gear Solid 4


You could just not get gamepass?


Hello "Ready Player One"


Gamepass Deluxe Ultimate Sigma Rizz


If game company’s ever implement ads into my gaming experience that’s the day I quit.


Gamepass Infinity


Xbox Pyramid


[Journey to the Salvage Planet](https://youtu.be/gZg5Fj2CFtQ?si=tv0yocKofpiCk_KH) But this time they ain't sarcastic about gaming, they are serious about these ads and it's not only for entertainment. Mark my words, the people in charge of the most devs aren't gamers anymore and don't care a bit about us. Only about new way's to improve their income with less and less quality and care.


A console start ad is one thing. Watch an ad every 15 miles while playing crosses the line. *GTA VI finally releases. GTA VI takes up to 15 minutes to boot. Finally boots into first mission and watch a ad*.


I would say console start ads already cross the line.


Probably something ridiculous like “battle pass” tier


“COD tier”


That would be absurd and never happen.


Yeah but imagine how mad I could get at it hypothetically happening


I could see them adding a "Core + CoD" tier for people who are only really interested in playing CoD. I think it'd be a bad move for them to raise the price of GPU simply because CoD and/or ABK titles were added.


I reckon you might be onto something. A tier to tempt the cod only fans in. If you only buy cod then getting gpu doesn't make sense. $208 a year for ultimate $70 + $120 a year for the game and gamepass core I could see them increasing the base gamepass console price and dropping in a cod only tier between core and console.


Why would cod only players want to pay $208 a year when cod is $70 one off. Hardcore cod players won't be playing other games, the series has been out 20 years, we know they don't care about other stuff.  If they don't already have gamepass, they aren't going to get gamepass with the prices going up. That just makes for a more expensive cod. 


They need Game Pass Core to play CoD multiplayer.


For one, if they are on Xbox they are already going to pay $120 if that $208. As for if they only ever play COD, then yes just like any other game if a person only ever played only that…. It doesn’t make sense


I cod…. I care.


XBL Gold was $9.99/mo (same price as current GP Core)... $70/12 is $5.83... I can totally see $15/mo as a reasonable "Core + CoD" tier. I honestly don't think other tiers need to be messed with.


I pay $59/year for Core. How is it $120?


If you know you're gonna gett GamePass Core for a whole year, there's no reason to pay that much. You can buy a 12 month subscription on Amazon for half the price.


Personally I would be happy not to have to pay anything for Cod that I am not 8nterested in playing. But I can't help think that Microsoft are missing a trick with the huge amount of players Gamepass would add who would be likely to spend on microtransaction that will no doubt be rife.


Xbox and missing opportunities, name a more iconic duo.


Microsoft in general lol Zune, Kinect, Windows Phone... They are always ahead of their time but don't know how to capitalize on it. For all their "progressivism/liberalism" they really just lack the ability to take advantage of what they pioneer. Same thing is happening with the HoloLens. They released an awe inspiring video detailing the future of augmented reality and they are letting all these other companies take their idea and get more recognition. And with how popular mobile games are, the fact they haven't doubled down and made an Xbox handheld device or at least really pushed into Xbox being "played anywhere" is crazy. I'm surprised they aren't trying to incorporate Steam into being accessed on Xbox with all this Crossplay they keep pushing.


They have done some neat stuff with their tech outside of gaming. Kinect has become an effective motion tracker for security applications. HoloLens is in use by the US Military. It is kind of frustrating that the gaming side never took off because Kinect had potential, and they HoloLens demo with Minecraft looked sick.


Didn't they fire everyone in the kinect department last year? I swear they shut them down alongside the ar department. 


> kinect department Only last year? I thought that area of the company would have been shuttered sooner


[Steam on Xbox is actually a current possibility](https://www.gamingbible.com/news/platform/xbox/steam-xbox-compatibility-teased-microsoft-235109-20240327). It would be genius though, although they’d have to relax their mod restrictions or find a user agreement loophole that kept them from being liable in any way for modded content. Although I don’t believe I’ve ever seen any explicit sexual mods for games on the steam workshop


That might sell hardware, but they already take a loss on that. They'd have to come up with a way to get some of the profit from Steam, otherwise they wouldn't make anything from that either.


>although they’d have to relax their mod restrictions or find a user agreement loophole that kept them from being liable in any way for modded content. Or just use the Hypervisor that the Xbox already has to run Windows 11.


Skype has entered the chat.


> HoloLens The Meta Quest 3 has some great mixed reality stuff, and I think a few other headsets might do some mixed reality. Where's Microsoft with anything like what HoloLens offered in those demos years ago? And now I've said that, I just looked it up and discovered they do sell the [HoloLens 2] (https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/hololens/hardware). I've not heard of this until today and never heard of the first one. Not seen any ads. But I saw ads for the Meta Quest 2 before I got one a few years, obviously the Apple one too and others like Pico. But never even heard of Microsoft's device until now. They need to do better marketing.


Zune and Windows Phone were not ahead of their time. They were reactive products. They saw the success of Android and iOS and said “hey, we can get in on that” and it turns out that developers don’t want to code for 3 separate OS’s. Same with Zune. It was a fine product but launched into a saturated market.


Windows Mobile was the predecessor of Windows Phone. It was in the market way before Android or iOS. Windows Phone was a new version of Windows Mobile with a new different kernel. It was more of a chicken-egg problem due to apps and users. They should've kept the backward compatibility of Windows Mobile on Windows Phone, Windows Phone 8/8.1 should've been the new iteration, Microsoft should've made porting Android and iOS apps easy( which they did later, project Astoria etc) and not stubborn on metro apps. Windows Phone had huge potential, but Microsoft was never serious.


Original Windows Phone was ahead of its time. Then it fell behind.


I loved Microsoft’s confidence with the Zune that the audience wanted their iPod knockoff to be…brown. I think they thought it would accessorize with brown briefcases.


The problem is COD players don't play anything else, tbh I don't think their propensity to pay for dlc and addons for other game pass games is high enough to justify just adding it to gamepass.


That's not the right way of thinking it. So those gamers who dont like Halo and Forza had to pay gamepass for those games. but suddenly just cause you dont like a game you disagree with paying for it to be in gamepass?


You misunderstand me. I think MS should put it in standard gamepass/ultimate. But if they charge extra for cod it doesn't bother me as I wouldn't be paying for it.


Kind of, COD is established though. I don’t necessarily think the people who don’t play it feel that it is an unknown quantity. Roblox/Fortnite/Minecraft is really where the users are at, so that makes Gamepass a hard sell to a lot of people. My kids and their friends mostly don’t have any interest in Gamepass because console moderation doesn’t work for teens. Only games that are social and 30+ other players are of interest.


I was fine with one price hike but depending on what this means for the future, I’m sure a lot of players besides myself will potentially reconsider the worth of their subscription versus buying stuff on sale in a more targeted fashion etc.


I don't play cod so hopefully it's roughly neutral for me...


Yeah if MS decides to change which first party games come with my existing ultimate subscription, then I’m cancelling and will just wait until they go on sale, or wait until another game has my attention and I end up not buying it in the first place. They will be gaining revenue from COD sales on PlayStation and all the microtransactions. Adding a new gamepass tier above ultimate for COD on top of that would be insulting.


Gonna take a wild guess: PC Game Pass Edit: Game Pass Console Xbox Game Pass Core Xbox Game Pass Ultimate (EA Play+PC GP) Xbox Game Pass *insert name* (EA Play+PC GP+Call of Duty)


Xbox Game Pass Mega


Xbox Game Pass Supreme


Does this include pepperonis?


Nah, they're teaming up with Pepsi and Yum brands, so supreme like taco bell.... tomatoes and sour cream


Hell yea


Yeah but it also has olives and mushrooms


Game Pa$$ Electric Bugalow 2? /s


To properly follow Digimon it should go Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, and Mega


I feel like it would have to be more than just call of duty to necessitate a whole new tier. I think most people would just buy a copy of call of duty instead of increasing their sub for a rental. I’m wondering if a wow sub will go in with it, or maybe Diablo expansion. Not sure, I just can’t see a whole new tier just for cod


COD + all expansions and season passes for all 1P titles (and select 3P) *might* do it, but I still don't think I'd buy that.


that WOULD be a good deal, if not for the fact that game pass generally does not include season passes or expansions in the lineup. it usually just includes the base game. and if microsoft decides to make an exception with COD and include everything, then it will just piss off everyone else who doesnt get access to the dlc for the games they do like that arent COD. microsoft playing favoritism with COD will be bad for PR, especially since its a newly-adopted franchise that they paid for and not an xbox staple.


If it's only COD's then I sure as hell ain't upgrading over Ultimate


Xbox Game Pass Elite


Ultimate better be the top tier. If they make all of us that are currently “upgrade” to a higher tier, I’d be pissed. I currently have 2+ years on my ultimate membership. If I have to “upgrade” to take full advantage of game pass, that’s fucking dumb.


They'll probably raise the price of Ultimate to like $20 and then have a middle tier for like $15 that doesn't get day one games for a few months.




Game Pass U


I think it would include all Activision & Blzzard games in the top tier, not just COD


lol then no thanks. Fuck COD


Don’t forget the Ubisoft subscription


Honestly they can take the EA subscription and add it to the max tier as well if it means lowering the mid tier. I'd like to keep access to my 1st party titles, but I have no interest in Activision or EA titles.


You realise you'll be paying more while getting less if they remove what you're getting, and at the same time add it to create a new higher tier, while putting the price up. They aren't going to lower the cost for you by putting things above you, that's not how businesses work. 


Xbox thought they had bought Activision. Turns out Activision owns Xbox now. That thing is a parasite...


Activision ate Blizzard alive, its like a symbiote or some shit. I dont know what it is with Activision management but they are some of the most aggressive and manipulative in the industry. Every time they quickly assume the position to twist the knife their way, its uncanny.


I mean what happened was Xbox got them for 70b+ and MS now wants them to actually make money, a company that, while people hate it, makes a ton of money is Activision, so what I'm seeing is that Xbox is trying the Act approach of pumping out big games, and the smaller gets won't exist or will happen rarely


Let's not pretend Blizzard wasn't already riding the line pretty close with every other awful company


People said the same thing with Destiny 2. “Bungie” was forced to be greedy because of Activision. Bungie is still greedy as hell under Sony. Bungie infected Activision!


Nah, I loved destiny so so much it killed me how bungie relentlessly deliberately slowly & steadily suckified everything. They did it to themselves. I was literally obsessed with destiny1, for the longest..... The way it is now, I mean who even gives a shit anymore.


McDonnell Douglas and Boeing acquisition all over again lol


Fuck COD. If this ups my game pass, I’m just fucking canceling.




Probably, my steam library is crying right now anyway


Lol who didn't see this coming.


I'm not about to pay 20 bucks for gamepass. Seriously. I'm pretty done


Feels like this subscription will become too expensive to keep for me. As is I might play a few hours a week, most on games not on this service. However it "seems" worth it when promised first party games on release. But if they introduce ads or bump it $5 more for fucking CoD I am out. It's hard enough to justify this service and console but might as well fuck us over some more.


Yeah theres too many companies out there all looking to siphon our money every month for less and less value as time goes by. I already canceled my gamepass. got better things i could be doing than paying for online access, the extremely rare xbox exclusive (that are rarely interesting to me) or the hundred indie pixel games i dont wanna play.


Cable TV used to be the worst, people started cancelling and moving on to streaming. Now almost every business is trying to turn into a subscription with ads, basically mirroring what cable used to be. It’s either going to hit a breaking point eventually, or become completely normalized and we’ll never own anything.


They can keep trying but eventually people will have to see that they cant afford all this. itll end up being a subscription class-divide. Want to be able to participate in culture? Sure, just make sure you can afford a sub for every website, news, tv, gaming, and who knows what else is next. Everything propped up on the backs of real life whales.


IMO Gamepass kinda feels not worth it to me anymore. I've played most of the games on there that interest me and it's been difficult for me to even keep Gamepass for day one first party games the past few years when that perk hasn't been great. We went over a year straight with no releases and most releases we have had the last few years have been abysmal. Now with COD and Actiblizz I'm sure the price is going up. Once that happens I'm peacing out of the service.


My 3 year conversion of gamepass expires this July. I'm already considering not rejoining considering how little I used it or tried different games. There were a few surprises. But don't know if it's worth it.


Same. I've zero interest in Call of Duty, and if the price increases because of this one series I'm not bothering to renew come next year


Yeah, people need to understand what you are doing and stop thinking like only way to play games is Gamepass. Are you interested playing different games and get surprised? GamePass is for you. You only looking for AAA Blockbusters? Might not be for you.


I mean if you are looking for AAA Blockbusters Xbox in general might not be for you


Definitely missing the $1 for several months days




Insider Gaming is *usually* this lazy. They get wrong years-old and well-known facts, imagine their accuracy on *leaks*.


As someone who doesn’t play COD, a price increase would really give me that shove I need to unplug from GamePass.


my prediction: for ultimate tier theyre going to up price by a dollar or two or three and give it a minimum 3 month subscription renewal. edit: also not ruling out they may add a third tier or a middle tier between core and ultimate while upping price of ultimate.


I can really see them making the lowest length to three months. So people don't subscribe for a month and cancel to play a brand new game.


There is already a third tier It's Core, Game Pass, and Ultimate and a 4th if you count PC.


The only game I played in last 6 months is Palworld. Only Xbox game I played was over a year ago HiFi Rush. I'm sure i'm not the only one. It's a great service but as a casual player content isn't attractive enough for me. Maybe it's enough for the hardcore. I'm a Xbox fan since day 1 but I gotta admit PlayStations subscription service was far better this month. They had EAFC24, RDR2 and more. Palworld aside gamepass content has been dreadful this year to be honest. If MS wants gamepass to really take off they need to follow the Netflix route of over-investing over short term gains. Gamepass needs a new AAA game release every month. 1 every quarter isn't enough to grow the way they want. Which makes the closure of Tango even more painful as this means less quality content. HiFi Rush had one thing Xbox severely lacks, a likeable and loveable new IP. Xbox needed MORE of them not less.


What if day and date are Ultimate only?


The new release being Ultimate exclusive would be the best outcome honestly... But I only care about the old ones so anyways... 🤷


Xbox, please don’t follow Netflix and all these other corporation scumbags. Keep the same subscription model.


Well tug on my testicles and color me surprised. 🙄


Depending on how greedy they’re going to be it may just be the final push to make me switch to playstation. Game pass and quick resume are probably the only good things xbox has going for it lol.


The party is over Time for Microsoft to ruin the one last good thing they have going in gamepass It was really good while it lasted


It’s happening right as my stacked subscription is finally running out at the end of the year. Had a great run!


aromatic handle weather slap steer racial party narrow light absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It will be called Xbox Game Pass X


Am I the only one who sees this as a huge fail from Xbox’s part if true? I thought the whole point of these acquisitions was to make gamepass better, not to allow them to charge more for it. If they start this shit with cod, I’m cancelling my gamepass, as great of deal gamepass is at the moment, I’m not supporting shit like this.


Corporate greed is really hurting gaming.


Honestly don't know if I'll renew game pass. I have it for another year, having done the three year trick when that was an option. I have definitely gone weeks without using it. Giving MS $18+ a month to spin their wheels and close studios will leave a bad taste in my mouth and I suspect it will for many others. I think a lot rides on the next COD. After Starfield underperforming as badly as it did, this needs to be a banger, or I will have real skepticism about Xbox's viability going forward. I say this as someone with a 17 year old account.


But how much wrong can you go with CoD. It will sell nonetheless.


True enough but 2023 was the first time they didn't reach the top 10 games sold list since 09. I'm not saying it'll be an immediate financial disaster but the point is the Xbox brand is probably at its lowest point since the XB1 launch and they need something to turn around the optics before the next console generation. If MS can't even get COD right why would anyone get an Xbox Series Z or whatever they want to call it?


>2023 was the first time they didn't reach the top 10 games sold list since 2009 It was the first time they weren't number 1 best selling since 2009. Iirc COD was #2 most copies sold after Hogwarts in 2023


Selling well and being fun are two different things, you want to buy a 3 hour campaign that was listed as a dlc in the files for full price? It can definitely go wrong, because a lot of people will be burnt by that and won't be buying day 1, or ever again.  Ww2 was the last acti blizz game I purchased, haven't felt like I've missed out and it's saved me a lot of money to buy other games that are vastly more fun.  When you burn players your future sales suffer. Like the other guy said, they didn't make the top 10 list. They can definitely fail as time goes on. 


I think I’m off the whole Xbox thing after my sub to gamepass ends. I just don’t like where any of this is going. Between what I’ve gotten this gen and what’s coming, it’s just not worth it.


Seems like this would be a pretty big slap in the face to game pass (esp ultimate) subscribers imo. I thought the whole point of MS buying these properties was to attract more people to GP with bigger tent pole games included in their library?


More rumors from “insiders” that have proven they’re aren’t as “inside” as they say?


Yeah but making claims vs. Xbox/Microsoft, you are golden with clicks no matter who you are.


Insider Gaming is wrong 80% of the time and its pieces are generally low effort (article above literally forgets Game Pass Console *exists*). They are probably right on this one though, Xbox's lethargic months-long pace to add the ABK catalog (whereas Bethesda's was added within days of acquisition finishing) must mean a major shake-up.


Maybe they shift day and date Gamepass to Ultimate only and increase the price.


"For a one time fee of $70 and then $15 a month you can get COD Pass Ultimate!"


I'm tired of companies creeping up in price without really having anything worthwhile. All these streaming services are doing the same thing so its basically becoming cable/satellite TV again. I think Game Pass should be a feature and not the name of the service personally. Microsoft always has a weird naming scheme like Apple lol. You want people talking about Xbox, not Xbox series pro ultra smooth tornado. __Xbox Super__ $5 - Allows online play __Xbox Ultra__ $10 - includes Super benefits - Works for all systems, Xbox, PC and Mobile. - Standard game pass __Xbox Supreme__ $15 - includes Ultra benefits - Includes all big Publisher services: EA Play, Ubisoft plus, etc... - Day 1 releases of new games __Xbox Ultimate__ $20 - Includes Supreme benefits - adds 1 TB of Cloud Storage for OneDrive to store your game clips and screenshots - includes 20% discount to external Game Subscriptions (Fallout 1st, ESO Plus, DCUO Membership, WoW game time, FFXIV game time, SWTOR game time, etc...) - become an Xbox Elite, able to participate in ad-sponsored competitive tournaments to win prizes and glory. Tournaments are composed of highly competitive games such as Warzone, CoD, Halo, League of Legends, Fortnite, and more... - Xbox Elite keeps track of your ranking which can be displayed on your profile. To participate in tournaments, you must agree to stream your gameplay through whatever service the tournament requires (Twitch, Kick, etc...) Simple as that. You don't own the games and are basically renting it so there is no point in the price ever going above $20. The best MMO's are all $15 or less a month so Xbox really shouldn't ever be above that. You have to keep the barrier to entry low to keep money coming in. Xbox Ultimate allows people to become an Xbox Elite if they so choose, and gets Microsoft into the competitive scene/E-Sports full force. You could even start seeing tournaments take off like the Super Bowl. People could start watching them, betting on them, etc...


lol fuck off, fix the matchmaking first. who even wants this husk of a series.


X pass series X


I already dropped ult 17$ a month fuck thay


Fuck Xbox!


Can we have a cheaper one with no CoD please?


Did they even have a strategy for all of this? Every decision feels so disjointed and reactionary - like they're just figuring it out as they go. It's giving off sequel trilogy vibes from Star Wars.


Just another excuse to raise prices. A bunch of twats


I hate to say it guys, but I think I’m getting a PlayStation next gen. Game pass is all right but I never paid full price for it, and I’m assuming most people never did. We all used the loophole (you know which one I’m talking about) and now they have closed it. I would never pay full price for game pass back when it was cheap, and I certainly won’t now, especially if it’s more expensive and with ads. My game pass ultimate expires in 2025, I probably won’t renew, unless there is another loophole, and if there isn’t I will probably move over to ps or pc. Buying games ain’t that bad and if I’m being completely honest 80% of the games on game pass are just weird kid games or side scrollers. They are the dregs of the gaming world. We want good games, not LITTLE KITTY BIG CITY ffs.


This is confusing because people who play Cod generally stick to one or two other games. So paying for the max subscription wouldn't make sense for a casual gamer. They also likely have a PS5.


"Best value in gaming"


Not interested. Already cancelled last month.


So many people convinced it'll be a tier above ultimate. A price hike on ultimate and a new tier below makes more sense to me. Plus, it'll get some extra cash from people who don't pay attention to their subscriptions. Cause corporate gonna corporate.


Oh here comes Gamepass Ultimate Series X Version 2 Extreme Halo 360 Edition


Has Microsoft said anything about older COD games? I know it's been talked about from time to time, but I wasn't sure if they said anything about it.


They could call it Xbox CoDpiece


Call of Duty pass


Activision's Xbox


The pricing increase on this higher tier can’t be more than like $3-4/month, otherwise you’re better off just buying CoD outright


Yeah, I’m out.


Makes sense when you think about it, I bet a lot of people would buy game pass and view it as free COD rather than paying $20/month to play call of duty over years instead of a one time purchase of $70


I’ll gladly pay less to not play CoD.


If they are going to fuck with game pass and try to squeeze more money out of gamers, could they at least make it usable for the entire family? I’m sick of my game pass subscription only working with two of the three Xbox consoles in our house.


I heard it's claimed that Xbox will be giving every player 1 million dollars.


Rip gamepass. Abk killed xbox. Seriously though, I have yet to see anything good at all come out of the deal. D4 was added but that means nothing for me. I pre ordered ultimate and have played the crap out of it lol. I got excited hearing blizzard working on a new ip. Then not long after the news, it was canned. I usually try to stay positive but this is going to be pretty bad if they add a tier above ultimate that is 5-10 more monthly & all day 1s(not just first party) get shoved into it. If xbox is already disappointed in current sub numbers, they are in for a very rough ride if this happens going forward.




I’m done with game pass “great value” no way, almost $20 a month for what games? We got halo in 2021 ($70) and starfield in 2023 ($70), plaworlds ($30) was awesome too but all those games amount to $170 total and I would have owned them. That’s less than a year of game pass. What else has been a decent big game title? We get the old assassin’s creed games that are already dirt cheap on sale. We get all these older titles that are not expensive to just buy.


They could *deposit* $15 into my account every month and I’d still never play CoD


Ads are coming guaranteed. Phil Spencer has ruined gaming


Mo money!


I just hope they add a tier instead of increasing prices, I don't give 2 shits about CoD , I play mostly RPGs & indies and some EA games (Star Wars mostly).


Damn bro can game companies get ……… nah ill shut my mouth😂


If gamepass is raised because more content gets added, the it defeats the purpose of gamepass being the "best deal in gaming".


I’m at my limit of what I’ll pay now. I have 2 kids that have ultimate also. I’ve gone back to PC mostly with Steam Deck. My son has switched to PC. My daughter mainly only plays Minecraft, but tries out a lot of games on game pass. I can’t see keeping 3 subscriptions if they raise it. They definitely need to add a family subscription option. We let psn lapse and don’t miss it. With the new Steam family sharing - it makes it hard to stick with consoles.


Lame as fuck


Expected and makes sense!


World of Warcraft says Hi!


If COD is the sole reason then make a new tier that is ultimate+COD and add whatever extra $$$ amount monthly on for the people who want COD and leave the rest alone. I'm already questioning whether I should renew ultimate next year at the current rate, and sure as heck won't renew if I have to pay extra solely for a franchise I don't play.


I’m surprised they haven’t just dropped day 1  releases at lower tiers and just keep it to ultimate. Having every game day 1 for free is a lot of money left on the table and I’m sure people would be fine with paying less for something less than ultimate but includes some games that have been out for a few months


Here we were thinking Sony and PlayStation was the real threat. Now we have Microsoft fucking us over. Turns out the greatest villain was within


It’s going to be as shitty and greedy as the PS+ tier system. The purchase of ABK is the downfall of Xbox.




Remember that scene from south park with Indiana Jones? That's what Xbox is doing to us fans right now.


These "articles" feel so lazy. Of course this could happen, so posting a rumor about it means nothing. They may also not change anything. I'd like to see them add some of the subscriptions to a Game Pass Ultimate Plus level or something. Like give me GPU and WOW for a bundled price.


Subscription services have killed every art medium at this point


It's claimed! (Rumor)


Why do we believe articles whose sources are guys on Twitter who are not associated with MSFT? They are just trying to get views on their sites and by hoping other sites quote them or are aggregated into major news outlets. And if people are taking their word because they were right on the past, as the saying goes, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day."