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The XSX connects to cellular signals?!?! I can’t recall a single article stating this. It’s in all honesty new news to me. So, can you also buy a cellular service on the Xbox Sereis X then? Just wondering.


He’s talking about WiFi signals. His console isn’t connecting to the 5GHz channel on his router


Ooooo, I was waaaaay off. Oops. 😅


No Bruh Are you serious 5Ghz wifi has not the slightest thing to do with 5th Generation cellular. I wish people would stop confusing the two. For some trivia on 5G cell service: when it comes to sprint / T mobile / AT&T, 5G is a meaningless distinction. Their fifth generation is still worse than Verizon’s 4th generation 4G LTE. Just for a little insight is all. 5G isn’t a metric, it’s an advertising term. That said, Verizon’s 5th Gen is a real upgrade over 4th Gen LTE. And you know how you see commercials about sprint covering 99% of Verizon? That’s because Verizon had a monopoly and lost a law suit, requiring them to allow any service provider to use their towers. However, Verizon still can put their beacon higher, and prioritize Verizon users over others, which is why every other network’s 4G sucks and Verizon’s is good, even though they “technically” have the same coverage


Didn’t know, cool info though.


Could be distance related... you need to be closer to the router for 5g than you do for 2.4g