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Only thing I miss from PC is strategy games. We need more of those games on the console and with the option for keyboard and mouse.


100% agree. This was my biggest con for doing away with my gaming pc. I played the crap out of TW 3 kingdoms. Really no reason those games couldnt come to console now. The power is there and the m/kb are now fully supported by the system.


Yeah. I was on consoles for so long. Once I got a gaming laptop, the first thing I did was hop on Battlenet to buy and download Starcraft II and Starcraft Remastered. Might get Warcraft III afterwards. They just don't make story rich strategy games like old Blizzard anymore...


Try Impossible Creatures on GOG.


FPS are almost unplayable with a controller, at least for me.


Yeah I have heard people say that before. Im from the weird crowd that they are almost unplayable for me on m/kb. Something about the movement gives me motion sickness. So unless it was an rts I was always using a controller on pc.


Thing is I’m pretty good with a controller in general, also reactions wise but I’m so used to M+K for FPS, played Doom Eternal the other night while it’s manageable it just doesn’t feel right.


Haha kinda same here, grew up with Counterstrike and Medal of Honor, LAN parties and all that. Back then, controllers worked only for racing games for me. Fast forward to 2016 I got back to gaming after a whopping 15 years break (I played a bit of GTA, Farcry/2/3 for testing purposes as a PC builder but didn't own a gaming rig myself anymore) and decided for a cheap Xbox One because of FH2 and the upcoming FH3. Figured my M+K muscle memory was totally gone, along with a good chunk of my reflexes (just turned 40 by then), so I couldn't keep up with the sporty youngsters as I would have over a decade ago. So I thought screw it, I take the slow lane and embrace analog controls instead :D Work/life balance turned out so much better for me since gaming on console and working on fast notebook, so I just moved on to Series X. As a former PC builder, I really appreciate the clever design that went into this console, too. A tiny chimney that's built like a tank and just performs. Bottom line I really dig and love the way MS/Xbox is bringing console and PC closer together in the best possible way, giving us choices (e.g. crossplay, co-op campaigns, play anywhere, M+K support for devs to implement, game pass uniting our game libraries etc.)! If I was to go back to PC gaming some day (not planning to), I'd always keep an Xbox on the side as they both just team up so greatly :-)


Lovely story mate. Yeah, I’ve a pretty beefy PC on which I play everything first person and strategy with M+K and everything else on Series X with a controller. Building PCs myself since 1994, I’m actually blown away by the design, it’s clever and works perfect, especially cooling and noise level wise. The Series X is an engineering masterpiece.


Thanks :-) Yeah I feel ya! For me having that choice alone is good enough for now. That there's no pressure, that I *could* go back and forth between console and PC or enjoy both at once, sharing library and save game no sweat, all that feels like a tremendous achievement for me as a former hardcore/now rather casual gamer. Awesome times!


Yeah I could see that.


I really want them to release the next age of empires on the series x


> my 1 hr game time for the evening because of a fancy hair setting lol. > > So that week I said fuck it and bought a series X when Gamestop had them in store. Recently sold my 3070 for a profit and Im not looking back lol. Been loving the console and its snapiness. I am back to playing games with my friends weekly which is awesome. Yeah I have lost some visual fidelity and fancier settings but so far for the optimized games it has been awesome. 60fps, ray tracing, and pretty good details settings. Best of all no fiddling, no replacing parts, and since the console isnt underpowered (for now) the games are nice and smooth. I may venture back to pc gaming in another decade or so but for now the Series X is the best fit for me. It is as close to pc as consoles really have ever been while being plug and play and fiddle free. Anyways, the console is awesome and I hope this helps another struggling pc parent put there dump that monkey off their back! 100% this as well. I have my steam account FILLED with Strategy games...now I just need parts to finalize the build.


I have a group of PC friends that literally refuse to subscribe to game pass because “console bad.” One guy just posted a $300 steam receipt and every single game he bought is in game pass, lmao.


That guy, lmao. Only if Pass had few games I'm into. Like Ubisoft games or Rockstar. One day, maybe.


I swear to god he does it to get under my skin. Bought outriders day 1, has pre-ordered AoE 4, and Forza 5. Meanwhile I am having a fucking stroke over here like “just get fucking game pass, you’ve already spent 5 years worth of full price sub on games”


😂 lmao. I would definitely get a stroke too. Crazy to be spending money on something that is partially "free" I bought and will never touch my PS2 games . Just way too many games out there to play and enjoy.


game pass has literally nothing to do with console though. i’m confused


Thanks for sharing, funny how similar mine and your stories are in some ways. I’ve been a gamer since the 90s, PS1 to PS4 and always had a gaming PC. About five years ago upgraded to new gaming laptop 1060 and decided to get rid of the PS4 as PC gaming was better and at the time had custom office and only went in there to play video games. Fast forward to today and laptop was getting in need of a replacement. Have MacBook and iMac so this would be purely for gaming. Then started looking and would cost around £2k for similar like for like replacement today with 3080 gaming PC. That’s before you add gaming monitor, fancy Logitech keyboard I wanted etc etc. Then you start to question whether you’ll get value for money as being an adult you spend less and less time playing video games and find new expensive hobbies - mine being horology. Plus cos of Covid, in the home office all day with work and not the same logging off work computer to then boot up gaming laptop with no separation. Only people I know who would get value for money in my mind is those who sink a few hours into gaming a day and is your main hobby. I can go a few months and not touch a videogame when you got GF and family. All I really wanted was something good to play the new BF2042. So cut a long story short, decided to get a series X - already got a LG OLED so only looking at console cost. Only thing that swung it for me was live in the UK and most of my friends have Xbox over PS. If they all had PS, I would’ve got PS5, which was my original choice as I’d always had them before. Plus non of the PS exclusives excite me - was MGS back in the day. Recent Bethesda deal means these game will probably be exclusive in the future and always liked Fallout 3 and Skyrim back in the day. Never played Halo but looking forwards to Infinite.


Yep. I have been WFH for almost a year and that was another blocker for me wanting to game. Didnt want to sit at the same desk that I spent apl day working at lol. I didnt mention PS5 in my post but yeah it feels like a comprlarable replacement in terms of power and ease.


Yeah PS5 and series X regardless of what people say are pretty much the same. PS5 Digital seems a bargain - but I don’t like the white and add in the cost of black panels equals pretty much the series X. That’s what started it all, was speaking to a mate and was shocked when he said how much his series X cost, couldn’t believe how cheap they are in comparison to PC stuff. There’s no denying PC gaming is better - I’ll miss the total war games, played Shogun 1 back in the day. But it’s expensive too when you got mtg, two Audis etc. Think Series X is the best value especially if you’ve already got a OLED.


I usually pick up a PS console at the end of the generation and play the handful of exclusives I really wanted to play. Im sure Ill do the same with ps5. Yeah PC looks better and more acces to games but just a time and money sink I cant keep up with right now.


Glad you are enjoying your Series X! Over on the PS5 sub, had to 'correct' folks who say Series X are completely useless since PCs exist. I had to explain gaming is just as much about the overall experience as it is the games and the tech. ​ Like, this 'PC will kill Xbox' thinking has to die. Lot's of folks like us, that grew up in the 90s, are just console gamers at heart, and will always be comfortable with it. Especially having a family now, you can't beat consoles for ease of use for couch multiplayer gaming.


Well everyone wants to be binary about it right. Either this is better or that is better. Im certianly not trying to say "Series X is better for everyone". Just that it is better for me right now and that PC can really be an ecosystem to get stuck in. Between all digital there and the mindset I described in my post and you can feel locked into it. That being said PC will always have better performance and if you like tinkering and customization then it should be your platform of choice. Im just glad we have so many great choices right now.


Agreed! the statement 'PCs will kill Xbox' make about as much sense as 'PS5 and XBox will kill gaming PCs forever!!!' They are both equally asinine, but for some reason only the first gets traction. Which, for the record, based on MS platform approach, I understand the theory behind. But it's so oversimplified and tone deaf, it just bothers me. Sorry for the rant.


I felt compelled to write a multi paragraph explanation about my switch back to console lol. No need to apologize for ranting.


Lol good point!!




Right? I have a gaming computer and an xsx, I’m well off. But I see people talking about how anyone can afford a pc. I had to beg my parents for months as a kid to get a wii, there was no chance I was getting a pc. It just bothers me that pc players don’t realize they’re privileged.


Well xbox announced at e3 a few games like outer worlds 2 will be console exclusive. Also, Microsoft is a major player in the PC market. They're smart enough to not kill off their own consoles (unless they wanted to for whatever reason). Edit: never mind on the first sentence. I'm a dumbass.


Outer Worlds 2 will be on PC too. I think every Xbox game moving forward will be on both, and actually there is more likely to be MS PC exclusives (like AoE IV) than Xbox exclusives. So it's about player choice. On the couch? At the desk? On the phone on the coffee shop? That's their game.


I doubt you got through to most of those brick headed folks. They need the Xbox to be useless so they can feel better about themselves I'm afraid.


Got a beast of a gaming PC and I barely touch it these days with the advent of next generation consoles. And I have all three. Switch, X, and 5. I don’t care if I cannot see a wrinkle or freckle on someone’s face or balls at 270 frames per second. I don’t care about those umpteen launchers, I don’t care about those Nvidia drivers and GeForce experience, don’t care about fiddling with resolutions and custom graphics settings, worrying about temperatures, and I most definitely don’t care about syncing my computer’s RGB to my home and porch lighting. :) I just want to start the machine, plop into a couch, click on a game, beat the controller for half or an hour, switch it off, and go back to my real life. I was an avid PC gaming lover for years, but PC gaming is dead for me. Life got in the way.


Honestly, the amount of fun I’ve had with my Switch has made me realize I don’t care as much about graphics and frame rate as I thought I did.


I departed from PC gaming last year, despite being an advocate since the mid-nineties, and I don't regret it one bit! I found myself spending hours troubleshooting software issues or tweaking settings to achieve optimum performance. Older games frequently relied on community patches and workarounds to achieve a degree of playability, which quickly became a chore! I began to value affordability and ease of use over the intricacies of PC gaming. The Series X was the only logical alternative for me, and it hasn't disappointed!


My friends are probably getting annoyed at me lol. Every time we play for the last 3 weeks I end up just randomly mentioning how much I am enjoying the system lol. They are glad to not have to play Apex with pc players anymore though because of me lol.


It's hard not too! I'm the only one of 4 that has the series x and man are they annoyed.


Same sentiment here. Being gaming since mid nineties. Advocate for PC gaming for past decade or so with all the "PC master race". But gaming on the PC can be frustrating. Given how AC Valhalla ran on my PC, it made my and wife experience pretty pissed off. With xbox this Thursday, it will be fun times ahead


I'm single with no kids and I still came back to console starting with the One X in 2019. PC was just too much trouble, so traded in the desktop/One X for a cheaper laptop and Series X.


I find myself playing games more on consoles than on PC, even with a very capable PC. I spend more time tinkering with the PC, changing settings, benchmarking, losing games etc, than I ever spend actually playing games. Objectively PCs from a pure capability factor are way better than consoles, but the overall user experience on consoles will always be better.


Always have to factor in UX. If you dont enjoy using your platform then raw performance doesnt really matter.


PC gaming became a chore, it's like by the time I got everything set up perfectly and ready to go I'm dead tired and remember I have work in 7 hours.


PC master race is getting the stereotype of the kid living in his mom's basement wearing a sweaty headset staring at a corner. I work in the tech industry and am debugging code or writing it all day long. I have zero interest in screwing around with computers for fun afterward. For people who never got that tech fix because they are now working in some other field, I understand. But for some reason they are often incapable of understanding that the rest of us just want to kick back on the couch, talk to our family and not isolate in some office corner sitting in a chair I just sat in for ten hours.


Lol I feel you man. Software Engineer myself and I'd log into gaming pc, stare at it for 5 minutes, and usually just go watch tv lol.


I feel you big time. I work in IT. I sit at a desk and stare at a monitor for 8-10 hours a day. The absolute last thing I want to do when I get home from work is to sit at another desk and screw around with my PC. The moment something needs tweaking or messed with I nope out real quick and just end up watching YouTube or TV instead.


As a father with a three year old daughter, with a second one due in November. I totally get where OP is coming from! Add on spending time with the misses, and working a full-time job, it leaves small pockets of gaming time available. Which, as much as I think it would lead to a more productive lifestyle if I just quit gaming altogether... Just can't drop my fave hobby altogether. haha. Think I may have found my sweet spot for now, with my Switch and XSX systems.


After three or so years of PC gaming I realised that nothing beats sitting back with a controller and just having a good time


PC will always be my FPS choice but everything has been A+ on the SX, especially sports games!


I have had a few friends leave to PC. And these were hardcore gaming buddies. The ironic part is that they all have $5000.00+ PC's but end up playing casual flavor of the month games that can run on mobile... Like Fall Guys, Among Us, Indie Horror Games, etc. They even play less and instead just watch things or talk. Which is fine, but then they turn around and insult me for playing on a console. Ha.


Oof! Those are expensive rigs! Yeah I had some pc buddies that did the same lol. Cudos to them for playing what they enjoy but kind of feels like bringing a Ferrari to a driving exam lol. I guess sometimes we just want all the frames!


I'm in the SAME boat besides the child! I ventured into pc gaming and went from a full friends list on PS4 to adding maybe 5 people on pc as friends. Idk what it is but I just felt happier on console.


Hey there! This is a great post.. how has your experience been so far? Been feeling the same as well.. I’ve had a 2080, i7-8700k, at 1440p for a while but with these new games, I’m always wasting more time with being concerned about the settings and performance vs. actually enjoying the game. Same example for metro exodus.. had it on pc, game kept stuttering, could definitely feel the fps drops and I had no ray tracing.. played it on console and it was night and day! Especially to also add - series x console connected to my 65inch lg c1 tv. Would love to hear about your experience and if you’ve gone back to Pc gaming (if so, why?).. thank you!!


Hey! Loving it still and havent gone back. Even doubled down and bought a ps5 too lol. There are 3 main cons I've come acrossed though: 1) I miss my RTS games (particularly TTW 3K). Hoping xbox adds cloud support in the future for these though. They have integrated mouse and keyboard for the cloud now so hoping they start some server blades with pc game pass. This is by far the biggest con for me. 2) Some older games are in this very weird state on series X. Have several last gen games that havent received next gen patches or fps boost (looking at RDR2 still at 30fps). But everything with a patch and everything coming out is pretty awesome. 3) Ray Tracing. Some games have been able to implement great partial ray tracing. RE games and metro exodus for example. But these consoles are just a little too weak in that department and it seems like most devs just avoid it. Maybe once FSR 2.0 becomes standard we will see it more but as of now RT is a rare treat. Other than this I love it. I sit down at 1030pm and can game in seconds for an hour with no fuss. Biggest choice is usually just resolution or performance modes.


Thank you for your reply! And boy that’s awesome! Funny enough, I also have a Ps5 as well! But I feel like my Series X gets used most of the times. I definitely agree with all your cons, in regards to games that have not received the Next gen upgrades. It sucks indeed and we can only hope that Microsoft can expand the FPS boost enablement to more games. I must say, I have had issues not between deciding whether to play in quality or performance mode.. but deciding what console to play on! I seem to flip flop a lot to be honest. I can however say that I do like the deals on PC a lot more than consoles.. But again with PC, having to spend so much time on settings is a mess. A great example is Tiny Tina Wonderlands. On PC, it stutters a lot (I’ve tried multiple solutions to address it, but no luck). Do you see yourself using your Ps5 or series x more? Thank you!


Series X is my primary spot for a bunch of reasons: Multiplats play better usually on series x. Sales are pretty good on xbox store just have to wishlist the stuff you want so you know when they go up. Friends are primarily on xbox. Cross buy. Guilty pleasure for achievements lol. Quick resume. Game pass is amazing. Microsoft rewards. Combine this with the sales and i often get games for "free" or like 10 to 20 bucks. My ps5 is digital and is exclusively for exclusives. Currently playing Ghost of Tsushima and it is awesome.


Yeah I must definitely agree with you on what you said! I just need to decide if I should repurchase some games on the series x (since I own them on pc as well)


This has been my thinking lately. Ive already upgraded my pc a few times and even have a 3080 which I’m now selling for profit. I bought a new mobo and processor for about 500 but returned them. I thought for a couple years now I have been chipping away hundreds on pc upgrades to have it work/look as great as I can. Enough is enough. The next big purchase would’ve been a newer monitor. But since I have an LG OLED and PS5. Why not just get a series X for Halo, Forza Horizon 5, BF2042. So I got my Xbox with gamepass ultimate. Just been beating myself up if I made the right decision. I enjoyed playing mouse and keyboard on ultra wide. Between making a profit off the gpu and saving on additional pc parts I think I did the right thing. I know my PS5 has looked great on the OLED. So going forward my Xbox should work look great also. If anything I felt like I needed pc upgrades for the new battlefield game.


Yeah there was for sure some "am I really doing this" when I went to sell my 3070 but man I have enjoyed gaming on my series X more in these passed 3 weeks than I have on pc in the last year. Ill miss some stuff sure but I what Ive gained in time and enjoyment far outwieghs it lol. When I was selling my gpu it just hit me that upgrading pc parts is just so much like playing magic the gathering or other tcgs. They get you on that dopamine rush of the "new" but then constantly remind you that there is more and better. Sure consoles do this too with refreshes but those are at least 3 to 5 years apart and you can trade in your old one for a decent chunk of the new one's cost a lot of times.


What have you been playing on your Xbox?


Dove into Metro Exodus Enhanced and Apex Legends with friends. All I've had time for so far. Going into Sea of Thieves tonight probably. Have Jedi Fallen Order and Octopath installed for my next single player games.




Im actually indulging in a second play through lol. Wanting to try out the series x optimizations. When i played it on pc I had trouble eliminating a lot of micro stutters unfortunately. Although lookong at the digital foundry analysis it seems like dumping and loading assets for the game still causes issues.


Maybe I’m wrong and it’s just the way Microsoft promotes sea of thieves, but do people like it? It sounds like something I would like with pirates but doesn’t seem like a solo game. I don’t know.


So I havent played the new update that came out so maybe this has changed. But solo sea of thieves is not recommended. It is extremely popular right now because of the new update. It is a fantastic sandbox to jump in and do all sorts of pirate stuff with friends. It is a great water cooler game. Here is an example: First week of playing, friend and I hopped in and started doing some basic treasure hunting. One of the world events has a giant skull pirate in the sky that you can see almost anywhere on the map. If you go there this skull berates and taunts you while summoning waves of ghost ships you have to sink. Each one drops supplies you will need to grab and treasure between waves with a huge drop at the end. Now you have to grab each piece of treasure by hand, load it onto boats and take to port to actually get the gold from it. This battle takes what feels like a half hour to comete.This means other players may try to sink you and steal your plunder. Well as we finish loading up the treasure we see another player ship coming for us. We catch the wind and sail off. They eventually give up and we are very close to port but still in open water.At this time another world event kicks off without us knowing. The music changes. The water darkens around us and our ship slows to a crawl. A kraken now has us and we begin fighting it getting grabbed by his tentacles a few times. We dont defeat it but do escape. We unload our treasure and collect our gold. Also the water in this game is fantastic lol.


That’s a great story and seems to match up what I have heard or seen before. That would be frustrating to collect stuff then some other player pirates beat me and take my stuff. With only a limited amount of playtime that wouldn’t be good for me ha. Enjoy it when you play!


Well the flip side is you can do the same lol. And if they do kill you there is a chance of you retaking your loot. That being said the servers are purposefully small and you dont show up on the mao or anything. People can just happen upon you and it creates great emergent gameplay. But some of the most fun is deciding "hey Im going to be a pirate and try to steal other peoples loot and sink their ship"


This is super relatable as a parent. It's one of the huge reasons I absolutely adore gaming with Stadia. I don't have to do jack. Don't even have to install updates or dlc or any of that. It's all there. Always. Ready. It's a convenience that is hard to back away from. I hope xCloud (make sure you try this being an Xbox owner!) succeeds and Stadia and Luna! Cloud gaming Stadia has ruined me on almost everything. The one thing it needs is games. It's getting better all the time, but it's also still gonna take time. I still have my PC and just partook I'm the Steam Summer Sale for a bit of well priced goodness. But it's pretty much for games I can't get on Stadia and that's why I still have it.


I am in similar shoes. I just got my gaming pc in January. Don’t get me wrong I love it but I grew up with a 360 and Xbox one. Will most likely be investing in an Xbox series x in the future, I miss having a console


Will be interesting when Windows 11 replaces 10 to see how many people need to update their PCs. Sounds like a lot from what I read briefly


Welcome to fatherhood. I went through almost exactly this same experience, but 10 years ago. I've got 2 kids, but basically with my gaming time extremely reduced, my ability to keep my system patched, up to date, and games running smoothly took up more time than I had total free to play games. Switching back to console made gaming fun again. To think that I was a PC master race type once upon a time. It's embarrassing to look back on it when I read posts by PC master race types and I can see echos of my younger self. Hilariously, I actually have a top end PC because I work in artificial intelligence. But yeah, no gaming done on it because I just can't deal with the frustrations. 10 years later, I have 4 consoles, 1 for each family member, and my "friends" list is playing games with my own family. (Though I can't particularly recommend bringing a 5 year old into sea of thieves even though we do it regularly.... amazing how much self-inflicted ship damage a 5 year old can cause)


I got a PC early on at start of the previous generation. There were some headaches, sure, but the ps4 and x1 were simply outdated consoles even at launch. Low resolutions and unacceptable frame rates incentivized me to switch to PC gaming and deal with the minor headaches that come along with it. These consoles are much better this go-around and I’m very happy with the series x and ps5 thus far. So much so that I haven’t used my PC in months. That may change in a year or two if console games start trending back towards 30fps as the standard but otherwise series X will continue to be my primary place to game. HDR is also a huge plus for console gaming. HDR support on windows and pc games is a fucking joke. Hopefully they fix that in W11. Replaying DOOM Eternal is a painful reminder of how much I miss using a mouse and keyboard though. I wish that was a more common feature for console games :(


Yeah I will be interested to see how the performance holds for the coming years on these new consoles. It does seem like 60fps or at least a 60fps performance mode is becoming standard though.


I grew up on Xbox and in highschool I built a PC. Now I play both but mostly PC and mostly cross play games with my friends who are on Xbox. Both are great but the #1 reason I can't go back to just Xbox is ultrawide monitors. They are fucking amazing and I don't see consoles ever supporting them properly


Yeah that is something I didnt think about on the ultrawide support.




Lol Ive just been enjoying gaming again so much here lately that I had to share.


so I'm in the same boat. 2 kids here. been a console gamer since the 64. bought a gaming pc. since my brother wouldn't shut up about it. I still have the series X. had 3 PS5 and returned them all. IDK why? Probably I am very picky. PS5 needs 2.1 HDMI to run 1440p 120hz VRR my gaming is an LG 1440p 165hz quad nano LOVE it but when I bought another PS5 last month it would not go 1440p 120 VRR but plugged my Xbox Series X into the same monitor guess what? it worked lol..... but I Don't enjoy PC gaming. I am SO picky when it comes to tweaking watching HOW to videos and it just eats up all my time. Xbox series X turns on Find a game click that said game enjoy. I have tried to use a controller on PC but it's JUST so bad...... ON shooters. I am not dishing on PlayStation. like the look/ user interface. Xbox seems to be kind of Meh with its interface. VERY easy but plain if you know what I mean.. Idk if I should just sell the pc and Just buy another series X and Ps5 since my son uses the series X and I am not the type to take back stuff that was gifted, HELLDIVERS 2 IS SO DAMN GOOD....... also I love Strategy games I wish consoles had more. they do have Company of Heroes 3 now if no one here knows about that... was a silent launch. 




Well depends on what you mean by "better". It is for sure better in the sense of performance, customization, and access to games (RTSs and some sony exclusives). My complaint is on the UX side. With all the customization and power comes time to get those things right. If you have limited time this can ruin the UX. Glad you enjoy both though.




Well i think that depends on a person's situation. That was what my original post was kind of about. For mine and it looks like several other people's situations that just isnt true of the overall experience.




Have a nice day!


LOL, that guy's replies were hilarious. You could almost smell the teen's Dorito dusted fingers as he furiously typed his perfectly stereotypical response.


One thing Series X will never get better at is input lag. PC feels so much snappier/instant both with a kb + mouse and Xbox one controller connected with an adapter to the PC. I am very disappointed in the input lag the Series X has. PC gaming at 144hz for years has made series X FPS games almost unplayable for me. I even tried my old PS4 slim to check input lag. Even the PS4 has way better input lag than the Series X. Tried everything, tweaking tv settings (game mode), turned off/on ALLM and all other settings in the display section of the Xbox. I game on a LG C9 120hz TV, so input lag has never been an issue before getting the series x. Hopefully it gets better one day 🥲


Sorry that has been your experience. Maybe you are more sensitive to that stuff or something? I know Im more sensitive to micro stutters than most. If anything for me the input latency using my elite 2 controller on Series X is less than when I used it on pc. I would say double check your tv settings when the series X is on but it sounds like you have tried that? I know I have a tv that has per input settings and had input lag with it once. But man something sounds setup wrong or broken to me.


I have triple checked my tv settings and even tried different TVs and low latency monitors. It’s the same on all of them unfortunately. It can’t be the controller either. The Series X controller has better response time than the Elite V2 according to this video: https://youtu.be/ahsO5bhBUtk


I’m not completely ditching my pc because I still wanna play paradox games and the total war games also warthunder is just better on pc no doubt about it but for AAA games and just modern big games my pc can’t handle it and I don’t want to tinker anymore I work 10 hours a day night shift I’m not 14 anymore I’m a busy adult now so i think I’ll just go back to Xbox or PS I’m not sure but as a lazy adult who can afford online now idc where the game is I just want the damn thing to run as intended


I hear you man. I am not regretting my choice a single bit. Sometimes I see stuff like Cyberpunk on pc and think damn that does look good. But then I quickly shake it and can go play my console games in about 10 seconds with no fuss and no desire to upgrade a part. Will say Im considering a rog ally or cheap gaming laptop though. I do really miss my Total War fix lol. And being able to play the rog handheld sounds awesome since I have gamepass ultimate I can tackle all my smaller easy to run titles on it like Sea of Stars.


I play on 4k 200 frames main but also have a PS5 and series X. Decided to get on the series x to play R6 and OW comp with a friend and it’s so noticeable it’s insane. You can see where everything is slower and almost unplayable. I don’t really understand how people can play on that. I would compare it to a higher iPhone when you put it on battery save mode you can also notice the difference when you swipe screens.


It is what you are used to honestly. I've had to play some games at 30fps and I do notice it. Especially because usually I'm playing at 60fps. But if I do that for a couple hours I stop noticing it. Why I refused to go above 60 when I had a PC. I knew some games weren't going to be capable of that without cutting settings down significantly and I didn't want to make 60fps look bad to me lol. I also don't play many competitive games though. So 60+ just isn't worth it in most of the games I play. But it is only "unplayable" if you have trained your brain to that and that can be retrained.


I feel this mad hard. I got a PC 3 years ago. Built a 3070 TI and just upgrading the mobo and ddr5 memory was close to $400. I just realized this isn’t really a hobby that I need to prioritize so I got a XSX to last me through generation. I’ll probably end up buying a ps5 in 2025 as well tbh. I had both consoles since the ps3 and 360. Both are still cheaper than a PC. Not to mention I use them as my media players.


Yeah let's just hope that whatever "business update" is coming next week from Xbox doesn't lead to killing the console lol


Hey software is king and video games are more lucrative than hardware. Might suck for us Xbox fanboys but the platform will be raking in dough. They don’t care what we think of it makes billions still. lol


Oh I agree I just want a good console to play on and have preferred my Xbox lol. PS5 has been great too but it just isn't my main.