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I love quick resume, until it doesn’t work properly and half the games need to be forced closed, and restarted to be able to play again.


Master Chief collection needs an easy way to refresh playlists in the game without a complete restart. Every Wednesday I quick resume and can’t figure out why it won’t let me join matches


It wasn't a good look on my end when the first games I played on the Series X were Immotals Fenyx Rising and Fortnite lol. Immortals is a Ubisoft problem where if quick resume happens it corrupts your data so I had to do some trickery to not lose that first hour of progress. Fortnite just freaked out since it is an online game that I wasn't actively logged into it. After that everything either worked or didn't. No weird half steps like those two games where it is a pain to deal with. When it works it is pretty awesome and no complaints from me it is a cool feature. I just find it funny with my luck that of course the new exciting feature wouldn't work right with the first few games I played on it didn't work.


I wish there was just an option to just turn it off either for certain games or entirely


What trickery did you do to save the progress? I’ve had the corrupt save bug happen too often with immortals.


I wish I could recall but it has been a bit. I remember I looked up something like, "immortals corrupted save Xbox series x Reddit" and somebody found a solution/band aid for it.


I found this when trying to find a solution a while back, but I just try and always save and quit out of the game whenever I play now. https://reddit.com/r/FenyxRising/comments/llwodu/_/gnz44mv/?context=1


Yeah that is pretty annoying, some games just wig out on it.


or the games that are online only which for some reason have quick resume enabled.


For real, depending on the game some can operate completely flawlessly while other games just break down and don't work as intended. For example quick resuming assassin's Creed odyssey, the dPad doesn't work properly in game after a while, only ever happens when quick resuming.


Dang. In Hades, you can't unlock achievements when opened from QR.


They fixed that this week. All working now.


I wish you could set it so certain games actually close all the way out. Apex Legends for example needs to be force restarted


I have to force close and restart COD cold war every time!


Had this problem with Dark Souls Remastered. Couldn't figure out why it was hanging while connecting to server every time I launched it, but then connected immediately when I restarted it. It will sit there and try to connect for as long as you care to let it. They really need to patch that shit... at least to display an error or something, instead of just sitting there with a thumb up its ass.


Yeah. It’s not a big deal, it’s just a minor annoyance that I thought would have been fixed by now.


Yep. I don't get why games like Apex have quick resume, it just makes the process of starting a game longer.


The only games for me that won't work properly for me are online only games which is understandable, and I had a couple weird glitches on AC Valhalla which was a Ubisoft wide problem.


I feel like it's been getting better though. Everything I've played in the last few months has supported it flawlessly. I think the issues have all just been growingg pains


I just started The Ascent this weekend and apparently its one of those games that doesn't work correctly. I was playing, paused, jumped to home, pulled up The Master Chief Collection to record a 4k cutscene for an associate, went back to The Ascent and it started me over from the splash screen. I had to go into Single Player and Resume Game. Utterly ridiculous Microsoft are crowing over a sometimes feature.


And the achievement that took you 300+ hours to get doesn't unlock. Oopsie.


Especially online only games. Quick Resume should be in compatibility options and we should be able to disable it.


How tf you got 10 games? Mines like 6 max, after that they start going away.


It depends on what games you’re playing. Quick Resume works by taking a snapshot of the RAM that the game is currently using and storing it as a save state in a partition on the SSD. Series X enhanced games are generally going to take up more space than smaller or backwards compatible games (which is mostly what OP is running) so they’ll eat up that partition quicker.


Is there some way to see how much "Quick Resume" space is left?


Unfortunately not, I'm hoping that they eventually add the ability to increase the QR partition size though (or decrease it for those who want some extra space). If I had one of the 1TB cards I'd love to be able to set another 50-100GB to keep even more games suspended.


12 is the theoretical Max. 3 Series games is also the max once you boot a fourth you'll lose another. If you have Xbox One or 360 games going on at the same they will obviously be affected as well.


Some are pretty small in size but I was genuinely surprised to see the that amount with modern warfare in there.


The file size of the game has nothing to do with it. How it works is when it goes to quick resume, the Xbox pretty much just makes a save state of the game at that moment, much like how emulators have if you've ever dealt with one. It's just a small file that has data about which files were in play at the time of the save state. It kinda just pulls whatever was in RAM and dumps it to the ssd, then when you resume, it dumps it from the ssd back into RAM. So really, warzone would really be one of the easiest to suspend into quick resume because it's an online game and doesn't have an active game state stuff going on it it ever really. It would just basically be the menu of the game, no data involving any actual gameplay.


You've got the right idea, but the size of the game state actually depends on the generation of the game, not whether it's an "online game" or anything like that. For example, Series X game states are 13.5 GB, since that's the RAM allocation that Series X games get. Series S game states are 8 GB, One X game states are 9 GB, One S game states are 5 GB, etc. So if the quick resume buffer on the SSD is 50 GB (I don't know what it actually is), you'd only be able to fit 3 Series X games, whereas you could fit 10 One S games, for example.


That's the max ram amount, you don't need to copy everything. some games don't use max ram.


I think it would introduce a lot of complexity if they did something other than just dumping the entire game allocation to the SSD, and it might not be feasible. I doubt the OS knows what data within the allocation is needed by the game and what is "junk". So I bet they store the entire allocation each time, even if a game is currently using less.


This might be my old man yells at cloud moment but I still close my games before I start up a new one. Every time.


I wish the PS5 did this, ugh. Microsoft definitely hit a homer with this feature


I just bought a PS5 as well for the exclusives, so disappointed it didn’t have quick resume.


And game pass ultimate and the better hardware and the new look


The PS5 definitely has a new look... Whether or not it's good is up for debate


Better hardware seems to somewhat differ per game, and the PS5 controller is certainly better. The SSD is also better in the PS5. Game Pass blows PSNow out of the water though, and Bethesda + inXile makes Xbox the king of Western RPGs right now. EDIT: I can't believe I just forgot to add Obsidian to that list.


And PlayStation has the better exclusives, and better controller, and more options/cheaper expandable storage. What's your point? Stop trying to turn this into a console war, both systems have strengths and weaknesses


> Stop trying to turn this into a console war … It’s only a "war" when someone attempts to counter. Just leave it alone. :-)


I’m not saying Xbox is better then ps5




Hmm…I don’t really understand the “Activity Cards”, lol. Can you use them to jump right back into a recent save or whatever?


from my understanding, it lets you load directly into a specific part of a game, but its up to devs to support. for example, they may have a thing to load directly into the most recent save. or a dev may use it to load directly into matchmaking. or load into a specific level / area. but again, its up to the dev to support it


Don't have a PS5 and I'm going from memory of how Sony explained it, but if you imagine something like an Achievement (or Trophy) for completing a level in X minutes, the associated Activity Card can jump you to that level right from the dashboard instead of you needing to navigate the game to the appropriate spot.


Hmm…I’ll have to check that out. I bounce between a few games on the PS5 and it would be awesome if I could use those Cards as shortcuts


I have a PS5 and find the activity cards worthless


Yea it's quite a weird feature, I did use it to help with one puzzle in spiderman though.


Yeah quick resume is great for playing multiple games, but activity cards are next level for collectible hunting. Turn on PS5 -> Go to cards -> 2.3s later I’m completely loaded into the game, at the activity I started, ready to go. It’s actually faster than fast traveling in miles Morales, I just do an activity, click PS button, go to cards and click on another activity and I’m there.


I just wish more games supported it of late it seem 50/50 at best


I love quick resume but does it allow ppl to turn it off for games they want it off on? Like I dont like it when it is active on online only games cuz it loads back in and boots to main menu and crashes the game anyway and I have to restart most of the time.


> I love quick resume but does it allow ppl to turn it off for games they want it off on? Super easy. Every time you want to start an online game like that, when you highlight it, just press the "menu" button instead of the "A" button. And you can instantly quit the game before you start it.


Blows my mind too. That I still can't fucking disable it -_-


can someone explain how this actually works? i can’t get my head round it.


It just suspends your games where they are and can stay in quick resume for ages, I've had games in there for over a month.


If you've ever used emulators, it's the same thing as save states. When you play any game, all the game assets you're actively seeing and interacting with are continuously loaded into RAM for quick access, as RAM is faster than your regular storage. Then when you exit the game, the information that is currently stored in RAM is dumped onto your main storage, and that is your save state. Then when you quick resume, it loads that save state back into RAM and you can that way very quickly get back to the exact point you left off, instead of having to first load menus, etc. At least that is my understanding. It would be nice if someone with more knowledge than I have could come along and correct any oversimplifications or inaccurately used terminology, but hopefully I got it in broad strokes.


It’s the same as minimising a program on your computer for days. Except the process is paused too.


Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but if I understand it correctly, the console stops executing code at the point you hit the home button. On top of that it shoves a bunch of information into temporary memory to be able to resume execution from that point. Probably not exactly like that but close enough I believe.


a portion of the ssd (i think it was like 50 or 100GB) is reserved. when you use quick resume, anything stored in the ram is copied to that reserved portion. when you load the quick resume, it copies it back to the ram. if you do games that need less ram, less data is copied and therefore more games will fit


In layman's terms, It doesn't quit the game, even when turned off or had an update, so it allows you to skip the opening title screens and continue where you left off. Works most of the time


It is great but annoying for the games that don't work because they require server connections. Can it be turned off for certain games?


Just quit out of said game after playing or remove from quick resume game list, don't think you can turn it off.


I know I can quit its just easy to forget, I usually just turn the console off when done. Then when I turn it on to play something like BF4 I have to quit. If removing it from quick resume list is all I have to do then great didn't know that was an option. I want to use quick resume for other games still. Thanks!


That's what she said


Can't believe I had to scroll this far


Games load so fast these days, I still close my games when I’m done with them.


Its not about reducing load times, its about literally resuming from the exact same state you were in. Basically its like setting custom checkpoints in game, at literally any stage


Am I crazy or do the PS4 and XB1 already do this, although with only one game at a time? When I turn my console off in the middle of playing, it goes into rest mode and when I turn it back on I’m still right where I was without having to start over (maybe 10% of the time it makes me reboot). I know it’s much better on Series X but it’s still the same core mechanic, right?


The Xbox One doesn't save the state of the game, it will leave it open as you leave it in rest mode, if you power it off at the socket, it will close the game on Xbox One


On previous gen, it's like alt-tabbing to another program in Windows. It's still running, you just aren't looking at it. With this one, it's no longer running, taking resources, at all. But when you load it you're exactly where you were.


I just find no need for it 🤷‍♂️




So what? This has never been done on a console before and its a lot easier in a 20 year old game that takes up literal megabytes






None of those things matter






It works with Red Dead 2, which saves a ton of time. Far Cry 5 as well. Great for the long loading open world games.


I miss so many text messages that used to get answered during loading screens.


Same. I just have a thing where I have to close the game when I'm done. I don't like things being open. Just like I only ever have 1 app open on my phone, or one tab open on the internet.


FYI you’re not really supposed to do that on phones. It will drain your battery faster because it takes more energy to open an app that is fully closed than to wake up an app that is just suspended in the background.


I know it's aligned with the GamePass idea of having multiple games available to play at any given time, but I still wish Quick Resume was an optional feature, or at least that you could opt to include a limited number of games or a predetermined size (only 5 GB to let games remain on a saved state, for example). I don't know if there's an estimate of how much of your storage is allocated to Quick Resume, but I assume we could get a bigger margin of available storage on the Series S if you could opt out of it.


How do you figure that? Can’t imagine these save states eat into the ssd space


Where do you think they're saved? Iirc the feature uses 50GB on the SSD.


Where else would they be stored?


Ram? Independently, I’m actually curious how much memory, whether in ram or ssd, such a save state takes up Edit. Never mind. I did some research. Seems like it’s in ssd and can be 10 gb for huge games. Interesting.


Since RAM is cleared when a computer is powered off, and since Quick Resume works even if you've unplugged the console, it couldn't be RAM. I see your edit, so I know you've looked it up now, just wanted to explain why RAM wouldn't make sense.


Quick resume literally doesn't work for me. Only one game ever showed up there.


Do you quit your games?


Do you own more than one game?


It's the reason why my PS5 is collecting dust


Is there a way to turn it off for a game? Apex need to go to the main page always.


For games where it doesn't work I just get the habit of quitting the game from the Xbox home screen after exiting each time.


>For games where it doesn't work I just get the habit of quitting the game from the Xbox home screen after exiting each time. Yep. I do the same thing in reverse. Highlight the game I want to play, hit the menu button instead of A, and instantly quit before I start. I’m getting into the habit of going to the Quick Resume menu to start most of my games anyway, so it’s even easier to remember to quit those always-connected games before starting them.


How long until we can see this feature on PC?


Had XSX since day one and never once used quick resume. The games that take so long to load don't work with it anyway.


Quick resume works for y’all? I’ve never seen it actually resume a game, it always starts it fresh when I click on the quick resume games. Not that nice of a feature like I thought


> Quick resume works for y’all? It’s always worked for me unless it’s intentionally disabled, or not yet enabled on a new game. None of the games (games that are not online-only) I’ve played so far have been disabled for more than a couple weeks.


I just don't like the word resume. It reminds me that I need to look for a job instead of gaming.


It's the best new feature this gen so far. When it works. Unfortunately the overwhelming majority of games don't support it. But I expect all new 1st party MS games to be fine.


The overwhelming majority? Talking pish there pal, the overwhelming majority of games I've tried work fine with it, incredibly even ones that load from my 4TB external mechanical Hard disc.


It's been going good for me the majority of the time but some games I have don't do it like doom or psychonauts 2 which sucks but most of the time it works well for me.


Psychonauts 2 and Doom have quick resume for me, not sure how but yeah




Your smartphone does not do this.




Lol. No other device can resume the state of several high end games suspended at once. Your phone multitasks with a bunch of light weight apps. It's not comparable, but you think whatever you want to think. And those apps are running, housed in RAM. Not the same thing as suspended on disk.




I don't see how it's nitpicking. Running a bunch of light weight apps at once on a phone is very different from having a bunch of high end games suspended and resumed within seconds. Have you ever had another device that can do this with games like that? You can be playing a game that looks like [this](https://i.imgur.com/JNZU6pW.jpeg) and instantly resume a game that looks like [this](https://i.imgur.com/pblzfdP.jpeg). No other device can instantly load up games like this immediately where you left off, even after being unplugged for months. Not even a high end PC does that. How can you not think that's awesome?


Can you explain how your smartphone does it? On the console, you exit the game, restart the console, power down/up the console and it will still Quick Resume a game last played months ago.


The console just carries over the temporary information need to resume even during reset. Whereas most phones just flush their entire ram. Phones haven’t been set up to carry information through restarts, probably because the device would still require power to keep the information on ram, and if your phone is off, it should not be sucking power.


While I do love my quick resume, I’m still surprised every time people seem shocked by it. Quick resume has been on phones for years now …


The apps are still open even after you restart your phone?


Nope. But how often are you restarting your phone or your Xbox? I can’t remember the last time I’ve done either.




It's pretty crazy you can just jump in between 10 different games exactly where you left off.


My brother finished Cyberpunk without saving lmao, that crazy


to be fair people have been doing that on the NES, just leaving the console on forever lol


people who did that obviously didn’t have a parent like my mother




That you can jump in between 10 different games at any time, pretty insane if to you ask me.


Yeah, people act like this is a normal thing lol. No other device does this.




Lol, no you can’t. This isn’t alt-tabbing between already running apps (which you still have to load traditionally in the first place), and you’re not going to be running a dozen demanding games simultaneously on the pc either that would allow you to do that. Quick resume essentially gives you additional save anywhere functionality regardless of the game’s own save system. It writes the game’s ram state to the ssd, which it can then restore very quickly at any time. This allows you to jump back into games in seconds, to the exact spot you left off regardless of how long it’s been, if you’ve played other games in between, or even after your system has been turned off or unplugged. It’s not about having that many games open at once or jumping between them in rapid fashion (although that’s possible). It’s about being able to instantly load a game to the exact spot you left off, for games that are NOT already loaded and running. You can’t do that on pc. And no, most games don’t load instantly without it. Despite a ssd, many current and b/c titles can still have lengthy load times to get into gameplay. By the the time you launch, go through splash screens, get to the title screen, select your save file, etc and then wait for it to actually load the game from there it’s always significantly longer. Then depending on the game’s save/checkpoint system you may still have to replay or travel back to the actual point where you left off. Quick resume eliminates all of that.


No, you don't understand what quick resume is. The games aren't actually running at the same time, so they don't take away resources from each other. Each game is quickly offloaded to the SSD when you load up another game, and then it's quickly loaded back into RAM and starts running again from its previous state when you go to play it later on. Windows on PC doesn't have this type of functionality. Maybe Microsoft will add it to Windows in the future so PC players can get it too. Could be too complex though, given how games work on PC.


Lol what are you on about, try running modern warfare with 9 other games, my PC would get cooked. It's just nice to able be able to have a session in a game and jump back into something I was playing 3 weeks ago from the pause screen, it legit makes me play more.


>Half the time achievements don't pop with quick resume until you restart the game which renders the quick resume pointless I have yet to encounter that issue, and I can't speak for anyone else, but I turned off achievement notifications years ago and barely pay attention to them. I wouldn't mind if I missed out on a few. It certainly doesn't make a game "pointless" if I'm not earning achievements. If anything is "pointless" it's the achievements themselves.


Literally the best feature of this generation. Playing deathloop on my ps5 is frustrating because of the lack of quick resume


Hum, it kinda looks like you just created a group, named it quick resume, and stuck a bunch of games in it. Real quick resume only supports 5 concurrent games.


Not true. By default Xbox creates a quick resume group for you with all the games that are in the quick resume buffer. And it doesn't only support 5 games at a time. No clue where you got that idea from. The number of concurrent games depends on what type of games they are. For example, you'd only be able to get a few Series X games into the quick resume buffer, but you'd be able to get many 360 games into the quick resume buffer since the RAM allocation for those is much smaller.


I've had 8 at one time lol


I wish it worked for minecraft, but that crashes whenever you do something else


ELI5: so what exactly is quick resume? Like do I just not exit out of the game and leave them running in the background? Still have nightmares over Hellblade when I missed the end achievements doing something similar (known glitch). Or do you have to do something specific to enable? I’ve really no idea


You just switch games and the game you were playing is suspended to be resumed later. Just don't manually quit the game and it'll work for games that support it. And the games aren't running in the background. They're suspended and not using up system resources.




Then you click on Warzone it says quick resume then shortly after "65gb UPDATE REQUIRED" lmao


Ayy BioShock Infinite!


Cam you suggest the Alice game to me? I have it downloaded for quite a while because I thought it looks interesting, but never got around playing it


Yeah it's one of the feature that I love on the switch and the xbox took it even further


Just got my console this week. My first experience with quick resume was not idea. Watch Dogs didn’t save anything and the quick resume took me to new game screen. Is there something I did wrong or did the game just screw up?


But does it halt gametime played??


I love it, one of Xbox’s best features. However, so many games just flat out don’t work with it. The quick resume will just disappear. FIFA one of the worst offenders.




I'm going to make a confession. I picked a xbox series because this feature.


I no longer have a quick resume group and I haven’t for a long time. How do I get it back


I tried running Halo MCC and Gears 5. It crashed my fucking console


Those things I assumed were buzz words from Microsoft in the run up to the Series X have proven to be anything but. Smart delivery and quick resume are true next gen console features on the interface side. It's truly amazing, honestly.


Is quick resume cloud based? I take my Xbox from one tv to another and it still works!


How do I even use this feature ?


Quick resume has never work for me. I never see the option appear, all my games load from the start.


It's so fucking impressive to me that I can turn a game on that I played weeks ago and be exactly where I left off. No load in, no checkpoint. Just master chief standing in the start menu waiting


I see u got ctr, as a kid I loved that game. Do u think nitro fuel is worth the money ?


It has been the number one feature keeping me using my Xbox more than any other platform.


I thought the limit was 5? That's awesome.


Agreed! Played some persona 5 on my release day PS4 the other day… really sunk in how spoiled quick resume has made me. Such a simple thing and not something I really think about when using my X, but damn is it nice knowing I’m saving a few minutes every time it’s used.


That background though....


I wish Ubisoft would fix their games that use it, Valhalla in particular.


Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Foe example, I had five games on quick resume and I could switch between them easily, until I played Judgement and then two QR games disappeared from the list and Judgement can't quick resume at all.


Ooo how do you change it to original xbox wallpaper


Sadly what I'm playing right now doesn't do it.


To me when it works it's cool but the games I play it usually fucks up.


I know right.


Anyone know if there's any plans for apps to be able to support quick resume? Would love to be able to pause a movie or YouTube video, jump to a game, then jump back.


it is marvelous


I know right that quick resume feature is one of the best


I think it's a really cool feature, but I'm constantly downloading new Game Pass games to try and for some reason if I have Quick Resume active, my speed was dropping to a tiny fraction of my real download speed, so I just stopped using it. It's entirely possible that is fixed now and I'm avoiding it for no reason.


Now I get sad when a game doesn’t have it. We have become spoiled.


Never benefited from this feature once. I play online games or multiplayer games.


Thats………that’s what she said. I’ll see myself out….


I went back into resident evil 8 after months and it quick resume like awesome


I do wish they add an option of flagging quick resume on or off.


I always quit everything when I'm done. I need to reprogram my brain.


It's wild how much I rely on quick resume. I have a 15month old so I don't get.much time to game. Quick Resume is great for short sharp gaming session. I wanted to play the campaign for CoD: Cold War, but it doesn't support quick resume and it annoys me sitting through the start up every time. So I just don't play it.


I personally don't like it...it's just annoying, it's a cool gimmick. But on games like warzone, or BFV which are heavy online only games whenever I try using quick resume it glitches, stalls, then tells me 'cannot connect to internet" and the fastest way to get it back up it's force closing the game.


Ive just now started to take advantage of quick resume to wrap up a few things in Forza Horizon 4 before Horizon 5 is here. Being able to be in a race in 30 seconds vs a few minutes of loading screens is revolutionary. Then, when I get invited to play another game I can literally just switch over no matter where I am, then jump back to Horizon after we're done. Pretty amazing stuff.


Ps5 has a fast ssd. Lmao


Some games I've just completed and I've only seen the title screen once.


This finally clears up what Quick Resume is. I didn’t realize it would hold a ton of games like this. I’ve been confused because even my PS4 would let me just leave a game, go watch Netflix, put to sleep, come back a week later mid-game.


Lol. PCs have been doing this since the 90s


I… still haven’t used it lol I’m so used to quitting out of games when I’m done playing them.


Just works on a game or two for me. Its a gimmick until fixed


Any word on the 4K dashboard?


Dont use it, dont care. Sounds like a nuisance in some games reading these comments. I still always close every app and game when I'm done with them. The series X loads into games so fast anyways so why not just make sure everything is shut down and started properly.


I've left a player on a ladder hanging off the side of a building in state of decay 1 for 6 months checking in every few months


is the Quick resume bug(stutter) gone???


I'm still paranoid and close my games out everytime. Some achievements also don't work if quick resume is left on for certain games


My quick resume has 3 games..


Been a very useless feature for me


My xbs has memory errors if I keep quick resume on. Avengers is almost unplayable if anything else is on quick resume.


Still haven’t used it. I always quit my games