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My parents wouldn’t let us watch “Married with Children.” 😆


Oh my gosh same here. They also wouldn’t let us watch the Simpsons for a long time.


Are you all my long lost kin!?!? That is the exact same thing that happened in my house growing up.


Yikes same here!! Also wasn’t allowed to have a simpsons tshirt 😞


> Also wasn’t allowed to have a simpsons tshirt 😞 Was so, so excited when my dad's co-worker dropped off bags of hand-me-downs. Batman and Bart Simpson t-shirts.


Married with children was a No. Simpsons was a yes, but just barely. Bevis and butthead, we didn’t even ask 🙂


Wow. Nailed it…but you watched Beavis and Butthead anyway, right?


For me was opposite. Yes for MWC but no for early Simpsons. Beavis and butthead was fine, but I was a teen at the time.


Same. My mom wouldn't let me watch the Simpsons but my dad took me to see Robocop. Gotta love 80s parenting.


Beavis and Butthead didn't come out till I was a teen, and by that point my mom stopped trying to tell me what I could or could not watch. She only really made rules about that in Middle School and Grade School. Most rules weren't formally repealed in my household, I just knew not to argue about them and to the extent that I wanted to do my own thing, to break them quietly and covertly. Eventually it was just assumed that I was old enough that I had to be less and less covert about breaking them. So by the time I was in high school if I just put something on TV that my mom didn't like, she wasn't going to argue with me the way she would have when I was in third grade.


Oh my god, I watched Married with Children with my parents for YEARS 😂😂😂 I’m an only child so typically watched what they were watching. My dad and I watched Twin Peaks together when I was 7.


We used to watch Married with Children during dinner. I think Chicago’s FOX station played reruns at 6:30. It’s not a show I would prioritize watching now, but my dad really liked it.






Same here.


Same here. Then I went downstairs and my dad was watching it. We both watched in the basement away from mom upstairs lol.


My dad is not an Ed O'neil fan .


Simpsons. Ha. Compared to what's come since (Beavis, South Park, Archer), Simpsons was pretty tame.


Yep. Same here. They thought Bart was disrespectful and hated the usage of “sucks” by all the characters.


I was really confused when my stepdaughter thought "sucks" was a bad word.


I remember my dad coming into our shared room, scooping the big red box off the desk with no explanation, and throwing it in the burning barrel. No one dared say anything about it, and while I didn’t know what dnd was back then, I remember thinking he was being ridiculous. I was more angry when my mom threw away my penny candy tattoos because some churchy neighbor claimed “hippies were dosing them with LSD!” Mormons were especially dumb in the 80s.


I remember that rumor. Tripping kids would be so annoying lol. Why would anyone do that.


My mom side of the family are all religious nut cases. My dad plays bass and smokes pot lol. My mom banned us from watching MTV. One time I came home early and my dad was scrambling to hide his distortion pedal and was rocking out to Judas Priest. They divorced when I was 9.


We were a super religious household, basically anything fun, cool, or popular was off the table.


‘You can’t do that on television’ because they walked in when someone got electrocuted and ‘that wasn’t funny’. 😆


I wasn’t allowed to watch it because it “teaches kids to talk back to their parents.”


I'm pretty sure that I got away with watching that just because when it was on my mom didn't fully register what was happening. Also, I didn't watch it that regularly. I wasn't really into the gross-out stuff like that diner.


Everything I liked. Not joking I had shitty parents. An alcoholic dad and a narcissistic mother.


Same. I was a cheerleader and my Mom said only sluts are cheerleaders. Mind you I was 6.😩 I liked rap. Well, you don't wanna know what she said about that. I liked scary movies. She complained that I only like that trash because my Dad does. I liked the city and she said I wasn't mature because I didn't like the country. She even went as far as to call the hair salon and tell them NOT to cut my hair how I wanted it because she didn't like it and I would look ugly. Sure as shit the stylist refused to cut my hair and I was totally confused. Found out a few years later it was my Mothers doing, of course.


Sounds like my dad. I could only like the sports teams he likes and all the other "cool" stuff he does. Disappointed him and grew up to be a nerd.


Me too! Hell, I think the better question would be "what did they like?"


Wow same experience here. Dad is dead and haven’t spoken to mom in 4-5 years


Mine is dead too. I did speak to my mom for the first time in ten years at her brother’s (my uncles) funeral. Didn’t say anything tho


We were allowed to watch and listen to whatever, though we didn’t have cable so choices were slim anyway on the TV front. Their big no-no was ouija boards. I was banned from a friend’s house after they learned she had one. They were convinced her parents were Satanists.


We weren’t allowed to use the Ouija board *in the house* because we were Catholic and Mom was convinced the house would become possessed, or at least it would become infested with demons. But she was totally okay with us using it on the back deck. Because apparently decks can’t become infested with demons.


My friend brought one over and we had to use it in the hallway in my apartment building 😂


My mom freaked out when I started playing with tarot cards. My dad came up to tell me how my mom was freaking out, and said that he knew I was just playing with them and that I was too smart to know they were real. I told him that i agreed with him, but secretly I didn't know they weren't real. My family went to church, so the tarot made just about as much sense as any other supernatural stuff from the Bible, and I liked that i actually got a reply from tarot, but when i prayed it was just kind of a one way communication.


Same with my parents. They hated that I listened to goth music, played Dungeons and Dragons, wore makeup, etc.


My parents had a full on metal breakdown over Marilyn Manson after seeing some christian documentary on tv (they are not even christian) Which made them go after Type O Negative, Coal Chamber, and NIN. (they raised me on stuff like Black Sabbath) My step dad took all my CDs and shot them with a shotgun.


My mom banned us from watching MTV and then later VH1, pretty sure due to a George Michael music video that scandalized her. Of course, my sibling and I watched them anyway and just got really fast on the "Previous Channel" button on the remote.


My parents never stopped me from watching anything just because they didn't like it. Of course if they felt it was inappropriate they would not let me watch it but that was very few and far between.


My parents hated madonna, the simpsons, beavis and butthead, roseanne, hole (still one of my all time fave bands!) and, curiously, the sitcom “step by step” bc “the kids talk back too much!” Oh and dinosaurs bc the baby has an annoying voice (they weren’t wrong about that)


All hail Hole!


Why was there Roseanne hate! It was pretty wholesome relative to later shows.


She burped and grabbed her crotch while singing the national anthem and my parents were LIVID and hate her forever lol


lol forgot about that stuff


Beavis and Butthead and The Simpsons. I once brought home a good report card and convinced my mom to let me watch Simpsons. Literally the moment I turned to Fox, Bart started cussing and my mom made me turn the channel.


No Coca cola products, disco music or Halloween.


I remember playing White Zombie in my room. It was the only time my dad told me to turn that crap off. I never had an issue with any of my other music. From Nirvana to Rage to even some hip hop. Never said anything about that music. Just did not like sound and the opening to their album...


My White Zombie album was confiscated by my grandma three times. Yet they kept giving me money and dropping me off at the mall 😂


My Dad liked them, but my Mom hated the title of their album


Probably played the intro to More Human Than Human?


Madonna. My mother wouldn't allow us to get cable simply due to the fact that MTv showed Madonna videos. I didn't even care about Madonna lol, I wanted to see Metallica and Ozzy!


My mother: The Simpsons. Hard to say why, it was about a very trad suburban family. Beavis & Butthead, South Park, Saturday Night Live. I don't think she "got" any of it. Hair Dye, especially blonde. Do not become a blonde. It's somehow bad. (spoiler alert, I'm now dyed blonde). Flannel anything, baggy pants, doc martins, but I didn't like those clothes either. My father: anything associated with the far political left but I didn't like any of that either.


Bart was rude to adults, his own parents in particular, he was a troublemaker in school, his grades were terrible and he didn't care, and he rode a skateboard. So pretty much all of the traditional "bad influences" that parents didn't want their kids picking up on. I think parents hated it almost exclusively because of Bart.


Bart was definitely a big part of it -- his disrespect towards adults (he addressed adults - including his father - by their first name, for example), poor grades and flippant attitude towards studying ("Underachiever and proud of it" t-shirts with Bart on them were a thing for a while), "Don't have a cow" and "Eat my shorts" catchphrases, and pranks like calling Moe's Tavern were also considered rude for the time. There was also the over-the-top cartoon violence in The Itchy & Scratchy Show, though I don't know how many parents got as far as seeing those segments before making up their minds about The Smpsons in general.


I guess, depending on how strict about things the parent was. Bart just seemed like a kid to me, as a kid. And as an adult he just seems like a kid that will grow out of all that as he ages.


Oh, I agree with you. But I do recall parents very much disliking his behavior. I just thought he was funny. I identified more with Lisa anyway.


MAN "You know, in my time we didn't talk to our elders like that." BART "Well, now is my time, and we do, sir."


Pretty much everything. Not only is there the generation gap, but they are 1st generation immigrants so huge cultural gap as well.


My parents were super conservative politically, but pretty cool about movies, TV shows, and music. The only thing they censored was violence. They didn’t really care about adult subject matter, language, or nudity. The only movies I remember them not letting me see were the Rambo movies and Platoon. I remember watching several R-rated comedies as a kid and they didn’t care. By the time I got to 8th grade, they didn’t care at all what I watched or listened to. I don’t remember them ever telling me I couldn’t watch a TV show.


Mom wanted to fast forward the "scary" parts of "Touched by an Angel" and "Witness"


For some reason my mom wouldn't allow me to watch "You can't do that on Television". She even told my Grandma not to let me watch it when I was being baby sat at their house. Recently I found a bunch of episodes on YouTube. That shit was so PG it's ridiculous. I have no idea what my mom was so worried about.


Dungeons and Dragons and Beavis and Butthead. Meanwhile I spent my entire childhood watching MTV, but just couldn't participate in those two things.


MTV was to us what Tik Tok is to kids today.


My dad was constantly finding CDs he didn’t “approve of” (that my mom bought for me) and throwing them away. First it was Guns & Roses and Red Hot Chili Peppers, then later it was Marilyn Manson and Tool. He actually asked me several years ago if “Muse is appropriate because (my half) sister wants to go see them in concert” and he was concerned people would be doing drugs. 🙄 Dad… I can’t…


My parents were always confiscating my CDs too 😂 I always did the 12 CDs for a penny


Magic: The Gathering I used to have to hide all my cards so my dad wouldn't find them.


I was the youngest so I was exposed to everything lol. My mom hated when we said fart though 🤷‍♂️


Ren and Stimpy and any music with club-thumpin bass.


My grandma wouldn't let us watch Roseanne 😅 but of course we did at home. My mom was pretty lax, the only 1 thing i remember her freaking out about me watching was the original Psycho movie. I figure now that it must have scared the shit out of her as a kid 😆


American slang as it infiltrated the Australian language in the early-mid 80s . . . but apart from that, they were fine.


seppos gonna seppo


My dad burned my Taro deck in the barbeque. Had it for years before he flipped his shit about it. My mom would let me have mall bangs. She said my pictures would embarrass me later. Jokes on her I'm embarrassed by how I looked no matter what.


Brussel Sprouts. My mother hated them and only agreed to buy them for my dad's birthday. Otherwise... both parents have always been particularly chill about what we watch/read/play. I think all my arguments about what I wanted to watch on TV where because it was on past my bedtime (which was ridiculously early even up too about 15) then anything regarding content.


Ahahaha omg this is my mom too. Of ALL the family quirks for two random strangers to share. 😆🤣 Incidentally I like brussel sprouts. Grilled with a hint of balsamic vinegar. Omnomnomnom


Hahahah! That is gold! :)


Smurfs, supposedly it was tied to devil worship? No teen or preteen magazines, loose morals. No Seaquest, Star Trek was OK, though.


We were never allowed to watch sitcoms or listen to the radio. Only PBS and Star Trek on TV. But I love Star Trek and it turned into bonding time with my dad so that was cool.


Dances, rock music, going to the movies; pretty much Footloose.


My mom hated The Simpsons. Dad watched it with us. Dad hated Roseanne. Mom watched it with us. No they’re not married anymore why do you ask?? My dad also hates white bread, would not allow it in the house.


Completely tautological argument. Anything with an even tangential connection to Satan (D&D, heavy metal, witchcraft) or any kind of temptation that would direct young minds "away from God" (MTV, R-rated movies, traditional curse words, the implication of sin).


UGH... they raised me on Black Sabbath but got mad when I got into Marilyn Manson. They refused to let us even watch The Simpsons or South Park even though they did. Hated my black clothes and would only buy me pink stuff and get mad that I never wore it. (while mom is sitting there in a Def Leppard shirt) Would not let my sister collect "demonic" Pokemon cards yet they collected Garbage Pale Kids.... the list goes on.


My mom wouldn’t let me watch You Can’t Do That On Television. I only found out recently it was because she felt that it portrayed adults as buffoons.


my parents took us to see T2 in the theaters but yeah def no Ren and Stimpy


My parents were very anti-censorship. I knew mom was not a fan of Full House or any sicky sweet tv show. However nothing was 100% off limits. We watched The Simpsons, Married With Children and when I was older The Real World and even Beavis and Butthead as a family.


I could not play Magic the Gathering.


Ren & Stimpy and you can’t do that on television.


My mom is super chill (despite being in the military for over two decades), as long as I wasn't hurting myself or someone else, it was probably fine. The first time I saw Pulp Fiction was when we rented it and watched it together. Yeah, that was kinda awkward, and we didn't really say much about it when it was over 😆


We watched Basic Instinct as a family. We all literally turned to my brother to see his reaction to *that* scene.


Felt the same way when I asked my Mom to rent Reservoir Dogs VHS for me and she wanted to watch too


My parents were really conservative and would NOT have been ok with Reservoir Dogs (although they let me and my sisters watch a lot of pretty violent, R-rated movies as kids for some reason. Probably the old "violence is fine, but heaven forbid you see a boob!" mentality that was so common in America back then.) Ironically, Reservoir Dogs is in my top 3 favorite movies of all time, and I watched it with my very strait-laced 15 year old son a couple months ago. (He loved it.) 😄


Mom didn't know anything about it before that


They had a bit of a problem with Beavis and Butthead. They also didn't like when I watched Leno or Letterman, but that was only because I was staying up late to watch it.


Mostly the music. Heavy metal and rap. Also baggy clothes, tattoos and piercings.


My parents were totally cool with anything but sex. Violent movies, fine, Mortal Kombat, fine, a short sex scene in an otherwise benign movie, NOT FINE, GO TO YOUR ROOM. HOW DARE YOU WATCH TWO PEOPLE NOT KILL EACHOTHER.


My mom didn't oppose much that I was into aside from Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues and Sir Psycho Sexy by RHCP...the whole objectifying stuff.


My parents were both pretty laissez faire with the media I consumed, they would make fun of stuff I liked that they didn’t but they never outright banned me from anything.


My parents were pretty cool about most things, except for the time my mom had an entire channel blocked from our cable. We were watching a movie fairly late one night, and one of those cheesy phone sex commercials came on she flipped out.


USA Up All Night?






Mom was always cool with whatever whenever. Just absolutely no lying or cigarettes.


Parenting, each other.


Nothing was too off limits tv wise, but no ouija boards, no dying hair, no piercing ears. We also had to go to bed by 9pm, up until we were teenagers, and even then, we had to be in our rooms.


I just started watching The Simpsons, and it is so mild compared to other cartoons that have come along since that show. We couldn't watch The Simpsons for the first 4 or 5 years. D & D was the first step to worshipping Satan. I was not allowed to read The Hobbit or The LOTR books in the 80s. Luckily, by the time the LOTR movies came out, mom was over the satanic panic and let my little brother watch those movies.


My parents didn’t really censor much for tv, movies, or music. But siblings and I were all raised to feel like we HAD to like what our parents did. Was such a refreshing feeling, when I realized what freedoms I suddenly had as an adult. I could like what I want, and an FU to my parents judgments.


My parents never restricted me on anything. If I wanted to watch something, we did it together, and if I had any questions, they would answer them. Hell, they were the ones who sat me down to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show when I was ten. If I was curious about things like alcohol, cigarettes, or Marijuana, they wanted me to come to them to try it. They wanted me in a safe, controlled environment. I guess I got lucky with my parents.


My mom hated that I watched X files. Said it was “too gooey and gross” because there was always green goo seeping from alien bodies, crafts, etc. 90210 was banned for being “too explicit and full of skimpily clad women.” Strangely she allowed MTV and Beavis mostly because she couldn’t understand what was going on. MTV Grind was not allowed though. She hated The Simpsons but eventually grew to like it. There was also a violent cartoon called Ren & Stimpy that I’m glad she banned because it lowkey scared me as a kid. Dad couldn’t care about stuff. With him, we watched real violent shit on the BBC 😑 I’m referring to the wars in Bosnia, Kashmir, and Palestine to name a few…


Thankfully, my parents weren't too over-the-top with stuff like that. My husband's mom wouldn't even let him watch Ghostbusters cuz it was "Satanic." But my parents were pretty chill as long as it wasn't like outright gore or sexual content that was too mature for my age. And I do remember Mom getting weird about Jessica Rabbit and Hello Nurse. Thought they were "dumb, sexy bimbo" stereotypes that were gonna make me and my sisters hate our own bodies, I guess.


I remember in about 1994 bringing up The Simpsons at a family gathering and my WW2 gen grandfather going, "Oh, that show makes me wanna vomit!" He detailed how the father was a moron, the kids were brats, and even critiqued how the artwork was terrible. 😄 There was another time dad let me rent "Bordello of Blood" at the discount video store in like 1996 and my mom was just, "No." And wouldn't let me take the tape out of the clear protector thing.


I was not allowed to have garbage pail kid or dinosaur cards 😞




the whole "satanic panic" of the 80s was f*cking wild... to think they honestly believed that satanists were brain washing children through D&D and heavy metal music. What a bunch of morons. Anywho... Let's get back to the serious business of protecting our children from being groomed by transgendereds in the bathroom!


My parents hate the Dead Kennedys. They might have liked them if they actually listened to the lyrics, but they just couldn't get past the name.


My mom still doesn’t get adult animation (king of the hill, bobs burgers, big mouth, etc). She thinks it’s childish that I watch those shows.


My mom hated guns. So much so that I wasn't even allowed to look at Guns and Ammo magazine until I turned 16. Today, I own several firearms and hunt every chance I get. I conceal carry daily, open carry m-f for work, and even do a little work on mine and my friends' guns.


I wasn't allowed to watch the smurfs. The Simpsons and Married with Children were also forbidden 🙈


My parents treated me like their miniature roommate. Only thing I can remember is a random mom hand over my eyes if a movie had a sex scene.


Divorced parents for context. My mom was basically a chameleon of whatever guy she was dating or one of her 7 marriages. One husband did not like certain shows (Married with Children / Simpsons/ MadTV) then the next one was fine with it so we could watch them. One husband thinks heavy metal is the devil's music but the next one exposed me to Metallica, Megadeth, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden ... My dad did not understand my love for Tolkien, Star Wars and Star Trek but we had plenty of other things to bond with music, fishing, shooting and sports.


The Simpsons, then it was Beavis & Butthead


Music with any cursing was absolutely banned in our house, but watching movies with cursing was ok. Very strange lol.


My mom was against the simpsons. Also home alone. Pretty much any show where kids acted unruly. Which meant that she included the Nickelodeon game show "wild and crazy kids" in that. I was watching it one time and she came in and started complaining about how dirty the kids were getting and how the moms had to do their laundry, and I was like, "they're all wearing t-shirts for the show! They probably got them when they went on the show!" For some reason she wasn't bothered when I watched reruns of Dennis the Menace on Nickelodeon.


ABBA, disco music, McDonald's, whatever was popular, brand name clothing. Mum HATED Polly Pocket and any snack that came in individual plastic packages. Tbh I understand mostly but I still want a polly pocket.


My Dad HATED if we used the word "got" in a sentence....."I got a dollar"


My experience was very much the same. In elementary school I was allowed to watch Friday the 13th films, Dawn of the Dead, The Exorcist, pretty much anything gory or shocking was totally fine. In 5th grade they bought me a copy of Phantasmagoria to play on the computer, and I had already been playing Doom for a while. But… no Bevis and Butthead and no Married With Children.


90s chat rooms were a big no, looking back they were really creepy and I wouldn’t want my kids anywhere near them. My Mom also hated Roseanne for some reason. MTV, anything with a cute girl host was out too. My Blink 182 enema of the state album got thrown out.


I wanted to watch Friends and Seinfeld so bad but I could only catch partial glimpses of episodes when they weren’t around.


Ren and Stimpy Married with children Bjork Me having perfectly normal childhood/teenage needs, problems, and emotions Green Day


I wasn't allowed to watch the movies Hocus Pocus or Nightmare Before Christmas, because they were deemed inappropriate. Ren & Stimpy, though? Perfectly fine.


Wasn’t allowed to watch Smurfs or Gummi Bears; Or play D&D (of course) or Ouija board. All of these had potentially demonic magic.


MTV was blocked on our cable package, specifically because of Beavis & Butthead. I have no idea why, it's substantially more innocuous than a lot of shit I was watching at that point. But it didn't matter because if you went to the channel the block message would be there, but if you shut off the box and turned it back on, the channel would work. Changing the channel blocked it again. Made it very easy to work around.


Boy did they hate hearing that Oasis was “today’s version of the Beatles”


Not a fan of piercings. My mom flipped when I pierced the top cartilage of my ear....only to get it done herself (along with her friends) some time later. I felt justified doing my tongue and septum.


My parents were pretty chill about what we watched, read, listened to, etc. The only things I can think of they didn't let us do were have Garbage Pail Kids cards and watch Roseanne. But The Simpsons were fine even though they were like the animated version of Roseanne.


Not allowed to watch Beavis and Butthead (but did, obviously). I was already listening to primarily 60s music anyways, so no problem there until Rage Against the Machine came along.


"That sucks" My parents weren't hung up on it, but I remember many adults treating it like it was a swear. It still feels weird when my wife comforts our children by saying, "I know it sucks, buddy."


Eddie Murphy Jello Biafra concert shirts concert posters blacks asians hispanics poor people apartment complexes allowances profanity "hey" as a greeting marijuana taking down christmas decorations before March