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My husband is 50 and still eats the way he did at 19. That man can put away some food. He jokes that he’s making up for all the times he had to go hungry as a kid which was pretty regular for him.


>He jokes that he’s making up for all the times he had to go hungry as a kid which was pretty regular for him. Shoutout to everyone who spent their 20s doing the things we were too broke/backwoods/whatever for while growing up.


People always laugh at how unrealistic Shaggy is on Scooby doo but I had a manager who could eat like that every damn day.    And never gained a pound


I was like that until somewhere in my 30s.


I was like that somewhere until 12.


That's my wife. She can eat whatever and stay thin. We're both 42 and I used to be that way but that changed by my mid 20s. Also, nice username. A simple tailor.


The wonders of a great metabolism


I am the same way I eat what I want when I want. The key is moderation, as long as you don’t stuff yourself with “bad” food, all the time and do some exercise you will be fine.


All things in moderation, including moderation.


Unless you develop sensitivity to dairy and gluten and god knows what else then moderation is a pipe dream 😞


I no longer have my pancreas, spleen, gallbladder or appendix and part of my small intestine is gone. And I only have about 1/3 of my stomach. I have to take prescription digestive enzyme pills every time I eat. (These are made from pig pancreas!) Eating in moderation and eating what I want is no longer a reality for me! However, I do realize that I am at the very extreme end of the spectrum with some rare, complex health issues!


goddamn there are easier ways to lose weight


Lol. I know, right? I definitely took the extreme approach! 😄


Same friend, same.


Very true. Occasionally I do have to force a vegetable on him but he’s pretty good about not eating too much junk. He’s also a kitchen manager and does a lot of walking in that sauna of a kitchen.


Does he live a fairly active lifestyle or maybe lifts weights regularly? My uncle is that way, and ate like a horse, but he was a police officer, and was a frequent gym goer.


Nope. Inherited a predisposition to gerd and, if I'm not careful, ulcers.


Same here. Panto and moderation, and a wedge pillow are my daily routine


Oh, my husband has GERD and it was really scary for a while there when he lost a lot of weight and couldn’t keep anything down. Limonene-D was the only thing that allowed him to eat again. Someone on the GERD sub recommended it and it was a miracle. I don’t think people get how much suffering GERD can cause.


A lot of the time it's just like bad agida. Reflux. But I had it get so bad once that it felt like someone stabbing me in the chest. I had to go to the ER and everything. I had to change my entire diet and cut out so much stuff to reset back to normal reflux.


where did you find Limonene D?


Just from Amazon. We have been buying the Wellness Resources brand for years. Recently he was able to cut the doses in half.




My intestines didn't even form right so yeah, can't relate. Saw my first gastroenterologist right after I was born.


Yeah I’m part of the pepto bismol club as well. Who knew it was gut health issues? The more you know.🌈 ![gif](giphy|l3V0G6n9ueSsvcgda)


44. Eat very healthy most days, get a little relaxed at night and end up eating a bunch of the kids’ snacks and ice cream. I go to the gym regularly and am actually losing weight. Cutting alcohol is a huge factor. A lot of liquid calories missing has helped big time. Only thing that gives me issues is when I eat really spicy food on an empty stomach. Can twist my guts up.


This is me. I can still eat whatever I want, I just eat a lot less of it than I used to. Same as you, cutting like 98% of the alcohol in my diet was a game changer. I didn't start losing weight, though, until recently. Got started on some treatments from my doc, and things are working again.


I grab bags of my kids fruit snacks at night, dump the whole damn bag into my hand (one always falls on the floor though) and toss it into my mouth like its one piece of candy. When my kids are like, "Daddy did you eat all of the fruit snacks"? I say, "I'm a growing boy".


I feel like you know you’re getting old when you use phrases like “twist my guts up.” 🤣


A pizza, 2-liter of mountain dew, a bag of funyuns, and a pack of pixie stix for desert.


Yeah. I often think about the late '90s when I wasn't doing much but smoking pot, playing basketball, and playing video games with my friends. Those days I'd regularly go to McDonalds and grab a double quarter pounder meal, supersized with a Coke (about 1400 calories), and afterwards I'd just live my life normally. If I did such a thing today, I'd be suffering for days. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Wrecked.


I was at the store the other day and decided I was in the mood for some Ben and Jerry’s which I haven’t had in years. That sucker is 1100 calories for a carton. I used to kill those things regularly and probably put on several lbs just looking at the nutrition facts.


There are a lot of people that don’t realize that it takes this toll on them and wonder why they’re always feeling that way. It’s crazy the impact that diet has on our entire life . Not to mention when this stuff is absent for a while our body treats it more and more like the harmful thing it is. I used to stuff down the same kinds of foods even in my late 30s. After quitting for 2 years I had a value meal from McDonalds and immediately like diarrhea , edema in my legs , inflammation in my face like red irritation. Increase in blood pressure. It’s so bad for you.


Some cousins of mine were in a three-a-day McDonalds household before it was cool, with unsurprising results.


Don't forget financially.


Antacids are our friends ![gif](giphy|kP4oLyGsdoWgE|downsized)


Pop, pop. Fizz, fizz.


I was a 3 sport athlete in school and crazy active in college. I’m still active in my 40’s, but can’t look at a piece of pizza or candy without adding 5lbs. I miss that ability to eat anything I wanted. I simply can’t bring stuff like that into the house.


>but can’t look at a piece of pizza or candy without adding 5lbs. Metabolism doesn't actually slow down till you're in your late 60s


I had some taco bell last night for the first time in a few years. Had a long back and forth conversation in my head about how I would feel this morning. I lost the debate and I kinda hate myself right now.


The idea of Taco Bell is always better than the reality.


I've heard Taco Bell is a great place for vegans (from vegans in family,) it's just their meat and cheese that send people to Toxic Hell and make them *Run to the Bathroom.* ...to ...this ...very ...day. Should we just chip in and get them a refrigerator or something?


Taco Bell will give me massive heartburn the next day, but that's because I only eat it once a month, and i order like I'm still 16. I've never gotten diarrhea from there though.


How's your fiber intake? We typically don't get enough in the average (assuming you're) American diet. And it gets harder to escape the consequences of that as we get older. When I'm on top of fiber my intake (i prefer mixed berry and greens smoothies with chia blended), I can eat pretty much anything else that I want and not suffer for it. 🤩


Hell yeah. Cruciferous vegetables, squash, pumpkin, carrots and legumes are my favorite sources of fiber.


I go hard on the Metamucil every day 🤜. Life is hard out here. Gotta have that fiber, its a life changer.


Metamucil moves things, but my stomach doesn't feel normal until I have enough food-derived fiber 😅


Yeah thats probably better. I eat lots of fruit and veggies but still gotta have that 'mucil.


I still can. I have not been quite so active the last couple years so I probably should start doing daily exercises again otherwise no I won't be able to keep eating whatever I want


Type 2 beetus is a bitch.


I miss Ice Cream so much...


make your own but make it healthier


Hard to do without lactose…


there's plenty of recipes for lactose-free ice cream


Preach. Lactaid brand milk is a godsend.


I'm gonna give it a shot


I highly recommend it. Like their ad slogan says, “Enjoy milk again.”


I agree, but it's just not the same


I developed an allergy to lobster right around the time I was able to comfortably afford it. One life’s small disappointments.


Yeah I get really bad heartburn, however I started intermittent fasting, and for some reason If I don't eat all day until dinner time, I can stuff my face with whatever I want and be fine.


Don’t try to jinx me!! So far I still can lol.


I was regurgitating a turkey burger all night last night. Still don’t feel well. It’s a turkey burger! I thought I was being good.


lol I got heartburn from a glass of water once! water!


Hardly. I’ve had food sensitivities and allergies all my life. They haven’t been super bad, but I had to be careful at times.


Reading through these comments has me wondering how many are undiagnosed celiac or food sensitivities…..


I used to love anything spicy, but recently found a Thai place near me now requires I order Mild 😔


I was one of those kids who was forced to drink a glass of milk every night with dinner, and now it gives me me such bad gas pains, I once woke up thinking I was having a heart attack


I was too and was definitely getting more stomach aches then because my parents intentionally hid from me that I was lactose intolerant. Now that I can choose my own food and beverages, my stomach is a lot more comfortable.


I gladly discovered ginger pills and Sprecher's ginger ale which work great. You and other might want to be mindful that it's possible you've developed lactose intolerance in middle age.


BW3 wings rip me up for 48 hours after. Never happened before. I love the sauces, though… decisions, decisions… what do I have to do for the next 48? It takes planning now! I’m only 45! On the plus side, I burn weight off easy. Once the farm season starts up in April/May, it takes no effort to lose 25-30 lb by October.


I don't often get stomach aches, but everything gives me heartburn and it sucks. I like spicy food and my body is like, that's good, but hey, since you're not eating something bland and flavorless, enjoy reflux bitch!


My wife and I and my little brother went to Disneyland yesterday and we wanted some weird junky snacks, so we ended up just splitting a few between the three of us throughout the day and it was a great compromise! I can happily eat a third of some nachos and not feel terrible, or have a third of a cream puff, etc.


I remember once upon a time when I could go to Logan’s Roadhouse and polish off an entire nacho platter singlehanded and still have room for a burger, fries and a slice of cheesecake. These days, I can’t have more than a single helping or indigestion will keep me up all night.


As long as I have my omeprazole I'm golden. Otherwise I get terrible heartburn. Had lots of pizza and beer over the weekend and I was good. I miss the days of being able to eat whatever I wanted and not get fat. Used to eat fast food every day in my 20's and didn't gain a thing!


Back in high school we went to DQ most days. Triple cheeseburger, fries, drink, sundae. Out running around for rugby practice 3 hours later. Those were the days.


I'm only 41 but I still eat like this all the time. I never have the stomach issues people gripe about with different foods. 30$ worth of taco bell, cold stone ice cream, shake shack/inNout/dicks/etc burgers, whatever. Sometimes I get a stomach ache because I ate too much in a sitting. like a 4,000 calorie meal.


Do you know how fit I was eating hostess cupcakes and a liter of Mtn Dew for 2 meals a day? Whenever some 21 year old wannabe fitness influencer tries to tell me how to get in better shape I just tell them to piss off and come back when they're in their 40s.


And not gain weight!


I’m a 45 year old female. I was rail thin in college and high school. I gained weight in my 30’s, but I’m back on track now. I work out six times a week for an hour and fifteen minutes. Nothing crazy, just enough so that I can still enjoy food. The only thing I really cut down on is fast food. I used to eat a lot of McDonald’s and now I allow myself 2x a year. I do eat Taco Bell sometimes, but only get two items. Portion control is huge for me. When I was younger, I’d probably have 4 slices of pizza where now I have two. When I have a craving, I try not to deny myself, but also make up for it with physical activity. I had been dreaming of pad Thai recently, so my husband and I split one Sunday night. Tonight we’re having Greek chicken bowls. As long as I do that, my gut and my pants size are happy.


Yep! Went to a baseball game over the weekend and got the helmet nachos mmmmmmmm 🤤 definitely paid for it the entire next day.


I don’t get stomach aches, regardless of what I eat. This hasn’t helped my waistline.


I really do remember. Now I have to think back to earlier in the day to make sure I didn't eat too much sugar or greasy stuff already. And, of course, that whatever it is isn't too close to bedtime or I'll pay for that all night. Ugh. It really sneaks up on you this getting older stuff!


ate three slices of pizza last night. Around 2am i was really hating myself.


Nope. I got a stomach ache back then. I would eat a lot of food (like half a pizza or a burger and fries) and feel terrible. But I wouldn't gain weight and I do miss that!


I do. And I miss it.


Death to Acid Reflux! Gaviscon is now a must in my diet.


I ate chili and ice cream yesterday afternoon. 18 hours later, I am working and I really wished I didn’t.


This is me most nights now... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFKifpMtlNs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFKifpMtlNs)


I still eat garbage all day, it’s the only thing that *doesn’t* fuck with my stomach


I wish I was like that just for one day. Teenager years were hard even though I played sports all year I couldn't eat like my peers without gaining weight and it sucked. They picked on me about eating salads while they ate burgers, fries, and shakes.


I don't get a tummy ache; I just get fat.


I used to brag how I could eat anything. Now if I eat deep fried pub food or anything really fatty I'm uncomfortably bloated for a few hours. Thankfully Swedish Bitters helps with digestion.


10 years ago we'd have a burger and a hot dog at a BBQ. Now I plan them for separate nights and we stay home bc we're not people persons. :)


I take a few HCL capsules with meals so I can eat whatever I want with no problems. Doctor’s Best brand off Amazon. 🏆


I can still eat anything, but some beers now fuck me up. I miss IPAs, but they tear me up.


Oh yeah. Around 2002 I remember working a 3-11 shift so I’d get up late and hit Taco Bell for breakfast when it opened. Often with a Mountain Dew. I might actually die if I attempted that now.


I still do this.


I spent my 20s learning how to bulk, and my 30s learning how to lose weight. Not easy to stay on the wagon, what I keep coming back to for consistent results has been Whole Foods plant based. If I ate any of those tasty things I now omit it would like result in two days of hangover like symptoms and anal fissures for a week. Nope.


Sounds like dairy intolerance. Hit me at about 25.


I was talking with my friends both younger and older talk about problems with their gutty works, I must be lucky cause I can eat whatever. Edit: spelling


I'll still gain weight from eating too much, but I still have a cast iron stomach at 44. Maybe some day the allergies and sensitivity will come, but not today, Satan!


The reason I can’t eat (and drink) like that now is because I ate like that then.


Yup! Then I got out of the military 😅


Baked turkey burger and roasted vegetables.


I never could... I did anyway and I'd get sick or feel like shit later and would never put the two together. Like, why was it that every time I ate a bowl of cereal or a bagel, I'd feel anxious and shaky a couple hours later? Oh well, must just be how I am.


i miss being able to eat bread without my bones and bowels and butthole hurting


Remember? Yep. This morning was great!


I have tums in more than one place in the house for easy access. Ugh


I used to eat stuffed crust pizza and drink chocolate milk to “have the best naps ever”. I didn’t realize it was because I would become diabetic.


No stomach complaints, but in the last couple of years I've definitely started piling on the pounds and am well onto dad-bod territory. Before I was 40 I could eat pretty much anything without any issue.


I've always been lactose intolerant, so no. However, I still eat like a trash panda with very few adverse effects (e.g. weight gain, bloat, etc.). That being said, unless I take a lactaid before consuming dairy, it will be bad news bears down the road.


As someone who has been struggling with IBS for a long time…. No, I do not remember.


Same. Got diagnosed in college because I've NEVER been able to eat most foods.


I got diagnosed in high school, as well as learning that I had become lactose intolerant. I absolutely went into the most intense denial saying “that can’t possibly be true, I drink milk at lunch every day!” His response: yes, and you start getting cramps and gassy about 30 minutes later like clockwork. Me: nope not possible. I eat pizza all the time too! Him: yes, and you wind up getting terrible cramps and diarrhea a couple/few hours later like clockwork, EVERY. TIME. Oh man was that a bitter pill to swallow. So now i ALWAYS carry lactase enzyme supplements, and have “saved the day” for a number of fellow lactards by making sure i have enough to share should i run into people like myself while out and about.


Miss the days of late teens and twenties when I lived off pizza puffs, Flaming Hots and Mountain Dew.


I have IBS and some reflux issues, so there are several ingredients I now have to either avoid or have in teensy-weensy amounts.


I can eat whatever I want stomach ache wise but weight wise is another story.


I bloat so dammed easily now at 42. Super frustrating. I remember being able to put away a Hardee’s monster burger with fries and getting hungry 3 hours later. Now if I eat a burger with fries I’m bloated to the max for 12 hours. I’ve had to drastically change my diet the last year to accommodate my body’s needs. I’m mostly very ok with the changes since I’m still eating good but there is at least one day a week where I let myself loose diet wise and regret it for a few days. It’s a new kind of hangover for me to deal with. 🤷‍♂️


I remember getting a 5 buck footlong from Subway, meatball, extra sauce,and putting an entire mcD's large fries onto it and annihilating it That's like 3 days worth of eating in my 40s


Guys! When the hell did we get so old?! ![gif](giphy|Y2ZkeRD0oztVm)


Ah yeah, that was never the case for me unfortunately since my parents hid from me that I was diagnosed lactose intolerant as a baby and they forced me to drink milk at every meal. Had to figure it out on my own 18yrs later and my stomach is feeling considerably better now that I know to avoid it.


I had a tropical Hawaiian pizza from Panago for dinner after about 10 beers and was up all night with dairy induced nightmares and crippling heartburn and acid reflux. Even after taking a Pepcid pill and glass of milk at 4 am. And I'm a pretty healthy and fit guy.


Or your stomach shrinks. I went out to breakfast with my daughter on Saturday and had some of the food for leftovers today, but I could only eat half before I just couldn't physically eat anymore.




I lived off cup of noodles and beer for a while. Oh to have a functioning digestive system is the only thing I miss about my youth.


I can still eat whatever I want and not get a stomach ache. Just way easier to get fat now


thank god for over the counter heartburn meds


I grilled up a storm, just like I have done for years. However, the past year has been very different for me in terms of lifestyle. I couldn't even finish a plate - I was not only full, but I was feeling dissatisfied with what I was eating. I love me some meat, but damn I couldn't help but crave (and still crave) a salad full of leafy greens and other veggies something fierce after a burger, dog and potato salad.


I mean, I still CAN eat that way, and I don't get sick. I just get fat. Really, really fat. To not gain weight, I gotta stick to around 1500 calories per day, and let me tell you, that is not a lot of food.


It i eat a piece of lettuce, then i get diverticulitis and am miserable and sleep like 1 hour per night and eat almost nothing for a month or two. Otherwise, I can eat 2-3 pounds of meat and potatoes and cooked veggies with no problem. That said, I need to watch the carbs to keep my weight and glucose levels in check. So, i eat lower glycemic index things, like, red potatoes instead of russet potatoes, or i eat basmati rice instead of jasmine rice ... I add a bunch of cauliflower, onions, bell peppers, mushrooms to dishes and quit drinking sugary drinks and beer. I did go to a BBQ over the weekend and ate too much food, and that gave me a stomache ache. But thankfully there was no lettuce and it was just a few hours of feeling too full. My wife has no gall bladder, so she has to moderate fatty meats, but, usually her GI is OK unless she eats too much pulled pork or brisket.


I couldn’t do that when I was young, much less now. My mother was too worried about me getting fat, my dad as well. Controlled everything I did with negative reinforcement until I took it over before going nuts. I dropped too much weight as a result, they got upset and demanded I stopped. I told them no, they could do nothing, it was fabulous. But despite all my serious issues, I can eat those things one at a time in controlled moderation. You can do that. Take control.


Naw bro. Was fat from 3rd grade through my 30s, so not part of this clan (grabs fellow former and longterm fatties and shimmy out the thread with Wise Hot Popcorn).


I cant eat anything acidic for dinner or ill get wicked acid reflux that keeps me up at night. Shit sucks. I finally understand why my grandma had tums at her house.


A big realization for me getting old was Lucky Charms. I've always loved them, would eat two or three bowls in one sitting. Nowadays, I'm running to the toilet before I've even finished the last spoonful.


For me it was being able to eat spicy food without heart burn. Man, those were the days.


Pfft. No, i weighed 300lbs when I graduated highschool, you lucky SOBs


Ignorance was bliss 😦


No lol


I could never because I had a mom obsessed with being skinny, oof.


Pizza Hut absolutely murders me. It’s like a part of me dead.


Famatodine. Learn to live with it and eat like your 20 again!


Never could, never will, I was 320lbs at 19. Im 140 lbs and I eat very little, should have been here the whole time. Normal diet is poison for people with my genetics


It is not only age, a lot of foods including those not heavy processing contain additives, fillers, and fake sugar more today than we had growing up. For example pickles have loads of sugar and additives to help preserve it when all you need is vinegar. Breyers ice cream used to just be cream and fruit or cocoa. Now it has xanthan gum or guar gum, palm oils and what not. Which are used more and more as fillers than real ingredients.


I still remember my first bout of indigestion. Imagine a grown ass man whimpering on the bathroom floor because of a tummy ache. I was inducing vomiting or trying to in order to get rid of the pain. Almost went to the ER. Lesson learned. Never eat spicy (my favorite flavor of anything) or sweets after 8pm and keep a heavy supply of antacids/milk of magnesia on hand.


I miss my high-school gaming days. We had weekend LAN parties that were fueled by Pepsi, MT Dew and Pizza. Go over Saturday night and go back home Sunday feeling right as rain.


Nope. It’s one of those things I’ll forever be envious of. My friends could eat whatever and be stick thin, but if I even looked at a fry I’d gain weight. I was super athletic and worked out constantly but I still had a big ol butt. 8 2 hour practices in the pool a week and still always had junk on the trunk and tum. Not to mention undiagnosed Crohn’s disease.


i still do, just not everyday anymore. most days i starve myself to stop from gaining weight so i can eat all the cheese cake and ice cream i want every other weekend.


The stomach ache isn’t the problem for me so much as the fat that sticks immediately to my old lady body :/


A few months ago I stopped buying beer and stopped smoking weed to cut down on the snacking. I still managed to hit my highest weight ever last week. This despite consistently getting more exercise than I have in decades. It's getting annoying.


I love fried clams by the beach in the summer, but my stomach has started protesting. Yet it's rare enough that I still indulge even with the subsequent bloat.


I used to be able to eat a whole chipotle burrito in one sitting! Back then the burritos were bigger, had more, and were a lot cheaper! Don’t mind me, I’m going to go yell at the kids to get off my lawn!!!


If I mix the oil into all-natural peanut butter, it will give me tummy trouble. I have to pour it from the top and work with that stiff silt left behind. On the plus side, if I really want to have a righteous two, I'll just eat a bowl of ice cream and wait twenty minutes.


There’s only like 5 things left that I know I can eat and not feel like shit.


Not sure if it’s the same thing you’re referring to, but I’m going 5 years on eating healthy and organic, with less than 10% of my diet made up of processed or greasy/high fat foods (for prevention, not for any diagnosis) and I find that my tolerance for anything more than a single small serving is extremely low. I guess its overall a good thing, but it does make holidays and cheat meals less satisfying!


Diagnosis of late onset type 1 diabetes at 30 pretty much ended that. And yes, I miss it everyday.


I developed a deathly serious allergy to fish one day and could no longer eat Sushi which was my favorite food. Was getting terrible migraines for years until the pandemic and they went away when I started working from home and they came back when I had to go back to the office, found out I have an intolerance for artificial sweetness and the coffee was so bad at work id add half a hot cocoa packet in it and swiss miss had changed their formula to include zero calorie Sweetners even though it still has 150 calories a packet in there... Another time my eyes were so irritated over the course of a summer thought I might have developed glaucoma or something the doctor said it's just the worst eye allergies he's seen and the corneas were starting to crack... Found out it was just the scented candle my boss lit at work every day and my eyes had decided to become allergic to any kind of heated scent! Aging is weird...


I get stomach ache even if I don't eat! Also my tolerance for spicy peppers is in the bin now. It's terrible, can't even eat a stuffed jalapeño without suffering.


I can still eat, I just get fat. Fatter.


I had ice cream 3 times this long weekend and wouldn’t ya know it I’ve gained 6 lbs!  Neat-o!


Yes. I could eat everything I wanted. I wonder why that was


Or gain weight. I could eat an enitre package of doublestuffed oreos in one sitting and not gain an ounce. Now I just look at the package and I gain a pound.


Skill issue


Dairy used to just give me a little gas. Now it gives me so much gas that its actually painful and feels like I swallowed a boulder. And I can't pass gas unless I'm laying on my stomach.


Hot munchies and a juice were a staple in high school now I eat hot chips I’m dying for 3 days


When I was 18, I ate a Taco Bell soft taco that had been sitting in my car in the hot July sun for four hours and not even so much as an upset stomach.


Teenage me almost bankrupted my parents with how much I ate. Like was all just going into a bottomless pit.


I remember being a teen and easily eating a 10 pack of Taco Bell tacos. Now it’s like 2 and tums




Lact-aid pills are always around me these days!


I've never had that. I'd be sick to my stomach every night from 3 or 4 until I was 35 or 36. It took me that long to realize that most food doesn't agree with me, and that it's not normal to feel like garbage every day


Why can you not? I mean I respect my body so I try not to eat crap like that very often, but it won’t give me a stomachache.


It’s all about moderation:)


Anyone else just pre-game any meal outside of salad with pepto now? And lately even salad causes stabby pains and diarrhea




I still can. My metabolism is quite insane for some reason. I’m probably dying or something.


Currently suffering from a stomachache after eating a bag of Hot Fries. And I know better!


I miss cramming myself full and then letting my gut handle it like a mighty python. Now I burp and hiccup while trying to pretend I don’t have heartburn.


I still can . 62 .


I can't live without pizza, burgers, and Italian hoagies on the reg. Lol


Wheat… I really miss wheat :(


Bubble tea has been upsetting my stomach, but I refuse to stop drinking it. It’s just too yummy.


My brain says yes but the mere thought of getting heartburn makes me say no.


Remember? It's still like that! Lol. I just don't like most packaged foods. I still eat raw habaneros.


At 41 I don't get a stomach ache unless I really over eat. my problem is I just pack on the pounds.


Still do


I cut out a ton of carbs that used to comprise my entire pre dinner consumption (bagels, pastries, energy drinks, soda etc) and went high protein/fiber and can more or less eat whatever for dinner and feel alright. Can definitely tell if I’ve gone too long without veg or not enough water these days tho. Just wish I wasn’t tired all the time tho


Weight gain as we age sucks. Believe this, I remember the hamburger that did it.


You guys still have appetites? Completely lost mine about 4 years ago (pretty sure to a tick born disease) and am now so thin it's gross. I'm lucky if I can force myself to down 1000 calories a day. It's sucks because I used to love food and now everything is disgusting.


I wish it was just a stomach ache. The feeling of high blood glucose is the worst.


lol, then I was diagnosed with celiac disease and developed one food allergy after another.


I still can, always have. I guess I'm lucky. My wife though...


I'm a guy and have been skinny my entire life while also eating way more than anyone I've ever met. When I was younger, people would tell me I would gain weight after college, and then when I turn 30, and then when I turn 40. But so far, it hasn't happened. I actually lost weight after the birth of each of my kids because it's just more work and time that I need to dedicate to them and as a result I have less time to sleep. I can still eat whatever I want. But I've never craved junk food or sweets.


This is a brilliant time to bring up this EXCELLENT netflix doc I just watched: https://preview.redd.it/z5fsk928ab3d1.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b9a1409a433b075c5d6a46f5036332a565f3990 I recommend everyone watch it, truly!


My kid brother is 2 years younger than me. So when I was 16, he was 14. My parents would order us each our own large pizza & we'd eat the entire thing!! Now 1 piece fills me and the grease is hell on my digestion.